CLASSROOM PRONOUNCER GUIDE - · Alphabetical Index of Spelling Words ... 2015 Classroom Pronouncer Guide . ... x begin Grade 1 classroom spelling bees with ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

CLASSROOM PRONOUNCER GUIDE -· Alphabetical Index of Spelling Words ... 2015 Classroom Pronouncer Guide . ... x begin Grade 1 classroom spelling bees with ... - [PDF Document] (1)



Spelling and Vocabulary Edition

CONTENTS Merriam-Webster Pronunciation Symbols ................................................................................ 2 Guidelines Regarding Pronunciation .......................................................................................... 3 Tips for Conducting Your Classroom Spelling Bee .................................................................... 4 Rules for Local Spelling Bees ....................................................................................................... 5 Words 1–225: 2015 School Spelling Bee Study List Words ....................................................... 10 Words 226-250: Words Selected from Webster’s Third* ......................................................... 39 Numerical Index of Spelling Words ……………………………………………………………………………..43 Alphabetical Index of Spelling Words ………………………………………………………………………….44 Optional Oral Vocabulary Rounds ............................................................................................ 45 Optional Written Vocabulary Tests and Answer Keys ..............................................................53 *Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster

©2014, Scripps National Spelling Bee

All rights reserved.

CLASSROOM PRONOUNCER GUIDE -· Alphabetical Index of Spelling Words ... 2015 Classroom Pronouncer Guide . ... x begin Grade 1 classroom spelling bees with ... - [PDF Document] (2)

Merriam-Webster Pronunciation Symbols

2 ........... banana, collect @2, A2 ...... humdrum 5 ........... as in one pronunciation used by r-droppers for bird

(alternative \2V\) 1 ........... two-value symbol equivalent to the unstressed variants \2\,

\V\, as in habit, duch*ess (\@UNO1a\ = \@UNb2a, -OVa\) 3 ............ immediately preceding \Y\, \[\, \Z\, \;\, as in battle, mitten,

and in one pronunciation of cap and bells \-3Z-\, lock and key \-3;-\; immediately following \Y\, \Z\, \_\, as in one pronunciation of French table, prisme, titre

2V .......... as in one pronunciation used by r-droppers for bird (alternative \5\)

2_ .......... operation; stressed, as in bird as pronounced by speakers who do not drop r; stressed and with centered period after the \_\, as in one pronunciation of burry (alternative \5_\) and in one pronunciation of hurry (alternative \2Î_\); stressed and with centered period after \2r\ as in one pronunciation of hurry (alternative \2_Î\)

N ........... mat, map 0 ........... day, fade, date, aorta / ........... bother, cot; most American speakers have the same vowel in

father, cart . ........... father as pronounced by speakers who do not rhyme it with

bother; farther and cart as pronounced by r-droppers NN .......... bad, bag, fan as often pronounced in an area having New

York City and Washington, D.C., on its perimeter; in an emphatic syllable, as before a pause, often \NN2\

NV .......... as in some pronunciations of bag, bang, pass NB ......... now, loud, some pronunciations of talcum O ........... baby, rib PU ......... chin, nature \@[0PU2(_)\ (actually, this sound is \a\ + \`U\) Q ........... elder, undone G ........... as in the usual American pronunciation of latter, ladder R ........... bet, bed @4, A4 ...... beat, nosebleed, evenly, sleepy 4 ........... as in one pronunciation of evenly, sleepy, envious,

igneous (alternative \V\) RR .......... (in transcriptions of foreign words only) indicates a vowel

with the quality of e in bet but long, not the sound of ee in sleep: en arrière \/:[._fRR_\

RB ......... as in one pronunciation of elk, helm S ............ fifty, cuff T ........... go, big U ........... hat, ahead Ud ........ whale as pronounced by those who do not have the same

pronunciation for both whale and wail V ............ tip, one pronunciation of banish (alternative unstressed \4\),

one pronunciation of habit (alternative \2\; see 1)

6 ............ site, side, buy (actually, this sound is \/\ + \V\, or \.\ + \V\) VB .......... as in one pronunciation of milk, film W ............ job, gem, edge, procedure \]_2@`4W2(_)\ (actually, this sound is

\Q\ + \gU\)

X ........... kin, cook, ache X ........... as in one pronunciation of loch (alternative \X\), as in German

ich-laut Y ............ lily, pool Z .......... murmur, dim, nymph [ ........... no, own : ............ indicates that a preceding vowel is pronounced with the nasal

passages open, as in French un bon vin blanc \>:O=:cN:OY/:\ ; ........... sing \@`V;\, singer \@`V;2(_)\, finger \@SV;T2(_)\, ink \@V;X\ = ........... bone, snow, beau; one pronunciation of glory < ........... saw, all, saurian; one pronunciation of horrid > .......... French b>uf, German H�lle ? .......... French feu, German H�hle <V .......... coin, destroy, strawy, sawing == ......... (in transcriptions of foreign words only) indicates a vowel

with the quality of o in bone but longer, not the sound of oo in food: comte \X==:a\

] ........... pepper, lip _ ............ rarity, one pronunciation of tar ` ........... source, less `U ......... with nothing between, as in shy, mission, machine, special

(actually, this is a single sound, not two); with a stress mark between, two sounds as in death’s-head \@QRaU`AURQ\

a ............ tie, attack; one pronunciation of latter (alternative \G\) aU .......... with nothing between, as in thin, ether (actually, this is a

single sound, not two); with a stress mark between, two sounds as in knighthood \@[6aAUBQ\

aU .......... then, either (actually, this is a single sound, not two) C ........... rule, fool, youth, union \@fC[f2[\, few \@SfC\ B ........... pull, wood, curable \@XfB_2O2Y\ D .......... German fCllen, hCbsch E .......... French rue, German fChlen c ........... vivid, give d .......... we, away f ........... yard, cue \@XfC\, union \@fC[f2[\ F ............ (in transcriptions of foreign words only) indicates that during

articulation of the sound represented by the preceding character the tip of the tongue has substantially the position it has for the articulation of the first sound of yard, as in French digne \Q4[F\

fC ......... youth, union, cue, few fB ......... curable g ........... zone, raise gU ......... with nothing between, as in vision, azure \@NgU2(_)\ (actually,

this is a single sound, not two); with a stress mark between, two sounds as in rosehill \@_=gAUVY\

@ ............ mark preceding a syllable with primary (strongest) stress: \@]R[Z2[A`UV]\

A ............ mark preceding a syllable with secondary (next-strongest) stress: \@]R[Z2[A`UV]\

( ) indicate that what is symbolized between is present in some utterances but not in others: factory \@SNXa(2)_4 \

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Guidelines Regarding Pronunciation


For many words in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster (Webster’s Third), more than one pronunciation is offered. In this classroom pronouncer guide, the chief pronunciation for a word is most often the first pronunciation given in this dictionary. Occasionally, however, the word panel has chosen to assign the dictionary’s second or third pronunciation as the chief pronunciation. This decision has been made whenever the panel has reason to think that a certain pronunciation has become the most prevalent one since this dictionary was first published. Many of the variations in pronunciation listed in Webster’s Third are included in this publication as alternate pronunciations and are listed in square brackets under the chief pronunciation. These alternate pronunciations are all the variants in the dictionary’s pronunciation data that differ phonemically from the chief pronunciation. Minor phonetic variations that are described in the dictionary pages are not included here, however, such as pronunciations that differ only in the level of stress on given syllables. In addition, this publication has not included the voluminous treatment of r-dropping and vowel variations before /r/ such as those that are found in certain geographical dialects of American English. Experience has shown that this information about nuances of phonetic variation in pronunciation can be the cause for confusion for spellers and pronouncers alike. Nevertheless, every pronunciation in Webster’s Third that can offer any clues about spelling is listed as an alternate pronunciation herein. The phrase no alternate pronunciations means simply that, while the dictionary entry may or may not contain further details about phonetic differences in different dialects, the word in question has no other pronunciations that differ phonemically from the chief pronunciation that is provided.

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Tips for Conducting Your Classroom Spelling Bee Help your students prepare by:

x giving your students the grade-specific 100-word study list from the log-in section of, and x providing the full 2015 School Spelling Bee Study List to your students if they seek a challenge.

Familiarize yourself with the 2015 Classroom Pronouncer Guide, in which:

x words 1-225 were selected from the 2015 School Spelling Bee Study List,

x words 226-250 were selected from Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster,

x the 25 questions in the Basic Oral Vocabulary Round were selected from the 2015 School Spelling Bee Study List,

x the 25 questions in the Intermediate Oral Vocabulary Round were selected from the 2015 School Spelling Bee Study List, and

x the 10 questions on each grade-specific Written Vocabulary Test were selected from the respective grade level in the 2015 School Spelling Bee Study List.

Decide at what point in the Classroom Pronouncer Guide to begin your bee. We recommend that you:

x begin Grade 1 classroom spelling bees with word 1 (page 10), x begin Grade 2 classroom spelling bees with word 26 (page 13), x begin Grade 3 classroom spelling bees with word 51 (page 16), x begin Grade 4 classroom spelling bees with word 76 (page 19), x begin Grade 5 classroom spelling bees with word 101 (page 22), x begin Grade 6 classroom spelling bees with word 126 (page 25), x begin Grade 7 classroom spelling bees with word 151 (page 28), and x begin Grade 8 classroom spelling bees with word 176 (page 31).

As pronouncer, be sure to:

x review the 2015 Classroom Pronouncer Guide prior to your bee, and

x refer to the Merriam-Webster Pronunciation Symbols on page 2 of the 2015 Classroom Pronouncer Guide if you need assistance interpreting diacritical markings.

As judge, keep in mind that:

x You may consult our Rules for Local Spelling Bees (on page 5 of the 2015 Classroom Pronouncer Guide) if you need rules (pay special attention to Rule 10 for instruction regarding end-of-bee procedure) and

x You may wish to have a copy of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster, available for reference. If you do not have a copy of Webster’s Third, the preferred alternative is Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition, copyright 2003, Merriam-Webster.

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Rules for Local Spelling Bees Preface

We encourage spellers, parents, teachers, and spelling bee officials to read these rules prior to any spelling bee.

These rules are guidelines designed to assist spelling bee officials and spellers at the local level. Spellers should check with their local spelling bee officials for the rules in effect in their area. Spelling bee officials include the pronouncer, judges, coordinator and sponsor.

While local spelling bee officials have the prerogative to amend Rules 2 through 11, amendments —particularly any amendments to the end-of-bee procedure — should be undertaken only with careful consideration of the various outcomes that may result from the amendments.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee has no authority over the conduct of local spelling bees (namely, spelling bees other than the Scripps National Spelling Bee near Washington, D.C.). Consequently, the national office will not render judgments relating to the conduct of local spelling bees. Individuals bearing complaints about the conduct of local spelling bees should register their concerns with local spelling bee officials. DECISIONS OF LOCAL SPELLING BEE OFFICIALS ARE FINAL.

These Rules for Local Spelling Bees are not the rules in effect at the Scripps National Spelling Bee near Washington, DC. When a local spelling bee official says, “We use the national rules,” he or she is probably indicating that the Rules for Local Spelling Bees are in effect.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee near Washington, D.C. operates under a significantly different set of rules called the Contest Rules of the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee. These rules contain provisions that are specific to unique conditions at the event near Washington, D.C. Their successful implementation at the local level is considered impossible and therefore is not recommended.


1. Eligibility: A speller qualifying for the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee near Washington, D.C. must meet these requirements: (1) The speller must not have won a Scripps National Spelling Bee championship near Washington, D.C. (2) The speller must attend a school that is officially enrolled with the Scripps National Spelling Bee. (3) The speller must not have passed beyond the eighth grade on or before February 1, 2015. (4) The speller must not have repeated any grade for the purpose of extending spelling bee eligibility. If the speller has repeated any grade, the speller must notify the Scripps National Spelling Bee of the circ*mstances of grade repetition by March 31, 2015; and the Scripps National Spelling Bee will, at its sole discretion, determine the speller’s eligibility status on or before April 30, 2015. (5) The speller—or the speller’s parent, legal guardian, or school official acting on the speller’s behalf—must not have declared to another entity an academic classification higher than eighth grade for any purpose, including high school graduation

equivalency or proficiency examinations and/or examinations such as the PSAT, SAT, or ACT. (6) The speller must not have earned the legal equivalent of a high school diploma. (7) The speller must not have completed or have been enrolled in more than six high school-level courses or two college-level courses on or before April 30, 2015. (8) The speller must not eschew normal school activity to study for spelling bees. The Scripps National Spelling Bee defines normal school activity as adherence to at least four courses of study other than language arts, spelling, Latin, Greek, vocabulary, and etymology for at least four hours per weekday for 34 of the 38 weeks between August 25, 2014, and May 16, 2015. (9) The speller must not have reached his/her 15th birthday on or before August 31, 2014.

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(10) The speller must have been declared a champion of a final local spelling bee taking place on or after February 1, 2015, or be a spelling champion of a school whose application for participation in the Scripps National Spelling Bee’s school self-sponsorship program has received final approval by the Scripps National Spelling Bee. (11) Once having been disqualified at any level of a sponsor’s spelling bee program between June 2014 and April 2015, the speller remains disqualified for the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee and may not seek advancement in the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee program through another sponsor and/or enrollment in another school. (12) The speller, upon qualifying for the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee near Washington, D.C., must submit a completed Champion Bio Form, a Certification of Eligibility Form, a signed Appearance Consent and Release Form and a photo to the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The speller will notify the Bee — at least 24 hours prior to the first day of competition in the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. — if any of the statements made on the Certification of Eligibility Form are no longer true or require updating. The speller’s sponsor will provide access to the necessary forms. (13) The speller must not have any first-, second- or third-degree relatives (i.e. sibling, parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, half-sibling, first cousin or great grandparent) who are current employees of The E.W. Scripps Company. The Scripps National Spelling Bee may disqualify prior to or during competition any speller who is not in compliance with any of its eligibility requirements; and it may — at any time between the conclusion of the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee and April 30, 2016 —require any speller who is found to have not been in compliance with any of the eligibility requirements to forfeit the prizes, rank, and other benefits accorded to the speller as a result of participation in the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee. 2. Format: The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells one word or answers one vocabulary question in each round — except in the case of a written, multiple choice, or online test. The spelling bee may be conducted orally or in writing or in a manner that is a combination of the two; however, if the spelling bee officials specify an oral format, the speller may not demand a written format except under the conditions of Rule 4.

3. Word list: Local spelling bee officials are responsible for selecting the word lists for use at each local spelling bee. Many local spelling bee officials use word lists generated by the Scripps National Spelling Bee. These lists include many words that appear in the current edition of Spell It! as well as some “end-of-bee” words. All words on Scripps National Spelling Bee word lists are entries in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and its addenda section, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster, the official dictionary of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. 4. Special needs: Spelling bee officials will strive to provide accommodation for spellers who have physical challenges. All requests for spelling bee officials to accommodate special needs involving sight, hearing, speech, or movement should be directed to spelling bee officials well in advance of the spelling bee date. The judges have discretionary power to amend oral and/or written spelling requirements on a case-by-case basis for spellers with diagnosed medical conditions involving sight, hearing, speech, or movement. 5. Pronouncer’s role: The pronouncer strives to pronounce words according to the diacritical markings in Scripps National Spelling Bee word lists. In Oral Spelling Rounds: hom*onyms: If a word has one or more hom*onyms, the pronouncer indicates which word is to be spelled by defining the word. Speller’s requests: The pronouncer responds to the speller’s requests for a definition, sentence, part of speech, language(s) of origin, and alternate pronunciation(s). When presented with requests for alternate pronunciations, the pronouncer or an aide to the pronouncer checks for alternate pronunciations in either Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and its addenda section, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster or Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, eleventh edition. The pronouncer does not entertain root word questions, requests for alternate definitions, or requests for markedly slower pronunciation. Pronouncer’s sense of helpfulness: The pronouncer may offer word information—without the speller having requested the information—if the pronouncer senses that the information is helpful and the information is presented in the entry for the word in a 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee word list.

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In Oral Vocabulary Rounds: Procedure: The pronouncer reads aloud the vocabulary question and both options (A) and (B), but does not indicate which is correct. hom*onyms: If a word has one or more hom*onyms, the pronouncer indicates which word is in question by spelling the word aloud. Speller’s requests: The pronouncer responds to the speller’s requests for the question and/or answer options to be repeated. The pronouncer may also provide the spelling of the word in question. 6. Judges’ role: The judges uphold the rules and determine whether or not words are spelled correctly or vocabulary items are answered correctly. They also render final decisions on appeals in accordance with Rule 11. They are in complete control of the competition and their decision is final on all questions. Interaction with the speller: Because seeing the speller’s lip movements may be critical in detecting misunderstandings or misspellings, the judges encourage spellers to face them when pronouncing and spelling the word. Notice of rules: The judges ensure that all spellers and audience members are given an opportunity to receive a complete copy of the rules prior to the start of the spelling bee. Misunderstandings: The judges participate in the exchange of information between the speller and pronouncer if they feel that clarification is needed. Also, the judges listen carefully to the speller’s pronunciation of the word; and, if they sense that the speller has misunderstood the word, the judges work with the speller and pronouncer until they are satisfied that reasonable attempts have been made to assist the speller in understanding the word. While the judges are responsible for attempting to detect a speller’s misunderstanding, it is sometimes impossible to detect a misunderstanding until an error has been made. The judges are not responsible for the speller’s misunderstanding. Pronouncer errors: The judges compare the pronouncer’s pronunciation with the diacritical markings in the word list. If the judges feel that the pronouncer’s pronunciation does not match the pronunciation specified in the diacritical markings, the judges direct the pronouncer to correct the error as soon as it is detected.

Disqualifications for reasons other than error: The judges will disqualify a speller (1) who refuses a request to start spelling or to provide an answer to a vocabulary question; (2) who does not approach the microphone when it is time to receive the word or question; (3) who does not comply with the eligibility requirements; (4) who engages in unsportsmanlike conduct; (5) who, in the process of retracing a spelling, alters the letters or sequence of letters from those first uttered; (6) who, in the process of spelling, utters unintelligible or nonsense sounds; or (7) who, in the process of providing an answer in an oral vocabulary round, provides a blend of correct and incorrect information (For example: If in answering the question, “What is porridge made from? A. fur, or B. grain,” the speller provides as an answer either ”A. grain” or “B. fur.”). Speller activities that do not merit disqualification: The judges may not disqualify a speller (1) for failing to pronounce the word either before or after spelling it, (2) for asking a question, or (3) for noting or failing to note the capitalization of a word, the presence of a diacritical mark, the presence of a hyphen or other form of punctuation, or spacing between words in an open compound. 7. Speller’s role: In a spelling round, the speller makes an effort to face the judges and pronounce the word for the judges before spelling it and after spelling it. The speller while facing the judges makes an effort to utter each letter distinctly and with sufficient volume to be understood by the judges. The speller may ask the pronouncer to say the word again, define it, use it in a sentence, provide the part of speech, provide the language(s) of origin, and/or provide an alternate pronunciation or pronunciations. Misunderstandings: The speller is responsible for any misunderstanding of the word unless (1) the pronouncer never provided a correct pronunciation; (2) the pronouncer provided incorrect information regarding the definition, part of speech, or language of origin; or (3) the speller correctly spelled a hom*onym of the word and the pronouncer failed to either offer a definition or distinguish the hom*onyms. In an oral vocabulary round, a speller may answer the question by providing (1) the letter associated with the chosen answer, (2) the chosen answer or (3) both. If the correct answer is identified by (1) associated letter alone or (2) by answer alone or (3) by both correct letter and correct answer, the speller is correct. For example: If the speller is offered the question, “What is porridge made from? A. fur, or B. grain,” each of the following methods of answering is correct: “B,” “grain,” or “B. grain.”

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8. Correction of a misspelling: The pronouncer and judges will not ask the speller to correct another speller’s misspelling, even in end-of-bee circ*mstances. 9. Errors: Upon providing an incorrect spelling of a word or an incorrect answer to a vocabulary question, the speller immediately drops out of the competition, except as provided in Rule 10. 10. End-of-bee procedure: If all spellers in a round misspell or answer vocabulary questions incorrectly: If none of the spellers remaining in the spelling bee at the start of a round spells a word correctly or answers a vocabulary question correctly during that round, all remain in the competition and a new spelling round begins. Ties: All spellers eliminated in the same round are tied for the same place. After the champion has been determined, spelling bee officials may opt to conduct tiebreakers (of their own design) if tiebreakers are necessary for the awarding of prizes or the determination of qualifying spellers for the next level of competition. If only one speller in a round spells correctly or answers a vocabulary question correctly: If only one speller spells correctly in a round, a new one-word spelling round begins and the speller is given an opportunity to spell a word on the list (anticipated championship word). If the speller succeeds in correctly spelling the anticipated championship word in this one-word round, the speller is declared the champion. Example: In Round 12 there are four spellers. Spellers 6 and 21 misspell. Speller 30 spells correctly. Speller 42 misspells. So, Speller 30 is the only speller in the round to spell correctly. Speller 30 begins Round 13—a one-word round—and is offered the anticipated championship word. Speller 30 correctly spells the anticipated championship word and is declared champion. Example: Two spellers spell in Round 10. Speller 14 misspells. Speller 25 spells correctly. Speller 25 begins Round 11—a one-word round—and is offered the anticipated championship word. Speller 25 correctly spells the anticipated championship word and is declared champion. Example: Two spellers spell in Round 16. Speller 3 spells correctly. Speller 9 misspells. Speller 3 begins Round 17—a one-word round—and is offered the anticipated championship word. Speller 3 correctly spells the anticipated championship word and is declared champion.

VERY IMPORTANT: If a speller misspells the anticipated championship word in a one-word round: A new spelling round begins with ALL the spellers who participated in the previous round. These spellers spell in their original order. Example: In Round 8 there are three spellers. Speller 12 spells correctly and Spellers 23 and 37 misspell. Round 9—a one-word round—begins, and Speller 12 is offered the anticipated championship word. Speller 12 misspells the anticipated championship word. Round 10 begins and includes Spellers 12, 23, and 37. The rules prescribe that spellers 12, 23, and 37 spell in their original order; so Speller 12 gets the next word on the list even though Speller 12 misspelled the previous word on the list. Round 10 is not complete until all three spellers have spelled. Tip: Spelling bee officials may find it helpful to designate a record keeper or judge to track the progress of spellers throughout the rounds. The record keeper’s information will be helpful in preventing end-of-bee confusion. 11. Appeals: The speller’s parent(s), legal guardian, or teacher may appeal to the judges for the speller’s reinstatement provided that the appeal is in compliance with the appeal protocol. The judges render a final decision on the appeal in accordance with the reinstatement protocol. Appeal protocol A written appeal must be hand delivered to the designated official (usually the spelling bee coordinator/director). The deadline for delivering an appeal is before the speller affected would have received his/her next word had he/she stayed in the spelling bee; however, to minimize disruptions to the spelling bee, every effort should be made to deliver an appeal by the end of the round in which the speller was eliminated. When five or fewer spellers remain, the written appeal requirement is suspended, and an oral appeal must be made before the speller would have received his/her next word had he/she stayed in the spelling bee. A written appeal must provide the speller’s name, the word in question, and the reason the speller should be reinstated. While the competition is in session, individuals who have filed appeals may not directly approach the judges unless explicit permission to approach the judges has been given. The judges will contact the speller if they decide to reinstate the speller. To minimize disruption to the pace of the spelling bee and the concentration of the spellers, the judges are under no obligation to stop the spelling bee in order to discuss with the speller’s parent(s), legal guardian, or teacher a denied appeal.

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The judges’ decisions are final and are subject neither to review nor to reversal by the Scripps National Spelling Bee’s headquarters office. Reinstatement protocol Pronouncer mispronunciation: An appeal claiming that a speller’s elimination from the spelling bee was due to pronunciation error should be denied unless there is agreement that the pronouncer never offered a correct pronunciation. Alternate pronunciations: An appeal claiming that the pronouncer did not offer alternate pronunciations should be denied unless it is determined that the speller requested alternate pronunciations and the pronouncer did not accommodate the speller’s request for alternate pronunciations and it appears that the speller’s spelling almost matches the correct spelling. Speller’s misunderstanding: An appeal claiming that the speller’s elimination from the spelling bee was due to the speller’s not understanding the word [its pronunciation(s) and/or other information about the word] should be denied. It is the speller’s responsibility to understand the word. Speller offered correct spelling for a word in this guide: An appeal claiming that the speller correctly spelled the word should be denied unless an audio recording of the bee’s proceedings or bee officials’ recollections clearly indicate that the word was indeed spelled correctly. Exception: If the speller’s spelling is listed in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and its addenda section, Merriam-Webster, copyright 2002, the speller should be reinstated if all of the following three criteria are met: (1) The pronunciations of the words are identical, (2) the definitions of the words are identical, and (3) the words are clearly identified as being standard variants of each other. Spellings at other locations having temporal labels (such as archaic, obsolete), stylistic labels (such as substand, nonstand), or regional labels (such as North, Midland, Irish) which differ from main entry spellings not having these status labels will not be accepted as correct. Speller offered correct spelling, as indicated in a dictionary other than Webster’s Third: An appeal claiming that the speller spelled the word correctly according to a dictionary other than Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and its addenda section, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster, should be denied.

hom*onym in a spelling round: An appeal claiming that the speller’s elimination was unfair because the speller’s word is a hom*onym should be denied unless the pronouncer failed to define the word and the speller correctly spelled a hom*onym of the word. hom*onym in an oral vocabulary round: An appeal claiming that the speller’s elimination was unfair because the speller’s word is a hom*onym should be denied unless the pronouncer failed to spell the word and the speller identified an answer matching the definition of a hom*onym of the word. Incorrect or unsolicited information: An appeal claiming that the speller’s elimination was unfair because the pronouncer offered incorrect or unsolicited information about the word should be denied unless it is determined that the pronouncer indeed gave factually incorrect information and it appears that the speller’s spelling would have been correct if not for the incorrect or unsolicited information provided by the pronouncer. Bee officials failed to correct a misunderstanding: An appeal claiming that the speller misspelled or incorrectly answered because the judges and/or pronouncer failed to correct the speller’s mispronunciation of the word should be denied. It is sometimes impossible to detect a speller’s mispronunciation or misunderstanding, and ultimately it is the responsibility of the speller to understand and correctly pronounce the word. Disqualification request: An appeal seeking to dislodge another speller from the spelling bee should be denied.

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Words 1–225 are Scripps National Spelling Bee School Level Study Words.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 1 Classroom Spelling Bees.

There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

If a word has a hom*onym or near hom*onym, the word’s hom*onym status is probably noted

at the word’s entry in this guide. We encourage you to include these words in your bee,

provided you indicate the word’s hom*onym or near hom*onym status to the speller.

If you think a word is a hom*onym and yet a hom*onym is not listed, please check Webster’s Third New International Dictionary for further information or skip the word.

It is possible that we did not note the fact that the word is a hom*onym.

1. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and

definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

gum I�@T2Z�I�


noun [Has near-hom*onym: gun.]

a rubbery, sweetened substance made for chewing.

Mr. Reinhardt reminded his students that they were not allowed to chew gum in class.

2. hat I�@UNa�I�



a head covering that usually has a brim and can be made of felt, straw or silk.

Earl stood and removed his hat for the playing of the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

3. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part

of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

cool I�@XCY�I�


adjective [Could be confused with ghoul.]

between slightly warm and cold.

The water was a little too cool for swimming.

4. milk I�@ZVYX�I��



a white, nourishing fluid produced by female mammals to feed their young.

Bonnie’s favorite after-school treat was cookies and milk.

5. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

boil I�@O<VY�I��


verb [Has hom*onym: proper name Boyle and near-hom*onyms: boyla and boyo.]

to heat (a liquid) until it bubbles.

Bettie waited for the water to boil before she added the pasta.

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6. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

fuss I�@S2`�I�


noun [Could be confused with floss.]

unnecessary excitement; noisy confusion.

The large spider dropping from the ceiling caused quite a fuss in the classroom.

7. storm I�@`a<_Z�I��



an occurrence of bad weather usually involving wind, rain, snow, or thunder and lightning.

People ran to take cover from the sudden storm.

8. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

risk I�@_V`X�I�


verb [Could be confused with wrist.]

to expose to danger.

Even though he knows many people like it, Tom refuses to risk his life by going skydiving.

9. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

flop I�@SY/]�I�


verb [Could be confused with flap.]

to fall, lie or sit down suddenly or heavily.

After a long day at school, Neal couldn’t wait to flop down on the couch and relax.

10. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

much I�@Z2PU�I�


adverb [Has near-hom*onym: mulch.]

to a great degree.

Jason is much happier now that his phone is working again.

11. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

wide I�@d6Q�I�


adjective [Has near-hom*onym: white.]

measuring a specific distance from side to side.

To make her quilt, Lina cut the pieces of fabric eight inches wide.

12. zigzag I�@gVTAgNT�I��



to move in or follow a path that has a series of short, sharp turns.

To finish the obstacle course, Johnathan had to zigzag through a line of cones then sprint toward the goal.

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13. hook I�@UBX�I��



a curved piece of metal or other hard material that is used for catching, holding or pulling.

Devan took off his coat and hung it on the hook by the front door.

14. chip I�@PUV]�I��



a thin slice of potato that has been fried until crispy.

Torrance and his brother fought over the last chip in the bag.

15. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

tummy I�@a2Z4�I�


noun [Could be confused with dummy.]

abdomen, belly, stomach.

The cat did not enjoy having its tummy rubbed.

16. pink I�@]V;X�I��



being pale red in color.

Mr. Darren’s roses were a stunning bright pink.

17. helper I�@URY]2_�I��



someone who assists another person with a job or task.

The students all took turns being classroom helper, assisting Mrs. Vale with different tasks.

18. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

ruby I�@_CO4�I��


noun [Has near-hom*onym: rupee.]

a valuable red gemstone.

Natasha’s grandmother gave her a beautiful ring with a large ruby in it.

19. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

daze I�@Q0g�I��


verb [Has hom*onym: days.]

to stun (a person) with shock or by a hit.

The fall off her bike was hard enough to daze LeeAnna for a couple of minutes.

20. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

supper I�@`2]2_�I�


noun [Could be confused with super.]

the evening meal.

Gina was excited to find out what Grandpa was making for supper that night.

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21. pancake I�@]N[AX0X�I��



a flat, sweet bread made from a thin batter and cooked on both sides on a griddle.

For breakfast, Jack had one banana pancake, some bacon and a fried egg.

22. apple I�@N]2Y�I��



a round fruit that grows on trees and has crisp white flesh and red, yellow or green skin.

Bella’s lunch consisted of a sandwich, some yogurt and a shiny red apple.

23. crown I�@X_NB[�I��



a headband or headpiece, often made of metal and decorated with jewels, that is worn by kings and queens as a symbol of power.

The king wore a large gold crown covered in jewels.

24. piglet I�@]VTY1a�I��



a small usually young hog.

Farmer Hoggett won a piglet at the county fair by guessing its weight.

25. anyway I�@R[4Ad0�I��



in whatever manner.

Mrs. Jones told the students that they could draw their self-portrait anyway they wanted.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 2 Classroom Spelling Bees. There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

26. yarn I�@f/_[�I�



a long, thin thread used for knitting or weaving.

Grandma Bess picked out just the right color yarn for the scarf she was going to knit.

27. envy I�@R[c4�I��



the feeling of wanting to have something another person has.

David looked on with envy as Gordon received the first place prize.

28. zebra I�@g4O_2�I��



an animal related to the horse that lives in Africa and has black and white stripes.

Ren was surprised to learn that you can’t ride a zebra like you can a horse.

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29. jokes I�@W=X`�I��


plural noun

things that are said or done to cause laughter or amusem*nt.

Lewis didn’t have the heart to tell Hazel that her jokes weren’t funny.

30. derby I�@Q2_O4�I��



one of many important horse races that occur every year.

Susan spent weeks picking out the perfect hat to wear to the Kentucky Derby.

31. print I�@]_V[a�I��



to write out in block letters.

Mr. Jeffers asked Rebecca to print her name clearly and then sign the document.

32. clover I�@XY=c2_�I��



a plant with usually three green wedge-shaped leaves and round flowers that are usually red, white or purple.

Daria’s pet bunny loved to hop around and nibble on clover.

33. angry I�@N;T_4�I��



having or showing a strong feeling of displeasure.

Mr. Bowery was angry when he realized his son had lied.

34. loud I�@YNBQ�I��



making or causing a large amount of sound or noise.

The sound of Alan’s tuba was so loud that it frightened his cat.

35. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

rally I�@_NY4�I��


noun [Different definition has variant: rallye.]

a large group gathering meant to build or increase enthusiasm or support for something.

Everyone attended the pep rally before the big game.

36. dance I�@QN[�a�`�I��



to perform a series of steps and movements to music.

No matter how many times Stacey asked him, her date refused to dance.

37. rubber I�@_2O2_�I��



an elastic material that can either be natural or man-made and that is used to make tires, hose, containers, or other things.

The school covered the area underneath the jungle gym with shredded rubber mulch.

38. toast I�@a=`a�I��



a slice of bread browned on both sides by a source of heat.

Aya buttered her toast before taking a big bite.

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39. mitten I�@ZVa3[�I��



a glove that covers the thumb separately from the other four fingers.

When the snow melted, Liam found a single mitten lying on the brown grass.

40. snail I�@`[0Y�I��



a slow-moving animal with a soft body, a shell on its back, and no legs.

The snail curled up into its shell until the danger passed.

41. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

cheery I�@PUV_4�I��


adjective [Could be confused with cherry, chary.]

showing or causing happy feelings.

Renzo’s cheery manner was contagious and caused everyone to smile.

42. idea I�6@Q42�I��



something that exists in the mind, a thought.

Martha has the idea that she should take up ice skating.

43. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

bloom I�@OYCZ�I��


verb [Has near-hom*onym: plume.]

to produce flowers.

Marcie’s tulips only bloom in the spring.

44. oily I�@<VY4�I��




Jayden fried the potatoes too long and they became oily.

45. baseball I�@O0`AO<Y�I��



a game played by two teams of nine in which players try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and running to each of four bases located on a large field.

Tyler loves to play baseball and is a member of a local Little League team.

46. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

quart I�@Xd<_a�I��


noun [Could be confused with court.]

a container with the ability to hold an amount of liquid equal to two U.S. pints.

Nadia picked up a quart of milk from the store on her way home.

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47. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

pear I�@]N�2�_�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: pair, pare.]

a sweet fruit that is narrow at one end and bigger and rounded at the other and that grows on trees.

Caden tried not to cover everything with juice as he ate the ripe pear.

48. banjo I�@ON[�A�W=�I��



a musical instrument like a small guitar with a round body, a long neck and usually five strings.

Corbin learned to play the banjo from his uncle.

49. nobody I�@[=AO2Q4�I��



no person : not anyone.

Piper called her friend’s house but nobody was home.

50. ouch I�@NBPU�I��



— used to express sudden pain.

“Ouch!” Damon cried when he walked into the doorframe.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 3 Classroom Spelling Bees. There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

51. campus I�@XNZ]2`�I�



the grounds and buildings of a university, college, or school.

Jessica and her friends hung out on campus in between classes.

52. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

solid I�@`/Y1Q�I��


adjective [Could be confused with stolid.]

having no open space inside.

Mindy was disappointed that the chocolate rabbit she received for Easter was hollow rather than solid.

53. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

timber I�@aVZO2_�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: timbre.]

wood prepared for use as building material.

The timber used for Mr. Bowling’s wood floors was imported from Brazil.

54. dentist I�@QR[a1`a�I��



a professional who cares for people’s teeth and gums.

Mrs. Caleb asked the dentist if she had any cavities.

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55. months I�@Z2[�a�aU`�I��


plural noun

more than one of the twelve parts into which a year is divided.

School was out for the entire months of June and July as well as a few weeks in August.

56. talent I�@aNY2[a�I��



a special ability to do something well.

Sterling’s talent for basketball is a combination of natural ability and years of hard practice.

57. visit I�@cVg1a�I��



to go somewhere and spend time with someone socially.

Doug brought tulips for his grandma when he went to visit her.

58. daydream I�@Q0AQ_4Z�I��



to be lost in thought usually about good things.

While in class, the twins often daydream about scuba diving in Fiji with their parents.

59. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

comb I�@X=Z�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: kolm.]

a thin strip of plastic or other material that has teeth and is used to brush, style or decorate hair.

Rita had to use a comb to get all the tangles from her hair.

60. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

gather I�@TN92_�I��


verb [Has near-hom*onym: gadder.]

to bring together into a crowd or group.

Aunt Edith had Paula gather all the ingredients she needed to bake the cake.

61. along I�2@Y/;�I��



forward, ahead.

Done with shopping, Sunny hurried her mom along toward the check out.

62. trendy I�@a_R[Q4�I��



fashionable or up-to-date.

Chloe bought her trendy new scarf on sale.

63. uncle I�@2;X2Y�I��



the brother of your mother or father.

Sonya’s uncle is a famous politician.

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64. protect I�]_2@aRXa�I��



to keep (someone or something) safe from harm or injury.

Baseball stadiums have a net hung behind home plate to help protect fans from foul balls.

65. eleven I�1@YRc2[�I��



being one more than ten in number.

Mr. Crouch was dismayed to realize that he had only ten cookies for his eleven grandchildren.

66. lobster I�@Y/Oga2_�I��



a large ocean crustacean with a rounded body, a hard shell, and large claws and which is commonly used for food.

Kyle enjoys eating lobster tail with lots of lemon and butter.

67. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

screech I�@`X_4PU�I��


noun [Has similarly pronounced synonymous cross-reference: screak/screek. Has similarly pronounced dialectical variant: skreak/skreek.]

a loud, high-pitched yell that usually expresses fear or pain.

Liam let out a screech when the roller coaster started to move down the first big drop.

68. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

carrot I�@XN_2a�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: carat/karat.]

a long orange or yellow root often eaten as a vegetable.

Kaitlin preferred to get her vegetables through eating things like carrot cake.

69. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

heavy I�@URc4�I��


adjective [Could be confused with heady.]

having great weight.

The cooler full of drinks was too heavy for Moira to pick up.

70. dodge I�@Q/W�I��



to avoid (someone or something) by moving quickly or suddenly.

Darryl just managed to dodge the ball that Matt threw at him.

71. together I�a2@TR92_�I��



in or into one place or group or mass.

Once she got all of her school supplies together, Jillian finally felt ready for the semester to start.

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72. botch I�@O/PU�I��



to do something badly because of clumsiness or lack of skill.

Denali didn’t want to botch her science experiment, so she did research and asked for help.

73. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

seaweed I�@`4Ad4Q�I��


noun [Has near-hom*onym: seewee.]

a type of alga (a plant) that grows in the ocean.

Seaweed acts as a hiding place for many fish in the open ocean.

74. danger I�@Q0[W2_�I��



the state of being exposed to harm, injury, pain or loss.

J.D. ignored the danger implied by his mom’s angry expression.

75. spaceship I�@`]0`A`UV]�I��



a vehicle designed to carry human beings beyond the earth’s atmosphere.

Colby has a solar system model hanging from his bedroom ceiling and a miniature spaceship on his desk.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 4 Classroom Spelling Bees. There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

76. banter I�@ON[a2_�I�



friendly and usually witty and playful teasing.

The banter between the two sisters had everyone laughing.

77. erode I�1@_=Q�I��



to wear away by the action of water, wind or glaciers.

The river will erode the rock until a deep canyon is formed.

78. vanity I�@cN[2G4�I��



too much pride in one’s own appearance, achievement or performance.

Desdemona’s vanity led her to believe that she would easily win the talent show.

79. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

guess I�@TR`�I��


noun [Has near-hom*onym: guest.]

an opinion or answer that is made or given with little or no proof or reason.

Alyssa’s guess at the number of jelly beans in the jar turned out to be correct.

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80. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

skewer I� @`XfC2_��I��


noun [Has near hom*onym: skua.]

a pin of wood or metal for fastening meat to keep in form while roasting or to hold small pieces of meat and vegetables for broiling.

Maggie put pieces of steak and vegetables on the skewer.

81. private I�@]_6c1a�I��



for the use of or belonging to only a single person or group : not public.

Julia warned Amani that the information she was about to share was private.

82. truffle I�@a_2S2Y�I��




a candy made of chocolate, butter, and sugar that is shaped into balls and coated with cocoa or other toppings.

Wendy decided that she could eat just one more truffle.

83. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

melody I�@ZRY2Q4�I��


noun [Could be confused with malady.]

a group of music notes played in a series to make the main part of a song.

Bentley hummed the melody of his favorite song.

84. stampede I�`aNZ@]4Q�I��



a sudden rush of a large number of frightened animals running together.

The lightning strike caused a cattle stampede.

85. rescue I�@_RA`XfC�I��



to save from confinement, violence, danger or evil.

Bianca had to rescue Bernard after he locked himself in the closet.

86. multiple I�@Z2Ya2]2Y�I��



consisting of, including, or involving more than one.

Multiple students listed Beyoncé as their favorite singer.

87. await I�2@d0a�I��



to stay in a place until something expected happens.

Fans of the pop star gathered to await his arrival at the arena.

88. toddler I�@a/QY2_�I��



a young child.

The toddler clapped his hands and giggled while playing peek-a-boo.

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89. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

puffin I�@]2S1[�I��


noun [Could be confused with puffing.]

a black-and-white seabird with a short neck and a colorful bill.

Miss Stanwick said that Millie’s painting of a puffin on a rock was very well done.

90. coach I�@X=PU�I��



someone who teaches players the basics of a sport and who is in charge of strategy during games.

The coach put the whole team through a series of drills at practice.

91. abandon I�2@ON[Q2[�I��



to give up (something) by leaving it, usually because of threats or danger.

The approaching army forced many people to abandon their homes.

92. peanut I�@]4A[2a�I��



an oily seed with a thin shell that grows underground and that is often eaten roasted and salted.

Clarence grabbed a peanut from the bag, cracked its shell and ate it.

93. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

blouse I�@OYNB`�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: blowze.]

a usually more formal shirt for women or girls.

For her interview, Mila wore a soft blue blouse and a pair of black slacks.

94. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

lapse I�@YN]`�I��


verb [Has hom*onyms: laps, Lapps.]

an accidental mistake or error.

Selena had a memory lapse and could not remember Jordan’s last name.

95. trivia I�@a_Vc42�I��


plural noun

a game that involves asking others for unimportant facts or details.

Larissa won second place in her family’s trivia competition.

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96. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

lettuce I�@YRG1`�I��


noun [Could be confused with lattice.]

a vegetable with large leaves that are commonly used in salads.

Rosemarie rinsed the lettuce for her salad.

97. English I�@V;TYV`U�I��



the language of the British Isles that is now widely spoken throughout the world.

Derek and Alistair enjoyed talking about the differences between American and British English.

98. iceberg I�@6`AO2_T�I��



a very large piece of frozen water broken from a glacier that floats freely in the ocean.

The naturalist took a picture of a lone penguin standing on an iceberg.

99. watermelon I�@d<G2_AZRY2[�I��



a large, roundish fruit with a usually striped green rind and soft, pink, watery pulp.

DeAndre’s favorite memory of summer is eating watermelon on the back deck with his grandfather.

100. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

daughter I�@Q<G2_�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: dodder.]

a girl or woman in relation to her parents.

Alan’s oldest daughter will graduate from college this spring.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 5 Classroom Spelling Bees. There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

101. intent I�1[@aR[a�I�



the purpose or aim.

The intent of the new system is to make cafeteria lines move faster.

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102. The following word has two correct spellings. Either one of the two spellings listed below should be accepted as correct; the speller only needs to provide one correct spelling. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

ardor or ardour



noun [“Ardor” is the preferred American English spelling of this word. Has hom*onym: arder.]

intense enthusiasm or eagerness.

Corrie’s ardor for food led to her creating a blog about her favorite soups.

103. charity I�@PUN_2G4�I��



an organization that helps the poor or others in need.

Mr. Dowd spent a lot of time volunteering at his favorite charity, collecting donations of clothes and books.

104. pixel I�@]VX`2Y�I��



one of many dots that together make up a single image on a screen.

Tammy searched online for how to fix the pixel on her monitor that was always stuck on red.

105. wallow I�@d/�A�Y=�I��



to roll about in a relaxed, lazy or clumsy manner.

On Saturday mornings, Mia prefers to wallow in bed for as long as possible.

106. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

journey I�@W2_[4�I��


noun [Could be confused with gurney.]

an act of traveling from one place to another.

Samuel took his time making the long journey down to Florida.

107. session I�@`R`U2[�I��



a period of time that is set aside by a group of people for a specific activity.

In order to practice their music and develop new material, Justin’s band has a jam session each week.

108. brilliant I�@O_VYf2[a�I��



distinguished by unusual intelligence, originality or resourcefulness.

Jackson knew they’d need a brilliant idea to get them out of trouble.

109. soften I�@`<S2[�I��



to make less severe or harsh.

Carter hoped the ice cream that he bought his sister would soften the blow of the bad news.

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110. nectarine I�A[RXa2@_4[�I��



a sweet fruit that is like a peach with smooth skin.

Jason ate a nectarine as a light after-school snack.

111. tongue I�@a2;�I��



the movable organ in the mouth that helps with eating, tasting and, in humans, speaking.

Dimitri stuck his tongue out at his little sister when his mom wasn’t looking.

112. quince I�@XdV[�a�`�I��



an acidic yellow fruit that looks similar to an apple.

Ryan poached the quince and then added it to his pie filling.

113. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

tussle I�@a2`2Y�I��


verb [Has hom*onym tussal. Could be confused with tousle/tousel/touzel.]

to struggle or fight.

Not wanting to tussle, Darla let the other woman have the last piece of cheesecake.

114. poncho I�@]/[APU=�I��



a piece of clothing that is made of a single piece of cloth or plastic with a hole in the middle for a person’s head to go through, and that is worn chiefly as a raincoat.

When it looked like it might rain, Mara brought her poncho with her to the game.

115. fluency I�@SYC2[`4�I��



smoothness and ease in speaking.

Mr. Takahashi spoke with such fluency that Ann didn’t realize English was his second language.

116. widget I�@dVW1a�I��



a small device : gadget.

The greeting card featured a small widget that played a recorded message when the card was opened.

117. parched I�@]/_PUa�I��



dried out : scorched.

The long drought left the farmer’s fields parched and brown.

118. ovation I�=@c0`U2[�I��



an enthusiastic show of approval or appreciation, especially by applause.

Josiah received a standing ovation for his moving speech.

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119. hoodwink I�@UBAQdV;X�I��



to trick (someone).

The email was a scam designed to hoodwink store customers.

120. traverse I�a_2@c2_`�I��



go or across or over.

Jacques and his family will traverse the heart of Yosemite National Park on their yearly hike.

121. nitty-gritty I�@[VG4AT_VG4�I��



the most basic, important parts or practical details.

After a brief introduction to the company, Simon started to explain the nitty-gritty of Jonah’s every day job.

122. tedious I�@a4Q42`�I��


adjective [Has archaic, uncommon variant taedious not found in W3.]

annoying or boring because of slowness, dullness or duration.

After about an hour, doing the same task over and over again became tedious.

123. redeem I�_1@Q4Z�I��



to make up for : offset, compensate.

The wonderful food at the restaurant was able to redeem the extremely slow service.

124. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

vineyard I�@cV[f2_Q�I��


noun [Could be confused with whinyard.]

a field of plants that produce grapes.

While touring a Napa Valley winery, Jamie wandered through the vineyard.

125. shoulder I�@`U=YQ2_�I��



the part of the human body where the arm is attached, running from that joint to the neck.

The football player was tackled so hard that his shoulder was dislocated.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 6 Classroom Spelling Bees. There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

126. bizarro I�O1@g/_=�I�



characterized by an odd, fantastic or unconventional approach : outlandish.

Everyone was surprised when Todd’s seemingly bizarro plan actually worked.

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127. relative I�@_RY2GVc�I��



a person connected with another by blood or affinity : kinsman.

The medical form asked for the name of the nearest relative.

128. iota I�6@=G2�I��



an extremely small amount.

Jamal said that in sixty years of marriage his love for his wife had not diminished a single iota.

129. hazelnut I�@U0g2YA[2a�I��



any of several brown hard-shelled dry fruits having an interior kernel or meat.

Vladimir sprinkled the last few pieces of chopped hazelnut on top of his ice cream sundae.

130. topiary I�@a=]4AR_4�I��



a plant shaped by training, cutting, and trimming trees or shrubs into ornamental shapes.

The entrance to the zoo featured many plants, including a topiary shaped like an elephant.

131. valorous I�@cNY2_2`�I��



brave : courageous.

Carrie’s valorous behavior during the flood earned her a medal.

132. credulity I�X_1@QfCY2G4�I��



belief or readiness to believe something is true on very little evidence.

Jerry likes to test his little sister’s credulity by telling her ridiculous, made-up stories and seeing if she’ll believe them.

133. ghastly I�@TN`aY4�I��



intensely unpleasant : terrible.

Getting stuck on a roller coaster for hours only added to Gloria’s ghastly experience at the amusem*nt park.

134. cajole I�X2@W=Y�I��



to persuade (someone) using flattery or persistence : coax.

Sammy tried to cajole twenty bucks out of his mother.

135. ingot I�@V;T2a�I��



a solid piece of metal molded into a shape that makes it easy to store and transport.

The gold ingot was worth several thousand dollars.

136. lexicon I�@YRX`2AX/[�I��



the words used in a language or by a particular person or group of people.

Margo’s dad says that he can’t understand most of the lexicon used by teenagers these days.

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137. yankee I�@fN;X4�I��



a native or inhabitant of the northern States as distinguished from a Southerner.

Alisha’s new neighbor is a yankee who has just moved to Georgia from Rhode Island.

138. glucose I�@TYCAX=`�I��



the sweet colorless sugar that occurs especially in plant saps and fruits and normally in blood.

The doctor checked the patient’s blood glucose level to monitor her diabetes.

139. Podunk I�@]=AQ2;X�I��



a small, unimportant, and isolated town.

The movie’s plot featured a famous star whose car breaks down in a Podunk, resulting in her staying there for weeks.

140. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

verve I�@c2_c�I��


noun [Could be confused with verb.]

energy, vitality.

Even though his stories are themselves not very interesting, Johan tells them with a lot of verve.

141. encroach I�1[@X_=PU�I��


verb [Has obsolete variant: incroach.]

to gradually take or use something that belongs to someone else (as possessions, territory, rights, etc.).

Aaron would not allow Mina’s foot to continue to encroach on his side of the couch.

142. abominably I�2@O/Z2[2OY4�I��



very badly or unpleasantly.

The students behaved so abominably on the field trip that the school was not invited back to the museum.

143. seethe I�@`49�I��



to be in a state of agitation or turmoil.

When he found out he hadn’t gotten the part, Rob began to quietly seethe with fury.

144. quibble I�@XdVO2Y�I��



to object to or criticize something based on small, unimportant matters.

Everyone knows that Ryan will quibble with whatever the teacher says.

145. doldrums I�@Q=YQ_2Zg�I��


plural noun

a state or period of sadness, depression or inactivity : blues.

The best cure for the winter doldrums, Missy believed, was staying busy.

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146. genuine I�@WR[f2d1[�I��




sincerely and honestly felt.

Dirk’s happiness over coming in third place was genuine.

147. pyrite I�@]6A_6a�I��



a common mineral that is metallic and pale yellow in color — called also “fool’s gold.”

Lateesha bought a piece of pyrite to add to her rock and mineral collection.

148. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

binoculars I�O1@[/Xf2Y2_g�I��


noun [Could be confused with binoculus.]

an optical instrument with two lenses mounted together and used for viewing things from far away.

Marlena complained that they were seated so far from the stage that she’d need binoculars to see what was happening.

149. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

kosher I�@X=`U2_�I��


adjective [Could be confused with differently pronounced variant kasher.]

sanctioned by Jewish law : ritually fit, clean, or prepared for use according to Jewish law.

Devorah checked the packaging closely to make sure that the food was indeed kosher.

150. mosquito I�Z2@`X4G�A�=�I��



a small flying insect with long legs that punctures the skin of animals to suck the blood.

The mosquito is a carrier for many diseases.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 7 Classroom Spelling Bees. There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

151. ruminate I�@_CZ2A[0a�I�



consider something for a period or at intervals : engage in contemplation.

Thelma and Ruby often sit back in their rocking chairs and ruminate on how the world has changed since they were children.

152. devotee I�AQRAc=@a4�I��


noun [Has differently pronounced obsolete variant: devote.]

an ardent or zealous follower, supporter, or enthusiast (as of a cause, an art, a sport).

A devotee of Doctor Who, Reese has watched every episode at least three times.

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153. prolific I�]_2@YVS1X�I��



occurring or existing in large numbers : abundant : profuse.

The article’s prolific footnotes helped explain many obscure scientific terms.

154. bona fide I�@O=[2AS6Q�I��



not counterfeit : genuine.

The pilot was a bona fide hero who had earned several medals for bravery.

155. ammunition I�ANZf2@[V`U2[�I��



the materials (such as bullets) that are fired from weapons.

The colonel requisitioned more ammunition for his troops before their mission.

156. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

veracity I�c1@_N`2G4�I��


noun [Has near hom*onym: voracity.]

devotion to the truth : the quality of being accurate and sincere in describing reality.

The prosecutor questioned the veracity of the witness called by the defense.

157. gung ho I�@T2;@U=�I��



extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic.

Mina thought her husband was a little too gung ho about remodeling the kitchen themselves.

158. iteration I�AVG2@_0`U2[�I��



the action of repeating or saying or doing over again.

Deanna found the speaker’s constant iteration of his main point to be tiresome.

159. modicum I�@Z/Q2X2Z�I��



a small portion : a limited quantity or amount.

Bernie displayed not even a modicum of modesty as he bragged about his hole in one.

160. jettison I�@WRG2`2[�I��



drop (as in extra equipment, bombs, cargo, or fuel) from an airplane in flight.

The captain explained that he would jettison the cargo if the plane kept losing altitude.

161. boorish I�@OB_V`U�I��



characteristic of or relating to a rude, clumsy, insensitive, or boring individual : unrefined.

Embarrassed by her date’s boorish behavior, Christina ended the evening as soon as possible.

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162. fragile I�@S_NW1Y�I��



easily broken or destroyed : frail.

Thomas carefully placed the fragile china cups on the tray.

163. brethren I�@O_R92_1[�I��


plural noun

people who are related or linked to others by a common tie or interest (such as a shared profession or membership in a society).

Casey and his fellow lodge brethren held a weekly fish fry open to the public.

164. notoriety I�A[=G2@_62G4�I��



the state of being famous or well-known for something negative.

The poorly-sung songs Natasha put on YouTube increased her notoriety.

165. arrogant I�@N_2T2[a�I��



having or showing an exaggerated sense of one’s own worth or importance.

Jack’s arrogant attitude annoyed his classmates.

166. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

slovenly I�@`Y2c2[Y4�I��


adjective [Could be confused with slovenry.]

lack of neatness and order especially in dress or person.

Caleb justifies his slovenly appearance by saying that he prefers to spend his time and money on more important things.

167. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

cabal I�X2@O/Y�I��


noun [Has near-hom*onym: cabbala/kabala.]

a small, secret group that plots against a government or a public figure.

The politician claimed he was the victim of a secret cabal that was trying to undermine his authority.

168. fluctuation I�ASY2XPU2@d0`U2[�I��



a wavering or unsteadiness (as of opinion or prices).

Investors were nervous about the big fluctuation in stock prices.

169. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

premises I�@]_RZ1`1g�I��


plural noun [Another definition has variant: premisses.]

a building and the area of land it sits on.

The store manager asked that the shoplifter be removed from the premises.

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170. guffaw I�T2@S<�I��



laugh noisily or coarsely.

The comic had hoped that the audience members would guffaw at his jokes, but they merely snickered.

171. albeit I�<Y@O41a�I��



even though : although.

The cat thought the dog was just a nuisance, albeit a very persistent one.

172. indulgent I�1[@Q2YW2[a�I��



benignly tolerant : markedly permissive.

Misha believes that if you’re too indulgent with children, they will become spoiled.

173. foible I�@S<VO2Y�I��



a minor flaw or shortcoming in personal character or behavior : a failing : a weakness.

Kevin’s tendency to procrastinate is a foible he claims he will one day correct.

174. aqueduct I�@NXd2AQ2Xa�I��



a conduit or artificial channel for conveying water.

Rishi visited an ancient Roman aqueduct while traveling in Spain.

175. The following word has two correct spellings. Either one of the two spellings listed below should be accepted as correct; the speller only needs to provide one correct spelling.

squirrelly or

squirrely I�@`Xd2_2Y4�I��



extremely odd : crazily peculiar or senseless.

Jennifer’s squirrelly behavior almost tipped Dad off to the surprise party.

This is the recommended starting point for Grade 8 Classroom Spelling Bees. There is no rule stating that you must proceed word-for-word from this list.

You may skip a word if you sense that the word may present a problem at your bee.

176. The speller should not be disqualified based upon noting or failing to note punctuation or spacing within the following

word. The speller should be judged based upon uttering the correct sequence of letters in the correct order.

flambé I�SY/Z@O0�I��



(of a food) dressed or served covered with flaming brandy or other flaming liquor.

For dessert Lamont served mangoes flambé with ice cream.

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177. pantomime I�@]N[a2AZ6Z�I��



a sequence of movements or actions not accompanied by speech or seen from beyond earshot.

Lola’s elaborate pantomime managed to convey both boredom and frustration.

178. abysmal I�2@OVgZ2Y�I��



immeasurably low or wretched.

The soccer team’s performance in the last match was absolutely abysmal, losing five to nothing.

179. marsupial I�Z/_@`C]42Y�I��



any of an order of mammals having a pouch for carrying the young and including kangaroos, wombats, bandicoots and opossums.

Perhaps the best-known example of a marsupial is a female kangaroo with a large joey in her pouch.

180. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

ballyhoo I�@ONY4AUC�I��


noun [An alternate definition has variant ballyhu.]

publicity characterized by exaggeration, unmitigated flamboyant display, or excessive sensationalism.

The ballyhoo surrounding the election disgusted many voters.

181. shebang I�`U1@ON;�I��


noun [Has uncommon variants not found in W3: chebang, sheebang, schebang.]

establishment, affair, thing.

The other members of the prom committee left early, leaving Manny to plan the whole shebang by himself.

182. firmament I�@S2_Z2Z2[a�I��



the vault or arch of the sky : the heavens.

Carmen gazed up at the stars, which were tiny specks of brightness in the black firmament.

183. quotidian I�Xd=@aVQ42[�I��



commonplace, ordinary.

Gina’s job was to deal with the quotidian customer service complaints, such as incorrect pricing and products being out of stock.

184. ingratiate I�1[@T_0`U4A0a�I��



to make agreeable to someone.

The new employee tried to ingratiate herself with her boss.

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185. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

epoch I�@RA]/X�I��


noun [Has near-hom*onym: epic.]

an extended period of time usually characterized by a distinctive development or by a memorable series of events

For her paper, Tiara is going to write about the animals that lived thousands of years ago during the Pleistocene Epoch.

186. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

benison I�@OR[2`2[�I��


noun [Could be confused with venison.]


The rich soil left behind by the floods was a benison to local farmers.

187. The speller should not be disqualified based upon noting or failing to note punctuation or spacing within the following word. The speller should be judged based upon uttering the correct sequence of letters in the correct order.

terra-cotta I�AaR_2@X/G2�I��



an object (as a bowl or figurine) of a usually low-fired and typically reddish unglazed ceramic material.

May Lynn planted violets in a large terra-cotta pot and set it by her front door.

188. The following word has two correct spellings. Either one of the two spellings listed below should be accepted as correct; the speller only needs to provide one correct spelling. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

ochre or

ocher I�@=X2_�I��


noun [Could be confused with ogre.]

a moderate orange yellow.

Shania painted the walls of her kitchen a deep ochre.

189. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

maize I�@Z0g�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: maze.]

corn with hard kernels of various colors (as reddish brown, dark purple, and yellow) that is typically used for ornamental purposes.

Mrs. Shawn decorated her classroom for fall with pumpkins, hay bales and maize with multi-colored kernels.

190. slalom I�@`Y/Y2Z�I��



skiing in a zigzag or wavy course between upright obstacles (as flags).

Tully did the slalom down the mountainside.

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191. ancillary I�@N[`2AYR_4�I��



serving to aid or assist : auxiliary : supplementary.

Electronic media usually include radio, film, and television, as well as the ancillary industries of audio and video recording.

192. tawdry I�@a<Q_4�I��



cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality : tastelessly showy.

At the flea market, Miranda picked up several pieces of tawdry jewelry for her Halloween costume.

193. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

noxious I�@[/X`U2`�I��


adjective [Could be confused with nauseous.]

harmful or destructive to humans or to other organisms.

Emma is studying the noxious effects of gasoline fumes.

194. obfuscate I�@/OS2A`X0a�I��



make unnecessarily complex usually to the point of confusion.

Mr. Bernard tends to obfuscate his lessons with digressions into totally unrelated technical topics.

195. Say to the speller “This word could be confused with a similar word.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

grandeur I�@T_N[W2_�I��


noun [Could be confused with grander.]

the quality of being majestic, magnificent, splendid, or stately especially to the view.

When he toured Versailles, Sameer was stunned by the grandeur of the French palace.

196. largesses I�Y/_@WR`1g�I��


plural noun

aid, support, or other valuables received as or as if as a gift or through the benevolence of another.

The charity was founded on the largesses of several major donors.

197. prima donna I�A]_4Z2@Q/[2�I��



a person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team : one who is impatient of restraint or criticism.

The singer was such a spoiled prima donna that no one wanted to work with her.

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198. The following word has two correct spellings. Either one of the two spellings listed below should be accepted as correct; the speller only needs to provide one correct spelling.

ukulele or ukelele



noun [Sometimes spelled ukelele in British English, but ukulele is preferred in American English.]

a small guitar of Portuguese origin popularized in Hawaii in the 1880s, strung typically with four strings that are plucked or strummed with the fingers, and used especially in accompanying songs or dances.

While in Hawaii, Thomas attended the Ukulele Festival and saw many great performances.

199. dromedary I�@Q_/Z2AQR_4�I��



a camel of unusual speed, having a single large hump on the back and bred and trained especially for riding.

Camel rides at the zoo featured a dromedary.

200. prescient I�@]_4`U2[a�I��



having foreknowledge : characterized by foresight.

Carrie seemed unusually prescient as she sat smugly under her umbrella on what was once a clear afternoon.

201. harbinger I�@U/_O1[W2_�I��



something that presages or foreshadows what is to come.

The howling wind was the harbinger of a storm.

202. chintzy I�@PUV[�a�`4�I��



gaudy, cheap.

Allen had a gift for transforming chintzy furniture into elegant pieces.

203. domiciled I�@Q/Z2A`6YQ�I��



having an established place of residence.

Tom recently became domiciled after having spent a decade traveling all over the world.

204. hyacinth I�@U62A`V[�a�aU�I��



a common garden flower widely grown for its beauty and fragrance.

Mimi planted a hyacinth right next to her screened porch.

205. milieu I�Z4Y@fC�I��



environment, setting.

The loud rock concert was not Matilda’s normal milieu.

206. adumbrate I�N@Q2ZAO_0a�I��



give a sketchy representation of : outline broadly.

The charts on the wall adumbrate the school rules, but the student handbook has everything listed in detail.

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207. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

steppe I�@`aR]�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: step.]

one of the vast tracts in southeastern Europe or Asia that are usually level and without forests.

The tourists explored the steppe in search of exotic wildlife.

208. loquacious I�Y=@Xd0`U2`�I��



given to excessive talking : garrulous.

Bryn’s loquacious sister was quite a hit at the rehearsal party.

209. zeitgeist I�@g6aAT6`a�I��



the spirit of the time : the general intellectual and moral state or the trend of culture and taste characteristic of an era.

The fact that speed is part of our zeitgeist is one explanation for the popularity of Twitter and text messages.

210. dilapidated I�Q1@YN]2AQ0G1Q�I��



decayed, deteriorated, injured, or fallen into partial ruin especially because of neglect or misuse.

Only birds and bats resided in the dilapidated old house.

211. latke I�@Y/aX2�I��



a griddle cake; especially : one made from grated raw potato.

Mary prefers her latke without onion.

212. The following word has two correct spellings. Either one of the two spellings listed below should be accepted as correct; the speller only needs to provide one correct spelling.

reconnoiter or reconnoitre




to make an exploratory or preliminary survey, inspection, or examination of.

Ray’s dad sent him ahead to reconnoiter any good restaurants nearby.

213. surfeit I�@`2_S1a�I��



an overabundant supply, yield, or amount of something : an excess.

Rowan was overwhelmed by the surfeit of paint color options at the hardware store.

214. wunderkind I�@cB[Q2_AXV[a�I��



one who succeeds in a competitive or highly difficult field or profession at an early age.

Mozart, a famous wunderkind, wrote complicated sonatas at the age of five.

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215. tautology I�a<@a/Y2W4�I��



an instance of needless or meaningless repetition in close succession of an idea, statement, or word.

The phrase “at 8:00 a.m. in the morning” gives an example of a common tautology.

216. appurtenances I�2@]2_a3[2[�a�`1g�I��


plural noun

subordinate parts, adjuncts or accessories.

City ordinances require that swimming pools and all pool appurtenances be located at least eight feet from any property line.

217. panacea I�A]N[2@`42�I��



a remedy for all ills or difficulties : a cure-all.

Ari refused to believe that technology is a panacea for the world’s problems.

218. vacuousness I�@cNXf2d2`[1`�I��



the quality or state of being marked by or indicative of mental emptiness or lack of ideas or intelligence.

Zaria apologized for her earlier vacuousness, saying that she was still exhausted from traveling but had plenty of ideas.

219. cordillera I�AX<_Q3Y@R_2�I��



a group of mountain ranges forming a mountain system of great linear extent.

The Andean cordillera extends along the west coast of South America.

220. The speller should not be disqualified based upon noting or failing to note punctuation or spacing within the following word. The speller should be judged based upon uttering the correct sequence of letters in the correct order.

épée I�@RA]0�I��



the art or practice of fencing with a sword that weighs more than a foil or saber and that has a bowl-shaped guard and a rigid blade that has no cutting edge and that tapers to a sharp point which is blunted with a metal stop for fencing.

Alex prefers fencing épée over foil or saber because the target area on the body is larger.

221. pusillanimous I�A]fC`2@YN[2Z2`�I��



lacking or showing a lack of courage, strength, and resolution : marked by mean-spirited and contemptible timidity.

Edgar never forgave his brother’s pusillanimous desertion during the fight with their sisters over television time.

222. inchoate I�V[@X=1a�I��



imperfectly formed or formulated : disordered.

The songwriter explained that his melodies usually begin as inchoate humming.

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223. Machiavellian I�AZNX42@cRY42[�I��



of or relating to an Italian philosopher or his political doctrine that any means however lawless or unscrupulous may be justifiably employed by a ruler in order to establish and maintain a strong central government.

The politician was accused of being Machiavellian in his tactics to stay in power.

224. Sahel I�`2@U0Y�I��



a savanna or steppe region bordering a desert and especially the Sahara desert.

Animals that live in the Sahel are constantly moving and scavenging for food.

225. Naugahyde I�@[<T2AU6Q�I��



— used for vinyl-coated fabrics.

Jesse wishes that the recliner were upholstered with leather instead of Naugahyde.

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Words 226–250 are selected from Webster’s Third.

226. boastful I�@O=`aS2Y�I�



given to or marked by bragging : puffed up.

Casey’s mom reminded him that he should not be boastful about winning the spelling bee.

227. oyster I�@<V`a2_�I��



a marine mollusk that lives free on the bottom or adheres to stones in shallow water along the seacoasts or in the mouths of rivers.

Dad ate every item on his seafood platter except the raw oyster.

228. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

altar I�@<Ya2_�I��


noun [Has hom*onym: alter.]

a tablelike construction used in the Christian church in celebrating the Eucharist : communion table. �

The ushers placed the collection plates on the altar.

229. justify I�@W2`a2AS6�I��



to set a set to lines of type so that all full lines are of equal length and flush right and left.

Kirby will probably justify the lines of type on his essay because he dislikes the document’s current ragged look.

230. trapeze I�a_N@]4g�I��



a gymnastic or acrobatic apparatus consisting of a short horizontal bar suspended by two parallel ropes.

The flying trapeze was first demonstrated in nineteenth-century France by the aerialist Jules Leotard.

231. honorable I�@/[2_2O2Y�I��



ethical : upright : characterized by integrity.

Steve ran an honorable campaign for sheriff.

232. whirlwind I�@d2_YAdV[Q�I��



a small rotating windstorm of limited or localized extent marked by upward spiral motion : a vortex of air.

Residents fled in terror as the whirlwind overturned cars, ripped up trees, and damaged houses.

233. institute I�@V[ga2AaCa�I��



to originate and get established : set up : organize.

The university will institute a center for cancer research using funds from an anonymous donor.

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234. composure I�X2Z@]=gU2_�I��



calmness especially in frame of mind or in bearing or appearance : self-possession.

Carmen took a deep breath to regain her composure after her voice cracked in the middle of a high note in her solo.

235. wield I�@d4YQ�I��



use a tool or instrument, especially with full command or power.

The scene in the movie in which the firefighters wield their tanks and hoses is very exciting to Gavin.

236. substantial I�`2Og@aN[PU2Y�I��



considerable in amount, value, or worth.

Any substantial increase in the price of gasoline provokes complaints from large numbers of motorists.

237. punitive I�@]fC[2GVc�I��



inflicting, awarding, or involving penalities or retributive suffering or loss.

The defendant was required to pay punitive damages after being convicted.

238. Say to the speller “This word has a hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

eminent I�@RZ2[2[a�I��


adjective [Has hom*onym and near hom*onyms: emanent and immanent, imminent.]

conspicuous : noteworthy.

The National Cathedral is a building of eminent beauty.

239. convertible I�X2[@c2_G2O2Y�I��



an automobile having a top that may be folded back, lowered, or removed.

In the summer, Louise loves nothing more than cruising the highway in her convertible.

240. remembrance I�_1@ZRZO_2[�a�`�I��



an act or thing honoring the memory of a person or event.

The students planted a tree at the school in remembrance of those whose lives were lost in the September 11 terrorist attacks.

241. volatile I�@c/Y2G3Y�I��



tending to burst forth or erupt into violent action : explosive.

Katie’s study abroad was cancelled because the political situation in her country of destination was very volatile.

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242. physicist I�@SVg2`1`a�I��



a specialist in the science of matter and energy and their interactions in fields such as mechanics, acoustics, radiation, atomic structure, and nuclear phenomena.

The physicist explained how a laser is used to read what is recorded on a compact disc.

243. cyclical I�@`VXY1X2Y�I��



of or relating to a regularly recurring succession of events.

Mr. Ramirez explained the cyclical phases of the Moon to the science class today.

244. Say to the speller “This word has a near-hom*onym.” Next, say the word. Next, provide the word’s part of speech and definition. Next, answer speller’s questions, if any, about the word.

heiress I�@R_1`�I��


noun [Has near hom*onym: eros.]

a female who inherits or is entitled to inherit great wealth.

Antoine dreamed that he married an heiress and moved to an island.

245. officious I�2@SV`U2`�I��



volunteering services that are not asked for or needed : meddlesome.

The officious busybodies offered help just to satisfy their curiosity.

246. enlightenment I�1[@Y6a3[Z2[a�I��



the act or means of furnishing with useful information.

The rules of the debate will be posted on the bulletin board for the enlightenment of all participants.

247. promulgate I�@]_/Z2YAT0a�I��



to make known by open declaration : proclaim.

High school principals promulgate the attendance policy many times throughout the school year.

248. theology I�aU4@/Y2W4�I��



the study of God and God’s relation to humans and the world.

Though Max is not personally religious, she is fascinated by theology.

249. arugula I�2@_CTf2Y2�I��



a European annual herb with many leaves and whitish yellow flowers that is grown to use in salad.

Cheryl removed the arugula from her salad because she didn’t care for its peppery flavor.

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250. univalve I�@fC[2AcNYc�I��



having one bodily structure that closes a passage temporarily or permits movement of fluid in one direction only.

The aquatic univalve will usually attach its eggs to leaves or sticks.

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Numerical Index of Spelling Words

1. gum 2. hat 3. cool 4. milk 5. boil 6. fuss 7. storm 8. risk 9. flop 10. much 11. wide 12. zigzag 13. hook 14. chip 15. tummy 16. pink 17. helper 18. ruby 19. daze 20. supper 21. pancake 22. apple 23. crown 24. piglet 25. anyway 26. yarn 27. envy 28. zebra 29. jokes 30. derby 31. print 32. clover 33. angry 34. loud 35. rally 36. dance 37. rubber 38. toast 39. mitten 40. snail 41. cheery 42. idea 43. bloom 44. oily 45. baseball 46. quart 47. pear 48. banjo 49. nobody 50. ouch 51. campus 52. solid

53. timber 54. dentist 55. months 56. talent 57. visit 58. daydream 59. comb 60. gather 61. along 62. trendy 63. uncle 64. protect 65. eleven 66. lobster 67. screech 68. carrot 69. heavy 70. dodge 71. together 72. botch 73. seaweed 74. danger 75. spaceship 76. banter 77. erode 78. vanity 79. guess 80. skewer 81. private 82. truffle 83. melody 84. stampede 85. rescue 86. multiple 87. await 88. toddler 89. puffin 90. coach 91. abandon 92. peanut 93. blouse 94. lapse 95. trivia 96. lettuce 97. English 98. iceberg 99. watermelon 100. daughter 101. intent 102. ardor or ardour 103. charity

104. pixel 105. wallow 106. journey 107. session 108. brilliant 109. soften 110. nectarine 111. tongue 112. quince 113. tussle 114. poncho 115. fluency 116. widget 117. parched 118. ovation 119. hoodwink 120. traverse 121. nitty-gritty 122. tedious 123. redeem 124. vineyard 125. shoulder 126. bizarro 127. relative 128. iota 129. hazelnut 130. topiary 131. valorous 132. credulity 133. ghastly 134. cajole 135. ingot 136. lexicon 137. yankee 138. glucose 139. Podunk 140. verve 141. encroach 142. abominably 143. seethe 144. quibble 145. doldrums 146. genuine 147. pyrite 148. binoculars 149. kosher 150. mosquito 151. ruminate 152. devotee 153. prolific 154. bona fide 155. ammunition

156. veracity 157. gung ho 158. iteration 159. modicum 160. jettison 161. boorish 162. fragile 163. brethren 164. notoriety 165. arrogant 166. slovenly 167. cabal 168. fluctuation 169. premises 170. guffaw 171. albeit 172. indulgent 173. foible 174. aqueduct 175. squirrelly or squirrely 176. flambé 177. pantomime 178. abysmal 179. marsupial 180. ballyhoo 181. shebang 182. firmament 183. quotidian 184. ingratiate 185. epoch 186. benison 187. terra-cotta 188. ochre or ocher 189. maize 190. slalom 191. ancillary 192. tawdry 193. noxious 194. obfuscate 195. grandeur 196. largesses 197. prima donna 198. ukulele or ukelele 199. dromedary 200. prescient 201. harbinger 202. chintzy 203. domiciled

204. hyacinth 205. milieu 206. adumbrate 207. steppe 208. loquacious 209. zeitgeist 210. dilapidated 211. latke 212. reconnoiter or reconnoitre 213. surfeit 214. wunderkind 215. tautology 216. appurtenances 217. panacea 218. vacuousness 219. cordillera 220. épée 221. pusillanimous 222. inchoate 223. Machiavellian 224. Sahel 225. Naugahyde 226. boastful 227. oyster 228. altar 229. justify 230. trapeze 231. honorable 232. whirlwind 233. institute 234. composure 235. wield 236. substantial 237. punitive 238. eminent 239. convertible 240. remembrance 241. volatile 242. physicist 243. cyclical 244. heiress 245. officious 246. enlightenment 247. promulgate 248. theology 249. arugula 250. univalve

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Alphabetical Index of Spelling Words

A abandon – 91. abominably – 142. abysmal – 178. adumbrate – 206. albeit – 171. along – 61. altar – 228. ammunition – 155. ancillary – 191. angry – 33. anyway – 25. apple – 22. appurtenances – 216. aqueduct – 174. ardor or ardour – 102. arrogant – 165. arugula – 249. await – 87.

B ballyhoo – 180. banjo – 48. banter – 76. baseball – 45. benison – 186. binoculars – 148. bizarro – 126. bloom – 43. blouse – 93. boastful – 226. boil – 5. bona fide – 154. boorish – 161. botch – 72. brethren – 163. brilliant – 108.

C cabal – 167. cajole – 134. campus – 51. carrot – 68. charity – 103. cheery – 41. chintzy – 202. chip – 14. clover – 32. coach – 90. comb – 59. composure – 234. convertible – 239. cool – 3. cordillera – 219. credulity – 132. crown – 23. cyclical – 243.

D dance – 36. danger – 74. daughter – 100. daydream – 58. daze – 19. dentist – 54. derby – 30. devotee – 152. dilapidated – 210. dodge – 70. doldrums – 145. domiciled – 203. dromedary – 199.

E eleven – 65. eminent – 238. encroach – 141. English – 97. enlightenment – 246. envy – 27. épée – 220. epoch – 185. erode – 77.

F firmament – 182. flambé – 176. flop – 9. fluctuation – 168. fluency – 115. foible – 173. fragile – 162. fuss – 6.

G gather – 60. genuine – 146. ghastly – 133. glucose – 138. grandeur – 195. guess – 79. guffaw – 170. gum – 1. gung ho – 157.

H harbinger – 201. hat – 2. hazelnut – 129. heavy – 69. heiress – 244. helper – 17. honorable – 231. hoodwink – 119. hook – 13. hyacinth – 204.

I iceberg – 98. idea – 42.

inchoate – 222. indulgent – 172. ingot – 135. ingratiate – 184. institute – 233. intent – 101. iota – 128. iteration – 158.

J jettison – 160. jokes – 29. journey – 106. justify – 229.

K kosher – 149.

L lapse – 94. largesses – 196. latke – 211. lettuce – 96. lexicon – 136. lobster – 66. loquacious – 208. loud – 34.

M Machiavellian – 223. maize – 189. marsupial – 179. melody – 83. milieu – 205. milk – 4. mitten – 39. modicum – 159. months – 55. mosquito – 150. much – 10. multiple – 86.

N Naugahyde – 225. nectarine – 110. nitty-gritty – 121. nobody – 49. notoriety – 164. noxious – 193.

O obfuscate – 194. ochre or ocher – 188. officious – 245. oily – 44. ouch – 50. ovation – 118. oyster – 227.

P panacea – 217. pancake – 21.

pantomime – 177. parched – 117. peanut – 92. pear – 47. physicist – 242. piglet – 24. pink – 16. pixel – 104. Podunk – 139. poncho – 114. premises – 169. prescient – 200. prima donna – 197. print – 31. private – 81. prolific – 153. promulgate – 247. protect – 64. puffin – 89. punitive – 237. pusillanimous – 221. pyrite – 147.

Q quart – 46. quibble – 144. quince – 112. quotidian – 183.

R rally – 35. reconnoiter or reconnoitre – 212. redeem – 123. relative – 127. remembrance – 240. rescue – 85. risk – 8. rubber – 37. ruby – 18. ruminate – 151.

S Sahel – 224. screech – 67. seaweed – 73. seethe – 143. session – 107. shebang – 181. shoulder – 125. skewer – 80. slalom – 190. slovenly – 166. snail – 40. soften – 109. solid – 52. spaceship – 75. squirrelly or squirrely – 175. stampede – 84.

steppe – 207. storm – 7. substantial – 236. supper – 20. surfeit – 213.

T talent – 56. tautology – 215. tawdry – 192. tedious – 122. terra-cotta – 187. theology – 248. timber – 53. toast – 38. toddler – 88. together – 71. tongue – 111. topiary – 130. trapeze – 230. traverse – 120. trendy – 62. trivia – 95. truffle – 82. tummy – 15. tussle – 113.

U ukulele or ukelele – 198. uncle – 63. univalve – 250.

V vacuousness – 218. valorous – 131. vanity – 78. veracity – 156. verve – 140. vineyard – 124. visit – 57. volatile – 241. W wallow – 105. watermelon – 99. whirlwind – 232. wide – 11. widget – 116. wield – 235. wunderkind – 214. Y yankee – 137. yarn – 26. Z zebra – 28. zeitgeist – 209. zigzag – 12.

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Oral Vocabulary Round: Basic Level

Instructions: Read aloud the word, the vocabulary question and both options (A) and (B), but do not indicate which option is correct. Respond to speller’s requests for the question and/or answer options to be repeated. You may also provide the spelling of the word in question. A speller may answer the question by providing:

x the letter associated with the chosen answer, x the chosen answer or x both.

For example: If the speller is offered the question, “What is porridge made from? A. fur, or B. grain,” each of the following methods of answering is correct:

x “B,” x “grain,” or x “B. grain.”

1. duvet \ QC@c0 \ A duvet is: A. a shirt made of soft, smooth fabric 9 B. a quilt or comforter

2. faculty \ @SNX2Ya4 \ Faculty is: A. an established truth 9 B. the staff of teachers at a school

3. appreciate \ 2@]_4`U4A0a \ If you appreciate something, you: 9 A. highly approve of it B. sell it for profit

4. domestic \ Q2@ZR`aVX \ Something described as domestic: A. operates outside of the law 9 B. is limited to your own country

5. amulet \ @NZf2Y1a \ An amulet: 9 A. protects the person wearing it B. swims in both streams and oceans

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6. limelight \ @Y6ZAY6a \ What is the limelight? A. an ingredient of soap 9 B. the center of public attention

7. celestial \ `1@YR`PU2Y \ Something described as celestial is: 9 A. related to the sky B. cool and dry

8. meager or meagre \ @Z4T2_ \ Something described as meager is: 9 A. too small in amount B. too willing to please

9. hobnob \ @U/OA[/O \ To hobnob is to: A. collect small decorative items 9 B. spend time with someone informally

10. ritziness \ @_Va`4[2` \ Ritziness is the quality of being: 9 A. showy and expensive B. brittle and crumbly

11. curator \ @XfBA_0G2_ \ What is a curator? A. something that heals 9 B. a person in charge of an exhibit

12. earnestly \ @2_[1`aY4 \ If something is done earnestly, it is done: 9 A. seriously and with focus B. with little attention to detail

13. recluse \ @_RAXYC` \ By definition, a recluse is someone who: 9 A. avoids other people B. has a laid-back personality

14. emporium \ 1Z@]=_42Z \ What is an emporium? A. an artist’s studio 9 B. a large store

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15. surrogate \ @`2_2T1a \ What is a surrogate? 9 A. something substituted for something else B. a soft, whispering sound 16. gainsay \ @T0[A`0 \ What is another word for gainsay? A. earn 9 B. disagree

17. ultimatum \ A2Ya2@Z0G2Z \ What is an ultimatum? A. the highest level of achievement 9 B. a final condition or demand

18. jostle \ @W/`2Y \ If you jostle someone, you: 9 A. push or shove her B. travel with him

19. minuscule or miniscule \ @ZV[2A`XfCY \ Something described as minuscule is: 9 A. very small in size or importance B. extremely disordered and confused

20. dim sum \ @QVZ@`2Z \ What is dim sum? A. a native American drum 9 B. a traditional Chinese food

21. wraith \ @_0aU \ What is another word for wraith? 9 A. ghost B. anger

22. en route \ /[@_Ca \ What does en route mean? 9 A. on or along the way B. at a certain time

23. molecule \ @Z/Y1AXfCY \ What is a molecule? 9 A. the smallest unit of a compound B. a bundle or collection of items

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24. Because the following word has a hom*onym, say the word then spell it aloud. gambol \ @TNZO2Y \ What does it mean to gambol? A. pluck the strings on an instrument 9 B. jump around playfully

25. stalwart \ @`a<Yd2_a \ What is another word for stalwart? A. reluctant 9 B. brave

To return to a spelling round: Return to the word number you noted before beginning this oral vocabulary round.

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Oral Vocabulary Round: Intermediate Level Instructions: Read aloud the word, the vocabulary question and both options (A) and (B), but do not indicate which option is correct. Respond to speller’s requests for the question and/or answer options to be repeated. You may also provide the spelling of the word in question. A speller may answer the question by providing:

x the letter associated with the chosen answer, x the chosen answer or x both.

For example: If the speller is offered the question, “What is porridge made from? A. fur, or B. grain,” each of the following methods of answering is correct:

x “B,” x “grain,” x or “B. grain.”

1. catalyst \ @XNG3Y1`a \ What is a catalyst? 9 A. something that provokes an action B. a position of great prominence or advantage

2. berserk \ O2_@g2_X \ A person who goes berserk: A. makes a brief visit with someone 9 B. acts crazily and violently

3. savvy \ @`Nc4 \ Something described as savvy is: A. unsophisticated and simple 9 B. shrewd and practical

4. nostalgia \ [/@`aNYW2 \ What is another word for nostalgia? 9 A. homesickness B. adorableness

5. debilitate \ Q1@OVY2Aa0a \ What is another word for debilitate? 9 A. weaken B. qualify

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6. flourish \ @SY2_V`U \ What does it mean to flourish? A. agitate or confuse 9 B. grow well

7. Because the following word could be confused with a similar word, say the word then spell it aloud. laudable \ @Y<Q2O2Y \ What is another word for laudable? 9 A. commendable B. readable

8. havoc \ @UNc2X \ What is havoc? 9 A. widespread destruction B. a soft Danish cheese

9. skirmish \ @`X2_ZV`U \ What is a skirmish? A. a fault especially of workmanship or art 9 B. a battle between small bodies of troops

10. jocularity \ AW/Xf2@YN_2G4 \ What is jocularity? A. the habit of exercising regularly 9 B. being given to saying amusing things

11. edification \ ARQ2S1@X0`U2[ \ What is edification? 9 A. intellectual or moral improvement B. an instance or example of something

12. sabbatical \ `2@ONG1X2Y \ What is a sabbatical? 9 A. paid time off in order to travel, rest or research B. a day of public worship in many religions

13. eschew \ 1`�U�@PUC \ What does it mean to eschew? A. spit out 9 B. shun

14. Because the following word has a hom*onym, say the word then spell it aloud. tempura \ @aRZ]2_2 \ What is tempura? A. something that relates to time and not eternity 9 B. seafood or vegetables battered and fried

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15. El Niño \ �A�RY@[4[f= \ What is an El Niño? A. a festival in Spain that commemorates the arrival of the new year 9 B. unusually warm ocean surface water that changes weather patterns

16. ad nauseam \ NQ@[<g42Z \ If you do something ad nauseam, you do it: 9 A. to a sickening degree B. for a particular purpose

17. impugn \ 1Z@]fC[ \ What does it mean to impugn? A. act without thinking 9 B. call into question

18. anathema \ 2@[NaU2Z2 \ What does anathema refer to? 9 A. something that is intensely disliked B. something that has no purpose

19. Because the following word has a hom*onym, say the word then spell it aloud. gaffe \ @TNS \ What is a gaffe? A. a loud, powerful laugh 9 B. a social blunder or mistake

20. exoneration \ VTAg/[2@_0`U2[ \ What is exoneration? A. the highest reaches of the atmosphere 9 B. morally or legally freeing someone

21. ipso facto \ @V]�A�`=@SNX�A�a= \ What does ipso facto mean? A. in that very place 9 B. by that very fact

22. spoonerism \ @`]C[2A_Vg2Z \ What is a spoonerism? 9 A. the humorous transposition of word sounds B. a person who has inherited a lot of money

23. epicurean \ AR]1@XfB_42[ \ Something described as epicurean: 9 A. stimulates and satisfies the senses B. is related to or features horseback riding

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24. hirsute \ @U2_A`Ca \ A hirsute person is: A. well-dressed 9 B. hairy

25. Because the following word could be confused with a similar word, say the word then spell it aloud. farrago \ S2@_/�A�T= \ What is a farrago? 9 A. a disordered group (as of words) B. a person with wide-reaching influence

To return to a spelling round: Return to the word number you noted before beginning this oral vocabulary round.

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test First Grade

1. What does it mean to jump?

� A. fall with a loud thudding noise

� B. spring up off the ground

C. turn your back on someone

2. A rooster is a type of:

� A. bird

� B. cooking method

� C. midday nap

3. A fake is something that:

� A. simulates something genuine

� B. joins to form clumps

� C. is shed from the skin, especially the scalp

4. What is a buzz?

� A. a bird of prey

� B. a low humming sound

� C. an important person

5. What does it mean to trust?

� A. fade or tarnish

� B. tie something up

� C. rely on someone

6. Something described as neat is:

� A. extremely important

� B. orderly or tidy

C. close or near

7. Someone who is sorry:

� A. is late

� B. feels joy

� C. feels sadness

8. What is another word for iffy?

� A. uncertain

� B. quick

� C. clever

9. What is spring?

� A. one of many choices

� B. a light rain

� C. one of the four seasons

10. What is another word for order?

� A. bless

� B. command

� C. destroy

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test First Grade Answer Key

1. What does it mean to jump?

� A. fall with a loud thudding noise

9�B. spring up off the ground

C. turn your back on someone

2. A rooster is a type of:

9�A. bird

� B. cooking method

� C. midday nap

3. A fake is something that:

9�A. simulates something genuine

� B. joins to form clumps

� C. is shed from the skin, especially the scalp

4. What is a buzz?

� A. a bird of prey

9�B. a low humming sound

� C. an important person

5. What does it mean to trust?

� A. fade or tarnish

� B. tie something up

9�C. rely on someone

6. Something described as neat is:

� A. extremely important

9�B. orderly or tidy

C. close or near

7. Someone who is sorry:

� A. is late

� B. feels joy

9�C. feels sadness

8. What is another word for iffy?

9�A. uncertain

� B. quick

� C. clever

9. What is spring?

� A. one of many choices

� B. a light rain

9�C. one of the four seasons

10. What is another word for order?

� A. bless

9�B. command

� C. destroy

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Second Grade

1. What is a crayon used for?

� A. calming or soothing

� B. drawing or coloring

C. swimming or floating

2. What does a mower do?

� A. pouts like a child

� B. cuts grass

� C. cleans roads

3. What does a planet do?

� A. revolve around the sun

� B. organize a large event

� C. water a garden

4. What is another word for gross?

� A. smooth

� B. confused

� C. disgusting

5. What is a stump?

� A. the injury left behind by a sudden hit

� B. a period during which a sports team or individual plays poorly

� C. the part of a tree that remains in the ground after the rest falls

6. Where would you most likely find a kickstand?

� A. on a bicycle

� B. at a musical concert

C. under a kitchen cabinet

7. What is a torch?

� A. a harsh punishment

� B. a spoon and fork in the same utensil

� C. a lit flame on a stick

8. A swipe is:

� A. a swinging hit

� B. a cloth for cleaning

� C. a gliding dance step

9. Where would you find a mantel?

� A. in tropical Florida seas

� B. above a fireplace

� C. around a farmer’s market

10. What is a haven?

� A. a safe place

� B. a person with a lot of money

� C. a person devoted to a single hobby

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Second Grade Answer Key

1. What is a crayon used for?

� A. calming or soothing

9�B. drawing or coloring

C. swimming or floating

2. What does a mower do?

� A. pouts like a child

9�B. cuts grass

� C. cleans roads

3. What does a planet do?

9�A. revolve around the sun

� B. organize a large event

� C. water a garden

4. What is another word for gross?

� A. smooth

� B. confused

9�C. disgusting

5. What is a stump?

� A. the injury left behind by a sudden hit

� B. a period during which a sports team or individual plays poorly

9�C. the part of a tree that remains in the ground after the rest falls

6. Where would you most likely find a kickstand?

9�A. on a bicycle

� B. at a musical concert

C. under a kitchen cabinet

7. What is a torch?

� A. a harsh punishment

� B. a spoon and fork in the same utensil

9�C. a lit flame on a stick

8. A swipe is:

9�A. a swinging hit

� B. a cloth for cleaning

� C. a gliding dance step

9. Where would you find a mantel?

� A. in tropical Florida seas

9�B. above a fireplace

� C. around a farmer’s market

10. What is a haven?

9�A. a safe place

� B. a person with a lot of money

� C. a person devoted to a single hobby

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Third Grade

1. Which of the following would most likely be famous?

� A. a homework assignment

� B. a movie star

C. a person who skipped lunch

2. What does a judge do?

� A. practices martial arts

� B. makes decisions on court cases

� C. makes chocolate candy

3. What does it mean to haunt?

� A. severely mock or insult someone

� B. laugh loudly and a lot

� C. visit or live someplace as a ghost

4. If you are well-to-do, you:

� A. volunteer for good causes

� B. have a lot of money

� C. are recovering from illness

5. What would you most likely do with a gemstone?

� A. wear it in a necklace

� B. fill in cracks in pavement with it

� C. build a wall out of it

6. What is a parlor?

� A. a school for learning French

� B. a manner of speaking restricted to a certain area

� C. a store that sells a stated item or service

7. A hedge is formed from:

� A. trees or shrubs

� B. crumbs or pieces

� C. bone or cartilage

8. Who is most likey to throw a tantrum?

� A. a small child when tired or angry

� B. a jockey when riding in a race

� C. a major league pitcher when starting

9. Something described as bogus is:

� A. extra or additional

� B. hard or difficult

� C. fake or false

10. Something described as snide is:

� A. indirectly insulting

� B. made through the nose

� C. poorly hidden

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Third Grade Answer Key

1. Which of the following would most likely be famous?

� A. a homework assignment

9�B. a movie star

C. a person who skipped lunch

2. What does a judge do?

� A. practices martial arts

9�B. makes decisions on court cases

� C. makes chocolate candy

3. What does it mean to haunt?

� A. severely mock or insult someone

� B. laugh loudly and a lot

9�C. visit or live someplace as a ghost

4. If you are well-to-do, you:

� A. volunteer for good causes

9�B. have a lot of money

� C. are recovering from illness

5. What would you most likely do with a gemstone?

9�A. wear it in a necklace

� B. fill in cracks in pavement with it

� C. build a wall out of it

6. What is a parlor?

� A. a school for learning French

� B. a manner of speaking restricted to a certain area

9�C. a store that sells a stated item or service

7. A hedge is formed from:

9�A. trees or shrubs

� B. crumbs or pieces

� C. bone or cartilage

8. Who is most likey to throw a tantrum?

9�A. a small child when tired or angry

� B. a jockey when riding in a race

� C. a major league pitcher when starting

9. Something described as bogus is:

� A. extra or additional

� B. hard or difficult

9�C. fake or false

10. Something described as snide is:

9�A. indirectly insulting

� B. made through the nose

� C. poorly hidden

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Fourth Grade

1. Salsa is:

� A. an Italian sea salt

� B. an African monkey

� C. a spicy sauce

2. A valley is:

� A. low land between mountains or hills

� B. the action of hitting a ball back and forth over a net

� C. a person who parks other’s cars

3. A patio is:

� A. a Spanish egg dish

� B. a paved outdoor area

� C. a mastered skill

4. What is a burden?

� A. the offspring of a horse and a donkey

� B. a tool for digging holes and trenches

� C. something difficult to stand emotionally

5. Which of the following would mostly likely waddle?

� A. a clamp

� B. a piece of paper

� C. a duck

6. A kiln is used for:

� A. shaping shoes

� B. hardening ceramics

C. keeping secrets

7. What is a Romeo?

� A. a primitive form of artificial intelligence

� B. a self-propelled vacuum

� C. a person devoted to love and romance

8. A surplus is:

� A. a trip around something

� B. more than what is needed

� C. a state of confusion

9. A goblet is a:

� A. drinking cup

� B. kind of domestic bird

� C. small, round model of the planet

10. If you mussed something, you:

� A. made it untidy

� B. broke it into pieces

� C. thought about it for a long time

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Fourth Grade Answer Key

1. Salsa is:

� A. an Italian sea salt

� B. an African monkey

9�C. a spicy sauce

2. A valley is:

9�A. low land between mountains or hills

� B. the action of hitting a ball back and forth over a net

� C. a person who parks other’s cars

3. A patio is:

� A. a Spanish egg dish

9�B. a paved outdoor area

� C. a mastered skill

4. What is a burden?

� A. the offspring of a horse and a donkey

� B. a tool for digging holes and trenches

9�C. something difficult to stand emotionally

5. Which of the following would mostly likely waddle?

� A. a clamp

� B. a piece of paper

9�C. a duck

6. A kiln is used for:

� A. shaping shoes

9�B. hardening ceramics

C. keeping secrets

7. What is a Romeo?

� A. a primitive form of artificial intelligence

� B. a self-propelled vacuum

9�C. a person devoted to love and romance

8. A surplus is:

� A. a trip around something

9�B. more than what is needed

� C. a state of confusion

9. A goblet is a:

9�A. drinking cup

� B. kind of domestic bird

� C. small, round model of the planet

10. If you mussed something, you:

9�A. made it untidy

� B. broke it into pieces

� C. thought about it for a long time

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Fifth Grade

1. What is a neigh?

� A. a loud, high-pitched sound

� B. a vote against something

C. a person who lives nearby

2. What is butterscotch?

� A. the flavor of brown sugar cooked with churned cream

� B. the protective coating used especially on carpets

� C. a yellow plaid

3. What does it mean to knead?

� A. sit on your heels

� B. require something

� C. mix by pressing

4. What does it mean to squirm?

� A. frown in unhappiness

� B. twist in embarrassment

� C. smile in joy

5. If you assure someone, you:

� A. reduce her pain

� B. give him confidence

� C. predict her behavior

6. What is another word for parameters?

� A. evasions

� B. strollers

� C. limits

7. To hobnob is to:

� A. walk slowly due to injury

� B. collect small decorative items

� C. spend time with someone informally

8. If you jostle someone, you:

� A. push or shove her

� B. travel with him

� C. tell her funny stories

9. What is a molecule?

� A. the grid of lines that a map is drawn on

� B. the smallest unit of a compound

� C. a bundle or collection of items

10. What is another word for gainsay?

� A. disagree

� B. compliment

� C. earn

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Fifth Grade Answer Key

1. What is a neigh?

9�A. a loud, high-pitched sound

� B. a vote against something

C. a person who lives nearby

2. What is butterscotch?

9�A. the flavor of brown sugar cooked with churned cream

� B. the protective coating used especially on carpets

� C. a yellow plaid

3. What does it mean to knead?

� A. sit on your heels

� B. require something

9�C. mix by pressing

4. What does it mean to squirm?

� A. frown in unhappiness

9�B. twist in embarrassment

� C. smile in joy

5. If you assure someone, you:

� A. reduce her pain

9�B. give him confidence

� C. predict her behavior

6. What is another word for parameters?

� A. evasions

� B. strollers

9�C. limits

7. To hobnob is to:

� A. walk slowly due to injury

� B. collect small decorative items

9�C. spend time with someone informally

8. If you jostle someone, you:

9�A. push or shove her

� B. travel with him

� C. tell her funny stories

9. What is a molecule?

� A. the grid of lines that a map is drawn on

9�B. the smallest unit of a compound

� C. a bundle or collection of items

10. What is another word for gainsay?

9�A. disagree

� B. compliment

� C. earn

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Sixth Grade

1. Something described as visual is:

� A. attained by sight

� B. prepared for eating

C. stored on a computer

2. If you are full-fledged, you:

� A. are tall with a large, bulky body

� B. have overeaten

� C. meet all the requirements

3. Which of the following is an example of bribery?

� A. collecting decorative, often antique objects

� B. offering someone money in return for an action

� C. growing thorns for protection

4. Something described as celestial is:

� A. related to the sky

� B. crunchy or fibrous

� C. cool and dry

5. What is an ultimatum?

� A. a final condition or demand

� B. the highest level of achievement

� C. the second-to-last item in a series

6. What is another word for nourish?

� A. ignore

� B. equate

� C. strengthen

7. Something described as minuscule is:

� A. very small in size or importance

� B. given to brief outbursts of temper

� C. extremely disordered and confused

8. What does it mean to gambol?

� A. chew food slowly

� B. jump around playfully

� C. risk money on bets

9. What is a curator?

� A. an agent for preserving meat

� B. something that heals

� C. a person in charge of an exhibit

10. What is another word for stalwart?

� A. brave

� B. ugly

� C. reluctant

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Sixth Grade Answer Key

1. Something described as visual is:

9�A. attained by sight

� B. prepared for eating

C. stored on a computer

2. If you are full-fledged, you:

� A. are tall with a large, bulky body

� B. have overeaten

9�C. meet all the requirements

3. Which of the following is an example of bribery?

� A. collecting decorative, often antique objects

9�B. offering someone money in return for an action

� C. growing thorns for protection

4. Something described as celestial is:

9�A. related to the sky

� B. crunchy or fibrous

� C. cool and dry

5. What is an ultimatum?

9�A. a final condition or demand

� B. the highest level of achievement

� C. the second-to-last item in a series

6. What is another word for nourish?

� A. ignore

� B. equate

9�C. strengthen

7. Something described as minuscule is:

9�A. very small in size or importance

� B. given to brief outbursts of temper

� C. extremely disordered and confused

8. What does it mean to gambol?

� A. chew food slowly

9�B. jump around playfully

� C. risk money on bets

9. What is a curator?

� A. an agent for preserving meat

� B. something that heals

9�C. a person in charge of an exhibit

10. What is another word for stalwart?

9�A. brave

� B. ugly

� C. reluctant

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Seventh Grade

1. What is phonics?

� A. a record player that uses a needle to play

� B. cell phone technology to enhance signal

� C. a teaching method for beginning readers

2. Something described as crucial is:

� A. away at sea

� B. heartbreaking

� C. extremely important

3. What is a goliath?

� A. the purpose of something

� B. a giant

� C. a falsehood

4. What is a lozenge?

� A. a German turret gun

� B. a circle made of large stones

� C. a medicated candy

5. What is irrigation?

� A. the artificial watering of land

� B. accusing someone of wrongdoing

� C. the state of being annoyed

6. What is whey?

� A. an exclamation sounding like a half-formed whistle

� B. the watery part of milk leftover from cheese making

C. a cereal grain that is used in bread making

7. Thyme is:

� A. a garden herb

� B. an interval for action

� C. a spike on a fork

8. What does it mean to impugn?

� A. act without thinking

� B. call into question

� C. communicate clearly

9. What is a paunch?

� A. an enlarged belly

� B. a waterproof coat

� C. an intuitive guess

10. What are churros?

� A. small donkeys used as pack animals

� B. deep-fried pastries rolled in sugar

� C. spirtual teachers or guides

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Seventh Grade Answer Key

1. What is phonics?

� A. a record player that uses a needle to play

� B. cell phone technology to enhance signal

9�C. a teaching method for beginning readers

2. Something described as crucial is:

� A. away at sea

� B. heartbreaking

9�C. extremely important

3. What is a goliath?

� A. the purpose of something

9�B. a giant

� C. a falsehood

4. What is a lozenge?

� A. a German turret gun

� B. a circle made of large stones

9�C. a medicated candy

5. What is irrigation?

9�A. the artificial watering of land

� B. accusing someone of wrongdoing

� C. the state of being annoyed

6. What is whey?

� A. an exclamation sounding like a half-formed whistle

9�B. the watery part of milk leftover from cheese making

C. a cereal grain that is used in bread making

7. Thyme is:

9�A. a garden herb

� B. an interval for action

� C. a spike on a fork

8. What does it mean to impugn?

� A. act without thinking

9�B. call into question

� C. communicate clearly

9. What is a paunch?

9�A. an enlarged belly

� B. a waterproof coat

� C. an intuitive guess

10. What are churros?

� A. small donkeys used as pack animals

9�B. deep-fried pastries rolled in sugar

� C. spirtual teachers or guides

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Eighth Grade

1. What is a centenary?

� A. a government-owned factory where coins are made

� B. a celebration of an event that happened 100 years ago

C. a soldier who stands guard at an entrance or passage

2. What is a ragout?

� A. an idea thought over for a long time

� B. a diverse group of people

� C. meat and vegetables served in sauce

3. What does anathema refer to?

� A. an inflammatory condition of the scalp

� B. something that is intensely disliked

� C. something that has no purpose

4. Wherewithal is:

� A. the means to buy or do something

� B. your current location

� C. a meeting of close friends

5. Something described as counterfeit is:

� A. accurately placed

� B. a fraudulent imitation

� C. lost due to error

6. What is dementia?

� A. a condition of deteriorated intellect

� B. something that defines something else

C. a condition of missing teeth

7. Something described as hydroponic involves:

� A. treating disease with large amounts of water

� B. waterlogged soil

� C. growing plants in nutrient solutions in water

8. What does it mean to eschew?

� A. decorate

� B. spit out

� C. shun

9. What is a hummock?

� A. an indecisive person

� B. a small rounded hill

� C. a paste made from ground chickpeas

10. Something described as palliative:

� A. is related to death

� B. causes to lessen or abate

� C. is kept between friends or a friend group

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Scripps National Spelling Bee Vocabulary Test Eighth Grade Answer Key

1. What is a centenary?

� A. a government-owned factory where coins are made

9�B. a celebration of an event that happened 100 years ago

C. a soldier who stands guard at an entrance or passage

2. What is a ragout?

� A. an idea thought over for a long time

� B. a diverse group of people

� C. meat and vegetables served in sauce

3. What does anathema refer to?

� A. an inflammatory condition of the scalp

9�B. something that is intensely disliked

� C. something that has no purpose

4. Wherewithal is:

9�A. the means to buy or do something

� B. your current location

� C. a meeting of close friends

5. Something described as counterfeit is:

� A. accurately placed

9�B. a fraudulent imitation

� C. lost due to error

6. What is dementia?

9�A. a condition of deteriorated intellect

� B. something that defines something else

C. a condition of missing teeth

7. Something described as hydroponic involves:

� A. treating disease with large amounts of water

� B. waterlogged soil

9�C. growing plants in nutrient solutions in water

8. What does it mean to eschew?

� A. decorate

� B. spit out

9�C. shun

9. What is a hummock?

� A. an indecisive person

9�B. a small rounded hill

� C. a paste made from ground chickpeas

10. Something described as palliative:

� A. is related to death

9�B. causes to lessen or abate

� C. is kept between friends or a friend group

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Do spelling bee contestants get a list of words? ›

They are given printouts including words Nos. 770-1,110 — those used in the semifinal rounds and beyond — with instructions that those sheets of paper cannot leave the room. Hearing the words aloud with the entire panel present — laptops open to Merriam-Webster's Unabridged dictionary — sometimes illuminates problems.

Which dictionary is best for spelling bee competition? ›

We want our national finalists to be as prepared as possible for the national competition in National Harbor, Maryland. Merriam-Webster Unabridged is the official dictionary of the Scripps National Spelling Bee, and every word from the competition will come from this source.

Is there a word list for the national spelling bee? ›

Each year, the Scripps National Spelling Bee publishes its School Spelling Bee Study List to help students prepare for classroom and school-level spelling bees. These words come from a list of books carefully selected by the Bee's editorial team. That list of books is called Great Words, Great Works.

What is the national level spelling bee? ›

The Scripps National Spelling Bee, formerly the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee and often referred to as the National Spelling Bee or simply “the Spelling Bee” in the United States, is an annual spelling bee held in the United States. The bee is run on a not-for-profit basis by The E. W.

What is the hardest word in spelling bee? ›

Top Ten Most Brutal Spelling Bee Words
  • Soubrette.
  • Albumen.
  • Eudaemonic.
  • Chiaroscurist.
  • Autochthonous.
  • Insouciant.
  • Staphylococci.
  • Foulard.

Who won the spelling bee in 2024? ›

Bruhat Soma, 12, has won the 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee. The seventh-grader from Tampa beat Faizan Zaki, 12, in a spell-off after eight finalists were whittled down to two.

What grade starts spelling bee? ›

for a classroom or school spelling bee

It begins with first grade words and gets progressively more difficult as it continues to eighth grade.

What happens if you get all spelling bee words? ›

Each puzzle is guaranteed to have at least one pangram, which awards the player the largest number of points when found. If the player finds all of the possible words in a given puzzle, they achieve the title of "Queen Bee".

What is the highest level of spelling bee? ›

QB — Queen Bee, the highest score possible in a given puzzle, and an Easter egg level in the game. You've found all of the possible words in the puzzle. QBABM — Queen Bee All By Myself: You've gotten to Queen Bee without any hints from the Hivemind.

Are spelling bees still a thing? ›

In the United States, spelling bees are annually held from local levels up to the level of the Scripps National Spelling Bee which awards a cash prize to the winner. The National Spelling Bee is sponsored by English-language newspapers and educational foundations; it is also broadcast on ESPN.

What is the longest word in English spell bee? ›

The longest word entered in most standard English dictionaries is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 letters.

What was the last spelling bee word? ›

The winning word was “psammophile,” an organism that prefers or thrives in sandy areas.

Will County Spelling Bee 2024? ›

The competition, involving 32 spellers from 32 local schools, lasted 17 rounds. Spellers competed at Lincoln-Way West H.S. on March 14, 2024. Laura Yanchick served as pronouncer for the competition, and the judges – tasked with tracking every word and verifying spelling accuracy – were Cheslea Bowen and Melanie Short.

What age is spelling bee? ›

In general terms, the Scripps National Spelling Bee program is open to students who have neither turned 16 nor passed beyond the eighth grade, and who attend schools that are officially enrolled with our program for the current academic year. For more details, please see the complete list of eligibility requirements.

Why is it called a spelling bee? ›

In England, a dialect form of this word, been or bean, referred to "voluntary help given by neighbors toward the accomplishment of a particular task." (Webster's Third New International Dictionary). Bee may simply be a shortened form of been, but no one is entirely certain.

Does Spelling Bee tell you if you found all the words? ›

Each puzzle is guaranteed to have at least one pangram, which awards the player the largest number of points when found. If the player finds all of the possible words in a given puzzle, they achieve the title of "Queen Bee".

Who gives the words in a Spelling Bee? ›

Jacques A. Bailly (born January 28, 1966) is an American professor who has served as the Scripps National Spelling Bee's official pronouncer since 2003.

What do Spelling Bee winners get? ›

As the champion, Bruhat receives a trophy and more than $50,000 in cash and prizes. He rehearsed the spell-off every day for six months.

Who picks words for Spelling Bee? ›

How do bee organizers come up with the tournament's word list? By committee. The highly guarded process is coordinated by Carolyn Andrews, the bee's “word list manager” since 1998. (Andrews, a former English teacher and technical editor, is also the mother of the 1994 bee champion.)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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