Fashion Technology 2008 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Fashion Technology 2008 - [PDF Document] (1)






K2007 - 2008


Fashion Technology 2008 - [PDF Document] (2)


Government of Tamil Nadu





(2007 - 2008 BATCH ONWARDS)


CHENNAI – 600 025


Fashion Technology 2008 - [PDF Document] (3)




Thiru. R. MUTHUSAMYConvenor – Syllabus Committee

PrincipalS.S.M. Institute of Textile Technology & Polytechnic College



Mrs.Lalitha BalPrincipal I/cInstitute of Textile TechnologyChennai – 600 113.


Mr.K.S.RavichandranPartnerSri Gayathiri Textiles50/1, Ashernagar,60 Feet RoadGandhinagar Post Tirupur – 641 603.


Mrs.P.N.ThilagavathiSenior Lecturer / GarmentsGovt. Polytechnic College forWomen, Madurai


Mrs.S.T.UshaSenior Lecturer/GarmentDr.Dharmambal Govt. Polytechnicfor WomenChennai – 600 113.


Mr.K.SukumarHOD / Garment TechnologyS.S.M.Institute of TextileTechnology & Polytechnic CollegeKomarapalayam – 638 183.


Mr.S.BalanchandarHOD/Knitting and Garment Tech.PAC Ramasamy Raja’s PolytechnicCollegeRajapalayam – 626 117.


Mr.S.KumaravelHOD/KnittingErode Institute of TechnologyKavindapady – 638 455.


Mr.K.KumarManaging DirectorVanavil Knitters,68, Jai Nagar III BlockKangeyam RoadRakkipalayam, Tirupur – 641 602.

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(Implemented from 2007-2008)K - SCHEME

REGULATIONS1. Description of the Course:

The course for the Diploma in Fashion Technology shall extend over a period of

three academic years, consisting of 6 semesters and the First Year is common to

all Engineering Branches as detailed below.

I Semester July/August to December

II Semester January to May

III Semester June to November

IV Semester December to May

V Semester June to November

VI Semester December to May

Each Semester will have 16 weeks duration of study.

The Curriculum for all the 6 Semesters of Diploma in Fashion Technology have

been revised and revised curriculum is to be implemented for the candidates

admitted from 2007 - 2008 onwards.

The salient features of this revised curriculum under ‘K’ Scheme are:

Removal of obsolete portions

Addition of topics covering of new technology, new industrial practices to

cope up with the modern trends in Textiles and services.

Inclusion of Professional Ethics.

Creation of consciousness about Environment Management.

Preparing the students to tackle emergency situations due to various


Adoption of Industrial Safety Practices.

Offering electives to suit the local needs of industries.

Laying more stress on Communication English.

Training in soft skills.

Enhancement of Computer Skills.

Enhanced Practical skills to supplement the theory learnt.

Introduction of Continuous Internal Assessment.

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Conduct of periodical Tests and Assignments and uniformity in assigning

sessional marks.

Listing of Equipment, Instruments / Manuals along with the Practical


Revised Question Paper pattern to test the in-depth knowledge of students.

2. Condition for admission:

Condition for admission to the diploma courses shall be required to have passesthe S.S.L.C Examination of the board of secondary education , Tamilnadu.


The Anglo Indian High School Examination with eligibility for Higher Secondarycourse in Tamilnadu

(Or)The Matriculation Examination of Tamil Nadu

(Or)Any other Examination recognized as equivalent to the above by the Board ofSecondary Education, Tamilnadu.

Note: In addition, at the time of admission the candidate will have to satisfycertain minimum requirements, which may be prescribed from time to time, withregard to the marks, in the qualifying examinations.

3. Admission to Second year (Lateral Entry)

A pass in HSC ( Academic ) or ( Vocational ) courses mentioned in the Higher

Secondary Schools in Tamilnadu affiliated to the Tamilnadu Higher Secondary

Board with eligibility for university Courses of study or equivalent examination.


Should have studied the following subjects

H.Sc Academic H.Sc Vocational

Subjects StudiedS.No


Subjects Studied Related




1. All Textile Technology


Regular and

sandwich courses

Maths, Physics &


Maths / Physics

/ Chemistry

Related Vocational


Theory& Practical

For the Courses related with Textile Technology, the related / equivalent

subjects prescribed along with practical may also be taken for arriving the


For admission to the above special courses, the candidates studied the

related subjects will be given first preference.

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4. Age Limit: No Age limit.

5. Eligibility for the Award of Diploma

No candidate shall be eligible for the Diploma unless he/she has undergone the

prescribed course of study for a period of not less than 3 academic years in an

Institution when joined in First Year and two years if joined under Lateral scheme

in the second year, affiliated to the State Board of Technical Education and

Training, Tamil Nadu and has passed the prescribed examination.

6. Subject of study and curriculum outline

The subjects of study shall be in accordance with the syllabus prescribed from

time to time, both in theory and practical. The curriculum outline for I and

II semester is given in Annexure I . The curriculum outline for III, IV, V and VI

Semester is given in Annexure-II.

7. Examinations

Board Examination in all subjects of all the semesters under the scheme of

examinations will be conducted at the end of each semester.

The internal assessment marks in all the subjects will be awarded on the basis of

continuous internal assessment earned during the semester concerned. For each

subject 25 marks are allotted for internal assessment and 75 marks are allotted

for Board Examination.

8. Continuous Internal Evaluation


It has been decided to introduce Continuous Internal Assessment marks for a total

of 25 marks, which are to be distributed as follows:

Attendance: 5 Marks

(Award of marks for attendance will be as per the range given below)

80% - 83% 1 Mark

84% - 87% 2 Marks

88% - 91% 3 Marks

92% - 95% 4 Marks

96% - 100% 5 Marks

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Test:3 Tests each of 2 hours duration for a total of 30 marks is to be conducted out ofwhich the best two will be taken and the marks to be reduced to 10.



Test - I Unit - I End of 4th Week 30

Test - II Unit - II & III End of 10th Week 30

Test - III Unit - IV End of 14th Week 30

Question Paper Pattern for Periodical Test:

8 Questions x 1 Mark … 08 Marks4 Questions x 2 Marks … 12 Marks2 Questions x 5 Marks … 10 Marks


30 Marks


Model Examination covering all 5 units for 75 marks and 3 hours duration.

Assignment: 10 Marks

For each subject three Assignments are to be given each for 20 marks and the

average marks scored should be reduced for 10 marks.

All Test papers and assignment note books after getting the signature from the

students must be kept in the safe custody in the Department for verification and

audit. It should be preserved for a Semester for Academic Audit.


The internal assessment mark calculation for Practical subjects is given as


a) Attendance : 05 Marks - evaluation pattern

same as Theory

b) Procedure / observation and tabulation/ : 10 Marks

other related practical work

c) Result : 05 Marks

d) Record writing : 05 Marks


TOTAL 25 Marks


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The Record for every completed exercise should be submitted in the subsequent

Practical classes and marks should be awarded for 20 for each exercise as per the

above allocation.

At the end of the Semester, the average marks of all the exercises should be

calculated for 20 marks and the marks awarded for attendance is added to arrive at

the internal mark for practical.

All the mark entries for assignment, test and attendance should be entered in the

personal log book of the staff handling the subject. This is applicable to both

theory and practical subjects.

9. Communication Skill Practical

The Communication Skill Practical with more emphasis is being introduced in V


Much stress is given on:

Reading Skill

Listening Skill

Writing Skill


Interview Technique

Writing Resumes

Internal Assessment Mark 25 Marks

Board Examination Mark Allocation

Allocation of Marks

Communication Practical … 45 Marks

Written Test in Professional Ethics for 1 hour

Professional Ethics 15x2 … 30 Marks

Selection of 15 Questions (15x2 Marks) should be only from the Question Bank

given by the External without any choice.

10. Project Work

The students of all the Diploma Programmes have to do a Project work as part of

the Curriculum and in partial fulfillment for the award of Diploma by the State

Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamilnadu. In order to encourage

students to do worth while and innovative projects, every year prizes are awarded

for the best three projects i.e. institution wise, region wise and state wise. The

selection of Project work should be taken up in V Semester of study. The First

Project review should be done in 14th week of study in V Semester. The Second

Project Review should be done in the 8th week of study in the VI Semester.

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a) Internal Assessment mark for Project Work & Viva Voce:

Project Review I (VI Semester) – 6th week 10 MarksProject Review II (VI Semester) – 10th week 10 MarksAttendance 05 Marks

Total 25 Marks

b) Project Work & Viva Voce Board Examination

The Allocation of Mark:

Viva Voce 15 MarksProject Report 10 MarksDemonstration 15 MarksApplicability of the Project 05 MarksTotal 45 Marks

Written Test in 3 topics for 1 hour:

Entrepreneurship 5 questions x 2 marks 10 MarksEnvironment Management 5 questions x 2 marks 10 MarksDisaster Management 5 questions x 2 marks 10 Marks

Total 30 Marks

Selection of Questions from Question Bank by the External Examiner, no choice

need be given to the candidates.

11. Scheme of Examinations

The Scheme of examination for subjects in the III, IV, V and VI Semester are

given in Annexure - II.

12. Criteria for Pass

1. No candidate shall be eligible for the award of Diploma unless he/she has

undergone the prescribed courses of study successfully in an institution

approved by AICTE and affiliated to the State Board of Technical

Education & Training, Tamil Nadu and pass all the subjects prescribed in

the syllabus.

2. A candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination in a subject

if he/she secures not less than 40% in theory, drawing subjects and 50% in

practical subject out of the total prescribed maximum marks including both

the sessional and the Board Examination marks put together, subject to the

condition that he/she has to secure at least a minimum of 30 marks out of

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75 marks in the Board’s Theory/Drawing and a minimum of 35 marks out

of 75 marks in the Practical Examinations.

13. Classification of successful candidates

Classification of candidates who pass out the final examination from April 2010

onwards (joined in first year in 2007-2008) will be done as specified below:


A candidate will be declared to have passed in First Class with Distinction if

he/she secures not less than 75% of the aggregate marks in all semesters put

together, except I and II semesters and passes all the above semesters in the first

appearance itself and complete all papers including that of I & II semester within

the stipulated period of study 3 / 3 ½ / 4 years (Full time /Sandwich / Part time)

without any break in study.


A candidates will be declared to have passed in First Class if he/she secures not

less than 60% of the aggregate marks in all semesters put together except I & II

Semesters and completes all papers including that of the I & II semester within the

stipulated period of 3 years (Full Time ) without any break in study.


All other successful candidates will be declared to have passed in second class.

The above mentioned classification is applicable for the sandiwich / Part time

students who pass out final examination from October 2010 / April 2011 onwards

(both joined in first year in 2007-2008)

14. Duration of a Period in the Class Time Table

The duration of each period of teaching in a day is 1 hour and the total period of

instruction hours excluding interval and lunch break in a day should be uniformly

maintained as 7 hours corresponding to 7 periods of instruction (Theory &


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Course code: 1223 K SchemeCURRICULUM OUTLINE


S.No. SUBJECT HOURS PER WEEKTheory Hours Tutorial

DrawingPractical hours Total Hours


3 1 - 4

1002 Mathematics 5 2 - 71003 Engineering Physics-I 3 - - 31004 Engineering Chemistry-I 3 - - 32005 Engineering Graphics - 6 - 62006 Physics Practical - - 2 22007 Chemistry Practical - - 2 22007 Computer Application - - 4 42008 Workshop Practice - - 4 4

Total 14 9 12 35









3 1 - 4

2002 Applied Mathematics 5 2 - 7

2003Engineering Physics-II

3 - - 3


3 - - 3

2005 Engineering Graphics - 6 - 62006 Physics Practical - - 2 22007 Chemistry Practical 2 22007 Computer Application - - 4 42008 Workshop Practice - - 4 4

Total 14 9 12 35I & II Semester Duration: 16 Weeks (of study)

Physical Education for atleast 3 hours/week shall be made compulsory for allstudents in the evening after the general working hours of the Institution.

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Examination MarksMinimumfor pass

Duration ofExam


SUBJECT Internalassessment






25 75 100 40 3

1002 Mathematics 25 75 100 40 3


25 75 100 40 3


25 75 100 40 3


- - - - -

2006 Physics Practical - - - - -


- - - - -


- - - - -

2008 Workshop Practice - - - - -Total 100 300 400


Examination MarksDuration of


SUBJECT Internalassessment




Minimummarks for pass



25 75 100 40 3


25 75 100 40 3


25 75 100 40 3


25 75 100 40 3


25 75 100 40 3

2006 Physics Practical 25 75 100 50 3


25 75 100 50 3


25 75 100 50 3

2008 Workshop Practice 25 75 100 50 3Total 225 675 900

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Course code: 1223 K Scheme

III Semester

Subject Code Subject

FT3.1 Basics of Textiles

FT3.2 History of CostumesFT3.3 Apparel DesigningFT3.4 Science & structure of Fabrics PracticalFT3.5 Apparel Designing PracticalFT3.6 Fashion sketching & drawing Practical

IV Semester

Subject Code Subject

FT4.1 Chemical Processing & Testing of Textiles

FT4.2 Fashion Art and DesignFT4.3 Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction – IFT4.4 Chemical Processing & Testing of Textiles Practical

FT4.5 Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction – I Practical

FT4.6 English Communication Practical#

# “English Communication” detailed syllabus is kept in an Annexure.


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V Semester

Subject Code Subject

FT5.1 Clothing Machinery & EquipmentFT5.2 Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction – II

Elective – I Theory

FT5.3-1 Indian & Western CostumesFT5.3-2 Interior Decoration

FT5.4 Fashion Art and Design PracticalFT5.5 Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction – II –

PracticalFT5.6 Interior Decoration Practical

VI Semester

Subject Code Subject

FT6.1 Textile ManagementFT6.2 Fashion Garment Development

Elective – II TheoryFT6.3-1 Quality Control in GarmentsFT6.3-2 Fashion MerchandisingFT6.4 Computer Applications in Garments PracticalFT6.5 Fashion Garment Development practical

FT6.6Project Work, Entrepreneurship, Environment andDisaster Management


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K- SchemeCurriculum and Scheme of Examination

Diploma in Fashion Technology (Full Time)(COURSE CODE:: 1223)

Total Curriculum Hours : 35 hours/ weekTotal Working Hours : 35 hours/week16 Weeks / Semester


Scheme of Exam





Durationof Exam(Hours)



IA BE• Total

1. 17831 Basics of Textiles 6 3 25 75 100 40

2. 17832 History of Costumes 6 3 25 75 100 40

3. 16633 Apparel Designing* 5 3 25 75 100 40

4. 17834 Science & structureof Fabrics Practical

6 3 25 75 100 50

5. 17835 Apparel DesigningPractical

6 3 25 75 100 50

6. 17836 Fashion sketching &drawing Practical

6 3 25 75 100 50

* Common subject with Diploma in Garment Technology

Note: IA- Internal Assessment MarksBE- Board Exam Marks

•Minimum marks for pass in theory : 30/75

Minimum marks for pass in practical : 35/75

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K- SchemeCurriculum and Scheme of Examination

Diploma in Fashion Technology (Full Time)COURSE CODE:1223

Total Curriculum Hour : 35 hours/ weekTotal Working Hours : 35 hours/week16 Weeks / Semester


Scheme of Exam





Durationof Exam(Hours)



IA BE• Total

1. 17841 Chemical Processing& Testing ofTextiles*

6 3 25 75 100 40

2. 17842 Fashion Art andDesign

6 3 25 75 100 40

3. 16643 Garment PatternDrafting &Construction –I*

6 3 25 75 100 40

4. 16644 Chemical Processing& Testing of TextilesPractical

6 3 25 75 100 50

5. 16645 Garment PatternDrafting &Construction – IPractical

7 3 25 75 100 50

6. 11011 EnglishCommunicationPractical #*

4 3 25 75 100 50

* Common subject with Diploma in Garment Technology# Common paper for few diplomas

Note: IA- Internal Assessment MarksBE- Board Exam Marks

•Minimum marks for pass in theory : 30/75

Minimum marks for pass in practical : 35/75

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K- SchemeCurriculum and Scheme of Examination

Diploma in Fashion Technology (Full Time)COURSE CODE:1223

Total Curriculum Hours : 35 hours/ weekTotal Working Hours : 35 hours/week16 Weeks / Semester


Scheme of Exam





Durationof Exam(Hours)



IA BE• Total

1. 16651 Clothing Machinery& Equipment*

6 3 25 75 100 40

2. 16652 Garment PatternDrafting &Construction – II*

6 3 25 75 100 40

Elective I Theory

3.1 17871 Indian & WesternCostumes

5 3 25 75 100 40

3.2 17872 Interior Decoration 5 3 25 75 100 40

4. 17854 Fashion Art &Design Practical

6 3 25 75 100 50

5. 16655 Garment PatternDrafting &Construction – II -Practical

6 3 25 75 100 50

6. 17856 Interior DecorationPractical

6 3 25 75 100 50

* Common subject with Diploma in Garment Technology

Note: IA- Internal Assessment MarksBE- Board Exam Marks

•Minimum marks for pass in theory : 30/75

Minimum marks for pass in practical : 35/75

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K- SchemeCurriculum and Scheme of Examination

Diploma in Fashion Technology (Full Time)COURSE CODE:1223

Total Curriculum Hours : 35 hours/ weekTotal Working Hours : 35 hours/week16 Weeks / Semester


Scheme of Exam





Durationof Exam(Hours)



IA BE• Total

1. 16061 TextileManagement**

6 3 25 75 100 40

2. 17862 Fashion GarmentDevelopment

6 3 25 75 100 40

Elective II Theory

3.1 17881 Quality Control inGarments

5 3 25 75 100 40

3.2 17882 FashionMerchandising

5 3 25 75 100 40

4. 16664 ComputerApplications inGarments Practical*

6 3 25 75 100 50

5. 17865 Fashion GarmentDevelopmentpractical

6 3 25 75 100 50

6. 17866 Project Work,Entrepreneurship,Environment andDisasterManagement

6 3 25 75 100 50

** Common subject with Diploma in Textile Technology*Common with Garment Technology and othersNote: IA- Internal Assessment Marks

BE- Board Exam Marks

•Minimum marks for pass in theory : 30/75

Minimum marks for pass in practical : 35/75

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III SEMESTERFT 3.1 Science & structure of Fabrics 17831 Basics of TextilesFT 3.2 History of Fashion & Costumes 17832 History of CostumesFT 3.3 Basics of Garment ManufactureFT 3.4 Science & structure of Fabrics Practical 17834 Science & structure of Fabrics PracticalFT 3.5 Fashion sketching & drawing Practical 17836 Fashion sketching & drawing PracticalFT 3.6 Basics of Garment Manufacture Practical 16633 Apparel Designing Practical

IV SEMESTERFT 4.1 Apparel Machinery & Equipments 16651 Clothing Machinery & EquipmentFT 4.2 Garment Manufacture I(Men’s Wear) 16652Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction –

IIFT 4.3 Fashion Art and Design 17842 Fashion Art and DesignFT 4.4 Garment Manufacture Practical I (Men’s Wear) 16645 Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction –

II – PracticalFT 4.5 Fashion Designing Practical 16664 Computer Applications in Garments

PracticalFT 4.6 Surface Ornamentation Practical 17854 Fashion Art and Design Practical

V SEMESTERFT 5.1 Garment Manufacture II(Children’s Wear) 16643 Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction –

IFT 5.2 Textile Wet Processing 16641 Chemical Processing & Testing of TextilesFT 5.3 Elective I

A. Apparel Production Planning & ControlB. Apparel Process & quality managementC. Apparel Industrial ManagementD. Entrepreneurship Development

----17881 Quality Control in Garments

16061 Textile Management

FT 5.4 Garment Manufacture II Practical (Children’sWear)

16645 Garment Pattern Drafting & Construction – IPractical

FT 5.5 Textile Wet Processing Practical 16644 Chemical Processing & Testing of TextilesPractical

FT 5.6 Textile and Fashion CAD Practical ----

VI SEMESTERFT 6.1 Apparel Marketing and Merchandising 17882 Fashion MerchandisingFT 6.2 Garment Manufacture III (Ladies wear) ----FT 6.3 Elective II

A. Home FurnishingsB. Fashion BusinessC. Knit Wear TechnologyD. Fashion Photography

17872 Interior Decoration------------

FT 6.4 Garment Manufacture Practical III (Ladies Wear) 17865 Fashion Garment Development practicalFT 6.5 1) Apparel CAD Practical

----FT 6.6 Project Work & In plant Training 17866 Project Work, Entrepreneurship,Environment and Disaster Management

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Total number of hours / week : 06Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To study about different types of Textile fibres.To understand the properties and uses of Natural fibresUnit II:To get knowledge on various man made fibres.To understand the types, properties & uses of various regenerated fibres.Unit III:To know the production sequence of Combed & Carded yarns.To understand the sequence of process involved in post spinning.To have knowledge on sewing threads.Unit IV:To know the various process involved in woven fabric formation.To get knowledge on shuttless weaving technology.Unit V:To get knowledge on weft &warp knitting.To study the structure and uses of various knitted fabric

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT3.1Basics ofTextiles

6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocation

Unit Topic Time in HrsI Introduction to Textile Fibres and natural fibres 17II Manmade fibres 17III Yarn Manufacturing Process 17IV Woven Fabric Formation 17V Knitted fabric formation 16

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1.Introduction to Textile Fibres and Natural FibresTextile Fibre- Definition- Classification- properties of Ideal Textile fibre-identification offibres by microscopic view, burning test & solvent test.Natural fibres- Cotton :- Varieties- Physical & Chemical Properties- Uses.Silk:- Varieties- Physical & Chemical Properties- Uses. Wool:- Varieties- Physical &Chemical Properties- Uses

2. Manmade fibresPolyester:- Production Process- Physical & Chemical Properties- Uses. Nylon:- Physical& Chemical Properties- Uses Comparison of Nylon 6 & Nylon 6.6- Uses of Acrylic &Polypropylene fibres. Viscose- Production Process- Physical & Chemical Properties-Uses. Properties of Acrylic fibres and polypropylene fibres and uses.

3.Yarn Manufacturing ProcessIntroduction to Ginning- Objects- Sequence of process involved in Carded & Combedyarn manufacturing- Objects of Mixing & Blending- Objects of Blow room – Flow chartfor Blow room line process- Objects of Carding – Drawing- Comber- Simplex- RingFrame- Sequence of process involved in Post Spinning- Objects of Doubling- Winding-Reeling & Bundling.Texturisation- Definition- Types- Brief study of False twist Texturisation- AirTexturisation- Sewing Threads- varieties- Ticket Number- selection- Brief study of YarnDefects.

4. Woven Fabric Formation:Sequence of process involved in Weaving- Objects of warping- Sizing- Comparison ofSectional Warping & Beam warping- Sizing ingredients- Sizing materials used fordifferent type of yarns- Brief Study of Conventional Plain & Automatic looms –Use ofDobby & Jacquard looms- Brief study of Air, Water, Rapier & Projectile looms-Comparison between Shuttle looms & Shuttleless looms.Brief study of Woven structures- Plain- Basic Twill- Sateen- Satin- Crepe- Brief study ofWoven structures- Plain- 1x1 Rib- 1x1 Interlock- Defects in woven & Knitted fabrics.

5. Knitted Fabric FormationKnitting- Definition- Classification- Weft Knitting terms- Knitting elements- Passage ofyarn through single Jersey plain weft knitting machine-Comparison between Knitting &Weaving- Warp Knitting terms- Knitting elements - Passage of yarn through Rachel warpknitting machine.

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Author Title PublisherEdition


Jayaprakasam. SGopalakrishnan. RKasinathan.V

Fibre ScienceSSMITT student’s Co-opStores, Komarapalayam,Tamil nadu.

I 1997


Spun yarnTechnologyVol. I, II, III

Saravana Publications,Madurai


Shirley. CManual of cottonSpinning

The Textile Institute,Manchester, UK


Klein.WPractical guide toopening & Carding

The Textile Institute,Manchester, UK


Narasimman RSenthikumar R

Fibre science andYarn Manufacturing

SSMITT student’s Co-opStores, Komarapalayam


Sengupta Yarn PreparationThe Textile Institute,Manchester, UK



Knitted ClothingTechnology

Blackwell SciencePublishing

David Spencer Knitting TechnologyWood Head PublishingLtd.,Cambridge,England

D.G.B.Thomas Warp KnittingMerro Publishing CompanyBuilding, U.K.


Knitting TechnologyUniversal PublishingCorporation,Mumbai


KnittingFundamentals,Machines, Structures& Developments

New Age International (P)Ltd.,Delhi

R MarksATC Robinson

Principles of weavingThe Textile Institute,Manchester, UK

Hashmukrai Fabric FormingSSMITT Students’ Co-OpStores, Komarapalayam

Kanungo R.N Cotton Yarn WeavingTextile Association India,Ahmedabad

II 1980

Bernard P.Corbman

Textile Fibre to FabricMc Graw –Hill Bookco.,Singapore.

VI 1983

Jeya chandran.K High speed Weaving P.S.G.Tech,Coimbatore. 1990

David J Spencer Knitting TechnologyPergamon PressOxford

II 1988

D B Ajgaonkar Principles of KnittingUniversal PublishingCorporation


D G B Thomas Warp KnittingMerro Pub. Co. ISA Buld.UK

Sukumar KKnitting & ApparelManufacture

SSMITT Students’ Co-OpStores, Komarapalayam

III 2005

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FT3.1- BASICS OF TEXTILESSUBJECT CODE : 17831Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

Part A 10x1= 10 MarksAnswer all questions

1. Give the purpose of Solvent test.2. Define Organic cotton.3. Give the raw material for polyester production.4. What are the uses of nylon fabrics?5. Give example for Regenerated Fiber6. Define blending.7. What is reeling process?8. What is sizing?9. What is Texture on knitted fabrics?10. Give the uses of Rib fabrics.

Part B 5x3= 15 MarksAnswer all Questions

1. Give the important physical properties of cotton.2. Give the differences between nylon 6 nylon 663. Write short notes on reeling process4. Give the uses of Dobby looms5. What are the elements of knitting?

Part CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each Question. 5x10= 50 Marks

1. a. How will you identify the fibers by burning and solvent test? Explain.(or)

b. Explain in detail the physical and chemical properties of cotton2. a. Explain the production of polyester fiber and give its properties.

(or)b. Explain the manufacturing process of viscose rayon.

3. a. Explain in detail the sequence of process involved in post spinning(or)

b. Explain in detail the Texturisation process.

4. a. Explain the working of any one automatic looms.(or)

b. Explain the beam warping process.5. a. Explain with a neat sketch ,the passage of yarn in single jersey plain weft

knitting machine(or)

b. Explain with a neat sketch, the passage of yarn in Raschel warp knittingmachine.

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FT3.1- BASICS OF TEXTILESSUBJECT CODE : 17831Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

Part A 10x1= 10 MarksAnswer all questions

1. Give the varieties of wool.2. Write the solvent for cotton and silk.3. Give the physical properties of nylon.4. Define Man made fibers.5. What is mixing?6. Give the purpose of combing process.7. What are the sizing ingredients?8. Define shuttleless looms.9. Define Gauge.10. Give the uses of Warp knitted fabrics.

Part B 5x3= 15 MarksAnswer all Questions

1. Give the major classification of textile fibres with an example2. Differentiate nylon6 and nylon 663. Write the objectives of drawing and ring frame4. Write the uses of dobby and jacquard5. Write short notes on different types of needles for knitting machine

Part CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each Question. 5x10= 50 Marks

1. Define textile fibre and explain the important properties of an ideal textile fibre(or)

Explain the physical and chemical properties of wool fiber and write their uses

2. Explain the physical and chemical properties of nylon(or)

Explain the physical and chemical properties of Viscose

3. Elaborate the detail account on sewing thread(or)

Explain briefly about yarn defects

4. Explain the working principle of water jet loom(or)

Design, draft and pegplan for satin weave

5. Compare Knitting and Weaving(or)

Explain the passage of yarn through circular knitting machine

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Total number of hours / week : 06Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To study about Origin of ClothingTo understand the role of Costumes in fashion.Unit II:To get knowledge on traditional costumes of various states.To know the various accessories used in IndiaUnit III:To know about the costumes of various countries.To understand the taste & selection of accessories of various country peopleUnit IV:To know the costumes of ancient civilization.To have knowledge on various empire costumes and decoration.Unit V:To get knowledge on various type of Sarees.To study the various printing technique for design development.Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT3.2History ofCostumes

6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocation

Unit Topic Time in HrsI Introduction to costumes 17II Jewelery design 17III Costumes of Foreign Countries 17IV Costumes of Ancient Civilization 17V Design Creation Techniques 16

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1. Introduction to costumesOrigin of clothing – grouping of dress out of painting, cutting and other methods, role ofcostumes as a status symbol, sex appeal, fashion and seasons.Fashion in India – Dhoti –very scantry skirt strings of beads – A fan shaped head dress – combs and hairpins, headornaments, earrings, necklace – face painting – lip sticks. Study of male and femalecostumes and jewellery of India.

2. Jewellery designOrigin of Fashion – Costumes of India, History of Indian Costumes upto Mughal Period,Traditional Costumes of different states in India. Accessories and Garments used in India.Factors Influency Costume changes. Study of costumes from sculpture and drawings,Wall paintings. Sources from historical places like famous temples, palace &fort.Variations of costumes in region to region in India, Sari aspects and types.

3. Costumes of foreign countriesCostumes of Pakistan, Srilanka, Burma, China & Japan. Men’s, Women’s and kidsgarment – color combinations – styles – accessories and jewellery.4. Costumes of ancient civilizationCostumes of Ancient Civilization – Egypt , Roman ,English, French empires duringRenaissance 1500 – 1600 A.D. Jewellery of the period – color combination- Materials –Accessories- Archaeological evidence and Study of male and female costumes.

5. Design creation techniquesStudy of Dacca Muslin,Jandhani, Himrus & Amrus Carpets, Kashmir Shawls,Kanchipuram & Baluchari Sarees, Paithani sarees, Bandhani, Patola, Ikat, Kalamkari andother styles of Printing & Dyeing Textiles. Factors determining changes in Costumesfrom period to period.

ReferencesAuthor Title Publisher Edition year

Lester K.I Historic Costumes Chas A Benet & CoLaver J Costumes & Fashion Thames & Hudson

Das S NCostumes of India &Pakistan

Ghurye G S Indian Costume Popular PrakasamGarland History of Fashion

Georgina ‘o’ HaraThe encyclopedia ofFashion

Yarwood DoreepFashion in WesternWorld

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FT3.2- HISTORY OF COSTUMESSUBJECT CODE : 17832Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75Part A 10x1= 10 MarksAnswer all questions

1. Name the traditional garment of India.2. Give few head ornaments for Women’s of India.3. Name the traditional costumes of Tamilnadu state.4. What is ikat?5. Give few traditional costumes of Burma.6. Name the garments for kids in ancient times of Pakistan.7. Name few Egyptian jewellery.8. What are the metals used for making jewellery?9. What is Patola?10. Give the color combinations for Paithani sarees.

Part B 5x3= 15 MarksAnswer all Questions

1. Write short notes on dress out of painting2. Name few costumes of Mughal Period & its Features3. Give the traditional costumes of Pakistan & its features4. What are the costumes used in Ancient Civilisation?5. What do you mean by Muslin?

Part CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each Question. 5x10= 50 Marks

1. a. Explain the role of Costumes in Fashion & Sex appeal(or)

b. Elaborate the grouping of dress out of painting & cutting methods2. a. Elaborate the costumes of Mughal period

(or)b. Explain in detail about the costumes & accessories used in India

3. a. With a neat style, explain the costumes & accessories of Pakistan(or)

b. With a neat style, explain the costumes & accessories of Japan4. a. Explain briefly about the costumes of French empire during Renaissance period

1500 -1600A.D(or)

b. Elaborate briefly about the costumes of Egyptian Civilisation5. a. Explain briefly about Kashmir Shawls & Kancheepuram sarees

(or)b. Explain the factors determining changes in costumes from period to period

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FT3.2- HISTORY OF COSTUMESSUBJECT CODE : 17832Model Question Paper

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75Part A 5x1= 5 MarksAnswer all questions

1. What are the accessories used for men’s garment?2. Give few waist ornaments for ladies.3. Name few historical places where sculptures are engraved.4. Name few sari like costumes.5. Give the features of Pakistan costumes.6. What are the accessories used for kids garment?7. Name the varieties of stones used for ornamentation.8. Name few Indian jewelleries for Wrist ornamentation.9. What are the evidence available to study the costumes of olden period?10. Give the features of dhoties.

Part B 10x2= 20 MarksAnswer all questions

1. Give the details of Origin of Clothing2. Give the factors influencing Costume changes3. Design any one traditional Chinese costume & give its description4. Give the features of Egyptian Costume5. Write short notes on Kalamkari?

Part CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10= 50 Marks

1. a. Discuss the Indian fashion costumes for men’s.(Or)

b. Elaborate on the jewellery of India.

2. a. Write on the study of costumes from sculpture and drawings.(Or)

b. Elaborate on variations of costumes in region to region in India.

3. a. Elaborate on Costumes and accessories of Pakistan.(Or)

b. Elaborate on Costumes and accessories of Srilanka.

4. a. Elaborate on the study of costumes from wall paintings.(Or)

b. Discuss the color combinations and materials used for Roman costumes.

5. a. Explain in briefly about Baluchari and Paithani sarees.(Or)

b. Explain in detail the various printing and dyeing techniques.

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Total number of hours / week : 05Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 80


Unit I:To understand the importance of Human Anatomy.To learn the basics of Garment construction, Measurements and Fabric details.Unit II:To learn different types of Seams.To understand the types of Plackets.Unit III:To understand the types of Yokes.To study the selection of Collars and Neckline finishes.Unit IV:To know about Sleeves and its types.To learn different types of Pockets.Unit V:To understand the types Darts, Pleats, Tucks and their types.To understand the types Gathers Shirrs, Flares, Godets and Frills.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT3.3ApparelDesigning

5 80 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Basics of Apparel Design 14II Seams, Seam Finishes & Plackets 14III Yoke, Collars & Neckline finishes 14IV Sleeves ,Cuffs & Pockets 13V Introduction to Fullness. 13

Revision, Test 12Total 80

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1. BASICS OF APPAREL DESIGNHuman Anatomy: - Eight head theory- Movements of Joints & their functions- Briefstudy of human growthPattern- importance of paper patterns – preparation of paper patterns – merits anddemerits- principles of pattern drafting.Garment Construction: - Tools & Equipments- Measuring tools- Marking tools-Cutting tools- Pressing tools- General tools.Measurements: - Importance- Procedure for taking measurements - Various bodymeasurements for Children, Gents& Ladies.Fabric details: - Kinds fabrics for Garment Constructions- Plain, Striped, Checked,Napped, Pile, one way, Printed designs- Fabric widths- GSMPattern Basics: - Grains – types of Grain- Its Importance- Layout- Its importance-Layout for Different types of fabrics- Procedure for economical layout- Lay length.

2. SEAMS,SEAM FINISHES&PLACKETSSeams- Definition- Different types of seams& their choice- seam finishes- different

types- Hems- definition- types of hems – mending.Plackets & Openings- definition-characteristics of good plackets- types of plackets.

3. YOKE,COLLARS & NECKLINE FINISHES.Yoke-definition-selection of yoke design-different types of yokes – preparation &

uses of true bias.Collars-different types –selection of collar styles-Neck line finishes-facings and bindings.

4. SLEEVES ,CUFFS & POCKETSSleeves – classification of sleeves types of sleeves-Plain sleeve-Puff sleeve-

Bell sleeve – Bishop sleeve- Circular sleeve- Leg O” mutton sleeve- Sleeveless styleswith modified arm hole- Styles with bodice and sleeve combine-Raglon sleeve-Briefstudy of cuffs. Pockets- selection of pocket design-different types of pockets- Patchpockets-Welt pockets – Pockets in seam.


Fullness- definition –types- Darts- single double pointed darts- relocation by slashand spread method- pin tuck, cross tuck, piped tuck, shell tuck.-Pleats- Knife pleat, Boxpleat, Kick pleat, Cartridge pleat, Pinch pleat –Gathers and Shirrs - Flares and Godets-Frills.

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Author Title Publisher Edition year

Mary MathewsPractical clothingconstruction Part I& II

BhattaransReprographics (P)Ltd., Chennai.


Anna Jacob Thomas The Art of Sewing UBS Publisher,Delhi 2001

Reader’s digestsewing guide

Complete guide tosewing

The reader’s digestAssociation, Inc. NewYork.

XIII 1976

Enwin, M.D. Practical dress DesignThe Mac MillanComp. New York.

Valerie CockDress makingSimplified

Blackwell Science,London


Sukumar K.Knitting & ApparelManufacture

SSMITT Students’Co-Op Stores,Komarapalayam

III 2005

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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1= 10 Marks

1. Write the available fabric widths in the market.2. Name the different types of pattern.3. Which type of seam is used for shoulder joining?4. Why mending is needed?5. What is Midriff yoke ?6. Give the different types of yoke used in Baby frock.7. What type of pocket is used in coat?8. What type of sleeves is mostly preferred for T-shirt?9. Define Pleat.10. What is Godet?

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. What do you mean by pattern & Give its types?2. Give the methods of mending.3. What do you mean by True bias.4. Give the classification of sleeves.5. Write short note on Gathers and Shirrs

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each Question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. (a) Explain the principles of pattern drafting(or)

(b)Explain the tools used for garment construction

2. (a) With a neat sketch, explain any two types of Seams(or)

(b) Explain the methods of mending

3. (a) Explain the construction of midriff yoke(or)

(b) Explain the construction of shirt collar

4. (a) Explain the construction of Bishop sleeve(or)

(b) With a neat sketch explain the construction of Patch pocket

5. (a) Explain the relocation of dart by slash and spread method(or)

(b) Explain the following

i) Tucks and pleats ii) Flares and Godets

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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1= 10 Marks

1. Define GSM.2. Define lay length.3. What type of placket is used in Kurtha?4. List the various classes of seam.5. Name the different types of collars used in boys wear.6. Define Binding.7. List the types of pockets.8. List the types of sleeves.9. Define Gathers.10. Give the types of pleats used in curtains.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. Explain any one type of mending2. Explain the importance of grain3. Explain in detail about facing & binding4. What are the factors to be considered for selection of Pockets?5. With a neat sketch ,Explain about gathers

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each Question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain the principles of pattern drafting(or)

b. Explain the different types of Fabrics2. a. Explain the construction method of piped seam

(or)b. Explain the construction method of Tailored placket

3. a. Explain the construction method of Circular sleeve(or)

b. Explain the different types of Cuffs4. a. With a neat sketch, Explain about Peter pan collar

(or)b. Explain in detail about various neckline finishes

5. a. Explain in detail about relocation of dart by slash & spread method(or)

b. Explain the followingi) Flares & Godetsii) Pin tuck & Kick Pleat

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SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION & EXAMINATIONSubject Instruction Examination

Assessment MarksInternal Marks

Hours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5




Of Fabrics(Practical)

6 96 25 75 100

Objectives: To identify the Textile fibres To study the various fabric structures (Woven & Knitted) To understand the fabric formation To know the fabric particulars

List of Experiments1. To identify the textile fibres by Solvent test(Cotton, Polyester, Viscose,

Wool, Acrylic& Silk)2. To identify the textile fibres by Burning test(Cotton, Polyester, Viscose,

Wool, Acrylic& Silk)3. To identify the textile fibres by Microscopic view(Cotton, Polyester,

Viscose, Wool, Acrylic& Silk)4. Analysis of the construction and structure of the Casement and Poplin

fabric.5. Analysis of the construction and structure of the Cambric and voile fabric.6. Analysis of the construction and structure of given Warp Rib and Matt

fabrics.7. Analysis of the construction and structure of given Weft Rib and Matt

fabrics8. Analysis of the construction and structure of given Basic Twill fabrics.9. Analysis of the construction and structure of given Wavy Twill.10. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Regular Satin and

Irregular Satin fabrics.11. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Regular Sateen and

Irregular Sateen fabrics.12. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Honey comb fabric.13. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Huck-a-Back fabric14. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Plain Single Jersey

fabric.15. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Airtex Single

Jersey fabric

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16. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Honey comb SingleJersey fabric.

17. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Double Jersey 1*1Rib fabric.

18. Analysis of the construction and structure of the given Interlock Fabric.

Equipments required:Beesley BalanceMicroscopeGas BurnerCounting Glass

Material required :2metres of each fabric samples for a batch of 30 students250 grams of each fibre samples for a batch of 30 students

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5




6 96 25 75 100


1. To understand the design and construction of Seams, Hems, Plackets andpockets.

2. To learn patterns and Construct different types of sleeve.3. To study patterns and Construct different types of Collars.4. To understand different types of fullness effect.5. To know the effect of Darts and Tucks.

List of Experiments

1. Construct different types of Seams.2. Construct different types of Hems.3. Construct Different types of Buttonholes, Buttons, and Button

loops, Press Buttons, Hooks and Eyes.4. Construct different types of Plackets.5. Construct different types of Pockets.6. Prepare patterns and Construct Plain sleeve and Puff sleeve.7. Prepare patterns and Construct Bell sleeve and Circular sleeve.8. Prepare patterns and Construct Shirt collar and Chinese collar.9. Prepare patterns and Construct Peter pan collar and Shawl collar.10. Construct different types of Darts and Godets.11. Construct Knife pleat and Box pleat.12. Construct Cartridge pleat and Pinch pleat.13. Construct different types of Tucks.14. Construct different types of Frills and Gathers.15. Construct different types of Different Neck Line Finishes.16. Construct different types of Different Types of Cuffs.17. Construct Different Types of Shirrs Effects.18 .Relocate Darts by slash and spread method in the given Bodice Pattern.

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Equipments required:

Measuring toolsPattern making toolsConstruction toolsGeneral toolsSewing machines- Lock stitch

Over lockFlat lockButton holeButton stitch

Material required : 3- 5 meters of fabric/ expt./ batch of 30 students.Sewing threads- white and assorted

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5



Sketching& Drawing(Practical)

6 96 25 75 100

Objectives: To get skill on basic drawing techniques To get practical knowledge on color combination To improve the drawing skill on human Figure with proportion

List of Experiments1. Geometrical construction – lettering – isometric views of simple figures.2. Object drawing – modeling – plane and solid geometry- perspective – vanishing

point3. Indoor sketching like – line sketches and shadow sketches – using various

directions of light sources of object.4. Draw simple figures from various angles – shading with colors.5. Draw of human figure with a help of blocks.6. Draw front face for human figure.7. Draw ¾ face for croqui8. Draw various fashionable hairstyles.9. Draw hands (different poses) – Analysing into croqui hands shoes10. Draw shoes ( different angles) - Analysing into croqui hands shoes11. Draw an object from nature.12. Draw normal human figure & fashion figure.13. Draw hands & legs in different positions and angles.14. Sketch 10 croqui figures with pencil in different postures.15. Draw different types of folds, gathers & shade them with pencil in ½ imperial

sheets.16. Draw with colors drape of fabrics and shading with different mediums.17. Draw a design with rendering print combination with checks.18. Draw a design with different texture effect.

Equipments required:PencilPoster ColorPaintBrushes ( Different sizes)ScalePaletteCrayons

Material required : Drawing Sheet, Leather Board

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Total number of hours / week : 06Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To understand the basics of wet processing sequence.To study the singeing, scouring, desizing & Bleaching processes.Unit II:To learn the classifications of dyes.To understand the various dyeing techniques.Unit III:To understand the methods of printing.To study the various printing techniques.Unit IV:To know about finishing processes.To learn different types of finishing methods in detail.Unit V:To understand the basics of numbering systems.To learn yarn and fabric testing procedures.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT4.1ChemicalProcessingAnd TestingOf Textiles

6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Preparatory process in Wet processing 17II Dyeing of Textiles 17III Printing of Textiles 17IV Finishing of Textiles 17V Testing of Yarn and Fabrics 16

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1. Preparatory Process in wet processingSequence of process used in wet processing (Definition only) – Singeing – Gas singeingMachine. Desizing – Objects of desizing – Pad batch method – Continuous method ofdesizing using enzymes. Scouring – Objects of scouring – Scouring of cotton fabricusing Kiers.Bleaching – objects of bleaching – bleaching with Hypochlorite – Hydrogen peroxideusing jigger.Combination process of scouring and bleaching – continuous method of scouring andbleaching using Hydrogen peroxide in J Box – Single stage process scouring andbleaching of knitted fabric using soft flow machine – Comparison of woven and knittedcloth processing.

2. Dyeing of TextilesDyes used for natural, Man made and synthetic fibres – Dyeing principle of cellulosicfibre with Vat, Reactive dyes using Jigger – Dyeing of knitted fabric with reactive dyesusing soft flow machine – Dyeing method of protein fibre with acid dyes – Dyeing ofpolyester with disperse dyes using HT HP dyeing machine.Garment Dyeing – Factors to be considered in garment dyeing, merits and demeritssancowad process, Rotary dyeing, Toroidal machine, Solvent dyeing. Denim Processing– Warp yarn dyeing in denim processing – Denim washing using enzymes.

3. Printing of TextilesPrinting – Methods and styles of printing – Printing of cellulosic fibre with reactive andpigment – Discharge print technique on reactive dyed fabric – Resist style of printingusing reactive dyes – Printing of polyester with disperse dyes – Tie and Dye Printing,Flock printing, Batik printing – Transfer printing – Wet, film release transfer printing –Printing of logos and motifs of garments.

4. Finishing of TextilesMercerisation – Objects of mercerization – Mercerisation of cotton fabric using chainlessmachine – Shrinkage measurement – Sanforisation process – Durable, Resin finishCalendering – Objects and types of calendaring – Silicone finish for garments – Acid,Stone wash – Softening by chemical and enzymes – Finishing of fabrics – Waterrepellant – Water resistance – Flame retardant – Wrinkle resistance – Anti microbialfinish.

5. Testing of yarns and FabricsCount – Definition of yarn count – CSP method of count determination by Beesleybalance – Yarn strength by lea tester – Yarn Crimp – Shirely crimp tester – Yarnappearance test ASTM grades.

Fabrics – Strength testing – Tensile, Tear, Bursting strength – Abrasion Testing bymartindale abrasion tester – Thickness by Shirley Thickness Tester.

Drape – Drape meter – Testing of shades – Wash, light, rub fastness for garments.

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Author Title PublisherEdition


SHENAI.V.A.Tech. of TextileProcessing all series

Shevak PublicationsBombay


MARSH.J.T. MercerisingBT Publications,Mumbai


MARSH.J.T.An Introduction toTextile finishing

-do- 1979

MILLER.W.C Textile Printing Society of Dyers 1994


Textile Testing

S.S.M.I.T.T., Student’sCo.op.Stores,Komarapalayam


Dr. Nallankilli. G Textile Finishing -Do-

Prayog R SThe BleachingDying of Cottonmaterial.

Weaver’s servicecentre, Mumbai


Prayog R STechnology ofTextile Printing


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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Give the different types of bleaching.2. Name the machine used for dyeing fabrics in open form.3. Which dye is suitable to dye silk material?4. Name any two enzymes.5. What is Kalamkari ?6. Name the suitable printing dyes for cellulosic fibers.7. Give the chemical used for stone wash.8. Name the chemical used for mercerizing cotton fabric.9. Define French count.10. What are the test carried out for Parachute fabrics?

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15Marks

1. Write the objects of scouring.2. Write short notes on dyeing of protein fibre.3. What is mean by tie and dye printing?4. What is sanforisation process?5. Write short notes on bursting strength testing.

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain hydrogen peroxide bleaching using jigger.(or)

b. Explain bleaching of knitted fabric using soft flow machine.

2. a. Explain dyeing of polyester with disperse dyes using HTHP dyeing machine.(or)

b. Explain what are the factors to be considered in garment dyeing merits anddemerits of sancowad process.

3. a. Explain printing of polyester with disperse dyes.(or)

b. Explain (i) flock printing (ii) transfer printing.

4. a. Explain chainless type of mercerization of cotton fabric.(or)

b. What is finishing of fabrics? Explain any 3 type of finishes.

5. a. Explain how to determine the yarn strength?(or)

b. Explain Martindale abrasion tester..

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Define desizing.2. What is Singeing process?3. Which dye is suitable for polyester fabrics?4. What type of machine for knit fabric dyeing ?5. Give the purpose of adding binder to the printing paste.6. Name the kind of material used in screen making.7. Which type of finish given to fabric for soft feel?8. Name the chemicals used in flame retardant finish.9. List the machines used for testing fabric strength.10. Give the abbreviation for ASTM .

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15Marks

1. With a neat sketch, explain the continuous method of desizing2. Explain the dyeing method of polyester3. Write short note on logos & Motifs of garments4. How will you control shrinkage measurement5. How will you determine the fabric thickness

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain the continuous method of bleaching using J box(or)

b. Differentiate Woven & Knitted cloth processing

2. a. With a neat sketch , explain the Toroidal dyeing machine(or)

b. Explain in detail about Denim Processing

3. a. Explain the printing method of cotton fabric using reactive dyes(or)

b. Explain the film release transfer printing

4. a. With a neat sketch, explain about chainless machine(or)

b. Explain any two types of calendaring

5. a. With a neat sketch, explain the working of Lea tester(or)

b. How will you determine drape, explain the working method?

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Total number of hours / week : 06Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To understand the principles & basics of designTo study the various elements used in design.Unit II:To learn the various color system.To understand the Fashions & fashion concepts.To study various fashion designers & their styles.Unit III:To understand the different pattern in fabrics.To study the developments of different pattern on fabrics.Unit IV:To know about the ingredients of fashion design.To learn about the fashion design development.Unit V:To understand the wardrobe planning.To learn about the fashion industry and its contribution.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT4.2Fashion Artand Design

6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Principles and Elements of Design 17II Color aspects 17III Design pattern in fabrics 17IV Design aspects 17V Wardrobe planning and fashion industry 16

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1. PRINCIPLES AND ELEMENTS OF DESIGNIntroduction to Elements of Design – Different types of dress shapes – Different

types of Texture on Dresses – Light and Shade Effects on Dresses. Introduction toPrinciples of Design – Introducing Unity on Dress – Emphasis on Dress – Proportion onDress – Harmony on Dress – Rhythm on Dress – Illusion created by Lines, Shapes &Textures.

2. COLOR ASPECTSLines – Colors, Light Theory of color, Prang color system – Balance Emphasis,

Harmony – Sketching & Drawing – Fashion. Classification and Types of Fashion –Origin of Fashion Language – Philosophy and Design – Street Fashion –Middle market –Couture Fashion – Fashion Brand3. DESIGN PATTERN IN FABRICS

Pattern in Fabrics – Naturalistic Abstract Conventional – Geometric Floral,animate stylized, Traditional Abstract – Spot design – All over design – Unit repeatingdesign – Half drop design – Oque box design – Diamond base design – Diagonal waveline design – Drop reverse design – Rectangular base design – Vertical wave line design– Striped, Checked, Border designs – Selecting Patterned Fabrics.

4. DESIGN ASPECTSConcepts of design – Background to the World of Fashion Design – Definition of

Fashion Designing – Initial steps of fashion designing – Ingredients of Fashion Designing– Computer Aided designing – Design Development – Types – Source Identification –Drawing Fashion Details – Design Development from Photographs – Decoration.

5. WARDROBE PLANNING AND FASHION INDUSTRYCharacteristics of Well dressed person – Factors influencing Personality –

Wardrobe planning for different ages – Economy in dress – Dress for Occasions – Dressfor Seasons. Fashion Director, Fashion Designer, Study of American, French, Italian andIndian Designers – Fashion shows – Fashion Magazines/Videos.

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Author Title Publisher Edition


John GillowNicholas Barnard

Traditional IndianTextiles

Thomas and HudsonPublishers, London


Elizabeth Rouse Undertaking Fashion Blackwell sciencePublication, Oxford


Kathryn MakinleyJamme Munslow

Illustrating Fashion Blackwell sciencePublication, Oxford


Carol Spencer Style Box tree Ltd., London 1996Frank Alvah The Psychology pf

dressDouble day page &Company


Grace Margarit Morton The Arts of Costume& PersonalAppearance

John Wiley & Sons,London


Degrmo Wislow Essentials Of Design Mac Millan Company,Newyork


Alice Mackrell Art and Fashion Batsford Publishers,UK


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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

Part A 10x1=10 MarksAnswer all questions

1. Define the term texture on dress.2. What is Emphasis?3. Give the Primary colors in color theory.4. What is street fashion?5. What is abstract design?6. What is pattern?7. Define fashion design development.8. Give the sources for design development.9. What is dress for occasion?10. Name few fashion magazines.

Part B 5x3=15 MarksAnswer all questions

1. Write note on line in elements of design2. What do you mean by harmony?3. What do you mean by unit repeating design?4. What are the ingredients of fashion designing?5. What are the factors influencing Personality?

Part CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each Question. 5x10= 50 Marks

1. a. Explain in detail about the elements of design(or)

b. Explain in detail about the principles of design2. a. Explain in detail about Light theory of colors

(or)b. Elaborate in detail about the street fashion

3. a. Explain methods by which figures could be arranged in all over design(or)

b. Explain in detail about vertical wave line design4. a. Explain the steps involved in Fashion designing

(or)b. How will you develop design through Photographs? Explain.

5. a. Explain in detail about wardrobe planning for different age groups(or)

b. Explain the importance of Fashion shows

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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

Part A 10x1=10 MarksAnswer all questions

1. Give the different types of garment shapes.2. Define Value.3. What is balance?4. What is Designer label collection?5. What is Floral abstract?6. What are border designs?7. Give the initial steps for Fashion designing.8. Give the natural sources for design development.9. Name the famous French Fashion Designer.10. What is dress for Season?

Part B 5x3=15 MarksAnswer all questions

1. What do you mean by rhythm?2. Give the classification of fashion3. What are the factors to be considered while selecting patterned fabrics?4. Draw any two fashion details with its features5. Write the functions of Fashion designer

Part CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each Question. 5x10= 50 Marks

1. a. Explain in detail illusion created by lines.(Or)

b. Write notes on Silhouette and their illusions2. a. Explain in detail pigment theory of colors

(Or)b. Write notes on i) Origin of Fashion language

ii) Philosophy and design3. a. Elaborate on Pattern in fabrics.

(Or)b. Elaborate on selecting patterned fabrics for Garments.

4. a. How will you develop design from natural resources? Explain(Or)

b. Write notes on Computer aided design development.5. a. Discuss the various Indian Fashion designers and their style features.

(Or)b. Explain the importance of Fashion Magazines and Videos for Designdevelopment.

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Total number of hours / week : 06Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To understand the drafting procedure for infants’ style.To learn the layout and construction procedure for infants’ style.Unit II:To understand the drafting procedure for children’s style.To learn the layout and construction procedure for children’s style.Unit III:To understand the drafting procedure for girls’style.To learn the layout and construction procedure for girls’style.Unit IV:To understand the drafting procedure for boys’ style.To learn the layout and construction procedure for boys’ style.Unit V:To understand the designing of styles using variations.To learn the calculations pertaining to fabric consumption.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT4.3Garment PatternDrafting AndConstruction - I 6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Pattern Drafting for General & Infants 17II Pattern Drafting for Children’s Wear 17III Pattern Drafting for Girls Wear 17IV Pattern Drafting For Boys` Wear 17V Garment Designing 16

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1. Pattern Drafting for General & Infants .

Pattern making for pillow cover- Cushion cover – Bib- Napkin-Feeding bottle cover – with styles description – Layout, fabric consumptioncalculation and constructions procedure.

2. Pattern Drafting for Children’s Wear

Pattern making for Pilch Knicker – Zabla – Sun suit –Baba suit– Pedal pusher with style description – Lay out, Fabric Consumption Calculationand Construction procedure.

3. Pattern Drafting for Girls Wear

Pattern making for Strapped Chemise –Pinafore - YokeFrock – Gathered Petticoat – Umbrella Frock - with style description – Lay out,Fabric Consumption Calculation and construction procedure.

4. Pattern Drafting For Boys Wear.

Pattern making for Bermudas – Shorts - Slack Shirt - Kurtha –Pyjama -with style description – Lay out, Fabric Consumption Calculation andConstruction procedure.

5. Garment Designing

Designing children’s wear using different collars, cuff, sleeves, yoke,pockets and fullness. Designing of Girls Wear using different collars, sleeves ,pockets, yokes and Fullness – Designing of Boys wear using different collars,sleeves, cuff, yokes, pockets and fullness – with style description – layout,fabric consumption, calculations and construction procedure.

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Author Title PublisherEdition


Lippman (Gidon) Sew It Yourself.Prentice Hall IncNew Jersey

Erwine Clothing For ModernsMacmillan Pub.Co.,New York.

Anna Jacob Thomas. The Art Of SewingUbs Publishers,Delhi.

Mary MathewsPractical ClothingConstructionsPart I & II


Virginn Stolpe LewisComparative ClothingConstructionTechniques


K.R.ZarapkarZarapkar System OfCutting.

Navneet Publications(I) Ltd.,Dantali.Gujarat.

K.M.HegdeScientific GarmentsCutting

K.M.Hegde & Sons,Poona

Annevan WylceThe Craft Of SoftFurnishing

Stanley Parll,London

Harriet GoldsteinVetta Goldstein

Art In Everyday LifeOxford & IBHPublishing

Winfred AldrichMetric Pattern CuttingFor Children‘s Wear

Blackwell science II 1991

Gloria Mortimer-DunnPattern Design ForChildren’s Clothes

BT BatsfordLtd,London

II 1996

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Define Pattern Drafting.2. What is Lay length?3. Define layout.4. What is fabric consumption calculation?5. Define Fullness.6. What is seam allowance?7. Define Grain.8. Give the technical name for Bermudas.9. Mention the allowances which given free movements to the garments10. Give the uses of pockets.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. Give the pattern and uses of bib.2. Give the layout for Pedal Pushers?3. Give the fabric consumption for Yoke Frock?4. Give the layout of Kurtha.5. What are the different types of Pockets?

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain the different types of Pillow Cover with style description.(Or)

b. Explain the features and drafting procedure of feeding bottle cover.

2. a. Explain the construction procedure of BabaSuit.(Or)

b. Explain the construction procedure of SunSuit.

3 a. Design & Draft Umbrella Frock with style description.(Or)

b. Explain the construction procedure for Slack Shirt.

4. a. Explain the drafting method of Pyjama with style description(Or)

b. Explain the different styles of pockets and Yoke used for Boys Wear.

5. a. Explain the different design features used for Girls Wear(Or)

b. Explain the different styles of pockets and yoke used for Boy

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Mention the measurements required for pillow cover .2. Give the uses of napkin.3. Mention the different types of kids wear.4. What is pattern?5. What is Lay?6. Give the style description for Yoke Frock.7. Give the measurements required for slacks.8. Give the fabric requirement for men’s shirt for M size?9. Define tucks.10. What is midriff yoke?

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. Give the construction procedure for pillow cover2. Give the layout for zabla3. How will you calculate fabric consumption for pinafore?4. Design and give the layout for shorts5. Write short notes on different types of collar

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain the pattern drafting procedure for Cushion cover(or)

b. Explain the pattern making procedure for Napkin

2. a. Explain the construction procedure of Plich knicker(or)

b. Explain the drafting method of Pedal pushers

3. a. Design and draft Gathered petticoat with style description(or)

b. Explain the construction procedure for Strapped chemise

4. a. Explain the drafting method of Kurtha with style description(or)

b. Explain the construction procedure for Bermudas and Shorts

5. a. Explain the different styles of Collars and Sleeves used for Girls(or)

b. Explain the different design features used in Children’s wear

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5



Processing AndTesting Of Textiles

(Practical)6 96 25 75 100


To learn desizing, scouring & bleaching of fabrics. To practice reactive, vat, acid, disperse dyes on relevant fabrics. To learn different printing techniques To understand the properties of yarn & fabrics through testing.

List of Experiments:

1. Desizing and scouring of woven fabrics.2. Bleaching of cotton fabrics with Hypo chlorite3. Bleaching of cotton fabrics with Hydrogen peroxide.4. Dyeing of Cellulosic fabric with Reactive dyes.5. Dyeing of Cellulosic fabric with Vat dyes.6. Dyeing of Silk with Acid dyes.7. Dyeing of Polyester with Disperse dyes - HTHP Dyeing machine.8. Printing of cotton fabrics with Reactive dyes.9. Printing of fabrics with Pigment dyes.10. Determination of wash /rub fastnesss of the given fabrics/garments.11. Determination of Yarn Count using Physical balance and Beesely balance.12. Yarn Appearence testing - Using Block board and ASTM Grades.13. Fabric Tensile strength testing using Fabric strength tester.14. Determination of tearing strength of fabrics using Tearing strength tester.15. Determination of bursting strength of the fabric using Bursting tester.16. Measurement of Fabric thickness using Thickness tester and Determination of Lea

strength using Lea tester.17. Determination of Twist per Inch of Single yarn using Twist testers.18. Determination of Twist per Inch of Double yarn using Twist testers.

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Equipments / Machines / Instruments required:

BeakerGlass rodSteel tumblerDye bathPhysical balanceElectronic balance*BurnersHTHP dyeing machineScreensSqueezer

Printing tablePadding mangles*Crock meterAppearance testerTensile strength tester- fabricTearing strength testerBursting strength testerYarn Lea strength testerTwist tester- single yarnTwist tester- double yarn

* optional

Material required :3 meters of fabric/ expt./ batch of 30students.Yarn, fabrics for testing

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5


TotalFT4.5Garment Pattern

Drafting &Construction -I

(Practical)7 102 25 75 100


To practice patterns drafting for infants’, children’s, ladies’ & boys’ wear. To practice fabric layouts for infants’, children’s, ladies’ & boys’ wear. To practice sewing procedure for infants’, children’s, ladies’& boys’ wear

List of Experiments1. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and Press

Plich Knickers.2. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and Press

sunSuit.3. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and Press

Zabla.4. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and Press

Strapped Chemise.5. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and Press

Gathered Petticoat.6. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and press

Bermudas.7. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and Press

Pyjama.8. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish and Press

Kurtha.9. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Pedal Pusher.10. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Yoke Frock.11. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Umberlla Frock.12. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Shorts.13. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Slack Shirt.14. Using the given Paper pattern construct, finish and press Pedal Pusher.15. Using the given Paper pattern construct, finish and press Yoke Frock.16. Using the given Paper pattern construct, finish and press Umberlla Frock.

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17. Using the given Paper pattern construct, finish and press Shorts.18. Using the given Paper pattern construct, finish and press Slack Shirt.Equipments / Machines / Instruments required:

Pattern/ cutting tableMeasuring toolsDrafting toolsConstruction toolsGeneral toolsSewing machines- Lock stitch

Over lockFlat lockButton holeButton stitch4- needle trimmerChain stitch*Feed- off-arm*

Iron press


Material required :1.5 – 2 meters of fabric/ expt./ batch of 30 students.Sewing threads- white, assortedDecorative materials.

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For detailed syllabus see “Annexure - 3”.

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Total number of hours / week : 06Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To understand the functions of belts, gears, cams, clutch and bearings.To learn the various system of lubrication.Unit II:To understand the basics of DC motor.To learn the basics of electronic items.To learn the functions of transformers.Unit III:To understand the functions of lock stitch, over lock and zig zag sewing machines..To learn the various defects in sewing.Unit IV:To understand the functions of special sewing machines.To learn the functions of guides and attachments.Unit V:To understand the functions of finishing machines.To learn the maintenance of sewing and other machines.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT5.1ClothingMachinery AndEquipment 6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Basic Mechanical Engineering 17II Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering 17III Basic Sewing Machines 17IV Special Machines & Attachments 17V Finishing Machines & Maintenance of Machines 16

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1. Basic Mechanical EngineeringTransmission of Motion and Power- Flat belt, V-belt- Advantages- Rope drive- chaindrive- types & advantages - Gear drive- Nomenclature of Spur, Bewel, Helical, Worm &Worm Wheel – advantages. Cams- definition- Types of Cams- Functions- Uses- Clutch-Functions- Principle and working of single plate friction Clutch - Brakes- Functions-principle & working of Hydraulic Brake. Bearings- functions - importance- types- Bush,Ball, Roller Bearings-.Lubrications- Purpose- types- Liquid, Semi-liquid & Solid Methodof lubrication- Oil Cups, Bottle Oilers, Drop Feed Oilers- Lubrication Systems- Gravitycirculation System, Pressure circulating systems.

2. Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering.DC-AC-Voltage-Current- Power frequency- Power factor (definition) - D.C Generator-Working Principle- Types- D.C Motor- Principle. & Construction Single phasetransformer – principle & construction – Single phase induction motor- types-Constructions – Universal Motor – Sewing motor – Constructions Limit Switch -PushButton Switch- Sensors- Indoor Lighting Schemes – Glare- Heating element (Iron) – 3core cable – 3 pin plug/ 5 pin socket – Earthing Resisters- Colour code – Capacitors-Inductor- types – Diode- Zener diode- Transistor- DiaC- TriaC- SERLED- LCD-Photodiode- Solar cell- logic gates – Rectifier- Amplifier- Oscillator- basic concept ofSoldering – objectivies of printed circuit board- Ground potential – RPS..

3. Basic Sewing MachinesLock stitch machines- Parts of Machine- Functions- Time sequence in stitch formation -Threading procedure - Brief study of different systems of Feed mechanism- Needle barmechanism - Shuttle and Hook mechanism - Study of Tension variation in needle,Bobbin Thread- its adjustments- Common defects - Rectification of Defects- uses -Applications of Computerised sewing machine.Zig Zag Stitch Machines- Parts of machines- Functions- Zig Zag mechanism - OverLock machines- 3 thread- 5 thread - functions- Important Parts- Threading procedure ( 5thread only) - Common defects - Rectification of Defects- uses.

4. Special Machines & AttachmentsInter lock Machine( 5 Thread)- Functions- Threading Procedures- Brief Study of Feed-Off-Arm machine- Chain Stitch Machine- Bar Tacking machine- Blind stitch Machine -Brief study of Hemmer Foot, Cording Foot, Piping Foot, Quilter & Guide Foot- Rufflerattachments - Brief study of folders- types- functions. Brief study of Guide & Binders.

5. Finishing Machines & Maintenance Of MachinesSpreading machine - Cutting machines- Types- Straight Knife- Band Knife- Die Cutting -Laser Cutting- Computerised cutting machine- Brief Study of Button hole & ButtonStitch Machine- Elastic tape Stitch Machine- Automatic Pocket attaching Machine- collarturner- Fusing machine- Thread Sucking Equipment. Computerised embroidery machine.Types of Ironing Equipments- its Functions & Uses.Maintenance of Machines- Importance- Types- Maintenance Schedule in Garment Units.

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Author Title PublisherEdition


V Sivarajan Mechanical TechnologyV K Pub. Bangalore

P L Ballaney Theory of Machines Kanna Pub., Delhi.R S KhurmiJ K Gupta

A Text book of MachineDesign

Eurasia Pub., NewDelhi

B L TherajaText book of ElectricalTechnology

Nirja Const., NewDelhi

K C Graham Essentials of ElectricityD B TaraporewalaMumbai

Carr & LathemTechnology of ClothingManufacture

Blackwell Sci.PubNew york II 2004

Gerry Cooklin Int. to Clothing Manu. — do— II 2005Complete Guide to Sewing Readers Digest.

Dorling KindersleyThe complete book ofsewing



Clothing Machinery &Equipment

S.S.M.I.T.T StudentsCo.Op.Stores,Komarapalayam

I 2007

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Give the suitable power transmission method for more torque.2. Which power transmissions have no slippage?3. Which device converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?4. Give the suitable motor for garment sewing machineries.5. How will you adjust tension variation on bobbin thread?6. What is puckering effect?7. What type of stitches gives more extensibility?8. Which attachment is preferred to give ruffle effect?9. Give the uses of collar turner.10. Name few computerized sewing machines

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. What are the essential Quality of good lubricant?2. Give the principles of D.C. Motors.3. What are the different systems of Feed Mechanism?4. Write notes on Hemmer Foot & Zipper foot.5. What are the Basic requirements of fusible interlining?

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain the working principals of single plate clutch with neat sketch.(or)

b. Explain the method of lubricating systems and its advantages.

2. a. Explain the working principles of transformer.(or)

b. Explain the working principles of D.C Motor.

3. a. Draw the neat sketch of lock stitch machine and explain its parts.(or)

b. Give a brief account of Computerized Sewing Machine.

4. a. Draw the threading procedure of five thread over lock machine.(or)

b. Explain any one type of work aids used in sewing machine.

5. a. Explain in detail about the Band Knife cutting machine.(or)

b. Explain the different types of pressing equipment.

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Which type of lubrication system is adopted in industrial sewing machines?2. Which type of bearing system is suitable for heavy vehicles?3. Define RMS.4. What is Solar cell?5. Which type of machine used for covering the raw edges?6. Give the function of take up lever.7. What is the use of Folders?8. Which type of foot is preferred for stitching beds?9. What is fusible interlining?10. Give the maintenance schedule for industrial lock stitch machine

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x4= 20 Marks

1. Write short notes on different types of drives used for transmission of motion2. Write the principle and construction of single phase induction motor3. Write the threading procedure of Lockstitch machine4. Write short notes on Bar tacking machine5. What are the basic requirements of fusible interlining?

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. Explain the principle and working of Hydraulic brake(or)

Explain the different types of Bearings

2. Explain the principle and construction of sewing motor(or)

Write notes on i. Rectifier ii. Amplifier iii. Oscillator

3. Draw the neat sketch of Zig Zag machine and name the parts(or)

Explain the time sequence in stitch formation of lock stitch machine

4. Explain the followingi. Feed off the arm machine

ii. Chain stitch machineiii. Blind stitch machine

(or)Write short notes on

a. Hemmer foot ii. Cording foot iii. Ruffler attachments5. Explain any two different types of cutting machine

(or)Explain the maintenance schedule followed in Garment unit

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Total number of hours / week : 06Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To understand the drafting procedure for children’s style.To learn the layout and construction procedure for children’s style.Unit II:To understand the drafting procedure for ladies’ style.To learn the layout and construction procedure for ladies’ style.Unit III:To understand the drafting procedure for jacket, salwaar, kameez , chudidhar, night dressstyle.To learn the layout and construction procedure for jacket, salwaar, kameez , chudidhar,night dress style.Unit IV:To understand the drafting procedure for Gent’s style.To learn the layout and construction procedure forGent’s style.Unit V:To understand the basics of fittings.To learn the alteration procedures.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT5.2Garment PatternDrafting AndConstruction - II 6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Pattern Drafting For Children’s Wear 17II Pattern Drafting For Ladies’ Wear - I 17III Pattern Drafting For Ladies’ Wear - II 17IV Pattern Drafting For Gents Wear 17V Fitting And Alterations 16

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1.Pattern Drafting For Children’s Wear.

Pattern making for – Flared Frock with Magyar fashioned body - PartyDress Frock –Sports Shorts ( Culottes ) Girls flared coat- Garara – Lay out, FabricConsumption Calculation and Construction Procedure.

2.Pattern Drafting For Ladies’ Wear - I.

Pattern making for Brassiere- Lady Shirt –Petticoat- Saree Blouse (CutCholi) - Straight Jacket - with style description – Lay out, Fabric ConsumptionCalculation and Construction procedure.

3.Pattern Drafting For Ladies’ Wear - II.

Pattern making for Lady Jacket- Salwaar – Kameez – Chudidhar –NightDress - with style description – Lay out, Fabric Consumption, Calculation andConstruction procedure.

Study of Different styles of Kameez – Decorating Salwaar and Kameez withEmbroidery and other decorative items.

4.Pattern Drafting for Gent `s Wear.

Pattern making for Shirt with Full Sleeve- Pleated Trousers - Jeans – S.B.Coat –Bathrobe with style description – Lay out, Fabric Consumption Calculation andConstruction procedure.

5. Fittings & Alterations

Variables for Fitting – Points to be checked to ensure a good fit -Importance of alteringpatterns – General principles for Pattern alteration – Study of fitting problems andalteration in the following portions – Bustline – Neckline – Shoulder width – Bust size –Bodice Back – Armhole – Sleeves – Abdomen and Hips – Study of fitting problems andalterations in Trousers.

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Author Title PublisherEdition


Lippman (Gidon) Sew It Yourself.Prentice Hall IncNew Jersey

Erwine Clothing For ModernsMacmillan Pub.Co.,New York.

Anna JacobThomas.

The Art Of SewingUbs Publishers,Delhi. 2001

Mary MathewsPractical ClothingConstructionsPart I & II


Virginn StolpeLewis

Comparative ClothingConstruction Techniques


K.R.ZarapkarZarapkar System OfCutting.

Navneet Publications(I) Ltd.,Dantali.Gujarat.

K.M.HegdeScientific GarmentsCutting

K.M.Hegde & Sons,Poona

Winfred AldrichMetric Pattern Cutting ForWomen’s Wear

Blackwell SciencePublication, London.

-do-Metric Pattern Cutting ForMen’s Wear


-do-Metric Pattern Cutting ForChildren’s Wear


Leela AitkenStep By Step DressMaking Course

BBC Books,London I 1992

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Give the requirement for sports shorts.2. What is Garara?3. Give the major difference between men’s shirt and ladies shirt.4. Name few style of saree blouse.5. Give the general widths of woven fabrics.6. Name the embroidery materials suitable for Salwar & Kameez.7. Name the different types of pleats used in Trouser.8. What do you mean by S.B. Coat?9. List the variables for fitting.10. Define Alteration.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. Give the layout for flared frock2. Differentiate cut choli & saree blouse3. Draw the style of Salwar and decorate it4. Give the layout for Bathrobe and fabric consumption5. What are the fitting problems in Trouser

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) each division. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain in detail the pattern drafting procedure for Girls Flared Coat.(or)

b. Give the pattern drafting procedure for Party Dress Frock.

2. a. Explain in detail the pattern drafting procedure for Ladies Shirt.(or)

b. Give the drafting procedure for Straight Jacket.

3. a. Give the pattern drafting procedure for chudidhar(or)

b. Explain detail the construction procedure for Ladies Jacket

4. a. Give the pattern drafting procedure Full sleeve shirt(or)

b. Explain detail the construction procedure Bathrope

5. a. Explain the principles of pattern alteration(or)

b. Explain in detail various fitting and alteration problems in Trouser

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Give the components of Garara wear.2. Mention the design particulars of Party dress.3. Give the other name for Cut choli4. Name the types of Petticoats.5. Mention the type of collar used for lady jacket6. Give the construction flow chart for Night dress.7. Give the abbreviation of S.B coat.8. Give the Commercial name of the material used for making Jeans.9. Which wear requires bust line variable?10. Mention any four points which ensures good fit.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. Give the layout for Culottes2. How will you calculate fabric consumption for straight jacket?3. Draw the style of Kameez and decorate it4. Give the layout for Pleated Trouser5. What are the points to be considered for good fitting?

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) each division. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain in detail the pattern drafting procedure for flared frock with Magyarfashioned body

(or)b. Give the pattern drafting procedure for Garara

2. a. Explain in detail the pattern drafting method of petticoat(or)

b. Give the drafting procedure for Saree blouse

3. a. Give the pattern drafting procedure for Salwar(or)

b. Explain in detail the construction procedure for night dress

4. a. Give the pattern drafting procedure for jeans(or)

b. Explain in detail the construction procedure for S.B coat

5. a. Explain in detail the fitting problems and alterations blouse(or)

b. Explain the importance of altering the patterns

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SUBJECT CODE : 17871Total number of hours / week : 05Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 80


Unit I:To understand the costumes of Indus and vedic period.To learn the various accessories and fabrics used for post vedic period costumes.Unit II:To understand the costumes of Kushana, Gupta & Mugal period.To learn the various design details and culture of different period.Unit III:To understand the costumes of pre historic period.To learn the costumes on socio political & economic point of view.Unit IV:To understand. the costumes and design details on Medieval period.To learn the color combination of various costumes.Unit V:To understand the costumes for different occasions.To learn the costumes on modern world.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT5.3.1Indian AndWesternCostumes 5 80 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Costumes of Indus & Vedic periods 14II Costumes of Kushana,Gupta & Mugal periods 14III Costumes of Ancient World 14IV Costumes Of Medieval Period 13V Costumes of Modern World 13

Revision, Test 12Total 80

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1. COSTUMES OF INDUS & VEDIC PERIODSIndus valley civilization- discussions on costumes- robe with embroidery- skirt likegarment- dhothi- jewellery of the period.

Vedic period- discussion on costumes of early and late vedic peiod- cotton (tulo) –brocades- atka- angika- kancholika.

Post vedic period- discussions on costumes- kurpaseka- stanamsuka- kang coat-kanchuka- brides coat of bark.

2. COSTUMES OF KUSHANA, GUPTA & MUGAL PERIODSKushana period- discussions on costumes- men’s tunic- chiton- pheron of Kashmir- loincloth – muslins- muntle sari- dhothi.

Gupta period - discussions on costumes- jewellery.

Mugal period- discussions on costumes- langoti- kartiji jacket- nimtana- jaguli ladieswear- lenhga- shalica- choli- scarlet blouse.

3. COSTUMES OF ANCIENT WORLDPre-historic period- discussions on costumes- Sumerian costumes- Cloak- Kaunakas-outer garments- Roman costumes- Tunic- Toga- Stola- Palla- Byzantine costumes-Cloaks- Hose- Pallium- Brief study of costumes on Socio-political and economic point ofview- study on colour combinations- view on society reflections.


Brief study on medieval periods- study on important costumes of 13th to 15th century-Cote- Surcote- Garnache- Herigaut- Tabard- Doublet- Houppelande- Corset- Camicia-study on renaissance period costumes- Jerkin- Bases- Gowns- breeches- trunk hose-study on important costumes of 17th to 19th century- Shirt & Cravats- Skirt &Stomacher- Tail Coats- Frog coats- Brief study of costumes on Socio-political andeconomic point of view- study on colour combinations- view on society reflections.

5. COSTUMES OF MODERN WORLDCostumes of 20th century- Business Wears- Evening dress- Sleep wear religiousinfluences on costumes- speacialised wears- bridal wear – sports wear- Industrial wear-party wear- seasonal wear- Brief study of costumes on Socio-political and economicpoint of view- study on colour combinations- view on society reflections.

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Author Title PublisherEdition


Lester K.I. Historic Costumes Chas A Bennet & CoLaver J Costume & Fashion Thames & Hudson

Das S NCostumes of India &Pakistan

G.S Ghurye Indian Costume Popular PrakashamGarland History of Fashion

Georgina 'O' HaraThe encyclopeadia ofFashion

Yarwood Doreep Fashion in western world

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FT. 5.3.1 INDIAN & WESTERN COSTUMESSUBJECT CODE : 17871Model Question Paper.

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Define Angika.2. Name any famous wrist jewellery of India.3. What is Langoti?4. Name any lady top garment for Kushana period.5. What is Palla costume?6. Name any gents bottom garment for Sumerians.7. What is Tail coat ?8. What is Cravats?9. Name few sports wear garment.10. Name few Party wear for 20th century.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. What do you mean by kancholika?2. Name the costumes of Kushana ?3. Write about the costumes of Pre-Historic period.4. Write about the costumes of 13th century.5. Give an account of concept of specialized wear.

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each division. 5x10=50 Marks

1. Explain about the costumes of Indus Valley Civilisation(Or)

b. Explain about the costumes of Post vedic period

2. a. Explain about the costumes of Mughal period.(Or)

b. Write shorts notes on(i) Pheron of Kashmir. (ii) Choli

3. a. Explain in detail the costumes of Romans.(Or)

b. Write shorts notes on(i) Toga. (ii) Pallium

4. a. Explain in detail the costumes of 17th century.(Or)

b. Write shorts notes on(i) Doublet. (ii) Houppelande

5. a. Explain in detail the costumes of 20th century.(Or)

b. Explain in detail the religious influence on costumes.

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FT. 5.3.1 INDIAN & WESTERN COSTUMESSUBJECT CODE : 17871Model Question Paper.

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Name few varieties of skirt like Garments.2. What is Atka?3. What is Muntal sari?4. Name the jewellery of Gupta period.5. What is Stola?6. What is hose?7. Give the technical details of Jerkin.8. What is Stomacher?9. Name few Industrial wear garments.10. Give the technical details of Bridal wear of USA.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. Write notes on Jewelleries of Indus2. Write notes on chiton.3. Write short notes on Cloak.4. Give a brief note on costumes of Medieval period?.5. Write notes on business wear.

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each division. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Discuss the garments and their features of Post Vedic Period.(Or)

b. Elaborate on Jewellery and accessories used in India

2. a. Write notes on Kartiji jacket and Nimtana.(Or)

b. Elaborate on Costumes of Kushana period.

3. a. Discuss in detail the color combinations and society reflection of ancient world.(Or)

b. Explain in detail Byzantin costumes and cloaks.

4. a. Discuss the Costumes of the Medieval period for Gents top.(Or)

b. Elaborate on Costumes of Renaissance period.

5. a. Discuss the fabric requirement and style features of Business wear and eveningwear.

(Or)b. Elaborate on the quality requirement and style description of various industrialwear

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SUBJECT CODE : 17872Total number of hours / week : 05Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 80


Unit I:To have knowledge on textile furnishing.To learn importing & exporting of home furnishing.Unit II:To know about the selection of lightning for interior.To learn about the selection furniture for interior.Unit III:To study on different window & door decoration.To learn the get knowledge on furnishing draperies & materials.Unit IV:To study the pictures for interior decoration.To get knowledge on various flower arrangement.Unit V:To get knowledge on decorating accessories & types.To study on interior decoration for special events.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT5.3.2InteriorDecoration

5 80 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Introduction 14II Color , Lighting, and Furniture 14III Floor, Window & Door decoration 14IV Selection of Pictures and Decoration 13V Decorative Accessories 13

Revision, Test 12Total 80

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1. INTRODUCTIONIntroduction to Textile furnishing- Definition- Different type of furnishing Materials-woven and Non Woven-Introduction to Interior Decoration – Material Requirements -Factors affecting selection of Home furnishings-International Home furnishing Products– Country wise – Importing & Exporting of Home furnishings from India. Importance ofGood Taste- Design- Definition- Elements and Principles of Design


Role of colour in interior decoration, Prang colour chart- Lighting arrangements in Livingroom – Local lights- indirect light – Furniture – selection – points to be considered forselecting furniture. Furniture arrangement in Living –Dinning room – FurnishingFurnitures –Types of Textile materials used - Types of Products – Decorative Methods .


Rugs and Carpets – Definition – Difference between rugs and carpets – points to beconsidered while selecting Floor covering – Decorative and functional values of floorcoverings. Aims of window treatment – different types of curtains – glass curtains – tieback curtain selection of fabrics for curtain.Methods of Furnishing draperies – TucksPleats, Shaped & Piped – Bows- Design & Application of Drapery rods – Ring Hooks –Tape.


Pictures- the appeal of a picture & suitability of the picture to the rooms- framing pictures– hanging of pictures - substitutes for pictures - Accessories. Flower Arrangement-Beauty of line and colour in flower arrangement selection of vases – the arrangement offlowers – Japanese flower arrangement – importance of leaves.


Decorative Accessories- types – Applications – Uses of each accessories – Factors to beconsidered for selecting & applying accessories – Color combinations – Color schemeselection – Proportion of accessories – Study of Interior decoration for Home, Office,Star Hotels and Special events like Marriage hall, Fashion stage. Recommendations forgood Interior Decoration.

Author Title PublisherEdition


Harriet Goldstein,Vetta Goldstein

Art in everyday lifeOxford & publishing& co

Anne van wyke The craft of soft furnishing Stanley paul, LondonJerry KirschenGrosset and dunlop

How to make ties & tablecloths

A national generalcompany, Newyork

Pamela WilsonCullison

New decorating bookMeredith corporation,Lowa, USA

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FT. 5.3.2 INTERIOR DECORATIONSUBJECT CODE : 17872Model Question Paper.

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. What is Interior decoration?2. Name few home furnishing products of India?3. What is Indirect light?4. What are the textile material preferred for Furnitures?5. Give the products for Floor Covering.6. Define Hangings.7. What is Suitability of pictures to the room?8. Name few interior decoration products.9. What is proportion of accessories?10. Name the decorating products used for marriage hall.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. What are the factors to be considered while selecting home furnishings?2. What is the role of color in interior decoration?3. Differentiate rugs & Carpets4. What are the different types of hanging of pictures?5. Give the substitute for pictures

PART CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain in detail factors affecting the selection of home furnishings(or)

b. Elaborate on importance of Good taste & principles of design in Interiordecoration

2. a. Explain in detail the lighting arrangements in living room(or)

b. Elaborate on types of textile materials used for interior decoration

3. a. What are the important points to be considered while selecting floor coverings?Explain

(or)b. Explain in detail different types of curtains used for interior decoration

4. a. Elaborate on the appeal of pictures & suitability to the rooms(or)

b. Explain in detail about the Japanese flower arrangement

5. a. Explain various decorating accessories & their uses for interior decoration(or)

b. Discuss the important recommendations for good interior decoration

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FT. 5.3.2 INTERIOR DECORATIONSUBJECT CODE : 17872Model Question Paper.

Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. Name the home furnishing products of China.2. What are the home furnishing products exporting to other countries?3. Give the suitable furniture for home decoration.4. Give the types of textile materials used for Office decoration.5. What is Window treatment?6. What is Draperies?7. What is flower arrangement?8. Give the color choice for reception room.9. Name few decorating accessories for home.10. What is Fashion stage?

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. What are the materials used for interior decoration?2. What are the points to be considered for selecting furniture?3. Write short notes on different types of curtains4. Write the selection of vases of flower arrangement5. Write short notes on decorative accessories used for Fashion stage

PART CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Define textile furnishing and explain the different types of furnishing materialused for interior decoration

(or)b. Explain the elements of design

2. a. Explain the role of colors for interior decoration(or)

b. Explain the furniture arrangement in living and dining room

3. a. Explain the decorative and functional values of floor covering(or)

b. Explain the method of furnishing draperies

4. a. Explain in detail about the substitute for pictures(or)

b. Explain the arrangement of flowers with beauty of line and color

5. a. Explain the various factors considered for selecting and applying accessories(or)

b. Explain the interior decoration for home and marriage hall

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5


TotalFT5.4Fashion Art and

Design (Practical)6 96 25 75 100

Objectives: To get knowledge on color combinations for kids wear garments To know about the drawing of different figure poses. To know about the designing & coloring techniques for fabric & garments.

List of Experiments1. Drawing of color charts – 12 color wheel2. Drawing of color charts – 18 color wheel.3. Drawing of different tint & shade4. Drawing of Related color scheme5. Drawing of contrasting color scheme6. Drawing Kid’s Wear of individual choice and justify the colors Combination.7. Draw a figure pose from Photograph by using soft colored pencils.8. Design a Summer Wear with suitable colour combination9. Design a Winter Wear with suitable colour combination10. Design a Spring Wear with suitable colour combination11. Drawing Sports Wear Garments with suitable poses.12. Design a Bridal Wear with suitable colour combination.13. Design a Evening Wear with suitable colour combination14. Design a Sleep Wear with suitable colour combination15. Sketching Fashion Accessories out of every day objects.16. Draw on the croqui – Flared / Fitted/ Pleated/ Gathered Skirts.17. Developing a range of Fashionable Garments.18. Drawing a Haute Couture Garment with Highly Decorative – Justification of

color combination.

Equipments required:PencilPoster ColorPaintBrushes ( Different sizes)


Material required :Drawing Sheet, Leather Board

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5


TotalFT5.5Garment Pattern

Drafting&Construction – II

(Practical)6 96 25 75 100


To practice patterns drafting for ladies’ & Gents’ wear. To practice fabric layouts for ladies’ & Gents’ wear. To practice sewing procedure for ladies’ & Gents’ wear

List of Experiments1. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish

and Press Flared Frock with Magyar fashioned body.2. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Party Dress3. Frock.4. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish

and Press Sports Shorts (culottes)5. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Girls Flared

Coat.6. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Garara.7. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Brassiere.8. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Lady Shirt.9. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish

and Press Petticoat.10. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Saree Blouse.11. (Cut Choli).12. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Straight

Jacket.13. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish

and Press Salwaar.14. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish

and Press Kameez.15. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish

and Press Chudidhar.16. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns, Construct, Finish

and Press Ladies Night Dress.

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17. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Gent’s FullSleeve Shirt.

18. Using the given measurements, Prepare required patterns for Gent’sPleated Trousers.

Equipments / Machines / Instruments required:

Pattern/ cutting tableMeasuring toolsDrafting toolsConstruction toolsGeneral toolsSewing machines- Lock stitch

Over lockFlat lockButton holeButton stitch4- needle trimmerChain stitch*Feed- off-arm*

Iron press


Material required :1.5 – 2 meters of fabric/ expt./ batch of 30 students.Sewing threads- white, assorted

Decorative materials

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT5.6Interior Decoration(Practical)

6 96 25 75 100

OBJECTIVES To know the design development using design elements. To understand various color combinations and principles of design. To get creativity on interior decoration. To know the fabric selection and various Structural details introduced on

Curtain and Cushion covers. To know the different Accessories used for interior decoration.

List of experiments

1. Draw a motif and develop a design using elements of design2. Design five different motifs through culture/ architecture3. Draw and collect pictures for Depicting types of design .4. Draw and collect design for principles of design5. Draw a furniture plan for a house6. Draw a furniture plan for office.7. Draw various types of curtains for Europe market.8. Draw various types of sofa cover for US market9. Suggest suitable textile interiors for Corporate office.10. Design various accessory items needed for interior decoration.11. Collect pictures for lightning arrangements.12. Apply color harmony in apparel and carpet design13. Prepare any 2 types of curtains14. Prepare any 2 types of cushion cover15. Prepare picture mounting for a square, vertical oblong, Horizontal oblong,

pictures.16. Prepare any one wall hanging17. Prepare a Japanese flower arrangement18. Prepare a bouquet.

Equipments1. Lock stitch Sewing machine2. Over lock Sewing machine3. Flat lock Sewing machine4. Ironing machine/Iron Box

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5. Feed off the Arm Sewing machine6. Cutting Table7. Scissors

Materials Required- Button, Hooks & Eyes, Zip, pattern sheet, French curve, Scale,

Sewing thread- 50 Meters of fabric for a batch of 30 No of students- Embroidery Threads, Rope, Elastic, Appliqué, Lace

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Total No. of hours / week : 06Total No. of weeks / semester : 16Total No. of hours / semester : 96

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT6.1


6 96 25 75 100

Topics and allocation


I Concepts of Management - Planning and organizing in Textileunits


II Production & Financial functions in Textile Management 17III Managing Men in Textile units 17IV Supervisory and safety management in Textile Factory 16V Export Marketing Management 17

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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The main objective of this subject is to impart knowledge and skills to succeed in

shop floor management of Textile Industry, with specific reference to supervisory

management in textiles.

Unit ITo understand the basic concept of Management.To impart various forms of organization, planning and control.To have brief understanding on plant, location & types.

Unit IITo facilitate the ideas on production & productivity.To know production planning and control with emphasis on inventory.To have fundamental knowledge on finance.

Unit IIITo know the basis of Personnel Management, highlighting "Right menfor Right job" concept.To know about the wage system in Textile Mills.To understand industrial labour welfare and grievance handling.

Unit IVTo know about basic principles of "Factory Act".To understand preventions and precautions of industrial accidents.To have knowledge on Direction principles namely supervision, motivation,Communication & leadership.

Unit VTo understand the general exim policy and assistance available for Textile Export.To have knowledge on Export Finance and pricing.To acquaint with various documents related to export procedure

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Definition, Nature, importance of Management. Planning - Purpose, steps, types of plans.

Organisational levels & span of Management. Effective organisation and various

structures and types in Textile Mills. Textile Plant location and site selection - Types of

industrial buildings, lighting, ventilation, Humidification. Control of Air Pollution in

Textile Mills. Basic idea about ERP (Enterprises Resource Planning).


Factors of production - Productivity of Labour and Machine. Objectives of Work

measurement. Definition of work study, Method study & snap study-method of snap

study. Production lay outs -types with advantages and disadvantages. Inventory control

and material handling in Textile Mills. Inventory –holding & ordering cost, economic

order quantity, ABC & VED.Production planning & control – analysis of its functions -

Market research and product development. Financial Management - sources and types of

finance - Importance of Costing, capital cost, working capital, and various elements of

cost -Financial overheads and break-even analysis.


Objectives - Need & importance of Personnel Management - Manpower. Planning by job

analysis and job evaluation methods. Recruitment - various sources, merits and demerits -

selection techniques- Interviews, Tests and functional value. Employee Training -

Advantages, types, methods and evaluation. Components of methods of wage payments

with its merits & demerits-Wages incentive compensation – Factors affecting wages and

compensation – Indian wage policy in Textile Industry.Labour welfare - Principles and

types - Occupational and social security in labour welfare. Labour grievances - Meaning,

causes and grievance handling - Effective grievance handling procedures.


Brief understanding of Factory Act –to improve Shop floor working climate in textile

mills. Causes for Industrial accidents - Preventions and precautions –types of fire and

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Fire prevention & control - Guards and safety devices in Textile mill. Direction &

Supervision - Role of the supervisor - Characteristics of effective supervision. Nature,

importance and theories of motivation; Maslow's theory, XYZ theory in motivation -

Importance of communication, types and process of communication - Barriers in

communication - Principles of effective Communications.

Role and characteristic of leadership – Difference between leader & Manager -

Characteristic and forces determining effective leadership in shop floor.


Exim policy of India - Basis and benefits of International Marketing -Concepts of WTO,

GATT and Globalisation.Export Market Entry - Institutional infrastructure for Textile

Exports -Texprocil, AEPC, PEDEXIL HEPC and supporting organisation.Export finance

& Export Pricing - Pre shipment & post shipment finances Documentary credit, letter of

credit - Export price composition – Ex-Factory,FAS, FOB, FOR, CIF and Franco pricing

in Export. Export procedure - Confirmed order, Export Production, Marine Insurance

Export Documents - Shipping bill and bill of Ladding -export incentives.

TEXT BOOK : MANAGEMENT IN TEXTILESby R. Muthusamy & S.Sivapathasekaran

Published by ssm itt & pc co-operative stores

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Time :- 3 Hrs. Max. Marks - 75Answer all Questions. 10 x 1 = 10Marks

1. State the meaning of management.2. Write three importance points for plant location.3. Define ABC Analysis.4. What is costing.5. Define wages.6. Write the types of wage payment.7. State any two barriers for communication.8. Write any three causes for an accident.9. Give the expansion of PEDEXIL.10. Give any two export incentives.

PART-BAnswer all questions. 5 X 3 = 15 Marks

1. What are the types of industrial building? Explain with neat sketch.2. Explain the various sources of finances.3. State and explain any four labour welfare activities in a textile mill.4. Explain the Maslow`s theory of motivation.5. Explain the objects of WTO.

PART-CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain the steps to be taken for selection of a site for a textile mill.(Or)

b. How will you control the air pollution in a Textile mill? Explain in detail.2. a. Explain the importance of costing in a Textile mill and analyse various

elements of cost.(Or)

b. Write short notes on the following.1) Inventry cost 2) EOQ 3) ABC Analysis 4) VED Analysis

3. a. Enumerate the labour welfare activities in a Textile mills, with its principlesand types?

(Or)b. What are grievances? Explain its causes with effective and grievances handlingprocess.

4. a. Explain the guards and safety devices in a Textile mill to prevent all types ofaccidents


b. What are all the characteristics and forces determining leadership? Explain5. a. Explain the concepts of

1.WTO 2.GATT 3.Globalization(Or)

b. Explain the project selection and feasibility study reports-in detail

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Time :- 3 Hrs. Max. Marks - 75Answer all Questions. 10 x 1 = 10Marks

1. What are the types of organization?2. Write any two points for importance of lighting.3. What is process layout?4. Give any two sources for finance.5. Explain any two labour welfare activities6. What is incentive?7. Write any two main difference between leader and manager.8. What is “FOB”?9. What are the types of fire?10. What is the expansion of AEPC?

PART- BAnswer all the questions. 5 X 3 = 15 Marks

1. State the importance of management2. Explain briefly capital cost and working capital.3. Why training is a must? Explain4. What are the barriers for communication? Explain.5. Export is engine of national economic growth. Explain.

PART – CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain the various structures and types of organization in a Textile mills,with merits and demerits.

(Or )b. Explain various s types of Industrial buildings in a Textile mill.

2. a. Explain the types of lay out, with their advantages and disadvantages.(Or )

b. Analyse the functioning of production planning and control department in aTextile mill elaborately.

3. a. What are selection procedures to be carried out for selection of an employee?Explain.

(Or )b. What are the components of wages? Explain, with the methods of wagepayments.

4. a. What are the causes for the Industrial accidents? Explain with precautionsand preventions.

(Or )b. Explain the role of the Textile mill supervisor for effective supervision.

5. a. Explain the offer and various steps involved in Textile Export order.(Or)

b.Explain the role of the followings.1. AEPC 2. PEDEXIL 3. HEPC 4. EX. FACTORY Pricing.

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SUBJECT CODE : 17862Total number of hours / week : 6Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 96


Unit I:To get knowledge on different painting techniques.To learn the dry &wet brush painting techniques.Unit II:To study the various hand & machine embroidery stitches.To learn the various decorative work on garments.Unit III:To study the various fashion designing like haute couture, middle market & street fashionTo study about fashion forecasting.Unit IV:To understand fashion draping techniques.To learn the design development process by draping methods.Unit V:To understand the fashion garment development from basic patterns.To learn introduction of various structural details for design development.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT6.2Fashion GarmentDevelopment

6 96 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Drawing And Painting Techniques 17II Decorative Techniques 17III Style Creation & Fashion Forecasting 17IV Fashion Draping 16V Developing Garments from Basic pattern 17

Revision, Test 12Total 96

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1. Drawing And Painting Techniques:

Knowledge of tools & materials for fabric painting- application on fabrics-brushes & their uses- study of painting techniques- spray- dry brush- impressions-thread- blowing- marble- fevical- wet brush.Water color painting on paper- methods- applications- poster colour painting on paper-methods- applications - brief study of soft pencils- ink- oil pastel-acrylic drawingtechniques.

2. Decorative Techniques

Hand Embroidery – Tools & equipments – Transferring of Designs – Types of Stitches– Brief study of hand embroidery stitches – Running, chain, Satin, Feather, Stem, Back,Cross stitch –Machine Embroidery – Running, Satin, Cording, Braiding, Tatami,Chennille.

Cut Work, Patch work, Mirror work, Badala work, Drawn Thread work, Beadwork, Smocking, Quilting, Sequins Work.

3. Style Creation & Fashion Forecasting

Style creation for haute couture- designer label- mass market ( Street fashion)Style creation for infants- children- teen ages- adult. Creation of styles for stout figure-thin figure- narrow, broad, round shoulders-large & flat bust- large hips- largeabdomen- short & long waist- long & short necks- large, small, square & round face.Fashion Forecasting- work involved in fashion forecasting- fashion forecastingagencies– fashion industry.

4. Fashion Draping

Definition of Draping – Draping Tools & Equipments – Draping principles –Preparation of muslin for Draping – Seam allowance – Preparation of Dress form forDraping .Draping of Basic Bodice front – Preparation of muslin – Draping steps –Marking – Truing - Draping of Basic Bodice Back – Draping of Basic Sleeve – Drapingof Basic Skirt

5. Developing Garments from Basic pattern

Basic pattern, Design development, Developing a range of Fashionable garmentfrom basic Men’s shirt, Basic Trouser. Designing of Men’s top garment with decorativedetails. Designing a Kid’s wear with different collars, cuffs, sleeves, yokes, pockets &Fullness. Designing of ladies top garment with structural details and decorative items.Developing wedding dress with embroidery and other decorative items.

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AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHERSKathryn McKinley & JanineMunslow

Illustrating fashion Blackwell science. Oxford.,U.K.

Patrick John Ireland Fashion design illustrationmen

B T Bats ford Ltd., London

Carol Spenser Style Box tree Ltd, LondonClothing for ModernsFashion Source

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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. What is Dry brush method?2. What is Impressions?3. Define embroidery running stitch.4. What is cut work?5. Give the suitable styles for infants.6. Give the suitable neck shape for square face.7. What is draping?8. What is Marking?9. Give the suitable sleeves for Men’s garment.10. Give the technical details of any one wedding dress.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. Briefly explain drawing techniques of soft pencil.2. How will you develop template from life?3. What are the suitable neck designs selected for long and short necks?4. Give the designing details of cord works and bows.5. What is design development?

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each questions 5x10=50Marks

1. a. Explain the following painting techniques.(i) Spray (ii) Thread (iii) Dry Brush (iv) Marble (v)Wet Brush

(Or)b. Explain water colour painting on paper, methods and applications

2. a. Explain the step by step design development from photograph.(Or)

b. Explain in detail about collage techniques and presentation3. a. Explain in detail about style creation for haute couture and discuss designers of

haute couture.(Or)

b. Explain in detail creation of styles for the following abnormal figures.(i) Broad , narrow and round shoulders (ii) Stout and thin figure

4. a. Explain the introduction of the following surface design details.(i) Embroidery (ii) Ruffles (iii) Pleats (iv) Gathers (v)Darts

(Or)b. How will you introduce motifs, laces, belt, fringes and tassels on surface?

5. a. How will you develop Men’s top garment from basic pattern? Explain


b. Explain in detail developing a range of garment from ladies basic top.

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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. What is wet brush technique?2. What are the suitable tools for fabric painting?3. What is stem stitch in embroidery?4. What is smocking?5. what is Fashion forecasting?6. Name few designer label Garment?7. What is Muslin for draping?8. What is truing?9. Give the suitable decorating items for kids wear.10. What is structural designs?

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. Write the uses of Brushes2. Discuss correct poses for designing?3. Discuss various designer label garments and its features.4. How will you introduce trimmings and decorations?5. Give various types of Fullness

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each questions 5x10=50Marks

1. a. Explain in detail different painting techniques on fabric.(Or)

b. Explain the methods and application of Water color.

2. a. Elaborate on Machine embroidery stitches and features.(Or)

b. Write notes on thread work, Quilting & Sequins work.

3. a. Discuss the style creations for Infants.(Or)

b. Elaborate on fashion forecasting agencies and fashion industry.

4. a. Explain in detail the draping techniques for basic bodice front.(Or)

b. Explain in detail the equipment and principles for draping.

5. a. Design a ladies top garment with structural and decorative methods. Explain.(Or)

b. How will you develop a range of Fashionable garment from basic patterns?

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Total number of hours / week : 5Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 80


Unit I:To understand the inspection methods.To learn the sampling procedure and quality audit.Unit II:To understand the packing procedure and quality.To learn the various certification procedures.Unit III:To understand the various testing procedures to produce quality woven garments.To learn the various testing procedures to produce quality knitted garments.Unit IV:To understand the various finish related testing procedures.To learn the testing of accessories for garments.Unit V:To learn the different types of care labeling systems..To understand the flammability test procedures.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT6.3.1Quality Controlin Garments

5 80 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Introduction and Inspection Methods 14II Packing Quality & Quality Control Program 14III Testing Of Garments - I. 14IV Testing Of Garments - 13V Care Labeling, Shade Sorting & Flammability 13

Revision, Test 12Total 80

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1.Introduction And Inspection Methods

Quality control - Definition - Importance of quality - Raw material Inspection - FabricInspection - Four point System - Ten point System - Inspection of Sewing Thread -Zippers - Button, Buckles, Snap Fasteners - In process Inspection - Spreading - Cutting -Sewing - Pressing/Finishing - Final Inspection - Sampling Plans - Acceptance Sampling -Product Quality Audit - Comparability checks.

2. Packing Quality & Quality Control Program.

Classification of Packing - Stand up pack - Flat pack - Hanger pack - Hangerwith sandwich pack - Dead man pack - its importance - packing materials required -Different types of packing materials - Poly bag – plain / gazetted pack - Back supportboard - Window board - Plain board - Inner collar patty – PVC - Outer patty - Butterfly -Plastic clips - plain and gripper - Pins - plain and ball head - Hang tags - Price ticket -Fabric tag - Tissue paper -Size sticker - Warning sticker- Cello tape - Cartons - using ofthese items quality parameters of these items. Quality Control Program - Seven tools ofquality controls - ISO 9000 series standards - Procedure of obtaining ISO 9000 seriesstandards - Total Quality management in Garment Industry – WRAP Certification &Procedures.

3. Testing Of Garments - I

Seam strength Testing - Testing of Fabric Stretch properties - Dimensional changes dueto Laundering, Dry cleaning, Steaming & Pressing - Durable Press Evaluation of Fabricsand Apparel - Needle cutting / yarn severance - Sewability of fabrics - Bow andSkewness in Woven and Knitted fabrics - Distortion of yarn in Woven Fabrics - FabricStreak Analysis.

4. Testing Of Garments - II.

Soil/Stain release testing - Wrinkle Recovery - Water Resistance and Water Repellency -Testing of Fusible Interlinings - Testing of Zippers - Elastic Waist Band Testing - Testingof Sewing Threads - Pantyhose Testing - Wear Testing.

5. Care Labeling , Shade Sorting & Flammability.

Introduction to Care labels - its importance - Different systems of Care labeling -American - British - Canadian - Japanese - and International labeling – Eco-labeling.Shade sorting - Introduction - importance - Fundamentals of colors - Color measuringinstruments - Instrumental shade sorting. Flammability - Introduction - Degree

Flammability Test method - 45o and Vertical Flammability Tests - Process of FabricIgnition - Factors affecting Fabric Flammability.

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Author Title Publisher Edition


Pradip V Mehta An Introduction toQuality control for TheApparel Industry

ASQC Quality pressNew York.

ISO 9000 Series Manual New Delhi.Terry Brackenbary Knitted cloth Technology Black well science

LtdII 1996

Pradip V Mehta Managing Quality inApparel Industry

New AgeInternationalPublishers

I 1998

R.Senthil kumar Total Quality Managementin Garment Industry

Project Work,SSMITT & PC,Komarapalayam.


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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75

PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1.What is Quality?2.List the type of Inspection system.3. Give the parameters while inspecting sewing thread.4.List the packing materials used in shirt.5. Give the abbreviation for ASQC .6.What are the parameters to be considered for sewability of fabrics?7. Give the care label symbol for tumble dry.8.What is Fusible Interlining?9. Give the wavelength of light rangers in nm.10. List the different systems of Care labeling.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3= 15 Marks

1. Define Quality Control & state the importance of quality.2. Write the classification of packing in apparel unit.3. How will you test fabric stretch property4. What are the Quality points make the interlining as good one?5. Explain the testing method of Flammability

PART- CAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question. 5x10=50 Marks

1. a. Explain in detail about the Raw Material Inspection.(or)

b. Explain in detail about Inspection.

2. a. Explain in detail about Inspection Sampling.(or)

b. Explain the ISO 9000 series standards & also the procedures of obtainingISO 9000 series standards.

3. a. Evaluate the dimensional changes in fabric due to laundering and dry cleaning.(or)

b. Examine the bow and skewness in woven and knitted fabrics.4. a. How will you test the fusible interlining explain.

(or)b. Explain in detail about testing of zippers.

5. a. Elaborate about instrumental shade sorting.(or)

b. Explain in detail about American system care labeling.

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Model Question PaperTime: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75Part AAnswer all Questions 10x1= 10Marks1. Which quality system is suitable for woven fabric inspection?2. What is core spun thread?3. Give the suitable packing method for kids garments.4. What is WRAP?5. What is Skewness?6. What is the acceptable shrinkage percentage level in knitted fabrics?7. What is Rust test?8. Give the suitable sewing thread for knitted garment construction.9. Give the care label symbol for Mild wash.10. Give the importance of size label.PART BAnswer all Questions 5x3= 15Marks1. Explain importance of quality?2. Explain about (i) Sample (ii) Acceptance sample3. Give an account of Needle cutting/ yarn severance?4. Explain Wear testing?5. Give an account of Eco labeling?PART C 5x10=50 MarksAnswer either (a) or (b) from each question.1. a. Explain in detail about the in process Inspections?

(Or)b. Explain inspection of following

(i) Sewing thread ii) Zipper iii) Buckles

2. a. What is the classification of packing? Explain in detail.(Or)

b. What are packing materials required? Explain their quality parameters required?

3. a. Explain in detail about Distortion of Yarn in Woven fabrics.(Or)

b. Explain in detail abouti. Sew ability of fabricsii. Durable press Evaluation of fabric and apparel

4. a. How will you test the Panty hose?(Or)

b. Explain in detail about Soil/ stain Release Testing?

5. a. Explain in detail about 45o and vertical flammability Test?(Or)

b. Explain in detail about Canadian and Japanese care labeling system?

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Total number of hours / week : 5Total number of week / semester : 16Total number of hours / semester : 80


Unit I:To understand the functions & role of merchandiser.To learn the importance of MerchandisingUnit II:To understand the types of Yarns & Fabrics for apparel production.To know about the knitted fabric production.Unit III:To understand the preprocessing & quality checking of garmentsTo know about the garment processing chargesUnit IV:To learn about the sourcing of raw materials for apparel production.To know about the various type of samples for exports.Unit V:To understand the fabric consumption for different styles.To learn about the costing of garments.

Scheme of Instruction and Examination

Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment MarkHours/


Semester Internal Board Exam TotalFT6.3.2FashionMerchandising

5 80 25 75 100

Topics and time allocationUnit Topic Time in Hrs

I Basic Concepts of Merchandising 14II Yarns and Fabrics for Apparel Production 14III Garment Processing 14IV Sourcing and Sample Preparation 13V Garment Costing 13

Revision, Test 12Total 80

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1. Basic concepts of Merchandising

Merchandising – Definition – terms-functions of merchandising-merchandiserprocess- detailed study of the role of merchandiser in apparel production - merchandisingimportance-buying offices-types-services-duties and responsibilities of merchandiser inforeign buying offices-payment terms

2. Yarns and Fabrics for Apparel production

Woven yarn various types-approximate cost –fabric-various types-constructiondetails –woven fabric defects –inspection at cutting room- knitted garments-yarn-melange-yarns-dyed yarns-mercerised yarns-special features of the above yarns- knittedfabrics- various types – construction details –approximate knitting charges –knitted fabriccommon defects.

3. Garment processing

Pre processing – quality checking- GSM- diameter-shrinkage- colour- fabric feel-procedures to avoid shading- between body, sleeve, collar, cuffs,rib, etc- betweendifferent sizes of garments in one carton – between fabric lots – bleaching –dyeing –winch – soft flow- shades and dyeing charges- fabric mercerizing –washing- charges –finishing compacting- stentering, heat setting fabric, raising or brushing – charges –printing –various types –charges

4. Sourcing & sample preparation

Sourcing- yarn- woven fabric- cotton and its blends- synthetic-yarn for knittedfabrics- various knitted fabrics – for men’s wear- women’s wear- children’s wear-Garments of national and international brands –accessories sourcing- cost of buttons- costof zipper- twill tapes and ropes –elastics –badges – labels- tissue paper – pp poly bagsetc-sample preparation- various samples-samples for exports - export contract-processing of export order

5. Apparel Costing

Fabric consumption –woven fabric- knitted fabric –CMT charges for variousstyles –trial costing for men’s basic T shirt – men’s all over printed Polo shirts- men’slong pyjamas –ladies night dress- ladies yarn striped T shirt – boys yarn striped T shirt –price of the above garments -costing of woven shirts – full sleeve – half sleeve –fullpant–trousers–kid’swear

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Author Title Publisher Edition


Tarnow Inside the fashion business Guerreiro & JudelleStephens Frings Fashion from Concept to

ConumerPrentice Hall


Fundamentals ofadvertising

Himalaya PublishingHouse, Bombay

I 1985

B.Chris Noonam Sales ManagementP.S.Ravichandran Textile Marketing

Merchandising 2005SSMITT& PC Co.OpStores,Komarapalayam.

I 2005

Ernest H Rich Retail Merchandising Merrill Publishingcompany


Ruth E. GloucGrace I. Kunz

Apparel Manufacturing A Simson & Schustercompany

II 1995

Pamela M.Phillips Fashion Sales Promotion A Simson & Schustercompany

II 1996

Manmeet Sodhia Fashion Marketing &Merchandising

Kalyani Publishers I 2003

Mike Easey Fashion Marketing Blackwell Publishing II 2005Donnellecen John Merchandise Buying and

ManagementFairchild PublicationInc.,

II 1996

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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. What is Residential buying office?2. What is Production sample?3. Name few Woven fabric defects.4. What is Mercerized yarn?5. What is quality checking?6. What is Compacting?7. Give the suitable knitted fabric for Infants garments.8. What is sample preparation?9. What is Yarn striped garment?10. Name few kids wear garments.

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. Write the functions of Merchandiser2. Write the various types of Yarns used for Woven fabric Production3. What are the various types of printing?4. What are the different types of Sourcing?5. What are the factors to be considered while costing?

PART- C 5x10=50 MarksAnswer either (a) or (b) from each questions

1. a. Explain in detail about the duties and responsibilities of merchandiser(or)

b. Explain in detail about the Buying offices & its services2. a. Elaborate on woven Fabric defects

(or)b. Explain in detail about inspection procedures adopted in cutting room

3. a. Discuss the importance of Shrinkage control in garments(or)

b. Explain in detaili) Compacting ii) Raising or Brushing

4. a. Discuss the sourcing of yarns & fabrics for Men’s shirt(or)

b. Discuss in detail about garment export procedures5. a. How will you calculate the CMT charges for basic shirt

(or)b. How will you estimate the costing of Trouser

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Time: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 75PART- AAnswer all Questions. 10x1=10 Marks

1. What is salesman sample?2. What is buying agencies?3. What is Melange yarn?4. What is hosiery yarn ?5. What is lot to lot variation ?6. Give the usage of twill tape on garments.7. Name few International Garment Brand.8. Give the quality requirement for Children’s wear.9. What is shrinkage control treatment for knitted fabrics?10. What is CMT Charges?

PART- BAnswer all Questions. 5x3=15 Marks

1. What are the different types of payment terms?2. What are the various types of Knitted fabrics3. What are the procedures to be adopted to avoid shading?4. What are the different types of Samples?5. How will you calculate fabric requirement for ladies night dress?

PART- C 5x10=50 MarksAnswer either (a) or (b) from each questions

1. a. Elaborate on duties and responsibilities of Merchandiser in Garment industry.(Or)

c. Explain in detail the functions of buying agencies.d.

2. a. How will you calculate the garment cost for basic knitted Polo shirt?(Or)

b. Elaborate on various types of woven fabrics and construction details.

3. a. What are the important qualities checked during Mid level inspection? Explain.(Or)

b. Write notes on Stentering and brushing process on fabric.

4. a. Elaborate on Accessory sourcing process for export order.(Or)

b. Explain in detail the processing of export order.

5. a. Give the detailed costing methods for Men’s shirt.(Or)

b. How will you calculate the fabric requirement and costing for any one Kidsstyle?

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5



Application InGarments Practical

6 96 25 75 100


To practice advertisements in Flash. To practice 3D animations in 3D Max software. To practice various drawing sketches in Coral Draw. To practice fabric design sketches using Photoshop. To practice garment sketch using garment CAD software.

List of Experiments1. Developing an Advertisement in Flash for 15 seconds.2. Developing a computer based text for 15 seconds using Flash.3. Designing a company Logo with animation for 10 seconds using flash.4. Designing a Banner Advertisement.5. Designing a 3D Animation picture.6. Developing an animating Human Models by using 3D Max or Any DesignSoftware.7. Draw Free Hand Sketches by using Coral Draw or Any relevant software.8. Draw Embroidery design by using Coral Draw or Any relevant software9. Draw Striped/Checked Fabric Design by using Photoshop or Any relevantsoftware.10. Draw Printed/One Way Design Fabric Design by using Photoshop or Anyrelevant software.11. Practicing of drafting patterns of Children’s garments to a given size& grade itto other sizes.12. Practicing of drafting patterns of Boys Top garments to a given size& grade itto other sizes.13. Practicing of drafting patterns of Boys Bottom garments to a given size&grade it to other sizes.14. Practicing of drafting patterns of Girls garments to a given size& grade it toother sizes.15. Practicing of drafting patterns of Ladies garments to a given size& grade it toother sizes.

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16. Practicing of drafting patterns of Gents Shirt to a given size& grade it to othersizes.17. Practicing of drafting patterns of Gents Full Pant garments to a given size&grade it to other sizes.18.Preparing Layout and Calculating the fabric requirement for any one style withminimum 2 sizes.

Equipments / Machines / Instruments required:

Computer systemColour PrinterScannerSoftware-

Flash,3D Max,Coral Draw

PhotoshopGarment CAD

Material required :

Printing paper

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Subject Instruction ExaminationAssessment Marks

Internal MarksHours/Week Hours/Semester10 10 5


TotalAT6.5Fashion garment


6 96 25 75 100


To get practical knowledge on new garment development. To get knowledge on various value addition techniques on garments. To know the introduction of various fullness on garments

List of Experiments

1. Designing and constructing of party dress for kids with suitable sequins work2. Designing and constructing of girls flared coat with suitable decorations3. Designing and constructing of boys straight jacket with suitable decorations4. Designing and constructing of sari blouse with suitable decorations5. Designing and constructing of salwar with suitable decorations6. Designing and constructing of kameez with suitable machine embroidery work7. Designing and constructing of chudidhar with suitable decorations8. Designing and constructing of ladies night dress with suitable decorations9. Designing and constructing of ladies choli dress with suitable decorations10. Designing and constructing of ladies party dress with bead work11. Designing and constructing of gents full sleeve shirt with suitable decorations12. Designing and constructing of gents trouser with suitable decorations13. Designing and constructing of gents S.B. Coat with suitable decorations14. Designing and constructing of gents bath robe with suitable decorations15. Designing and constructing of gents night dress with suitable decorations16. Designing and constructing of gents party dress with suitable embroidery work17. Designing and constructing of beach wear with suitable decorations18. Designing and constructing of sports wear with suitable decorations

Equipments / Machines / Instruments required:

Pattern/ cutting tableMeasuring toolsDrafting toolsConstruction toolsGeneral toolsSewing machines- Lock stitch

Over lockFlat lockButton holeButton stitch

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4- needle trimmerChain stitch*Feed- off-arm*

Iron press


Material required :1.5 – 2 meters of fabric/ expt./ batch of 30 students.Sewing threads- white, assortedDecorative materials.

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Students have to select any one topic of their own interest under the guidance of the department

faculty in their area of specialisation, emphasising the principles studied in the theory and practical

subjects. The selected topics must be related to Textile manufacturing process in

Spinning/Weaving/Textile wet processing/Knitting/Garment making/ Problems related to quality

control waste control, process control, productivity control, machinery maintenance in Textile

Industries. After completing the work they have to submit their findings in the form of a report

through the guide and Head of the Department. A viva-voce is conducted on the report submitted by

the student. The number of students in a batch for a project work shall not exceed five.


Implement the theoretical and practical knowledge gained through the curriculum into anapplication suitable for a real practical working environment preferably in an industrialenvironment

Get exposure on industrial environment and its work ethics.

Understand what is entrepreneurship and how to become an entrepreneur.

Learn and understand the gap between the technological knowledge acquired throughcurriculum and the actual industrial need and to compensate it by acquiring additionalknowledge as required.

Carry out cooperative learning through synchronous guided discussions within the class inkey dates, asynchronous document sharing and discussions, as well as to preparecollaborative edition of the final project report.

Understand the facts and importance of environmental management.

Understand and gain knowledge about disaster management.

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Instruction Examination

Assessment MarksSubject Hours/Week

Hours/Semester Internal Board Exam Total

GT6.6 Project work ,EntrepreneurshipEnvironmental

engineering and Disastermanagement

6 96 25 75 100

Minimum Marks for Pass is 50 out of which minimum 35 marks should be obtained out of 75marks in the board Examination alone.


The internal assessment should be calculated based on the review of the progress of the work doneby the student periodically as follows.

Detail of assessment Period of assessment Max. Marks

First Review 6th week 10

Second Review 10th week 10

Attendance Entire semester 5

Total 25


Details of Mark allocation Max Marks

Marks for Report Preparation, Demo, Viva-voce 45

Marks for answers of 15 questions which is to be set by the externalexaminer from the given question bank consisting of questions inthe following three topics Entrepreneurship, Disaster Managementand Environmental Management. Out of fifteen questions fivequestions to appear from each of the above topics i.e. 5 questions x3 topics = 15 questions15 questions x 2marks = 30 Marks


Total 75

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1.1 Introduction – Definition of an Entrepreneur – characteristics and function of anentrepreneur. Entrepreneurial traits and motivation –- Why do Entrepreneurs fail

1.2 Entreprenuership Development Program. Role of education and training in EDP. Ideasabout project identification. Role of trade fairs and exhibitions. Criteria for selection aproject. Study of feasibility report.

1.3 Ratio Analysis – Profitability Analysis – Budget and Planning Process

1.4 Role of Commercial Banks and other financial institutions in EDP. Functions of DistrictIndustries Centres [DIC]. Brief idea about functions of Small Industries Service Institute[SISI] , SIPCOT, TIIC and ITCOT. Definition of small-scale industry.

1.5 Government concessions and encouragement to small-scale industry. Procedure forregistration of SSI units.

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2.1 Introduction – Environmental Ethics – Assessment of Socio Economic Impact -

Environmental Audit – Mitigation of adverse impact on Environment – Importance of Pollution

Control – Types of Industries and Industrial Pollution.

2.2 Solid waste management – Characteristics of Industrial wastes – Methods of Collection,

Transfer and disposal of solid wastes – Converting waste to energy – Hazardous waste management

Treatment technologies.

2.3 Waste water management – Characteristics of Industrial effluents – Treatment and disposal

methods – Pollution of water sources and effects on human health.

2.4 Air Pollution Management – Sources and effects – Dispersion of air pollutants – Air

pollution control methods – Air quality management.

2.5 Noise Pollution Management – Effects of noise on people – Noise control methods.

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3.1 Introduction – Disasters due to natural calamities such as Earthquake, Rain, Flood, Hurricane,

Cyclones etc – Man Made Disasters – Crises due to fires, accidents, strikes etc – Loss of property

and life.

3.2 Disaster Mitigation measures – Causes for major disasters – Risk Identification – Hazard

Zones – Selection of sites for Industries and residential buildings – Minimum distances from Sea –

Orientation of buildings – Stability of Structures – Fire escapes in buildings – Cyclone shelters –

Warning systems.

3.3 Disaster Management – Preparedness, Response, Recovery – Arrangements to be made in

the industries / factories and buildings – Mobilization of Emergency Services – Search and Rescue

operations – First Aids – Transportation of affected people – Hospital facilities – Fire fighting

arrangements – Communication systems – Restoration of Power supply – Getting assistance of

neighbours / Other organisations in Recovery and Rebuilding works – Financial commitments –

Compensations to be paid – Insurances – Rehabilitation.

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1. What is entrepreneurship?

2. Who is a successful entrepreneur?

3. What are the functions of entrepreneur?

4. What is the concept of entrepreneurship?

5. Mention the important traits an entrepreneur should possess.

6. What is Ratio Analysis?

7. Mention 4 advantages of Ratio Analysis.

8. Write the significance of Financial Ratio.

9. What do you know about Gross Profit Ratio?

10. What do you know about Net Profit Ratio?

11. What do you know about Return of Equity?

12. What are the basic features of a EDP?

13. What are the objectives of Budget?

14. Give the broad classification of Budget.

15. Mention the 4 advantages of Budgetary Control.

16. What is Budgetary Planning?

17. List the phases of Planning.

18. Define - Small scale industry.

19. What are the various agencies involved in the establishment and development of various


20. What are the roles of District Industries Centre?

21. Give the expansion of SISI and write the two primary functions of SISI.

22. Give the expansion of SIPCOT and write the two primary functions of SIPCOT.

23. Give the expansion of TIIC and write the two primary functions of TIIC.

24. Give the expansion of ITCOT and write the two primary functions of ITCOT.

25. What do you mean by incentive to industry and how it helps promotion of industry?

26. What do you understand by backward areas?

27. List at least 4 concessions for industry situated in backward areas.

28. Name some of the agencies funding SSI.

29. What are the various concessions and incentives available for a SSI?

30. What is feasibility study?

31. What is the importance of SSI?

32. What are the facilities available in an industrial estate?

33. List the governmental agencies from whom you shall get financial assistance for a SSI.

34. What are the steps involved in preparing a feasibility report.

35. What are the factors to be considered regarding raw materials for a SSI?

36. What are the features of a SSI?

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37. What are the factors to be considered for starting a SSI?

38. What is provisional registration in SSI?

39. When will you get the permanent registration for SSI?

40. What are the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur?

41. If you opt to be an entrepreneur what are the steps you would take to become a

successful entrepreneur.

42. What are the facilities available for a new SSI in an industrial estate?

43. List the various government departments that would be associated with a SSI.

44. Why do entrepreneurs fail?

45. What are the types of entrepreneurs?

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1. What is the responsibility of an Engineer-in-charge of an Industry with respect

to Public Health?

2. Define Environmental Ethic.

3. How Industries play their role in polluting the environment?

4. What is the necessity of pollution control? What are all the different organizations you

know, which deal with pollution control?

5. List out the different types of pollutions caused by a Chemical / Textile / Leather/

Automobile / Cement factory.

6. What is meant by Hazardous waste?

7. Define Industrial waste management.

8. Differentiate between garbage, rubbish, refuse and trash based on their composition and


9. Explain briefly how the quantity of solid waste generated in an industry could be reduced.

10. What are the objectives of treatments of solid wastes before disposal?

11. What are the different methods of disposal of solid wastes?

12. Explain how the principle of recycling could be applied in the process of waste


13. Define the term ‘Environmental Waste Audit’.

14. List and discuss the factors pertinent to the selection of landfill site.

15. Explain the purpose of daily cover in a sanitary landfill and state the minimum desirable

depth of daily cover.

16. Describe any two methods of converting waste into energy.

17. What actions, a local body such as a municipality could take when the agency appointed for

collecting and disposing the solid wastes fails to do the work continuously for number of


18. Write a note on Characteristics of hazardous waste.

19. What is the difference between municipal and industrial effluent?

20. List few of the undesirable parameters / pollutants anticipated in the effluents from oil

refinery industry / thermal power plants / textile industries / woolen mills / dye industries /

electroplating industries / cement plants / leather industries (any two may be asked).

21. Explain briefly the process of Equalization and Neutralization of waste water of varying

characteristics discharged from an Industry.

22. Explain briefly the Physical treatments “Sedimentation” and “Floatation”

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processes in the waste water treatment.

23. Explain briefly when and how chemical / biological treatments are given to the waste water.

24. List the four common advanced waste water treatment processes and the pollutants they


25. Describe refractory organics and the method used to remove them from the effluent.

26. Explain biological nitrification and de-nitrification.

27. Describe the basic approaches to land treatment of Industrial Effluent.

28. Describe the locations for the ultimate disposal of sludge and the treatment steps needed

prior to ultimate disposal.

29. List any five industries, which act as the major sources for Hazardous Air Pollutants.

30. List out the names of any three hazardous air pollutants and their effects on human health.

31. Explain the influence of moisture, temperature and sunlight on the severity of air pollution

effects on materials.

32. Differentiate between acute and chronic health effects from Air Pollution.

33. Define the term Acid rain and explain how it occurs.

34. Discuss briefly the causes for global warming and its consequences.

35. Suggest suitable Air pollution control devices for a few pollutants and sources.

36. Explain how evaporative emissions and exhaust emissions are commonly controlled.

37. What are the harmful elements present in the automobile smokes? How their presence could

be controlled?

38. What is the Advantage of Ozone layer in the atmosphere? State few reasons for its


39. Explain the mechanism by which hearing damage occurs.

40. List any five effects of noise other than hearing damage.

41. Explain why impulsive noise is more dangerous than steady state noise.

42. Explain briefly the Source – Path – Receiver concept of Noise control.

43. Where silencers or mufflers are used? Explain how they reduce the noise.

44. Describe two techniques to protect the receiver from hearing loss when design / redress for

noise control fail.

45. What are the problems faced by the people residing along the side of a railway track and

near to an Airport? What provisions could be made in their houses to reduce the problem?

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1. What is meant by Disaster Management? What are the different stages of Disaster


2. Differentiate Natural Disasters and Man Made Disasters with examples.

3. Describe the necessity of Risk identification and Assessment Surveys while planning a


4. What is Disasters recovery and what does it mean to an industry?

5. What are the factors to be considered while planning the rebuilding works after a major

disaster due to flood / cyclone / earthquake? (Any one may be asked).

6. List out the public emergency services available in the state, which could be approached for

help during a natural disaster.

7. Specify the role played by an Engineer in the process of Disaster Management.

8. What is the cause for Earthquakes? How they are measured? Which parts of India are more

vulnerable for frequent earthquakes?

9. What was the cause for the Tsunami 2004 which inflicted heavy loss to life and property

along the coast of Tamilnadu? Specify its epicenter and magnitude.

10. 10. Specify the Earthquake Hazard zones in which the following towns of Tamilnadu

lie: a) Chennai b) Nagapattinum c) Coimbatore d) Madurai e) Salem.

11. 11. Which parts of India are experiencing frequent natural calamities such as (a) heavy

rain fall b) huge losses due to floods c) severe cyclones

12. Define basic wind speed. What will be the peak wind speed in a) Very high damage risk

zone – A, b) High damage risk zone, c) Low damage risk zone.

13. Specify the minimum distance from the Sea shore and minimum height above the mean sea

level, desirable for the location of buildings.

14. Explain how the topography of the site plays a role in the disasters caused by floods and


15. Explain how the shape and orientation of buildings could reduce the damages due to


16. What is a cyclone shelter? When and where it is provided? What are its requirements?

17. What Precautionary measures have to be taken by the authorities before opening a dam for

discharging the excess water into a canal/river?

18. What are the causes for fire accidents? Specify the remedial measures to be taken in

buildings to avoid fine accidents.

19. What is a fire escape in multistoried buildings? What are its requirements?

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20. How the imamates of a multistory building are to be evacuated in the event of a

fire/chemical spill/Toxic Air Situation / Terrorist attack (any one may be asked).

21. Describe different fire fighting arrangements to be provided in an Industry.

22. Explain the necessity of disaster warning systems in Industries.

23. Explain how rescue operations have to be carried out in the case of collapse of buildings due

to earthquake / blast / cyclone / flood.

24. What are the necessary steps to be taken to avoid dangerous epidemics after a flood


25. What relief works that has to be carried out to save the lives of workers when the factory

area is suddenly affected by a dangerous gas leak / sudden flooding?

26. What are the difficulties faced by an Industry when there is a sudden power failure? How

such a situation could be managed?

27. What are the difficulties faced by the Management when there is a group clash between the

workers? How such a situation could be managed?

28. What will be the problems faced by the management of an Industry when a worker dies

because of the failure of a mechanical device due to poor maintenance? How to manage

such a situation?

29. What precautionary measures have to be taken to avoid accidents to labourers in the

Industry in a workshop / during handling of dangerous Chemicals / during construction of

buildings / during the building maintenance works.

30. Explain the necessity of medical care facilities in an Industry / Project site.

31. Explain the necessity of proper training to the employees of Industries dealing with

hazardous products, to act during disasters.

32. What type of disaster is expected in coal mines, cotton mills, Oil refineries, ship yards and

gas plants?

33. What is meant by Emergency Plan Rehearsal? What are the advantages of such Rehearsals?

34. What action you will take when your employees could not reach the factory site because of

continuous strike by Public Transport workers?

35. What immediate actions you will initiate when the quarters of your factory workers are

suddenly flooded due to the breach in a nearly lake / dam, during heavy rain?

36. What steps you will take to avoid a break down when the workers union of your industry

have given a strike notice?

37. List out few possible crisis in an organization caused by its workers? What could be the part

of the middle level officials in managing such crisis?

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38. What types of warning systems are available to alert the people in the case of predicted

disasters, such as floods, cyclone etc.

39. Explain the necessity of Team work in the crisis management in an Industry / Local body.

40. What factors are to be considered while fixing compensation to the workers in the case of

severe accidents causing disability/ death to them?

41. Explain the legal / financial problems the management has to face if safely measures taken

by them are found to be in-adequate.

42. Describe the importance of insurance to men and machinery of an industry dealing with

dangerous jobs.

43. What precautions have to be taken while storing explosives in a match / fire crackers


44. What are the arrangements required for emergency rescue works in the case of Atomic

Power Plants?

45. Why residential quarters are not constructed nearer to Atomic Power Plants.

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CHENNAI – 600025

Diploma Programme

‘K’ Scheme



IV & V Semesters

(Common to all Branches)

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CHENNAI - 600025

Subject : English Communication Practical

Proceedings No. 13845/CDC/Y3/2007, Dt. 08.08.07

Syllabus Committee Members




P.T.Lee.C.N.Polytechnic College,

Vepery Chennai-7.


1 Mr.N.Subramaniam, Sr.Lecturer/EnglishCentral Polytechnic College,Tharamani,Chennai-600 113.

2 Mr.S.Raghavan, Sr.Lecturer/English,Tamil Nadu Polytechnic College,Madurai – 625 011.

3 Dr.O.T.John, Sr.Lecturer/English,Annamalai Polytechnic College,Chettinad – 623 102.

4 Mr.M.Rajasekaran, Sr.Lecturer/EnglishBhakthavatchalam Polytechnic College,Kancheepuramm – 631 552.

5 Mr.Dharmarajan, Sr.Lecturer/English,P.T.Lee. C.N.Polytechnic College,Vepery, Chennai – 600 007.

6 Smt.V.Shalini, HOD,Sri Ram Polytechnic College,Perumalpattu.

7 Smt.Vijitha Christina, HODSri Nallalagu Polytechnic College,Red Hills – 600 066.

8 Prof.Manoharan, HODG.T.N.Arts College,Dindigul

9 Mr.Muralikrishna, Director,Siddarth Academy,Nandambakkam.

10 Ms.V.Uma Viswanath, Guest Lecturer,L-40, B-3, 25th Street, Anna NagarChennai – 600 102.

11 Ms.N.J.Kabeela Shabini, Lecturer,Institute of Advanced Studies inEducation, Saidapet – 600 015.

12 Mr.S.Ganesan, Senior Lecturer,Institute of Leather Technology,Tharamani, Chennai – 600 113.

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CHENNAI - 600025

Diploma Courses – ‘K’ Scheme

IV & V Semesters


(Common to all Branches)

Curriculum Outline

The course on English Communication Practical will enable the learners develop their

Communication skills in English, especially at a time when the Info-Tech Explosion on one side

and the search for Communicational Exploration on the other have been taking the contemporary

world by leaps and bounds.

Keeping in view the career requirements of the students at Diploma level, the course on

English Communication Practical has been designed in such a way that it will enable the learners

acquire the much needed proficiency in the art of Communication and this will go a long way in

shaping and fine tuning the future career of the students.


1. To equip the learners with effective speaking and listening skills in English

2. To make them realize the communication potential of English language

3. To infuse in their minds the much-needed and all the more important ‘CONFIDENCE’

4. To facilitate them to acquire a fairly acceptable skill in pronunciation

5. To train them to use language effectively to face interviews, group discussions and publicspeaking

6. To enable them to prepare their resume, curriculum vitae etc.,

7. To promote ethical values and inculcate organizational behaviour…

For achieving the objectives identified above, the following skills are to be developed to

enhance the communicative potential of the students.

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The Skills are:

I. Listening

II. Reading and Pronunciation

III. Speaking and Presentation

IV. Writing











4 64

25 75 100 3 Hrs.



I Listening 12

II Reading 12

III Speaking 14

IV Writing 8

VProfessional Ethics & OrganizationalBehaviour


VI Project Report Writing (Outline) 2

Revision and Tests 8


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Listening to pre-recorded short episodes, conversations, passages, stories, (hard copy of the

material and cassettes) news bulletin, speeches by famous personalities – Listening for

general and specific information etc.,

NOTE: The exercises given to the students must be recorded in the Record Notebook.


Reading aloud – by students individually - reading rhymes – proverbs – passages on

various topics of interest – Newspaper reading – Reading humorous passages – Anecdotes –

Stories – tricky sounds (conditioners) – Reading manuals – Reading individual sentences

with articulation, pronunciation, Tones, Punctuation, pauses etc…- Reading the titles of

popular books, movies and poems.

NOTE: All the exercises given in Reading skills should be written in the Record Notebook.


i. Self-introduction – introducing one self, one’s family – one’s friends and relatives, one’slanguage – one’s country etc…

ii. Welcome Address, Vote of thanks

iii. Extempore speeches.

iv. Short speech on simple topics on simpler themes for about one minute.

v. Role play – Group Discussion – Debate – Seminars – Machine Descriptions (dependingupon branches) – Compering – Interviewing others by Asking Questions – InterviewTechniques – Conversational Practice – Telephonic Conversation – TelephonicInterviews – How to establish conversation / dialogues – Entry Attempts/Admissions.

NOTE: Items taught in the Speaking skill should be written in the Record Notebook.


i. Writing Resume, preparing Curriculum Vitae.

ii. Converting newspaper headlines into sentences.

iii. Formation of Sentences – Using the table of Sentence-making and producing multiplesentences.

iv. Framing Questions for the responses given

v. Tips for better performance in interviews.

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vi. Describing Objects

vii. Describing Situations.

NOTE: All the above topics must be taught to the students providing sufficient models andexercises and everything must be recorded in the Record Notebook.


Different kinds of Ethics – Ethics in different fields – Engineering Ethics – Senses of

Engineering Ethics – Moral Values – Integrity & Loyalty – Work Ethics – Respect for others and

authority – Empathy – Caring and Sharing – Honesty – Courage and Commitment – Valuing Time

– Co-operation & Teamwork – Safety and Risk – Right Action – Professional ideals and virtues –

Individual’s Ambition – Conflict Resolution – Self-Confidence – Customs and Manners – General

Behaviour – Etiquettes to be followed – Professional Responsibility – Accountability – Leadership

Qualities – Effective Communication skills.


Significant features of Project Report Writing – Organization – Presentation – Use of

Impersonal Passives – Acknowledgements.

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Cassette with books:

1) Spoken English for you – Level I & Level II by Radha Krishna Pillai – Emerald Publishers.

2) Activity Sheets to be prepared.

3) BBC – Lingophone with Hard copy.

4) World Great Speeches – Book – Balaji’s – Famous Speeches.


1) Short story Books (Indian Writing – Panchathanthra)

2) Reading Illustrated Books (Gokulam – Wisdom – Chandamama – Amarchitrakatha) must be



Books / materials related to speaking skill.


1) Internet Browsing and collecting information for C.V.

2) Book materials / Cassettes for writing skill.

3) Guided composition in English Language Teaching – Alexander L.G. Longman, 1971.

4) The Language Laboratory and Language Learning – Dahim Longman, London, 1967.

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1. Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, “Ethics in Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York


2. Charles D. Fleddermann, “Engineering Ethics”, Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, New

Jersey, 2004.

3. Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Protchard and Michael J Rabins, “Engineering Ethics” –

Concepts and Cases”, Wordsworth Thompson Learning, United States, 2000.

4. Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry, “Fundamentals of Ethics for scientists and

Engineers”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.

5. G.E. Moore, “Elements of Ethics”, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 1991.

6. J.D. Mabbott, Hutchinson, “An Introduction to Ethics” Hutchinson University Library,

London, 1969.

7. May Mothersill, “Ethics”, The MacMillan, New York, 1965.

8. Raymond Bradley and Stephen Duguid, “Environmental Ethics”, Vol I & II, Simon Fraser

University, Canada 1989.

9. Kevin W. Bowyer, “Ethics and Computing – Living Responsibility in a computerized

World”, IEEE Computer Society Press, California, 1996.

10. Jayashree Suresh and B.S. Raghavan, “Professional Ethics”, S.Chand & Company Ltd.,

New Delhi, 2005

11. James V. McGlynn, Jules J. Toner, “Modern Ethical Theories”, The Bruce Publishing

Company, Milwaukee, 1962.

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(Common to all branches)


1. An echo-free room.

2. Public Address System

3. A pair of collar microphones with amplifiers and speakers

4. Headphone units – 30 Nos. with one control unit with a facility

to play and record in cassettes.

5. Colour Television (minimum size – 61”)

6. DVD/VCD Player with Home Theatre speakers

7. Clip Chart, white board.

8. Necessary furniture’s and comfortable chairs

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(Common to all branches)



a. The students must have been trained on a minimum of 10 Passages / stories / speeches /

episodes / news bulletin (about 200-250 words each) and all other topics given in the

syllabus during their course of study.

In the examination a passage shall be played back for about 5 minutes from a pre-recorded

cassette followed by 5 questions. Students may be allowed to take notes while listening and

they shall answer the questions in writing and assessment shall be made depending upon

their performance.

b. The students must have been trained on a minimum of 10 dialogues during their course of


In the examination a dialogue (face-to-face conversation) running for about 5minutes shall

be played back from a pre-recorded cassette (either Video or Audio) followed by 5

questions. The students may be allowed to take notes while listening and they shall answer

the questions in writing. Assessment shall be made depending upon the performance of the



The Students should have been trained to read out / articulate at least 200 different types of

sentences. They should also be trained to pronounce 200 words (monosyllabic, by-syllabic,

tri-syllabic and polysyllabic words) and all other topics given in the syllabus. The words

and sentences are to be chosen in such a way that the tongue is articulating the sounds in the

manner peculiar to the English Language. The students should also be trained to read aloud

newspaper headings, proverbs, rhymes, poems, (use of) minimal pairs and other items

identified in the syllabus.

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The students should also be exposed to 44 sounds in English language and their symbols

with examples. However questions need not be asked in this in the end examinations.


The students should have been trained on a minimum of 10 topics / role play / group

discussion / debate / seminar and other topics given in the syllabus. The students must

also be trained to introduce themselves and others. Each student must speak at least 10

sentences. The students must be given guidelines for making their presentation / speech



The students should be thoroughly trained in all the items identified in the syllabus under



Around 50 questions dealing with PROFESSIONAL ETHICS & ORGANIZATIONAL

BEHAVIOUR are given in the syllabus. In the examination the students will be given 15

questions (selected out of 50 questions) and they have to write short answers to any 10

questions. This carries 20 marks.

Teachers are requested to refer the reference books given in the syllabus and help the

students to find out the answers for all the 50 questions.


Elaborate guidelines must be given to the students as to how to write a Project Report. They

must be exposed to the salient features in writing the Project Report. The students will be

expected to submit outline of a Project Report relevant to their branches of study in a

separate folder and this will be assessed at the time of End Examination and marks will be

awarded accordingly.

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(Common to all branches)



1) End examination will be conducted for duration of 3 Hrs. covering all the six units identified

in the syllabus.

2) The examination should be conducted in such a manner that there must be enough evidence

regarding the performance of the students and the distribution of marks for the academic



1) Students will maintain a 150-page Record Notebook for all the activities done in the English

Communication Lab., for which 20 marks will be allotted.

2) 5 marks will be awarded for attendance.

Annexure: A statement of allocation of marks.

Time and Marks Allocation for each unit:



30 Minutes 10

WRITING (UNIT IV ) 45 minutes 10

GROUP A(Written Test)

LISTENING (UNIT I ) 45 minutes 15

READING (UNIT II) 30 minutes 10GROUP B(Oral Test) SPEAKING (UNIT III) 30 minutes 20

GROUP C(Report Submission)



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The students will be asked to write brief answers, for any 10 questions out of 15 questions.

The examiners will select the questions from the question bank given in the syllabus. Each

question carries 2 marks. It will be a written practical.

Annexure: A question bank of 50 questions.

2. WRITING ( 5 + 5 = 10 Marks )

Out of 7 items identified in the syllabus under Writing skills, the students are required to

answer for any two items out of four (i.e. 2 out of 4 questions). Each item carries 5 marks.

There must be different questions for different batches.

3. LISTENING ( 5 + 5 = 10 Marks )

The students will be assessed on --

a) Auditory Comprehension ( 5 marks )

A pre-recorded cassette on short episodes / passages / stories / news bulletin / speeches by

famous personalities (not exceeding 5 min.) will be played back only once. The Students

are required to listen to this play-back with utmost attention.

After that, a sheet of paper containing 5 questions on the topic (that was played back to the

students) with adequate space under each question (for the students to write the answers)

will be supplied. The students are expected to write the answers in the space provided for

each question.

Time for this exercise for the response of the students will be approximately 10 minutes.

b) Audio Visual Comprehension ( 5 marks )

A face - to - face conversation (not exceeding 5 minutes) will be played through a video or

audio system (only once). The students are required to listen to this conversation with full


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After that, a sheet of paper containing 5 questions on this exercise shall be given with

adequate space under each question for the students to write the answer. Fill in the blanks

type of questions may also be given to assess the Listening skills of the students. Time to

be taken by the students for this exercise will be approximately 10 minutes.

The selection of topics such as short episodes/passages/stories/news bulletins /speeches /

dialogues etc… is left to the discretion of the internal and external examiners.


1. READING ( 5 + 5 = 10 Marks )

a) Each student will have to read aloud a passage of about 200 words. ( 5 Marks )

b) The Students will also be required to read individual sentences, rhymes, poems, newspaper

headings, proverbs (use of) minimal pairs etc… ( 5 Marks )

NOTE: While reading, the students will be assessed based on their performance inpronunciation, articulation, intonation, punctuation, pauses etc…

The examiner needs to have as many passages / exercises as required, proportionate to the

number of batches. The passage / exercises will be the same one to all the students of a

particular batch. But it should not be repeated for other batches, there should be different

passages / exercises for different batches.

2. SPEAKING ( 15 Marks )

a) Introducing one self / Introducing others and all the other topics given in the syllabus 5 Marks.

b) Short speech on simple topics on simpler themes for about 2 minutes – 5 Marks.

c) Assessing the performance of the students on any of the topics given in the syllabus in sub

division V under Speaking skills. – 5 Marks.

NOTE: The topics identified in the syllabus for Presentation (Speaking skills) need to bewritten individually one by one by the examiners in separate papers or in separatecards.

The students will be allowed to choose a topic through lot system. They are expected to

speak on the topic chosen by them for at least 2 minutes.

The selection of the topics is left to the discretion of the examiner.

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NOTE: Reading and Speaking:

For assessing the performance of the students in Reading and Speaking skills in the End

Examination, each batch of students may be divided into two groups (if there are 30 students

in a batch, they may be divided into 15 + 15) and both groups may be assessed

simultaneously, one group by the external examiner (for Reading skills) and another by the

internal examiner (for Speaking skills) and then vice versa.

This process will enable the examiners to complete the practical on time i.e., in 3 Hrs.




The students will be expected to submit an outline of a Project Report relevant to their

branches of study in a separate folder and this will be assessed at the time of End

Examination and marks will be awarded accordingly.

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1) What do we understand by ethics?

2) What are the universally accepted ethical principles?

3) What is meant by engineering ethics?

4) What is the need for engineering ethics?

5) Define work ethics.

6) What is integrity?

7) ‘Commitment’ – what does it mean?

8) What do you mean by empathy?

9) What is professional ethics?

10) What is the similarity between ethics and morals?

11) What are the responsibilities of engineers?

12) What are the rights of the engineers?

13) What are codes of conduct?

14) Explain briefly the importance of ethics in engineering profession.

15) How can an engineer orient himself towards his ethical responsibilities?

16) What are the priorities of an engineer in a situation wherein which conflicting values are


17) How can an engineer implement ethics of his profession in a multi-cultural/multi-national


18) What are the professional obligations of an engineer?

19) What should be the ethics that an engineer should adhere to in both pre and post

employment scenarios?

20) What is the ethical way of handling retrenchment?

21) What are the various aspects of empathy?

22) What are the salient features of commitment?

23) What is team-work?

24) What do you mean by profession and professionalism?

25) What is meant by accountability?

26) What is environmental ethics?

27) What is computer ethics?

28) Define the term ‘morals’.

29) What do you mean by ‘values’?

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30) What are the main qualities of work ethics?

31) What is altruism?

32) What is sharing?

33) What is caring?

34) What is honesty?

35) What is courage?

36) What is meant by valuing time?

37) What is co-operation?

38) What are the objectives of co-operation?

39) What is meant by commitment?

40) In what way the effective communication skills shape the careers of an engineer?

41) What is self-confidence?

42) What is morality and etiquette?

43) What are the different models of engineering ethics?

44) What are the most fundamental moral principles?

45) What are the moral responsibilities of an employee towards his employer?

46) What are the moral responsibilities of an employer towards his employees?

47) What are the moral responsibilities of an organization towards community?

48) What are the advantages of team-work?

49) What is loyalty?

50) What do you mean by professional rights?

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Example Questions for Writing Skill

Staff Member may prepare similar type of questions for Class works & Examinations


1. Your friend has asked for your advice for buying a birthday present. Write a letter tohim/her suggesting which points he\she one should keep in mind like interest, age, needetc.while buying a birthday present. You are Shanty /Shanta of 1048 D, Gulabi Bagh,Delhi.

2. Children like to spend their pocket money on their favourite food items like chips,kurkures, hot dog, pizza and cold drinks. But they don’t know that these thingscause harm to their health. Write a paragraph describing the harmful effects offast and junk food. Mention the health and other related problems caused by it inabout 50 words.

3. You have to take part in a debate on the theme ‘Examinations affect Teaching andLearning in schools’ Write down your arguments in favour or against the motion inabout 125 to 150 words

4. Recently you attended a fair of Eco clubs at Bal Bhawan where the students fromdifferent schools displayed eco friendly materials and ways to protect our earththrough different models and charts. Write a report in about the fair in about50-60 words.

5. Your cousin is a brilliant student but he is not keeping good health because heavoids homemade food and is very fond of eating outside. Write a letter tellinghim/her about the harmful effects of junk food and advising him/her how to maintaingood health in not more than 100 words. You are Arpil/Arpita of C-8 LawrenceRoad, Delhi.

6. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him/her to introduce interhouse activities like quiz programmes, debates, recitation, essay-writing, paintingand sports explaining how it may be beneficial for all-round development of theirpersonality. You are Vineet/Vineeta, the head boy/girl of New Modern School,Amritsar.

7.. You don’t approve of the ways of people as they waste a lot of water in differentactivities. Even the taps in schools are not closed properly, thereby, wasting thevaluable water due to negligence and carelessness. You wish to spread awarenessamong students about it. Write down your views appealing students of your school toconserve water and to save it for future in an article for school magazine in about 50-60words.

8. You recently visited the ‘World Book Fair’ organized at “Near your Locality ”and found it quite an enriching experience. Write a report in about 50-60 wordsso as to encourage other students to visit it.

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TIME : 3 Hrs Max.Marks : 100GROUP A

Answer any ten of the following:- (10 x 2 = 20)I 1) What is team work?

2) ‘Commitment’ – What does it mean?3) What is code of conduct?4) How can an engineer orient himself towards his ethical responsibilities?5) What are the professional obligations of an engineer?6) What is the ethical way of handling retrenchment?7) What are the rights of the engineers?8) What is environmental ethics?9) What is sharing?10) What are the objectives of co-operation?11) What is morality and etiquette?12) What is loyalty?13) What are the moral responsibilities of an employee towards his employer?14) What do you mean by professional rights?15) What is altruism?

II ( 2 x 5 = 10)1) Imagine you are applying for a job. Write a resume for the same.2) Religious extremism, matter of concern : PM

III ( 2 x 5 = 10)1) A short story to be played back (audio cassette).2) A face to face communication to be played back (visual/audio)

GROUP BI ( 2 x 5 = 10)

1) Read the following passage aloud -A passage with tricky sounds to be given.

2) Read the following aloud -A conversational passage to be given.

II ( 3 x 5 = 15)1) Introduce yourself2) Short speech - A religious fair3) Any one of the topics given in the syllabus in sub-division v under speaking



Project Report – writing

The students will be expected to submit an outline of a Project Report relevantto their branches of study in a separate folder and this will be assessed at the time of EndExamination.

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Allocation & Statement of Marks

Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100

Communication Lab.




Writing Listening Reading SpeakingProjectReport

WritingRecord Attendance


Reg.NoName of theCandidate

(20) (10) (10) (10) (15) (10) (20) (5) (100)

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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.