Kuran Hiro - Watermelonsmellinfellon - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: The Beginning of a New Life, and Things are sh*t

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Harry became aware randomly, but that awareness didn't do much for him. When he finally came to himself, he found that he was surrounded on all sides by liquid. Yet… he wasn't drowning? His lungs weren't screaming for air. He didn't feel panicked.

Distantly, he could hear voices and had to wonder what was going on.

You died.


You died, little Master. Your soul was taken and placed into a new body. The only reason you remember yourself is that you are my Master and I will it so.

Yes. He remembered his death. One hundred and ninety-two years old, on his deathbed. Outside of the Flamels, he'd lived the longest out of anyone in the Wixen World. It had been world news every time he managed to make it another year.

Harry hadn't even been ill or anything. He'd just been tired and told Death that it was time for him to go. Goodbyes were made, a Will was written, and then Death took him away.

This hadn't been what he'd expected on his Next Great Adventure though!

You will live a new life,Death told him.In this new world, you will find yourself involved in some very world-altering events in the future. I won't tell you what you should do with yourself, but no matter what you want, you will be involved.


He hated secrets.

And you won't be born for a while,Death added.You are the result of a union between two Pureblood Vampires. At this time, vampires are different than the ones you know of. Purebloods can trace their lineage all the way back to their founding ancestors and have no human blood in their veins. Their bodies are different and pregnancies in either gender can last up to five years.

What the hell?

Who willing just goes,yes, I'm going to be pregnant for five years!

Harry had only heard of people talking about what it was like and he certainly hadn't ever thought it sounded great.

Born Vampires age slowly but mentally mature faster than humans. Your new body has been in the womb for nineteen months. It took that long for you to regain consciousness. You won't be born for another twelve months and in that time your body will strengthen and your magic, which you still have as it is tied to your soul, will grow with you. If it wasn't your soul in this body, then the mind of the child in question would be around age five in human years, once born. You are a special case however.

Wait! Did that mean he would be aware for the birth?


Merlin, no! I don't want to be aware of that!

Too bad.

Death was so very cruel.

I hate you.

The last twelve months felt like they went by slowly as he couldn't open his eyes yet and it was all weirdly wet. Every now and then sound would make it through from the outside world and he was left to wonder about where he was in the world. He couldn't place accents or tones.

Death wasn't exactly being forthcoming with answers. Something about being unable to directly influence everything, despite quite literally influencing everything by placing Harry's soul is this fetus' body.

Harry tried hard not to think about the details ofwhereexactly he was located as it always brought him back to the knowledge of birth in his near future. No, thank you. He would rather just sit in the dark and think about Quidditch, or economic, or even Potions.

[MONTH 20]

He tried moving for the first time. Not enough to hurt the person carrying him, but enough to let his presence be known and hopefully to get some more attention to lessen the boredom he felt all the time.

And his wish was granted!

Suddenly, there was more sound. After some time, he realized it was music. Like someone had placed a pair of headphones on the stomach of his carrier to entertain him somewhat. From what little he knew of music, someone had decided to play him some classical music. He could recognize the violins easily, but the song in particular was lost to him.

It was appreciated. He wiggled a bit in gratitude. Something different to pass the time with when Death wasn't around.

It wasn't as if Death could just ignore work to bother with him whenever he had a slight problem. Whoever was carrying him had his gratitude.

Though he really did wish Death could delegate to the Reapers a bit more often so everything wasn't silent all the time.

[MONTH 21]

The classical music was replaced soon after with something more rock influenced. It was a nice change. The sharp sounds that came across were more interesting to listen to even if he couldn't recognize the songs being played.

He could hear someone speaking to him now and then. The voice couldn't be specifically made out, but the lilt sounded pleasing and therefore he determined it to be happy.

It would suck if he ended up born to someone who didn't want him. Harry was tired of being unwanted. Almost two centuries of dealing with the Wixen World being so bloody on the fence regarding his existence made him tired.

Couldn't he get lucky just once?

A life where he wasn't suddenly a social pariah every other year? That would be lovely.

[MONTH 22]

Another switch up on the music this month. It was much more softer but not in the classical way. He really didn't know what genre it would be considered, but it was relaxing to listen to.

In this month, he got a little more movement in, carefully stretching out and testing his boundaries. Once again, Harry wasn't out to harm anyone, he was just sick of being inside such a cramped space and wondered how normal babies could handle it.

Was it possible to get claustrophobia this early on in life? Even though he was over a hundred and ninety by technicality?

Normal babies weren't really aware in the womb though, huh? What kind of Merlin-damned sh*te did he end up trapped in?

Were the original vampires like this? Did other Creatures and Beings have similar pregnancies? Why wasn't that more public knowledge?

Despite how annoying it was, it would have far more interesting to learn in school than other subjects.

History of Magic was useless to practically everyone. They could have focused on something else since they didn't want to fire the droning ghost. Let him sit in the classroom talking to himself and make students do something useful.

Even by the time he'd died, headmasters of Hogwarts simply refused to fire Binns! All that lost time and for what? Students had to teach themselves in preparation for their History of Magic O.W.L.s!

He was still aggravated by it to this day.

He could have learned so many new things in all those lost hours of life.

This life, he vowed to take advantage of this new chance to learn more. He'd also try not to get burn out too quickly.

[MONTH 23]

In his free time, Harry conversed mentally with Death whenever They had the time.

The Being didn't want to give him all the answers about this place he'd ended up in, thinking Harry should learn for himself, but They were at least willing to explain a few things ahead of time.

Vampire children in this new world weren't born with fangs. It took a few years of life for them to descend. In the time before that, they feasted on the energy of others around them, which required a lot of physical contact for feeding purposes. Death warned him that he wouldn't be allowed outside for a while once his fangs grew in.

Apparently, the craving for human blood would spike at that time and he'd be locked inside until he learned to control his thirst. This was something that absolutely would happen no matter the state of his mental fortitude.

To make things even more f*cked up… Harry's sperm donor was apparently a not-so-good individual who revived Harry's mother from a two hundred-year sleep, just for the sole purpose of her having his child.

He knew what that meant. This was not a willing pregnancy, but despite the situation, his mother was still happy to have him.

It put a damper on things, but that was just how life worked.

Still, Harry resolved to be the best damn child ever. He would be nothing like his sperm donor.

[MONTHS 24-29]

Nothing much changed. Harry continued to get new information about this newness to the world. But only in bits and pieces.

His senses sharpened as the time passed. He could now hear the words of his mother clearly. She spoke in fluent Japanese. Harry's new life was in Japan. Harry had to learn a whole new language.

After almost two centuries of life, Harry had become fluent in many languages simply because he was bored so why not do something useful with himself? British English, BSL, Cantonese, Hebrew, French, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Swahili. He'd been trying to learn the ever elusive Lithuanian by the time he'd died, but only managed a child's level of understanding in it.

Thankfully, he still recalled all the languages he already knew so there was no need for him to relearn those. It was just Japanese now.

And Death had taken to translating the things he heard on a daily basis. There was an adamant refusal to just give Harry the knowledge of the language. Something about not being able to mentally handle it yet, so why shouldn't he just learn on his own?

It had been annoying, but he accepted the Being's reasoning. It would be a bit too suspicious after all. He would have to downplay his knowledge already.

Even for a Pureblood Vampire, that was more advanced than the common Aristocratic Vampire, it'd be a bit too suspicious if he was too advanced. Unfair and annoying considering the circ*mstances.

[MONTH 30]

Time was coming upon him. As his birth date drew near, Harry's excitement grew as well!

He'd be getting out of the dark place and would finally get to see light! And feel the fresh air!

It was all so exciting! He couldn't wait to make some treacle tart again! When he was finally allowed to cook for himself, it was totally happening!

Though he had been warned. Purebloods were, for the most part, honoured. Ridiculously. More than Pureblood Wix were in his time. Since there were only seven Pureblood families left to the vampires, anyone born of those families was practically worshiped. Even if they were unlikeable as an individual they still had to be respected.

His ability to do anything for himself would be hampered for a long time. He'd have servants following him around, wanting to do everything for him. They'd argue over him being able to cook for himself, or dress himself. Wouldn't let him do anything they thought might get him hurt.

But Harry was prepared! He was supposed to be a Slytherin in his past life. He'd grown to become more crafty over the years as he aged and gain more experience. He should very well be able to get his way so long as he was crafty enough!

[MONTH 31]

The clock was ticking down.

The clock was ticking down.

Hi-ho the derry-o!

The clock was ticking down!

Hanadagi Haruhi couldn't even begin to explain her relief over her pregnancy being over. Going into labor on July 30th at ten in the morning had been the best news she could ever get.

No, she'd never given birth before, but after thirty-one months of being pregnant, there was no way this was any harder than those months of cravings and aches and bloating.

Her child, Hanadagi Hirohito, was born at 12:01 in the morning on July 31st. She'd been in labor for so little time compared to her own mother who'd been in labor for 40+ hours with her and her siblings.

And when she finally got a look at her child… he was like a replica of his father. It almost hurt to look at him if she were to be honest. But the relief she felt when she noticed his eyes, couldn't even be described.

They were green. Not icy blue like her own eyes, nor did he suffer from heterochromia like his father did. His eyes were simply a bright shade of green that should be impossible, not only in a humanoid being but in a baby!

He came out with a full head of hair, all messy like his father's hair, and his skin was fair as well. Extra details would become obvious as he grew, but for now, she was relieved.

"Hello, Hiro-kun," she sighed, smiling down at him. She was grateful that Rido wasn't here. He'd no doubt ruin the moment like he ruined everything. She just wanted to enjoy this time with her son without anything getting in the way.

And her precious Hiro looked up at her with wide eyes, fully focused. She knew vampire children were more advanced, but she had expected him to suffer the usual sensory issues of newborns at the very least. Maybe being a Pureblood was trulythatdifferent. Her own birth had been so long ago and she barely remembered the details.

Green eyes followed her thin fingers as she waved them to and fro above his face. He definitely could see just fine. It was remarkable.

And he hadn't cried once. She'd been warned of babies being needy and loud, but Hiro wasn't like that.

Though maybe that would change once he got used to his new surroundings.

His first year as a Pureblood Vampire was… something else.

Everyone spoke to him like he was already an adult. He didn't know if it was just for the sake of respect or because vampire children were mentally further ahead than human children. Either way, he appreciated being part of the conversation even if he had no idea what they were talking about half the time.

Still, he managed to pick up words very quickly and associate phrases as well. Now and then Death was there to assist, but no one knew about Their presence.

His mother was named Hanadagi Haruhi and she was a blue-eyed blonde with hair the colour of the lightest corn silk, and was very beautiful. Like Fleur Delacour kind of beautiful. Death told him that it was just how Purebloods were though. Striking, and enough to take one's breath away at any moment.

As for Harry, he'd been named Hirohito. Death had informed him that the kanji used made it mean, "Generous" or "Benevolent". Harry just found it ironic that his new name sounded like the English "Hero". He was sick of being the hero to everyone's tale!

And yet he decided he wanted to be called Hiro for short.

Meeting his sperm donor only happened when he'd officially been out of the womb for eight months. In that time, Hiro had already begun to roll around and crawl. He could articulate sounds(when on his own)but had refused to speak yet because he wanted tonotsound like a baby when he finally deigned to speak to someone for the first time.

His ability to grasp complex topics had improved. He could move around a lot and had been practicing his walk in private when no one was around.

As a vampire, his senses were advanced. He could tell when people came too close. He didn't need his magic to tell him he was being watched. There was simply a feeling that accompanied the other vampires in the house.

Of course it could be because they weren't trying to hide from him. Maybe they were trying to help him get used to being around others. He didn't know for sure.

In his free time, Harry took to pulling books off of whatever he could reach and simply sitting and staring. Nothing in his room or his playroom was in a language he knew, it was all Japanese. He was aware of a library somewhere in the building and simply needed to find it! There had to be something inside in a language he could understand!

Though his little hands couldn't really grasp things well enough yet unfortunately.

It was during one of his many escapes, where he crawled away from his nanny before she could find him, that he found the door to the library. And he knew what it was because he'd seen through the windows on the doors while crawling down the stairs! It was only when he was on the seventh step that he finally got a good view into the room in question.

So he was sat there, trying to get his magic to work like it should, to open the door for him. His magic lashed out a bit and bounced off the wood of the door, coming back to hit him instead and knock him over.

The hell?

Hewas the one in charge, not the magic!

With a glare, Hiro sat up and forced his power out again to do his bidding. While he'd been aiming for the handle to move and open the door so he could slip inside quietly, he ended up blasting both doors off their hinges, sending them flying into the room he'd been anxious to see for so long! They crashed into something made of glass and there was a loud grinding sound as a result of his efforts.

His eyes bugged, having never expected that kind of reaction from his magic before. "f*ck." There. His first word of this life, but in English. No one needed to know about it either.

Realising that he would be f*cked if someone caught him at the scene of the crime, Hiro rolled over onto his front and began speed-crawling back to the stairs. He could pretend that he'd been hiding under a table in one of the drawing rooms if he kept up the innocent face well enough. Who would think that a baby was capable of such levels of destruction?

He'd made it to the tenth step when he felt himself being hauled into someone's arms suddenly, and found himself facing an unknown man who was smirking down at him.

"Well, little bird, it seems you're a lot more interesting than I would have expected of you," the man said in perfect English, his heterochromatic eyes looking darkly amused. The shape of his hair looked familiar, and it was then that Hiro realised that this had to be his sperm donor.

There was something about his presence that was different from everyone but Haruhi's. And if he felt like Hiro's mother, then he too was a Pureblood and there was no other reason for another not-blond Pureblood to be in the Hanadagi Manor.

And while the man held him gently, there was an underlying malevolence to his aura that made Hiro uncomfortable. Also, how dare he come around after eight months, acting as if he was welcome! Where the bloody hell had he been all this time?!

"I am Kuran Rido, little one. Your father."

And that was when Rido marched them both upstairs towards the nursery, where they found his nanny Momo, and his mother Haruhi, looking around for him frantically, running from room to room. Both stiffened once Rido entered the corridor, and turned to face him slowly. Momo instantly fell into a deep bow as was expected of her when in a Pureblood's presence. Haruhi's eyes narrowed as she looked Hiro over, assessing possible damages.

"What? No greeting?" Rido asked teasingly, trailing a long nail down Hiro's chubby cheek and making him shiver. That nail had the power to slice through his skin like a hot knife through butter. He'd be dead before he even realised it.

"Good afternoon, Rido-sama!" Momo said, only a slight tremour in her voice. A valiant effort on her part since Harry was terrified!

"Imagine my surprise when I find my Heir wandering the ground floor all by his lonesome and not only forcing the library doors open with his powers, but also swearing in clear English when he witnessed the destruction he had caused."

Both women stiffened along with Hiro. Of course he'd witnessed what had happened. Merlin dammit!

"Where did he learn such a filthy word, I wonder?" Rido asked almost playfully, but unable or possibly unwilling to hide the malice in his tone. He continued to rub Hiro's cheek in slow circles, the threat against Hiro's life ever present.

Haruhi shook her head. "None but I are fluent in English, and I certainly have never spoken it in his presence. I haven't spoken English in several years in fact."

"Ah, but youths often prefer to learn the filthy words first, my dear. They are ever so easy to learn after all. I know you aren't to blame though, worry not. However, I grow tired of this dragging on, so I'll ask again,wheredid he learn such filth?"

This time he was far less pleasant, tightening his hold on Hiro and making him uncomfortable. Hiro couldn't hold back the fear he felt either, since he could tell that this man was the kind to inflict pain simply because he enjoyed the act. He reminded the boy of Voldemort in that way, but maybe a bit more sane than Tom had been in the end.

Before either woman could answer Rido, their entire section of the corridor was covered in blood from where Momo's head exploded suddenly. Her body crumbled in on itself and turned into dust and ash, leaving only her clothes behind and nothing else.

Warm blood trailed down Hiro's cheek as he continued blinking in horror. Rido had killed Momo. Over a word. Momo wasn't even one of the servants to have English-speaking ancestry! She'd done nothing wrong to deserve being killed so cruelly!

And Rido had destroyed her so easily. He hadn't even moved to do so. She was standing there... and then she was gone.

Fear blanketed the corridor easily, the scent a disgusting taint to the air, seeping from both Hiro and Haruhi. Her fear was for both of their lives, and his was for the realisation that he was weak right now and could potentially be in danger at any time! His sperm donor was a madman who would willingly kill someone just because he'd been annoyed and he wanted to take his anger out on someone in some way!

There was a low shushing in his ear as Rido swayed him a little, as if that would make everything better. He could feel Rido's fangs brush against his ear and stiffened even further, but the hands holding him remained gentle and obviously knowing of how to hold a baby.

"At least the boy seems intelligent," Rido commented, seemingly back to normal as if he didn't just murder someone for no good reason! "What is his name and how long was the pregnancy?"

Haruhi, visibly shaking now, said, "He is Hirohito, and it took thirty-one months and thirteen days, Rido-sama. He showed awareness at nineteen months in and has progressed very well since then. He was born with fully-developed senses on July 31st at 12:01 in the morning."

Rido turned Hiro so they could be eye to eye once again. "You speak," the man said. It wasn't a question, and Hiro got the feeling that it was a demand for him to prove himself or else. He had no interest in finding out what the 'or else' would be.

"Yes," he answered in Japanese just to be safe.

He could hear Haruhi gasp from behind him, since he hadn't spoken to her at all. He'd been waiting and would have continued to wait if Rido hadn't gotten involved.

Rido's lips split into a demented grin. "Perfect."

A/N: The first is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D


Chapter 2: Rido is the Scum of the Earth, and Everyone Agrees


Things are progressing onward in Hiro's life, but it's hard to just live when someone like Rido is your new father.


I was editing this and added a thousand more words.

Life is still terrible but I'm trying to be positive.

TAGS: Drama, Pedophilia, Rido is Legit a Pedo this is Canon, Minor Coercion, Minor Mental Torture I Suppose?, Trauma, MPREG it is already tagged so I don't think you should be shocked, Hints are Backstory, Worldbuilding, Hurt/Comfortish?, Sadness, Abuse, No actual written gore in this though, Obsession, Possessive Behavior, Blackmail?, Threats, Kidnapping, Mentioned Murder of a Child but it's canon soooo.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Rido smiled down at his son, pleased at everything he'd seen thus far. He hadn't really thought anything would come of using Haruhi for his own desires, but he'd been pleasantly surprised nonetheless. She'd done as expected of her and hadn't dared to challenge him on the matter, because while weaker, she was not lacking in intelligence. She knew he was a threat in too many ways to act against just yet, so she followed in line like the dog she was.

The boy he managed to sire with her wasn't any bigger or smaller than the average eight month old, but his eyes naturally shone with intelligence. He could already speak to some extent even, and was very fast on his hands and knees. The child had a shrewd look on his face most of the time and despite choosing to remain silent so he could watch, it was obvious that he could keep up with conversation just fine.

Those green eyes were a mystery since no one in the Kuran line or the Hanadagi line had ever had green eyes before. Not even a color that was somewhat close to that particular shade of green either. But he was assured that the boy came out of the womb with eyes wide open and fully capable of paying attention to his surroundings. Though he'd been developing in the womb for over two years so that might just be the reason.

He had also been very quiet. According to Haruhi and the rest of the staff, he didn't cry. When he was hungry he'd just point at what he wanted. When he was tired he would just lay down. One time, he apparently patted his own chest to help with burping. The child wasn't normal by any stretch.

Rido learned that his Heir was very intelligent and quiet and preferred watching others as opposed to being watched over. He also did not like being coddled and would get an adorable pout on his face whenever someone held him for too long or tried bestowing too much affection in a short timeframe.

The Kuran Pureblood had taken to shadowing the boy during his visit, remaining just out of range of his senses so he could watch how the boy operated when he thought no one was watching.

And he wasn't disappointed.

On his own, the child was far more vocal and active. He climbed out of his bedding with ease and walked around his room. The moment he left the room, he would crawl everywhere, but in the privacy of his own space, he walked on his feet. He also mumbled to himself and groaned a lot when he rummaged through his collection of children's books. They did not seem to appeal to him in the slightest.

Hiro had also returned to the library eventually where he unlocked the doors easily this time around and managed to sneak inside while no one else but Rido was aware. Rido watched from the window as the boy crawled to one of the many shelves and pulled a large book from the bottom shelf out, dropping it open on the floor and looking it over.

He proceeded to go page by page every fifty or so seconds, eyes flicking down and then up. There was no doubt in his mind that the child understood what he was staring at. His intelligence was simply too vast for him to just be browsing. But the question was how did he understand when he hadn't been given formal lessons yet?

When the boy put the book back and went back upstairs, Rido slinked into the room and took up the book in question.

It was in Olde New Age French which people rarely spoke these days as world wars and times changed drastically over the past several thousand years. Le Comte de Monte-Cristo was the book in question. An incredibly old story. Far older than the existence of the vampire race in general. The boy had gotten to the fifteenth chapter before he got bored and left the library, leaving it dog-eared to return to later.

How could he understand such old words? They barely resembled the French spoken these days.

Apparently, his offspring was in need of special tutoring. Or… perhaps he was receiving it from someone on the staff and they were hiding it? But where would someone working a servant's job acquire the knowledge of a thought-dead language?

Perhaps the boy needed to be watched even more than before.

Now if only Rido could control his desire to drain the boy dry. His scent was simply too delicious to resist. Yet resist it he did. After all, Rido was capable of many things as he lacked any kind of shame, but he wouldn't ruthlessly devour his own child. Someone else's child however was completely free to use.

And speaking of children, his dearest brother and sister recently had a son of their own last June. How very useful for him.

He'd find some spare time in the future and pay them a visit. To see his precious little sister as well.

Juri. It had been so long.

Hiro became used to his sperm donor's antics. The man had a very controlling nature and did not like sharing his child's attention, which in itself felt childish. So far, in the three months he'd been at Hanadagi Manor, he'd had to touch Hiro nearly the whole time and rarely did he give the boy space.

Death had informed him already of the incest prevalent in the Pureblood families. That they weren't like humans who needed different genetics so they didn't die off or end up with birth defects. There was no gene depression among vampires. If two Purebloods happened to be related even though they fell in love and had a child, no one cared.

He didn't know enough about science to understand how that even worked. They were living beings, so how was there no such thing as birth defects in their kind? How did that even work?

So while it was a weird thing in his opinion, it still wasn't too shocking considering where he came from.

In his former life as Harry Potter, he'd fancied so many people. All of them related to him in some way he found out later in life. Save for Cho Chang, any other person he'd shown sexual interest in was like his second cousin and finding out their level of relation didn't really make him fancy them any less. He never grew up with them. Never thought of them as his blood family. It's hard to care that much after years of either being friends or barely knowing someone.

Still… while he got the inbreeding thing, Rido gave him a kind of paedophile vibe, which wasn't acceptable in any place he'd ever been in. He liked to touch far too much for Hiro's liking. Like, if the man had tried to woo him over some time after his fiftieth birthday, it would be less weird, but his clingy behaviour wasn't right when it came to Hiro being only a year old in body.

Rido felt wrong as a living being. His existence was just off. He was like some kind of beast trying to get around with human skin. A suit of flesh and bone that resembled a human in order to lower their guard.

But Hiro had to get used to the man's possessive touches. He couldn't do much as he currently was. He was small and fragile and not allowed out of the house, especially when people didn't know he could walk just fine already. And while he had his magic, he had to tame it and learn to control it again, so he wasn't capable of being a threat to a three thousand year old vampire for f*ck sake!

A strong and slightly threatening hand rubbed his head, long fingers threading through his curly hair softly, though that didn't mean he was unaware of the threat. Hiro was always on high alert whenever in Rido's presence. Even if the man had managed to wear him down some since the first time they met.

He couldn't help it! Being high-strung all the time was tiring, especially in an underdeveloped body! Rido seemed less likely to harm Hiro out of everyone in the house. His obsession seemed to be Hiro's only protection.

And he had a nice voice at least. It was deep and he would recline with Hiro laying on his chest, bare cheek pressed to smooth skin revealed by his unbuttoned shirt, while he sang something in a language that was so old, few spoke it anymore according to Death. It was soothing and annoying that he could make Hiro relax so easily. But his little vampire body liked the contact and the energy Rido had to give and could tell he was the strongest around and could keep him safe from others.

Energy was his sustenance. Hiro was not unaware of how quickly withholding such could be a form of punishment, so he felt compelled to keep Rido happy with him at all times, lest the man refuse to touch him and starve him as punishment. Just because he wouldn't touch Hiro didn't mean he'd let others do it in his place. He was simply that possessive already.

It was all very f*cked up and no child should be in a situation like this. Thankfully, Harry had a mind of his own from a whole other life. This kind of life wouldn't affect him too much like it would some innocent and new. He'd live. He'd make it through. Once he was old enough, he'd see how Rido needed to be dealt with and act accordingly.

The man beneath him began to hum a low tune, and Hiro's body relaxed even further. Right now he was pleased, which was a good thing.

And yet the ever present threat of his sharp nails made it impossible for Hiro to totally trust him. Thank Merlin that he was an adult in a child's body.

"I can't tell if it's a good thing that you're so intelligent," Rido murmured into his messy hair, making him shiver in unrestrained fear. "On one hand it pleases me to know my offspring is superior to even other Purebloods, and yet being too smart can give one… ideas."

Hiro was lifted off the man's chest and forced to look him in his heterochromatic eyes. "I'm not sure I want you to be smart enough to understand my meaning."

The best he could do was just stare the man down and hope he went back to his usual madness and not this weird, subdued-but-definitely-boiling-under madness. His mood swings were exhausting.

A long, perfectly manicured nail traced the shape of his left eye socket, pressure just light enough to not harm him but still hard enough to be a threat. "These eyes see too much sometimes," Rido murmured almost absently. "So lovely though. Hm…"

Rido continued his unnerving movements, eyes strangely fixated on Hiro's face.

Eventually, Hiro's body calmed enough to not feel like he was on the verge of death at any second. The ministrations continued, getting softer and softer until he was finally returned to his former position on Rido's chest and allowed to take in his energy once more.

Yet all of his calm vanished upon hearing Rido's long-delayed afterthought. "They'd be even lovelier if I could hold them in my hands."

"Say that again," Haruhi ordered, awestruck and trying to put the information together in her mind. Off to the side, Rido sat in a chair, holding their son to his chest possessively like he always seemed to want to do. His eyes seemed to sparkle with untold glee which caused dread to form in her very center.

The doctor sighed, staring at the screen like they both were. "Hirohito-sama is a carrier. By age sixteen, he will be fully capable of a healthy pregnancy completely naturally."

Yes, that was what she thought she had heard.

She looked toward Hiro and Rido and shivered. The manic look in the man's eyes made her perfectly aware of just what he was thinking. She feared for the moment her child turned sixteen if Rido was still around, because there would be no way he'd escape his own father by then. Rido's excessive power would make it easy to force Hiro into submission. She was far older than Hiro and even she was easily cowed before Rido's might.

If only her boy hadn't ended up being quite so special, she thought regretfully as she watched Rido pet the boy's head and murmur praises into his hair like hechoseto be such a rare type of vampire. If he hadn't been like this, then maybe he could have eventually lost Rido's interest.

But now… there was no escaping Rido. Not for either of them. He had too much power, both internalandexternal. Nowhere was safe.

Kuran Haruka was certain he'd never felt this much pain before. Not even after having a falling out with his big brother did he feel so heartbroken.

Rido… he'd killed their child. Had sacrificed their Kaname to revive the great Kuran ancestor he'd been named after, all for the sake of power. His own nephew that he never even showed an interest in meeting. He was so cruel and cold-hearted that he killed Juri's son all for power. Not even his twisted love for his younger sister could make him think twice about his actions.

If Purebloods didn't explode into shards upon death, he probably wouldn't be capable of movement. Seeing the actual dead form of his son would have completely ruined him inside and out. To know was one thing, but to see was another, and he didn't want to see it.

He glared at his fallen brother, feeling a bit of vindictive glee over the other's predicament. He'd gotten his wish so to speak. The Kuran Ancestor Kaname had been awoken, but he'd been so thirsty that he nearly drained Rido dry in the process, leaving the other Pureblood near-dead on the floor of the tomb. "You got what you deserved."

As for Kaname the Ancestor, he lay in his coffin, in the form of a baby the same size that Haruka's child had been, looking completely innocent and unaware of what was going on as he cried for attention.

He'd have to explain everything to Juri, while also turning his big brother over to Ichijo Asato for his actions. They'd lie. They'd say he tried to kill their son for his powers. It wouldn't be hard to believe since Rido was damn near crazy these days. An immortal life didn't sit well with him unfortunately. There was obviously a break-in at the Kuran mansion as well.

Haruka took up the new child and left the room.

It was a shame that this was how things had to be.

Haruhi had never been so relieved in all of her life! Rido was currently imprisoned by the Senate for his actions toward his own siblings! Trying to kill their own child! For power! It was completely believable and it also meant that her own son was safe from him!

A terrible thought to have considering the situation but she didn't know the Kuran family and cared more about her own first and foremost.

While she felt terribly for Haruka and Juri, she was relieved that he could no longer come to Hanadagi Manor to see Hiro. That meant her boy would grow up away from that monster and he wouldn't be influenced by him in any way!

This meant Hiro could do the things he wanted to do and not have to live up to some controlling asshole's expectations. He could pursue his own interests and not have to worry about his sire running everything he liked.

Rido was just the type to sabotage his own child's happiness if only so Hiro would be reliant upon him and him alone.

But things were okay now.

Perhaps they should move just to be safe? The mansion was the main house of the family though. Her grandfather would be incredibly angry if he awoke and found that she took her child away from their home. Kuran blood or not, tradition should not be ignored and as the father was not present or all too interested in being a parental figure, Hiro was supposed to stay with his mother in their family home.

She sighed. Pureblood society was full of contrived nonsense.

Things in the Hanadagi household began to change.

-Hiro began walking everywhere now. He didn't have the patience to even hide it. It was simply faster than anything else and he had places to be! He didn't like being carried anywhere in all honesty. It felt very confining and degrading and he'd yet to get over his slight claustrophobia that he'd developed in the womb.

-That was also the time in which he began to speak in full sentences, interacting with everyone as he should have done from the beginning but hadn't felt comfortable enough to.

One thing he maintained was knowing everyone's names. While he was supposedly the most superior person in the house because of blood and Rido being from a family even older than the Hanadagi family, he still felt that knowing who was who was important. It didn't take any real effort to learn the names of nine people.

It was like the House Elves thing all over again. The servants were all so happy he remembered their names as well as any trivial information he'd learned about them. Hiro personally didn't see the big deal and was annoyed by how emotional people go when he called them by name. He was annoyed by their society that made people feel this way.

Also, were Purebloods just generally so rude to not bother knowing names of anyone below Level B status? Such behaviour was unacceptable!

-After much consideration, Harry began letting his interest in other languages be known. If only to give himself an excuse for why he knew so many languages at such a young age. No one had really questioned him besides Rido and he'd like it to remain that way.

Everyone had been impressed when he asked for someone to read him a re-translated copy of a Jane Austen novel as a bedtime story. It took a week to make it through Pride & Prejudice but eventually they had. Hiro had heard it all before, of course, but he was putting on an act, so all the books he'd read before were a necessity. And hearing it in Japanese, or rather Third Age Central Nihon as it was apparently called now, was interesting.

Language tutors where hired not long after this foray into the world of literature.

Bunzo-sensei taught the newest version of Japanese. Beau-sensei taught the newest version of French. Amanda-sensei taught the newest version of English which really wasn't all that different these days compared to the other two.

He wasn't allowed to have more classes than that since he was still only in the single digits in terms of living. Thankfully, his Pureblooded genes made him more advanced than the common vampire child so he could get away with being a genius to an extent. They kind of expected him to be smart early on.

Him picking up English and French faster than Japanese, and refusing to follow the rules when using Japanese, annoyed Bunzo-sensei very much. But Hiro simply said that he didn't like any of the terms as "boku" made him uncomfortable and "ore" was just rude in his opinion.

As a result of Hiro picking up English and French so 'quickly' the entire household had to become fluent in one of them since he chose to speak them more than anything else he knew/kind of knew.

He did feel a little bad, but honestly, knowing two languages wasn't anything terrible. In his opinion, everyone should know at least two.

-Finally, Hiro got to get a normal bed. No more baby stuff!

He actually felt like he was growing up for a second time, but this time wasn't anything like the first time regardless of shoddy father figures.

After his second birthday, in which he'd gotten chocolate cake and loved every minute of it since he didn't have to share with anyone, Hiro's real tutoring began.

His workload wasn't hard or anything, but colours, numbers, and other things became a necessity.

He learned their address and their landline number and who he should call if, Merlin forbid, something were to happen that left him all alone in the house. He knew where to locate his personal files in physical form, and had been taught how to locate the copies saved on the laptop in the study. Cellular phones were also a thing he had to be taught how to use.

It was a time of learning for someone who already knew so much.

His new nanny was named Freida, and she was Indian American. She spoke English perfectly and upon his request, used only English with him. She was also the first to note how he used Late Received Pronunciation despite never meeting an English person in this life.

He'd shrugged and said he'd seen remakes of ancient films, which was true. He was allowed to watch films every Saturday, for as long as he wanted. Haruhi didn't want him watching too much telly though. She wanted him to be active, which was why he only got one day a week for films and such.

He and Freida 'played'. Hiro called it training since in his mind it was a way for him to work on concealing his presence so he could properly hide. In her mind it was Hide n' Seek Tag. No matter how much he tried to tell her that it was training, she'd giggle at him, clearly not believing his earnesty.

And no, he did not laugh as she chased him around or when she tickled him once he was finally caught.

Not at all.

Not ever.

Liar,Death crooned.

I hate you!

Anyway, with his training, Hiro had become better and better at hiding *cough* concealing *cough* himself from probing auras. He still couldn't hide *cough* conceal *cough* himself from Haruhi, but by his third year of life, he could give all the servants a run for their money.

It was… amusing.

Just say you have fun messing with them, Master.

f*ck off! I thought you were too busy to linger here! Since when do you suddenly have the time to be here?

Death is all-knowing and everywhere, Master.

The moment he laid eyes on Kuran Yuuki, Kuran Kaname's memories came flooding back to him suddenly. The truth of his origins and the fact that he was not Haruka and Juri's son were at the forefront of his mind. Meaning Yuuki was not actually his sister.

And yet, as hoped, the two Purebloods had taken him in as if he was their own. Even after what their brother had done to their real son.

Everything in his life changed after that day. Yuuki was adorable and he felt the obsessive need to protect her from everyone and everything. And unlike Kaname, she couldn't be revealed to the world because things weren't safe anymore.

Haruka asked him to help keep Yuuki safe, and among all of the things he needed to do, that had easily slotted itself very high on the list.

Yuuki must be protected at all costs. From Rido. From the Senate. From anyone wishing to do her harm.

Kaname wasn't exactly certain if he wanted her as his future wife or not, but he certainly did care. That was how Pureblood children were. They were genetically superior in every way and were supposed to evoke strong emotions in regards to loving and protecting them. It was like a mild version of their vampire appeal which was used to attract prey. Some took it a little too far, but that was just how it was in their society.

Other things to keep in mind were the fact that Rido would have to be dealt with as soon as possible, and that Kaname couldn't do it himself. The most unfortunate part of being awoken by a novice who didn't know how to do the awakening properly was becoming indebted to them and being unable to outwardly act against them.

So he needed someone who could kill Rido, and he needed to protect Yuuki. It sounded easy on the surface, but it was actually going to be one of the hardest missions he'd ever assigned himself.

There was so much thinking to do.

Also… he was finally getting memories from Rido's blood that he'd nearly totally drained. Rido had a son with Hanadagi Haruhi, who was around Kaname's new age. Eventually, Kaname would have to look into that situation.

By age five, Hiro had perfected hiding in plain sight. His magic could completely blanket his aura and hide him effectively and he could also use the Notice Me Not Charm to great efficiency. He could technically go anywhere he wanted now and no one would find out.

Unfortunately for him, age five was also when his fangs descended and he felt a sudden need for something new. Blood. He'd been aware that it was coming but he didn't think it would be this bad! His throat burned and he craved so much that his gums hurt and his fangs throbbed!

Hiro received his first ever cup of blood, with a metal straw, the tenth day after he turned five. It was AB and had been taken from a willing donor. The Hanadagi family had several human families on call so to speak. A contract would be written up with certain humans and in return for their willing donation to the family, the Hanadagi would pay them handsomely.

There was a massive storage freezer of blood below the manor, as far as he was aware. Over one hundred different human families with at least five people in each, were contracted to have every person over nineteen, donate 350 ml every 18 weeks.

It was a modest stash and wasn't often used since vampires could eat normal food just fine. As Hiro was a child, he'd be allowed to have as much as he wanted so they could get him used to blood as quickly as possible and regulate his intake and desire for it. Haruhi said she wanted to take him outside and have him meet new people but he needed to control himself before doing so.

As such, Hiro would approach this as maturely as he would anything else.

Though he couldn't be blamed if he got a little bit excited by Freida freezing the blood into molds so they'd be like ice lollies!

They were good! It wasn't his fault!

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Chapter 3: Once Again, Rido is the Problem That Ruins Everyone's Day and Night and Life


Murder & Mystery. Pain & More Pain. Drama & Death. Meet & Greet. A lot's happening lately in this crazy world Hiro's living in.


Still homeless but maybe kinda stable for once? IDK. Poverty really sucks, y'all.

TAGS: Blood & Violence, Drama, Murder, Rido being Rido, Pedophilia, Hiro Thirsting Already ffs, Manipulations, Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Humor, Dark, Bad Things tbh, Should Kaname Have His Own Warning?, Mild Language, Other Stuff.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Long-fingered hands caressed the flyaway curls of his hair. Hiro tried his best to not enjoy the feeling, but he couldn't help himself! He was warm and comfortable. It wasn't his fault that he had a weakness for kind gestures.

"Good boy," his pillow murmured in a familiar tone.

A very familiar tone to be specific.

...Pillows don't talk. Not even in the Wixen World did they speak.

"Relax for me, that's a good boy," the voice went on to say, shifting until the caresses trailed down his back. "That's it," it crooned. "Just like that."

Even though pillows don't talk... that didn't mean they couldn't in dreams. Yes, this must be a dream. Pillows talking and petting you in dreams was possible.

He snuggled in closer, practically purring at the increase in warmth and petting. It smelled so nice too. Like a freshly opened container of five spice. Rich and warm and soothing.


He could stay like this forever.


Now if only his pillow would stop talking and keep rubbing.


He sighed in frustration, eyes opening only to come face to face with an ever-familiar pair of mismatched eyes.

The dream collapsed all around him, and even as reality set in once more, an imprint of his father's eyes remained glowing in the air long after the dream had vanished.

Rido could enter dreams... even from however far away he was.

sh*te. The relaxation the dream had filled him with was replaced by disgust. Why did Rido have to ruin everything?

Am I going to have to ward my room so I can get some real sleep?

Yes,Death murmured in his ear.


"We have to increase my training. "

"Of course, Hiro-sama," Freida nodded. "Shall we add an additional hour or perhaps a new form to our daily schedule?"

Adding another hour seemed kind of pointless because it would just be more and more of the same thing. The same thing he was close to mastering too, so maybe it'd be best to switch gears and focus on something else entirely. "Do you know how to use a sword?"



"I can use a pistol with decent skill however," Frieda went on to say with a proud smile. "Though I'm not sure if Hanadagi-sama would appreciate you handling a gun at your age."

"Then I guess we're just sticking to the same old routine until we can think of something else.

Haruhi hated guns. They reminded her too much of vampire hunters so there was no way she'd allow him to learn how to use one.

Haruhi's terror over seeing Rido again after literal years of freedom from his oppressive presence, made her momentarily go deaf in both ears. She didn't know why he was free, but she didn't like it. And she knew thatheknew that she didn't like it, and that he found amusem*nt in her horror.

He was always delighting in mind games like the sick degenerate he was.

"Hello Haruhi," the man purred, mouth splitting into a wide grin that spoke of bloodlust. "I've come to see my child. Donotstand in my way."

She knew he thought of Hiro as anythingbuthis child. He'd already tried to lay claim on the boy once already. But Hiro had been too young for it to stick, thankfully. He had to be sixteen or older before such things would work on him! The chances of the man ever thinking of Hiro in a familial way were low.

They were not father and son. They were both more and less… and it was frightening to consider. The Hanadagi had engaged in the occasional marriage between cousins in the past, but no other Pureblood family was quite like the Kuran Clan. Her experience was vastly different from Rido's and the thought of marrying someone so directly related to herself was unappealing.


And there he was, using Central Post Modern English like usual. Always doing what he wanted above all else. And always too curious for his own good. Why couldn't he stay upstairs for once?

Their son stared down at them from the top of the stairs, eyeing Rido up like the threat he was. Bright green eyes seemed to spark with distaste even as his pulse thundered with his obvious nerves. "Why areyouhere?" the boy demanded rudely. At eight years of age he didn't strike any kind of threatening disposition no matter how much he seemed determined to. He looked more like a ruffled puppy than anything scary. Certainly nothing anyone had to be concerned about as of yet.

Rido chuckled, no doubt finding him adorable in his brusque behavior, and stalked past Haruhi's frozen form - obviously not seeing her as a threat herself - so he could approach their son in long but quick strides. It took seconds to reach him, and he towered over the boy despite standing two steps below him. His hands, so dangerous and deadly, were mockingly gentle as he reached up to run his fingers through the hair that was so like his own, but darker at the same time.

Messy and wild, with strands curling every which way. Hiro truly looked like Rido's spitting image, but with a kindness that softened his appearance. Rido could pretend all he wanted, but he would never successfully hide his true self. When older, the Kuran genes flowing in Hiro's blood would truly emerge to the fullest, and yet despite all their similarities, setting them apart would be easy.

Haruhi could no longer see their faces, nor did she have any clue what was happening on the other side of Rido's broad shoulders. All she could do was imagine, and she hated what her mind came up with. Knowing Rido as a person, it was most likely overly intimate and unnecessary behavior bestowed upon a literal child.

"By the end of this night, Hiro will be coming to live with me," Rido said suddenly, making her jerk in surprise at his words. Hiro would be doing what? "He should be with like-minded individuals and I'm sorry to say that you don't cut it, Haruhi. You're too soft and easily pushed around. My Hiro is in need of…specialhandling if he is to embrace himself properly."

In the blink of an eye, all of her maternal and protective instincts rose up with her rage. Stalking forward, she hissed, "Like hell he will! He isn't going anywhere with you, you pedophilic f*ck! You've done nothing for him his entire life. You haven't been there when he needed a father to look up to so you sure as hell don't get to act like you care now all of a sudden when your poorly planned machinations have fallen apart at the seams and you've nowhere to turn to!"

It was the right thing to do for Hiro's sake, but the wrong thing for her own.

Less than a foot of distance between them now and it was like the entire world had frozen, chilling her to the bone in an instant and forcing her to stop moving. It was like she'd been trapped.

Rido turned only slightly, so she could see the menacing look in his mismatched eyes. A look she had never faced personally before as he'd always maintained an air of threatening kindness even while angry. Once they made eye contact it was like her entire body was no longer under her control! An unseen force burned in her veins, controlling her with some kind of twisted puppetry. Her own hands began to rise toward her own face, not responding to her attempts at keeping them down. Her Pureblood strength was nothing before the power of Rido and her hands moved upward until her perfectly manicured nails pierced into the delicate flesh of her corneas, hooking inward and then pulling out sharply.

There was a tearing sensation accompanying the burn, and her eyeballs fell to the marble floor with a disgustingtha-thwick.

The pain was almost unbearable as he forced her to blind herself, and dimly she could register Hiro screaming for her and pleading for his father to stop.

"Please! I'll go with you wherever you want, just please let her be!" her boy yelled in English, his strange accent on full display as he pleaded for her well-being.

She could no longer see. As soon as her fingers curled and then yanked she'd been blinded. Taking her eyes with them and leaving nothing but gaping, bloody holes in their wake was exhausting to fight against. The pain was unimaginable. The amount of blood she would need for her eyes to grow back was much the same. She'd be blind for years as a result.

Haruhi fell to the floor in a heap, finally allowed the freedom of limited control once more. She could smell Hiro's tears filling the air and Rido's amusem*nt cloying beneath it.

Rido's voice echoed in the foyer, sounding sickly sweet as he purred at their child. "For you, my little one. Only for you. You will come to me when I return tonight and you will not question me. Are we clear?"

"...Yes, sir," was Hiro's timid reply.

"Good boy. You will be so good to me, I just know it."

Haruhi was left bleeding on the marble floor, listening as Rido's footsteps left the house and got further and further away until he was gone entirely, taking his oppressive aura with him and making it easier to breathe finally.

"FREIDA! MUM NEEDS BLOOD!" Hiro wailed, rushing to her side.

She needed much more than that, but there was no way she'd ever get it in this life.

Everything was sh*t. She didn't know what to do. Rido was older and far more powerful than she was. There was nowhere they could hide from him.

Kaname had done the best he could. He'd given himself at least a decade to thoroughly plan things out to keep Yuuki safe and to destroy Rido once and for all. It was a shame that Haruka and Juri were collateral damage in the process however. He had really grown to appreciate his descendants for their efforts in his new life.

Rido had come last night, smelling of the blood of another Pureblood already, with a plethora of vampires as his beck and call. He'd done something insidious before even coming to Kuran Manor and even had the support of the Senate while doing it. Lovely.

Kaname would love to retaliate but this was not the time to do such. He had to play the long game. He could not move against Rido presently anyway, as they were unfortunately bound together.

Getting Yuuki somewhere safe had been the first priority. Juri had sacrificed herself to turn Yuuki into a human in hopes of giving her a good, normal life. Juri had envied humanity for the longest time after all. Leaving his beloved sister, with her now-sealed memories, in the hands of his mother's longtime friend Kurosu Kaien had been the best option.

Especially as she had been an unknown to the vampire world. He promised that he would take care of the child and he was doing just that.

As for Kaname, he was taken in by his friend Takuma's grandfather, Ichijo, who was in the Senate. The Senate that had taken Rido's side and practically worshiped him like a god. The Senate that never truly held him accountable for his terrible actions. The Senate that was secretly working against the Kuran family and Purebloods in general.

But just because things seemed calm now, didn't mean they were. So many things were going on behind the scenes and he had so much to plan for. So many things he didn't know yet, and he had a limited amount of time to learn everything so he could plan better.

On the side, he had to look into Rido's Hanadagi-born child. From Rido's blood he'd received a disjointed set of memories of a baby only a few months into his first year after birth. Those memories were mostly filled with Rido's yearning for his own son's blood and body, plus his observations on the boy's intelligence and apparent dislike of him.

Curious. Hanadagi Hirohito didn't seem to be anything like his father based on those memories. Something that Rido both seemed to love and distaste at the same time.

Which was why he would be visiting the Hanadagi Manor this afternoon.

The limo was already set and the driver knew the address. The ride would be about six hours, so by the time they arrived, it would be past noon. He didn't call ahead to announce his arrival because he much preferred to have his presence be a surprise. Just in case they were in league with Rido, then they couldn't notify the Senate beforehand.

If they had no time to plan, then they had less time to lie. Being put on the spot wasn't pleasant in nearly any scenario, and this was the best way to gauge someone's character. Thankfully, he currently had his youth on his side so despite being a fellow Pureblood, many would still see it as a childish mistake instead of a social faux pas. One perhaps compounded by the fact that his parents literally just died not too long ago and he might be traumatized by it.

He'd be granted an amount of leeway for the immediate future at least. Of course he'd make use of that benefit as often as possible. He already was in regards to Ichijo, manipulating the man any way he wanted with little effort. if he had to deal with him for the next few years, he'd do it on his own terms at least.

The Hanadagi Manor was larger than the last time he'd seen it. They'd added on to the great building over the centuries, spanning almost two acres of land in just Western brickwork. There was an additional eight acres of forest surrounding the property in order to protect it better and the forest was anything but safe. They kept their family guarded to the fangs and beyond.

One thing could be said about the Hanadagi and it was that they weren't frugal in the least.

A house that large was unnecessary. The number of slumbering vampires in the crypt beneath the house did not equal the amount of space the manor provided. For all that were left, if everyone was awake at the same time, there would still be endless space left. Kaname had never been one for large rooms or grand decorations, probably due to his most humble beginnings.

When he stepped out of the car, he could smell Rido's scent on the earth. A bit old though. He'd been there in the past few days, but as his scent had faded, he hadn't returned. He'd most likely visited before coming after Yuuki and then was unable to return.

There were two other Pureblood scents in the air. One he did not recognize at all, meaning the owner was born after he'd gone to sleep, and the other smelled strongly of a mix of the other two Purebloods, with added differences to set them apart. Minor differences though.

He hadn't even reached the front stoop when a butler in a striking black suit opened the front door and bowed deeply to him. "Kuran-sama."

No one would deny him entry. It would be foolish to do so.

And of course the servants would know who he was supposed to be. The obvious relation between him and Rido was almost startling even if they didn't know that it washisloins which birthed the Kuran line and that Rido cameafterhim.

"It was brought to my attention that Rido has a child with a Hanadagi Pureblood," he told the butler. "As the new Head of the Kuran family, I am interested in meeting my cousin as we are all we have left now."

He was led into the foyer where the smell of pure blood lingered heavily, and then past that and into a drawing room that was fancifully decorated in tasteful blues and creams with clawfoot oak furniture with bronze accents. The Hanadagi family loved those colors the most. "I will have Hiro-sama come to meet you, Kuran-sama. Please wait here," the butler said with another bow.

It took less than a minute for him to be joined by another child. An older version of the one in Rido's memories.

Kaname couldn't describe it but when he laid eyes on the other child for the first time, he felt his own heartbeat far too clearly for a few seconds.

The boy was most likely the same age as Kaname's de-aged form, since they were about the same height when he stood to greet the other. He had Rido's hair completely, looking like a miniature version of him, but his eyes were unlike any Kaname had ever seen in his ten thousand years. In either humans or vampires, such a color was not naturally-occurring.

"Hello, Lord Kaname," the boy said in a smooth, attractive voice. It should be noted that he was speaking in English with perfect Received Pronunciation which had fallen from popularity several thousand years ago? "My name is Kuran Hirohito. Mum isn't well enough to receive anyone as of yet. She and… Rido had a disagreement yesterday which resulted in her being blinded."

Hirohito's discomfort was obvious and his attitude when he spoke of Rido wasn't pleasant either. He showed no respect for the man that was his father, calling him by name while calling his mother by her familial title.

It was obvious there was no love between them. Especially if he harmed the boy's mother. It also explained why he'd come to Kuran Manor the prior evening, with the blood of another Pureblood all over his body. He hadn't exactly had a pleasant conversation while here.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he told the boy, though he honestly didn't care all too much. "Will she make a full recovery?"

"She would if she took some of the bloody life flowing through my veins, but the woman refuses to do it and plans to subsist on the stores of human blood we have in the basem*nt. It'll take ages for her eyes to grow in proper again, but she's bein' a right pain in ma arse over me offerin' her ma own blood!"

Immediately, Hirohito's face went red as he registered how uncouth he was behaving toward the Head of his paternal family.

Oddly enough, Kaname found it amusing. Also, where did he get the thick accent from? He was eight and had been raised in Japan! He should be speaking the current Japanese with one of the Kanto dialects at the very least. RP wasn't used anymore either.

"Sorry, I've been a little high-strung as of late," Hirohito said in Japanese, scuffing his shoe against the marble flooring.

Kaname quirked a finger to get the boy to join him. The butler returned the moment he sat across from Kaname, with a tray full of tea and snacks. Immediately, Rido's son grabbed a few cookies and thanked the vampire. "Thank you, Hideo-san."

"My pleasure, Hiro-sama."

Hirohito proceeded to pour Kaname some tea. "Sugar and cream?"

"A little of each, thank you."

"May I ask after the purpose of your visit?" said Hirohito as he stirred his own tea and dipped a cookie inside. "I doubt it's for purely pleasant reasons."

It was refreshing to speak with someone who wasn't worshiping the very ground Kaname walked on. Someone who willingly looked him in the eye and spoke to him as if he was any other noble and not just a Pureblood. Like he didn't deserve more respect than anyone else did.

"I came to inform you that your father is, for all intents and purposes, dead."

Hirohito sighed. "That doesn't sound like a definitive declaration. Is he fully dead with no chance of revival, or not?" An interesting observation on his end.

"He is mostly formless and it will take years for him to regain his power. Most likely ten or so," Kaname informed him. "You have time free of him if that's your main concern."

Hirohito snorted unattractively.

The boy then groaned and switched back to English. "I apologize for my actions. I have never met another child or left the property. Mum has been worried about me so I've been through all these lessons that I've never had to put to use so it's a bit dull having to remember what to do when I've not got a soul to practice things on."

"I understand," he assured the boy. "Would it be too presumptuous of me to ask if I can come to visit you when I have free time?"

Hirohito smiled and nodded. "And you can help me with my Japanese 'cause mine is still pretty sh*te."

How he was bad at the language of the country he was born in, Kaname couldn't understand. Still, he was pleased to have been so easily accepted by his cousin. This meant he was tentatively invited to return at any time without expressly being told to, which meant nothing but good things in his experience.

And judging by first impressions, he would end up liking the boy very much.

Being nothing like Rido was a benefit in Hirohito's favor for certain

No one had told him that Kaname Kuran was so handsome! Hiro made a total arse out of himself in front of a very handsome eight year old. He hadn't even gotten a minute to prepare himself either!

Technically, Kuran Kaname is a 10,078 years old vampire,said Death.Rido sacrificed the child Kaname to revive the Ancestor Kaname, in hopes of taking his blood and power. The ancestor was so ravenous that he nearly killed Rido, which resulted in Rido being imprisoned for so long. He then took on the form of the child who died to revive him and received his memories when the child's parents had another baby.


So he made an arse out of himself in front of a 10,078 year old!

Will he be even more attractive in a few years?


Sign me the f*ck up!

Incest wasn't looking so bad now! Especially since the distance in the relation between their blood was over ten thousand f*cking years! By then, did it really matter anymore?

He's dedicated to his adopted sibling so you'll have to make him want you if that's truly what you desire.

That wouldn't hinder Hiro in the least. He had an entire lifetime of experience and was a lot less of a wreck these days. The ability to feel embarrassment and shame were also frightfully nonexistent now.

All he had to do was wait until they were physically teens. And he felt less like a creep since the other had thousands of years on him, making Hiro the young one in the potential relationship. Therefore, he wasnota cradle robber and the other had no idea he was interested!

It was something to look forward to at least.

"Where do you go before you come here, Kaname-sama?" little Yuuki asked as she clutched a mug of hot chocolate between her adorably tiny hands.

Kaname was seated in Kurosu Kaien's living room, beside his now human sister. She'd really blossomed under the Hunter's care and was now more vocal and childlike. More so than he ever remembered from her before, sadly.

As a human, Yuuki got to experience the world and didn't have to be locked away for her own safety. It was sad how the only way she could be free was by being made so weak and defenseless.

"I was visiting my cousin," he told her, earning looks of shock from both Yuuki and Kaien.

"Kaname-sama has a cousin? What's their name?" asked Yuuki, looking curious.

"His name is Hirohito, but he prefers to be called Hiro for short. He is a month younger than I am and isn't used to being in public spaces yet. He also speaks fluent English and French but is still only conversational in Japanese despite being born in Japan, to Japanese parents who had Japanese as their mother tongues."

He still wasn't over that bit. It an odd turn of events.

Kaien looked downright baffled, so while Yuuki was gaping into her mug, he mouthed over her head, 'Rido's child?' That got the Hunter to nod in understanding, and that topic was left alone for the time being.

"Does Kaname-sama like his cousin?" Yuuki asked a moment later, looking up at him with big, brown eyes.

Did he? He'd met the boy four by now and had already gotten new information out of him each time. He was nothing like Rido and was a bit too emotional for the Pureblood attitude, but he was kind. His name suited him well, which proved that Rido did not gift him with it. The man would have chosen something obnoxious and arrogant no doubt.

"Yes," he decided. "I believe I do." He was a very likable person, much like Takuma in fact. Yet less annoying than Takuma was.

Yuuki smiled with all the innocence of a child, making him long for the days when everything was fine and he didn't have to worry about destroying any opposition.

War never truly ended it seemed, and peace was only ever a fallacy.

Hiro smiled when he saw Kaname's limo pulling up! He rushed out of his room and down the corridor. The stairs were ignored in favour of the banister which he slid down with practiced ease. Shunsui-san shook his head at Hiro's antics, but held the door open for him anyway so he could fly outside and launch himself at his cousin.

It took only a split second for him to notice that Kaname had brought company this time around, but he determined his embrace to be far more important in that moment.

Kaname caught him with no hesitation, holding him up just enough for his feet to not even touch the ground. Hiro's heart fluttered ridiculously at the ease in which Kaname held him up.

"You've been gone forever!"

A chuckle was the older boy's response as he spun them around a little, just for fun. "It's been two months, Hiro-kun."

"As I said, for-f*ckin'-ever."

The boy who had gotten out of the limo behind Kaname, gasped at Harry's foul language.

"Who's your friend?" Hiro asked in Japanese, fixing his attention on the blond waiting quietly as Kaname placed him back on his feet. He was handsome too, and if it weren't for his light green eyes, Hiro would have mistaken him for a Hanadagi upon first glance. He had the skin and hair of one at least. Maybe one was in his gene pool somewhere back.

"This is Ichijo Takuma. He is my friend of many years and the grandson of the man who is currently housing me," said Kaname smoothly. "Takuma, this is my cousin, Kuran Hirohito."

And this Takuma beamed with the light of a thousand suns shining out of his face as he stepped forward to take Hiro's hand. "It's nice to meet you! Call me Ichijo, Ichi, or Takuma if you'd prefer!"

His lively attitude put Hiro at ease immediately, and the boy smiled. "I like to be called Hiro by my friends and family who matter. If you're a good boy, I'll share some of my treacle tart with you. It took forever for me to get Chang-san to let me into the kitchen but I finally won a bet which got me in and have since proven my superior skills when it comes to food."

Takuma frowned in confusion, obviously wondering why a Pureblood would be cooking anything for himself.

Hiro sent him a pitying smile. "I firmly believe that the future is not set in stone and that anything can happen. I intend to learn everything necessary to better facilitate my survival should the worst happen."

"But we're in a time of peace. Have been for a long time," the blond said, still confused. "There's no reason to be worried."

"Peace is a very fragile word, I've noted," Hiro said with eerie finality. "Hard fought for, sorely won, and incapable of lasting in any society. And while I'm none too fond of preemptive strikes, preemptive measures shouldalwaysbe taken just in case."

He did not miss the calculating gleam that entered Kaname's gaze when he said those words.

He liked having his cousin's full attention. Even if that attention might not always be positive.

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Chapter 4: In Which FAMILY is the Most Powerful Thing on Earth Apparently?


It seems that no matter the race, family matters to everyone.


This was finished for quite some time but certain individuals need to watch how they speak to people and also need to acquire some reading comprehension. Getting attacked because people made assumptions instead of just reading the f*cking tags, is annoying. It also makes me less inclined to go through the effort of updating this story.

TAGS: Drama, Queer Themes, Humor, Family, Flirting, Crushes, Mild Language, Moral Ambiguity, Headcanons are canon in this fic universe, Hints to Kaname's past, Blood Consumption in the form of Cake.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



"Are we to play Hide n' Seek Tag after lunch, Master Hiro?" Freida, Hiro's long-time nanny, asked as she fluffed a replacement for the pillow Hiro liked to sit on.

The boy's head snapped around as pink stained his cheeks. "Training! It is training that we do, Freida!" He looked mortified by her word choice. "We do nothing quite so childish as to 'play'!"

Both Kaname and Takuma shared a look of amusem*nt at his expense. Despite his random moments of odd maturity, Hiro was still rather childish and liked to have fun whenever he could. It was adorable, but if your told him that he'd get offended and start pouting which served to only make him even more adorable.

"Training?" Takuma inquired politely. He saved Kaname from having to do it and possibly embarrassing Hiro even further.

Hiro nodded seriously. "By now I can totally hide myself in plain sight. My aura, power, scent, and even soul will completely disappear and I can even subtly force you to overlook my presence if I want you to. It's how I can get away from my tutors so well," the boy bragged, chest puffing out slightly. "Not even mum can find me if I don't want her to."

That intrigued Kaname very much. He knew that Purebloods could enact barriers around themselves and cast certain protections, but to completely shield oneself in the middle of a crowd and influence others into physically not noticing them was a very difficult power to master. Especially in one so young. Such abilities usually came with age. At least a century.

His descendants were so very interesting. No matter the direction they chose to go in life, they always managed to be so unique among their race.

The butler returned to the drawing room with a massive, six-tier cake in hand. It had a different color of frosting for each tier, and from top to bottom, it was Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Violet. He wasn't aware that Hiro liked the rainbow. Not with how he was always wearing blacks and greens.

The cake rested on a wide, silver tray that curled up on the ends to prevent the spreading of a mess should there be one. It was placed directly in the center of their table and Hiro's eyes practically sparkled upon seeing it.

"Ohh! It's beautiful!" said Takuma, looking upon the cake with admiration and very obvious hunger. His sweet tooth was a dangerous thing.

Hiro flushed a bit and nodded. "Thank you. Since I knew Kaname-kun was coming today, I decided to make it extra special. Took a few hours and a lot of patience. The inside is even better!"

Both Kaname and Takuma blinked.

"Y-youmade it?" asked Takuma, looking shocked. And he had a right to his surprise since the cake looked professional. The layered frosting was smooth, the piped, white frosting was neat. It didn't look like something an eight year old would do even with its color scheme.

"There's a surprise inside," said Hiro as he grabbed the cake knife and proceeded to cut directly from the bottom tier in two simple slips. He pulled out a substantial cake slice so they could see what was inside, and a cascade of chocolates shaped like chess pieces fell out, onto the silver tray.

Takuma gasped. "The cake is checkered!" Chocolate and vanilla to be specific.

Hiro nodded and shrugged. "Kaname loves chess so… A surprise piñata cake, chess style!"

He could feel something warm building inside. It had been awhile since someone had made something with him in mind, with the sole desire to make him happy. Not pandering to him to gain approval, just a desire to see him smile. Hiro had taken account of Kaname's interests and had done this when he didn't have to. Hiro wouldn't really have anything to gain from Kaname since both were of the same social standing and both were equals in a sense.

It was a sweet gesture and it made him feel soft in ways he couldn't explain. He hadn't felt quite so soft in a long time. Not since before...

"I made the cake a rainbow on the outside because I'm queer as hell," Hiro went on to add with a nonchalant shrug.

Both guests froze in place, blinking in shock at such a declaration.

Hiro was almost nine. Ten plus is the time in the womb counted. Did ten year olds already understand their sexual orientation by then? Kaname hadn't been ten in a very long time and couldn't exactly remember his first interest in another person that extended past friendship. While his memory was long, the minor details had long since escaped him.

Especially since his existence didn't come about the same way Hiro's did via impregnation. Kaname didn't have a family until he was forced to procreate when he was officially in his seventeenth summer. Kaname's life started out in a claustrophobic hellhole and his focus had been on other, more important things, rather than romance and pleasure.

And no, procreating wasn't done in the traditional sense either. He hadn't experienced traditional intercourse until he was twenty-three. By then he'd sired three successful offspring and had lost nineteen before they could even make it through their second term.

He still detested thinking of it.

"AndI like rainbows," Hiro added, dragging him back to the preset, "so why the hell not?"

"Well… it's very pretty no matter what," said Takuma calmly.

That got another flush from Hiro, who proceeded to cut pieces for them and then deposit some of the chocolates onto their plates as well. "I made those chocolates homemade too."

Kaname had never been one for sweets, but the efforts Hiro had gone to were worth him trying his work at the very least.

It was delicious! There was a spicy hint to the cake itself and only the frosting was mildly sweet. The chocolates were extremely dark and tasted of Bourbon.

He could feel his fangs throbbing slightly and a tingle ran down his spine. There was an addictive quality to the cake that make him want to just eat more and more of it!

"What is this?" Takuma asked after a moment. "It's almost addicting." His entire piece was already gone to prove his point. He was eyeing the remaining cake with avid interest, the beginnings of a red tint covering the edges of his irises.

Hiro beamed importantly. "I discovered that human blood has the same protein content as common eggs and can therefore be a suitable egg substitute in most baking endeavors."

Both guests froze again, but for different reasons.

"There is blood in this?" asked Kaname, looking at the cake in shock since the brown and white cake itself didn't look like it could have blood in it.

"Yes!" Hiro asserted with a sharp nod. "As we're letting mum have the blood stash while she recuperates, I've taken to drinking it less and less and making a small amount last in useful ways. I decided cake was the way to go. Everyone, and by everyone I mean me, loves cake."

Hiro was something else.

Kaname ended up eating three slices of cake. Two purple and one red.

"A dagger? For me?" Hiro breathed in awe, staring at the hilt of the weapon with intense desire. "Do I get to learn how to stab people?"

Haruhi sighed. Even with half of her face obscured with a cloth it was still easy to tell what she was thinking and feeling. "It's not just for stabbing assailants, Hiro-kun. This specific blade also opens the family crypt."

"Is that why it's shaped so weird?"

While totally a dagger, there was an odd hook at the very tip of the blade which made it look somewhat like a sickle. "This doesn't seem to be a smart design if it's just for fighting."

"The hook at the end completes the unlocking sequence for the crypt. You place the dagger into the wall along the suggested pattern and the door will open to you. Only the person who holds this blade can get into the crypt."

Hm... Only the one who holds it can get inside?

"How did Rido even get in to wake you?" he asked, as it was something he'd always wondered but never actually considered bringing up. It was a very... delicate situation since Haruhi had been asleep and then... not. And all that came with it. He hadn't ever wanted to remind her of it since he was pretty certain his appearance was enough of a reminder already.

"He killed the Hanadagi that was awake at the time, my first cousin Takeshi, and took the dagger from him. With Takeshi's blood in his body, plus the dagger in hand, he was able to enter the crypt. We're lucky he didn't try to do anything to the others who were sleeping unaware of the danger. However, as he was the one to wake me, I cannot directly act against him ever."

The defeated slump of her shoulders made him feel bad for even asking.

She'd been asleep, and then was suddenly awakened by Rido's blood, and while she was recuperating and incapable of defending herself, Rido took advantage of her weakness in order to force himself on her.

Hiro wasn't unaware of the fact that he was a product of rape and that his mother hadn't had a choice. Not in the conception and not even in the progression of the pregnancy. She had to be pregnant for over two years all because an entitled man forced her into a master/slave bond.

If his own personal issues with Rido weren't enough for the man to deserve death, that certainly was worth. Hiro was going to regain his lost power and then he was going to rip his father's head from his shoulders and force it into stasis as his body disintegrated. The head would then sit on the hearth in the Hanadagi's primary salon and serve as an example to all that harming the Hanadagi family was to one's own detriment.

He would never take threats against his family lightly.

Pleased with his plan, Hiro placed a hand on his mother's arm. "I'll protect you, mum. Don't worry."

Haruhi sighed. "I'msupposed to do the protecting.I'mthe parent."

"And you've been doing just that without complaint ever since I was conceived. Trust me to handle Rido for you."

..."I wish you didn't have to."

Honestly, he felt much the same.

"Needs must, mum."

"We're visiting your half-brother and my cousin," Kaname revealed casually, keeping a close eye on Senri's reactions.

"Brother?" Senri repeated, his monotone voice taking on a slightly questioning lilt as he took in this unexpected information. "As in, you have another living Kuran relative besides me, Kaname-sama?"

"Mn. Hirohito is Rido's blood son with Hanadagi Haruhi. He's a few months younger than I am." He was also infinitely more kindhearted and mischievous. Like an actual child versus an ancient immortal being.

"Is it popular knowledge that there is another Kuran Pureblood?"


There was silence between them as they pulled into the driveway in front of the main entrance of the manor. Senri understood what it meant for Kaname to bring him along on this excursion. Though it didn't have to be said between them, it was still obvious.

A lot of trust was being placed in him to keep his mouth shut about this. No matter what, the driver was bound to Kaname's word and wouldn't be speaking his private business to anyone. He had no concerns on that end. Senri however... was not someone totally under his control, as he preferred to maintain a friendship between them - however distant it seemed to be - over a master/servant one.

Even though Senri was still his servant in the end, he had more of a choice in the matter. Also he preferred being around Kaname than his own mother who had descended into madness all too readily thanks to Rido's interference.

The reality of it made Kaname concerned for Hiro's mother. Was she exposed to the madman long enough to be driven mad by him as well? How would Hiro take it if his mother became like Senri's mother?

Senri had stared out the window in silent contemplation for a time. "I suppose another family member would be nice," he murmured quietly, voice still without inflection of any sort. The poor boy needed more play dates with Takuma in order to get away from his mother's influence. Takuma would set him to rights in no time.

The bubbly vampire was impossible to avoid. His infectious personality was also something one couldn't hope to ignore. He'd get Senri to find himself in no time.

When they officially arrived and the limo stopped, Kaname wasn't surprised to see the massive front door open with Hiro flying down the stairs and launching himself into Kaname's arms like he tended to do. Hiro always seemed to lack a certain amount of fear of Kaname's status, which was refreshing. His excited wiggling was also adorable.

"You're here!" he sighed in their mother language. His tone had improved considerably since their last meeting. "I missed you."

"I can tell that your language improved since my last visit. Well done," he said softly, making sure to give Hiro's naturally messy locks a good ruffle.

Hiro beamed. "Yeah! I got a mobile phone and Freida downloaded a language app for me. It's called Nihon Ninja and you play as a ninja cutting down enemies, but you have to get the correct answers in order to execute the moves. I've become obsessed and have been trying to raise my high score into the list of the game's Top 100 players!"

All of it was said in Japanese. It was certainly an improvement from the last time he'd been able to visit. Hiro looked incredibly proud of himself too, and was waiting with wide, sparkling eyes for Kaname to congratulate him again.

Kaname gave the boy a fond smile. "Well done," he repeated.

"Who's this? Is this another friend? He's pretty."

Senri stared at them in silent awe. While not readily apparently, he was shocked by how close Kaname and Hiro were being. And as he'd known Kaname a bit longer, of course he was more shocked than a normal person would be.

"This is your half-brother, Shiki Senri," Kaname said with a low flourish of the hand.

Hiro whistled and stepped forward to take the boy's hand. "The Kuran genes are very strong in you. Hello! I'm Hanadagi Hirohito. Some refer to me as Kuran Hirohito as well. While I am Kuran Rido's son and bear his name I don't personally like to acknowledge his contribution to my existence, so I'd prefer it if you think of me as Hanadagi Hiro over anything else." Hiro then linked arms with Senri and proceeded to drag him into the manor, "I have treacle tarts we can eat."

Kaname followed, a smile on his face. He hoped this was the right decision.

This was the day! The day that Hiro got to leave the house entirely! Not just go outside and meander around the property line, he actually got to go somewhere!

It had taken no small amount of manipulation but he had worked not only his Pureblood child charm but also his magic on everyone in the house. Eventually, he got permission to accompany Freida and Mai on their trip. And by everyone in the house, he meanteveryone. Literally everyone had an opinion on him being allowed to leave the property and it had taken work!

A whole month of subtle manipulation and encouragement for over twenty-nine workers and then his mother, had brought him to this moment.

"You have your dagger?" Haruhi asked him for the ninth time.

Around her eye sockets was a white cloth that was always replaced whenever the holes would bleed. Her eyes were only half-grown by now and it would be a while before they didn't look absolutely disgusting. So she'd taken to wearing the cloth because the holes were unnerving to most everyone. Just because she was physically blinded didn't mean she couldn't get around on her own though.

She was a Pureblood after all. They had numerous powers. Hiro hadn't even begun to touch the surface of his own vampiric skills.

"Yes. I know how and where to use it if necessary. I also have a spare pair of pants in my coat pocket just in case something happens, and three blood lollies to be safe." They were his sort of re-creation of the Blood Pop from his time.

Haruhi planted a kiss on his brow. "Be careful. And since I know you so well, I know you plan on ditching the ladies at some point to explore the market. I ask that you don't go too far in your exploration. You may be a Pureblood but you can still be in danger from anyone old enough."

He doubted it since he now had better control over his magic, but he allowed her to express her protectiveness in a safe way. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that someone cred so much.

He got to have a parent this time!

"I promise I won't stray too far."

"Good boy."

And that had been that!

He hadn't paid attention to the name of the town they'd visited, too excited by the crowds and what looked to be a park in the distance.

He was going to turn ten soon, in this world. While he tried not to act like a child since it felt humiliating to him, he couldn't help his wonder at things. This world was far more advanced than his was when he had died. Technology was far more impressive. There was an underground railway system that spread all around the world! Interconnected and running on solar power alone. It was impressive.

He didn't even understand how exactly they made that work but it was so cool that they'd done it!

There was money in his pouch. He'd enchanted it to hold a lot more than it should and had stuffed it full since he wasn't sure just what he wanted to get but as it was his first time out, he had a lot of his allowance saved up over time and wanted to get himself something new.

Hiro ditched his servants easily. He still had a mobile phone on hand if they needed to call him, and he could still sense them nearby. He was simply masking his own presence to them so he could get away with exploring a bit. The scents and sounds were all new and invigorating!

It took little time for him to find a bookstore, and he was thrilled!

Takuma had talked his ear off about these things called manga, and Hiro was dead interested! The blond was into romance and considering he was such a sweet soul, it made sense. It was no wonder that he loved happily ever afters.

After a thorough description on shoujo versus shounen and the sub-categories within those fields, Hiro felt he knew what to look for in terms of his own interests.

Something with romance but also fighting. He wanted to be impressed by battle but also enchanted by love.

Fictional romance was always so much better than real romance. He and Ginny had divorced twenty years after getting married. The 'honeymoon phase' had well and truly died about a month after the wedding and he had come under the rapid attack of his own anxieties.

It wasn't fun being married. Ginny still kind of made him feel uncomfortable. She'd grown out of her obvious hero-worship but had still done things now and then that just made him cringe away and search for solitude. Everyone had hyped up their relationship as some kind of love for the ages. Better than his parents' own love.

But if Hiro recalled correctly, James lied to Lily their whole marriage about him changing and maturing. Death had spilled the beans on that one. He was still a bully and a twat to people, it was just that they had no means to fight against someone as wealthy and of a high standing as James, so their word against his was pointless.

That was not a 'romance' he had wanted to be compared to.

So if Hiro wanted to lose himself in a fictional world where the romance was real and sweet and things ended up in a happy ever after that was earned through hard work and a small amount of suffering, then what of it?

He had said that peace didn't really exist and he was right. In reality it was a farce. In fiction, that didn't have to be the case, and that was what was so appealing about fiction. Living vicariously through a made-up story made him feel just a bit better.

Once he purchased all the current volumes of a particular series that looked promising - he'd read the first chapter and liked it - he was on his way! There was a candy shop down the street and he wanted to sample their wares.

Making his own chocolate was possible, but sometimes he just wanted to be lazy. Also, maybe there would be new things he could learn about chocolatiering during his visit!

When he stepped inside, he found himself meeting a pair of lavender eyes that were set in a pale face and framed by silver hair. It was the most unique colour combination he'd ever seen before and he could feel his heart doing little jumps in his chest.

Does Kaname have a contender for your affections?Death asked with a snort.

Shut up! He's pretty! I can't help it!

And then there was another one! Twins. Beautiful twins. And both were staring at him in silent shock. So pretty.

One, sickly, from what Hiro could sense, looked awed, while the other looked defensive.

"Woah!" Hiro could hear the sickly one whisper.

"He's a vampire. Be careful, Ichiru," the other murmured, his own lavender eyes narrowing.

So they knew of vampires? Strange. What were they?

They are sons of Vampire Hunters,Death explained, sounding amused.Typically Hunter twins aren't even born because one devours the other's life and essence in the womb to take on their powers. The sickly one is that way because his brother didn't fully manage to absorb him before birth. He won't live very long and has numerous health complications.

That was sad.

Both were so pretty.

Hiro mentally shook himself and finally entered the shop in full, eyes immediately being drawn to a large display of the shop's own brand of chocolate bars. Almond, peanut, hazelnut, macadamia, caramel, mint, etc...

A basket was acquired and then generously filled with five of each that he was interested in. He skirted around the pretty twins and added several more things to his basket, such as chocolate molds in shapes he'd never expected, bon bons, and a kit on how to make his own chocolate house!

Thenhe found the holy grail.

It was a chocolate fountain! And actively working chocolate fountain that was resting in a plastic case. And there was a sign under it saying that customers could have things dipped in person. Anything from the counter, if they wanted, all they had to do was alert a member of the staff. The price was a bit steep, but also totally worth it once he saw the fruits available!

He was going to purchase a bouquet of chocolate-covered fruit for Haruhi! And then one for himself because he could.

And it just so happened that some fruits had been cut into flower shapes! So cute!

"Excuse me?" he said, drawing the attention of the staff member he needed help from, plus everyone else in the shop because his voice was just that attractive. Weird vampire design.

Instantly, he was surrounded by people offering to help him, and he batted his lashes and thanked them, but told them all he didn't want to be too much of a bother. Eventually, after he was reassured that they wanted to help, the fruits were set up for dipping. Three people were working together to get it all done as quickly as possible.

Upon his request, there were three pieces of fruit on each stick, instead of their standard one piece.

Price had no limit, but he knew his cuteness would see him fairly treated at the till so he didn't mind.

"Are you alone today?" one lady asked him as they worked.

"Not too much. I'm stretching my wings and testing my independence, but my nanny is nearby if I need her."

Once it was all said and done, he texted his driver to pull up outside the shop and be ready to put some things in the boot for him.

All the while, the pretty twins never looked away from him. The sickly one remained awed and the defensive one seemed to calm down some. Hiro sent them a smile in response to their attention, and enjoyed the flushes he got in return.

They could give Kaname a run for his money!

His driver, Morino-san, appeared moments later, arms outstretched for his purchases. "Thanks for the help!" he told the man with a grin.

"How much?" Hiro asked the lady at the till, who was flushed considerably. The colour was fetching on her and made him hyper aware of the scent of her blood and the pulse of her beating heart.

While she rang up the prices, he pulled a blood lolly from his change purse and shoved it in his mouth to stave off any desires to drink someone dry. He had better self-control than this! He could make it to the car before anything possibly unfortunate could happen! He could feel Freida and Mai already hovering over his shoulder in concern.

Once the money was paid, in which he spent a lot more than expected, he slipped a stack of notes into the tip jar in gratitude for their assistance, waved to the two boys still watching him, and left the shop with his servants in tow.

"This was fun!" he told them. "I can't wait for mum to see the fruit!"

The life of a vampire hunter was a unique one, but the happenings were pretty typical overall. Something different could be a good or bad omen depending on what exactly it was.

"We saw a vampire in town today," said Kiryuu Ichiru that night at dinner.

All at once, everything went dead quiet, as their parents looked them over in concern. Despite them having been home for four hours already.

Zero sighed and nodded. "He came into the shop while we were browsing and spent about seventy thousand Yen on chocolate."

"He was really pretty!" Ichiru added, all innocence and no suspicion. "He felt different from other vampires too? Or maybe it's just because he was a kid like us?"

His twin gave him a look of confusion and Zero sighed. "I think he was a Pureblood. He drew far more human attention than a common Aristocrat would. He also had three vampires who joined him as he left, calling him 'Hiro-sama' and bowing a lot."

"But he was nice to them!" Ichiru added. "He called them all by their given names and thanked not only the shop staff for their help, but his own servants for helping him!

Their parents shared a look. "There's only one registered Pureblood around your age and I don't see a reason for Kuran Kaname to be anywhere near that town," their mother said. "It probably wasn't a Pureblood but a high-born Aristocrat, Ichiru-kun."

Ichiru shrugged, still obviously not seeing the potential danger to the situation. "If Aristocrats are so special and rare or something, I'm not shocked if certain families kept their children hidden until the right time. You said the Council was divided on returning to a monarchy under the Kuran line, so that could be the reason why some hide their kids away."

He had a good point.

"Besides, the boy told the workers that he was 'stretching his wings and testing his independence'," the younger twin added. "He sounded sad." Ichiru's bleeding heart was already feeling something for a total stranger.

An Aristocrat allowed outside for the first time. If his parents didn't trust the Vampire Council, then it would make sense that he would have three vampires following him around while he shopped. While they'd done so from a distance, they had been in a prime position to leap in if he needed help.

He hadn't felt threatening, though that didn't stop Zero from being suspicious of course. He was always worried about Ichiru. It was his job as the eldest to protect his little brother with everything he had.

"The boy and his servants seemed nice." Ichiru noted. "I don't think all vampires are bad. I don't care what the Hunter Association says. They're just another kind of animal who happen to be at the top of the food chain. There are bad humans everywhere but Hunters never say the whole race is evil. And Komatsuzawa-teme is probably one of the worst Hunters to ever exist in our history, with his shady past actions toward minors and terrible attitude over women. Yet no one proclaims all Hunters to be evil because of whathe'sdone. Seems unfair to judge the whole for the actions of a few very bad eggs."

Ichiru would always be a pacifist it seemed. Their parents would never understand him and it was a shame. Zero did not share his beliefs, but he sincerely hoped that Ichiru's world view was never destroyed.

He deserved only the best in life.

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Chapter 5: Forming Bonds Can Have it's Benefits


When you've managed to get close without even realizing it, there's no way to go back safely.


tbh this was ready for ages. Today I was like, "I should update Ch. 6! But before editing what's there, I should re-read what's already posted to get back into the mindset of the work so i can add things properly!" And it showed only 4 chapters posted instead of the 5 I have listed in FFN's Doc... I'd assumed I had posted Ch. 5 ages ago but apparently I didn't. So here it is. -_-

TAGS: Drama, Queer Themes, Flirting, Crushing, Schemes, AU-CD.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Kaname was seated on a sofa in the Hanadagi Library, with his cousin, one Kuran Hirohito, leaning on him. Both were reading completely different books, a romance manga for one and a historical record of the Neo Indo-Parsi Wars for the other, but had chosen to spend their time quietly during this visit. Hiro was a very tactile person, but only on his own terms.

Typically, he preferred initiating contact with others because that allowed him to determine how much he wanted. He'd never said this aloud, but Kaname was over ten thousand and picked up on things easily. While Hiro was a contradiction of impulses and beliefs, it was pretty easy to understand the basics of his personality after a few hours of exposure to it. Only if one bothered to pay attention of course.

Hiro did not like it when anyone but Kaname hugged him. Not even his own mother, though it did make him emotional when she hugged him anyway. Hiro often tolerated it from his mother because she was the one to give him life and protect him, but otherwise he remained touch-free. As for Kaname, he merely wrapped a single arm around the younger boy, in a sort of half-hug. Not too much contact between them and nothing that could be taken for granted.

On Kaname's end, it was nice to be wanted. Not for his contacts or money or status, but for his company. Hiro reminded him of Yuuki because of that. It was a comforting thing to know he had support from two different places now and that if he needed to, he could drop the act when around them. If only for a little bit.

The weight on his side became a bit more heavy, and looking down, he found the boy asleep. It was the middle of the day. As vampires, they were naturally nocturnal, but Kaname didn't have free time at night to visit, so he could only do so during the day. Both sacrificed necessary sleep for bonding time with one another because they didn't get to meet up often enough. It was one of the few times he got to truly relax, so he didn't mind missing out on sleep. Especially not when he'd been sleeping for so long prior to this new life.

Smiling, he set aside the book he'd been reading and carefully took his cousin into his arms. His weight was barely substantial, and gave the impression of a little bird rather than a person. Or maybe it was just his strength being superior.

Finding Hiro's room wasn't difficult. It was the place where his scent permeated things the most. While he'd never been inside personally, he didn't think the boy would mind if it was just to bring him to bed.

Said bedding was mostly overtaken by a dozen or so fluffy pillows, all in different colors. When set down, the boy practically sank among them, his fluffy hair being swallowed up almost entirely.

When he tried to leave he felt a tug on his shirt.

"Sleep," Hiro insisted quietly, eyes barely open. His grip was firm and unwilling to compromise.

Technically this would be the time to leave, but a look at the boy's adorable pout made him sigh. His resolve was weak in the face of such cuteness. Ten thousand years and he was still susceptible to chubby cheeks and puppy eyes. Heavens help him if the Council ever found out about that. They'd try to saddle him with a ward or something all so they could keep a closer eye on him.

Hiro shifted over once Kaname sat on his bed, and moved to burrow under his thick duvet. Kaname hadn't slept with someone else like this since before the incident. Back when he and Yuuki would cuddle whenever she had a nightmare and wanted company to make the bad images go away. Not even Takuma had earned such a privilege and probably would never because that would be a little too awkward even for him..

"Mmm," Hiro hummed, slotting right against Kaname for warmth and smiling when Kaname slid an arm over the other to keep him still.

His breathing evened out instantly. It was the ultimate show of trust, willingly falling asleep in the arms of a predator capable of ripping your throat out with ease. Everything on a vampire could become a weapon if one was imaginative enough. On a Pureblood, even their blood itself could be controlled and used as a physical threat should the need arise.

For whatever reason, Hiro had taken to Kaname without any hassle. Nor did he feel threatened by his older cousin having the Headship of their family and therefore having seniority over him as a result. There were no tricks or betrayals to watch out for when he visited the Hanadagi Manor. It was just peace and Hiro's personal brand of dramatics.

Kaname would have to have him introduced to vampire society. With all of his planning recently, he'd decided that he wanted Hiro to become a part of the grand scheme. Two Purebloods advocating for a school where vampires and humans could attend at the same time, would indeed make things easier. And with Hiro being out in public, Rido would certainly come to call at some point, making himself an easy target.

There was no desire to put the boy in danger, but it was for everyone's benefit that Rido died as soon as possible. And it wasn't as if Kaname wouldn't do his best to protect his descendants in the process.

Unfortunately, formally introducing the boy would mean Asato would have to be informed, if he wasn't already aware, that is.

The thought of Hiro being anywhere near Ichijo Asato made him irritable. He didn't like Ichio and wanted him to remain as far away from Kaname's precious people as he could possibly be.

And it was that stray thought, that made him realize just how important Hiro had become in the past few years. Hiro was one of his few, precious people. And he'd done it all by being himself. Kaname was not an easy person to get along with. Nor was he quite so easy to please.

He wondered at the future and what it had in store for them if they managed to stay on this track.

Kaname was in his bed.

He wasn't joking, Kaname was sleeping in his bed with him!

A glance at the windows showed it to be dark out. Kaname had stayed long past the time he was supposed to leave, all because Hiro had asked him to sleep with him. And then he'd gotten into the bed and allowed himself to be grabbed onto and cuddled.

In quiet repose, he looked calm and innocent. None of that lingering concern and anxiety remained while he was asleep, he was loose and relaxed completely. He was also really f*cking pretty, which wassounfair. How Hiro managed to keep his cool around Kaname he'd never know. Someone looking that gorgeous all the time was enough to give him heart palpitations!

Even in his last life he'd been poor at being cool around those he fancied. Spitting up on himself in front of Cho. Falling over nothing in front of Bill. Stubbing his toe in front of Rodrick. Merlin, he'd been a right mess. And it seemed as if he was destined to be an embarrassment in this life as well, despite super vampire powers and supposed natural grace.

Yes. Hiro had a sh*te reputation when it came to posturing for his crushes. Yes, he was in for some hell this time too if he tried anything. Some ultimate predator he'd turned out to be.

That was why he just decided tonottry and act all cool around Kaname. He would just be himself and hope for the best.

It seemed like the best possible outcome was finally happening! Sleeping next to a known predator was a sign of trust after all. Kaname trusted him enough to let down his guard and leave himself vulnerable. It was a pretty amazing thing to understand as someone who was severely younger than the vampire beside him, and therefore lacking in experience.

Kaname had probably seen some of the worst parts of history in person and was still capable of trusting others after all he'd seen and done. To be someone he chose to place his trust in... Hiro was touched.

He didn't know how long he laid there just staring at the beautiful shape of Kaname's face, but eventually, he came to realise that Kaname was awake and looking at him. How long that had been the case remained a mystery. The passage of time was felt very differently now compared his last life.

"Something wrong?" Kaname asked, no sign of somnolence in his tone at all. As if they hadn't just been sleeping for hours.

"You're pretty," was the sh*te that came out of Hiro's mouth instead of something of substance. Of course his brain couldn't follow proper instructions!

Instead of finding his observation to be creepy, Kaname merely smiled and gave a low chuckle. "You are too."



"Definitelynot." He had that magnetism of all vampires, especially Purebloods, but he was eh... Most of the vampires living in Hanadagi Manor were more unique in appearance and definitely prettier. "I look like Rido," he grumbled. No one should ever want to look like that monster.

"Terrible person and a blight upon this Earth he may be, but Rido is of superior Kuran breeding. No Kuran looks anything but immaculate, even on their worst days," Kaname said with sure finality.

"If you say so."

"I know so."

As he was the progenitor of the entire Kuran bloodline, of course he would. Rido basically got his looks from Kaname... which meant Hiro got his looks from Kaname also. Weird.

"Want some food?" Hiro offered as a topic change, already thinking of something involving bacon and rice.

Kaname smiled. "Sure." He was staying even longer now!


Time seemed to pass pretty quickly for Hiro. His lessons became even more difficult as his interests varied and the amount of tutors that had been hired felt like they'd tripled even when so many had been let go!

He no longer needed language tutors. He was simply too fluent in too many languages for them to be of any use. His advanced knowledge of Astronomy meant he didn't need help in that area. He knew an arse load about plants because of Herbology, so his Biology course was relatively easy.

Since he 'picked up piano so quickly' he didn't need a Music course. And Maths… he could do it, he just didn't like it.

The one thing he needed more than anything was his History class. That was the most important thing to better help him understand the world he now lived in. How can things change if one doesn't understand the folly of the past?

So he dropped all the courses he didn't need, and was given extra work in all the courses he deemed most important.

This meant History of the World(Vampire Edition), Algebra II, and Chemistry.

Yes. At a month off from turning thirteen, he was working on both Algebra II and Chemistry, and hated every minute of it. But since they went hand in hand, so to speak, it was good that he got them at the same time.

Hiro wasn't like Kaname, who had thousands of years of knowledge on his side. A pitiful two hundred wasn't enough to make him super OP like Kaname. Just somewhat OP. It was this solid fact that made it so he didn't feel inept when someone compared his workload and skills to Kaname's.

Who could really hope to compete with one of the oldest living beings currently on the Earth of this time?

This line of thinking also saved him from a lot of stress.

But what didn't save him from stress... was the newer tutors. He had to learn a martial art at the very least, and also had to begin learning how to control his Pureblood powers. On top of that, they wanted him to learn how to ride a horse, learn public speaking, debating, and even medical stuff!


Kaname claimed it was expected of Aristocrats but he called bull! This was all sh*te!

Why do any children anywhere have to learn all this stuff?

And no, he would not be swayed with sweets! He wasn't five!

"A soiree?"

"Yes. On your thirteenth birthday," Kaname clarified. "I've already gotten your mother's permission and you and she will attend. It will be the night you are formally introduced to our society."

It was the best time to do so. Ichijo was aware that Kaname had an announcement, but did not know exactly what the event was for. Kaname didn't really have to ask, he could have just ordered, but Ichijo's distrust of Purebloods having so much control in general, meant he had to be pandered to just a little.

So ask he had, and get what he wanted, he did.

"It will be held at Takuma's home," he added. "He's been looking forward to seeing you again. You want to see him, yes?" What better way to guilt-trip the boy into coming?

"You are a manipulative dick, you know that?"

The shock over being called a dick of all things, did not overtake his amusem*nt. But it did add a little more spice to the conversation. "And yet you'll still come."

"And why would I do that?"

Seeing the opportunity for what it was, Kaname slid into the other boy's personal space, leaning in close so his scent could wash over the other easily. Instantly, he noticed the increase of Hiro's heartbeat judging by the throbbing vein in his throat. His eyes even dilated slightly, and the shade of green took on a deeper color than usual.

The boy's crush on him had been obvious for a while, but he'd done nothing about it beyond stare very openly. Kaname, as such, had chosen to leave it be since there was no reason to give the boy false hope or to really acknowledge it.

For this though… he could afford to be a little manipulative. Just a tad.

"You'll come because I asked you to, and you love seeing me happy, don't you Hiro-kun?" the older Pureblood purred at the boy, enjoying how his face flushed a fetching shade of pink, the scent of his blood intensifying as a result. It was enough to make Kaname's fangs ache. It wasn't often that he wanted to drink from another vampire, let alone another Pureblood. Hiro always smelled so good though and in this moment he smelled the absolute best he ever had.

He could barely stop himself from asking for just a sip.

"As I said before, you are a dick," the boy pouted.

That wasn't a refusal.

"A handsome dick at the very least?" Kaname teased.

"I take it back, you're a bloody wank biscuit."


"It's when a bunch of boys get together and have a contest to see who can ejacul*te the fastest, all over a cookie of choice. The slowest person then has to eat it. You are the cookie that was wanked on, you dick."

While slightly offended, he couldn't help but be amused at the absurdity of those words. Enough so to laugh, loud and long until his stomach cramped form the effort. This was his life now.

"Hiro-kun, I hope you never change."

Hiro messed with his tie for the umpteenth time. He'd never had reason to wear a suit before tonight, so he wasn't comfortable in them and hadn't gotten used to them. Suits were more constricting than even dress robes were and personally, he wasn't much into the design on himself. "Why does it have to be in white?" he asked his mother almost petulantly. Black was a better colour overall.

"Because you look good in white despite your own reservations on the colour," she said matter-of-factly.

"I'm already pale though, so shouldn't I wear black for a nice contrast? Or red? Or green?" Or literally any colour that wasn't bloody white? White was such a boring colour to use!

"You know as well as I that Kaname-sama likes to see you in white. You want to see him smile, don't you?"

"A cruel and unfair use of my feelings, mum. He'd smile at me no matter what I wear." Kaname was just that supportive.

Still though, Kaname did like seeing him in white for some reason. He didn't really understand it since he personally wasn't fond of the colour, but whatever floated his boat.

A red rose was affixed to his chest for good measure. As his hair was pointless, seeing as it would always fall back into the same style it normally sat in, they hadn't even bothered beyond a quick combing session. It seemed that no matter the universe, he was destined for messy, unkempt hair.

When he looked in the mirror, there was no doubt whatsoever, whose child he was. Rido stared back at him, but lacked any kind of malice. Beside Haruhi, they looked very fetching together. Her long, corn silk hair and icy blue eyes complimented the bright blue, form-fitting dress she'd chosen. The single slit on the side reached all the way to her hip.

When still, it looked innocent enough. In movement, it was provocative.

It kind of annoyed him that there would be people looking at his mother with lust once they arrived at the party. He'd probably hear some disgusting comments too, because no matter how high her station, perverts were perverts. And then he'd have to withhold the urge to skewer someone with a butter knife or choke them with his magic.

She was fully capable of taking care of herself of course, but it was the principle fo the thing!

Haruhi ran a finger over his brow, smoothing out the wrinkles from his intense frowning. "Everything will be fine."

He hoped so! Thankfully, Kaname would be there as a sort of buffer that he needed to keep himself in line. Fake it 'til you make it, if you will.

Kaname smirked when he sensed Hiro's presence. Of course he'd noticed Hanadagi Haruhi's presence as well, but it was Hiro he wanted to see more than anything, so it was Hiro he'd been keeping an eye out for since the soiree had begun. Unexpectedly, the mother-son duo had chosen to arrive fashionably late.

Without any hesitation, he met the boy and his mother at the entrance to Ichijo Manor, smiling softly at them and offering Hiro his arm in order to accompany him. He didn't miss the smirk that flitted over Haruhi's face in response. She wasn't offended by him essentially ignoring her in favor of her son. Instead, she looked rather pleased by his decision.

His cousin was a vision in white and while vampires typically avoided the color because of how close it was to the color of vampire ashes, he always liked it for some inexplicable reason. And Hiro was dressed in it, his shirt emerald green and the rose in his pocket was a vibrant red. It all came together so nicely.

When they stepped foot inside the ballroom, the entire congregation of vampires went quiet in awe of the Purebloods. No one had expected to be seeing more than one after all. No warning had been given, as he hadn't want to give them any time to prepare themselves. People were the most honest when they were surprised.

Immediately, Asato was the first to react, coming closer to extend his greetings. "Kaname-sama," the man said almost gruffly, "is this supposed to be the surprise you mentioned?"

He smiled. "Yes. This is my cousin, Kuran Hirohito, and his mother Hanadagi Haruhi."

The words were almost amplified because of the still silence of the room, so without a doubt, everyone heard him. Eyes remained wide and interested as they trailed from Pureblood to Pureblood in awe, taking in their appearances. No one alive in this current room, had seen Hanadagi Haruhi before no doubt, and Hiro was definitely new to everyone as well.

Asato first took up Haruhi's hand to plant a kiss on her knuckles. "Hanadagi-sama, it has been many years since we're last seen anyone in your family. It is an honor to have you here with us."

Kaname could sense that this statement was only partially a lie. Perhaps being presented with Rido's son was enough to lessen Ichijo's ire. There was no doubt the man had already begun trying to determine Hiro's worth as a person and what he could be used for.

Much like Hio Shizuka, who was kept caged by the Vampire Council because of the madness her family usually displayed. They claimed it was for everyone's safety, but really they were just using her to create Level Es as often as they could, for whatever purposes they thought they were clever at hiding. Such detestable behavior on their part.

There would never come a day where Hiro would be used for the Council's own ends. Kaname would burn them all to the ground first if they dared to make their dreams a reality. He was very protective of what he viewed as his own.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Kuran Hirohito-sama," Ichijo said to Hiro next, who merely gave the man a placid smile and a sharp nod in return. Of course, with his face resembling Rido's so much, the action looked a little mad on him. In that moment, he resembled Rido more than he ever had in the time Kaname had known him. It was obviously enough to make Asato uneasy.

"Thank you for putting up with Kaname's secrecy and still putting this all together for my birthday."

Whispers started up immediately. Kaname never said for anyone to bring gifts since he knew Hiro wouldn't appreciate them. He wasn't the most materialistic of vampires and buying him things was not the way to his heart. Still, the fact that there was a soiree held on a Pureblood's birthday and no one had bought him anything, regardless of whether they knew it was his birthday or not, would make the guilt more fresh.

Also, it would make people more easy to manipulate simply out of what they believed would be a failed sense of duty. Foolish on their part but useful for him. If people wanted to be sheep, then let them.

Even Ichijo, who was none too fond of Purebloods, looked a bit concerned over not knowing it was technically a birthday party for a Pureblood. Though now he probably understood why Kaname had asked the kitchen staff to make a ten-tier triple chocolate cake filled with chocolate pieces, for later in the morning.

Hiro loved chocolate and it would put him at ease much better than anything else would.

"Please don't let us interrupt your evening," Kaname told the guests, his 'generous' smile still in place. "I simply wished for you all to meet Hiro now instead of later."

And just like that, the music started up again, and the conversation returned to somewhat normal, though not without people looking over every now and then, hoping to get a good look.

"Shall I introduce you to my friends?" Kaname asked the younger Kuran.

Hiro sent his mother a look, who waved him on. "I'll be fine. I'm sure Ichijo-san won't mind accompanying me for the time being, darling."

And then the boys parted ways with the older vampires, Kaname pulling Hiro along toward the terrace where he'd seen his comrades disappear to once the announcement was over.

The moment they reached the privacy of the outside, Takuma was there, smile wide and full of palpable excitement. "Hiro-sama, you came!"

"Hi, Takuma. You can drop the 'sama' any day now. I really won't mind," said Hiro as he pulled the blond into a hug that Kaname was only slightly annoyed by. But only because it made him have to let go of Hiro's arm!

The blond obviously enjoyed the attention and beamed, returning the embrace. He was simply too cheerful of a person to be put off by Kaname's stiffness or Hiro's abnormal advances.

Senri got some attention next, looking a little more lively now that another person he was comfortable with had arrived. He didn't even grumble when Hiro kissed his cheek in greeting.

Everyone else however, was watching with wide eyes, much like the adults had. They weren't very sure how to deal with this new addition to their lives.

Souen Ruka, Kain Akatsuki, Aido Hanabusa, and Touya Rima, were standing there, looking between Kaname, Senri, and Hiro, obviously checking for family resemblance between the three Kuran relations. Since every Kuran came from Kaname's loins so to speak, they all shared his physical traits in some way or the other.

Technically, Hiro looked more like him if one were to put a dark brown wig on him. The only reason he resembled Rido was the messy hair that was blacker than black. But that hair was Rido's second most notable feature so of course he would be the first person mentally associated for those who had met him before.

It was obvious that Hiro was a Kuran, even with his unique eye color.

Hiro smiled at the other teens/pre-teens. "Hello. It's nice to meet Kaname and Senri's friends. I'm Hiro."

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D



Still homeless. RIP. Things are looking pretty bad as Winter approaches and this is all I've got to try and keep my head above water. My Depression and Anxiety are having a party.


Chapter 6: When Being Yourself Changes People and You Aren't Even Aware


Hiro being Hiro is enough to make people stop and think for a moment, and truly consider what it is they are living and fighting for.


I forgot that I had this waiting, I'm sorry! ^-^

TAGS: Drama, Humor, Fluff, Introspection, Headcanons, History Lessons, I literally Do What I Want With VK and HP Canons to Make My Own History for How This Is the Future and Not a New World Harry Ends Up In.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Ichijo Takuma smiled as he watched his friends all interact for the first time. When Kaname had told him that the party was for Hiro's birthday, he'd gotten really excited and went out to get the older boy a gift! He'd also been looking forward to their friend group expanding and becoming more interesting because of his presence! The fact that they'd get to spend more time together in the future, outside of Hiro's family mansion, was something Takuma looked forward to immensely.

"Hiro-kun, happy birthday!" Takuma said, handing over the small box wrapped in green and silver paper. He even stopped using 'sama' as requested! It was a big moment for him.

And the look on Hiro's face was a mix of bashfulness and annoyance. "You didn't have to get me anything, Takuma. Our friendship isn't based on material possessions."

"But I wanted to, because you're my friend. So, open it and be happy!"

Hiro did so and found the necklace that Takuma had personally chosen for him. The pendant was a simple, silver orchid with a green emerald in the center. In a way it was supposed to represent both Kaname and Hiro at the same time. The moment Takuma had seen it he knew that it was perfect!

"A play on the Kuran name, I see. Thank you, Takuma."

He flushed at the smile Hiro aimed his way, and then flushed even harder when Hiro held the necklace out and fluttered his lashes. Takuma moved almost mechanically to fasten the silver around the Pureblood's pale throat, trying to ignore the pounding of his own heart once that soft, black hair was lifted out of the way. He couldn't be blamed for such a reaction when Hiro was so pretty and sweet.

The pendant rested against Hiro's white tie, and the emerald drew attention toward Hiro's upper half easily. Takuma had to force himself not to think of him possibly wearing it under his clothes and it being warmed by his skin. He was afforded many privileges but lusting after Kaname's future lover would not be excused or tolerated in the slightest.

"I too have a surprise for you," said Kaname, "but it'll only come out later."

The cake. Yes, that would definitely be a good surprise.

Despite the suddenness of the entire evening, Takuma knew he would have a great night! "Want to dance?"

Another delightful flush worked its way over Hiro's cheeks as he shook his head. "I've never danced with someone my own size before. I'll look like a fool, so I'd rather not."

Takuma turned his pleading gaze upon Kaname, who sighed lightly, and took up Hiro's hand. "I will help you loosen up. Then you can give Takuma a proper dance, yes?"


And so they danced to the music filtering outside from the ballroom. Takuma knew he'd dodged a proverbial bullet too, since Kaname was just possessive enough to want to dance with his cousin first, before anyone else, and would have brooded for several minutes while they'd danced. This way, he got the first dance for however long he wanted, and Takuma remained on his good side.

It wasn't as if dancing with Hiro first would have put their friendship in jeopardy, but he didn't like seeing Kaname unhappy. Not after all he'd been through while still so young. So Takuma tried to make things better/easier if he could, even if it was just through the smallest of means.

Hiro's worries ended up being all for naught as he was as graceful as always, swinging around with his cousin and looking elegant all the while. Both were almost the same height, with Kaname being maybe a couple centimeters taller if he was lucky. Since both were basically even by now, the Ichijo Heir took this as proof that Hiro wasn't going to be very tall.

The boy was going to hate that fact once he realized it himself. He foresaw many adorable pouts and fake tears in the future.

Eventually, Kaname relinquished his cousin's hand to Takuma, who took up his spot in twirling the green-eyed beauty around.

Off to the side, he could see Hanabusa obviously itching to ask Kaname for a dance, but also being too shy to dare such a thing. Ruka however, was not like him in the least, and approached the Pureblood with all the bravery she could manage after finding out that the one she fancied had a better option than her around.

Kaname agreed of course. There was no reason to refuse, especially after he'd just danced with someone. he was perfectly respectful, but his eyes still sought out Hiro every few minutes because that was only natural in their position.

It was fun in Takuma's opinion.

Kiryu Asuma had been a Vampire Hunter for years alongside his wife Mirai. Yet never in all that time, had he ever been surprised like this.

Hunters typically chaperoned massive gatherings of vampires such as the one held by Ichijo Asato on the final day of July, so there was no surprise that they'd been assigned this night. They were the nearest for the time being and it would save others the time it would take to travel so far anyway. They were also the most skilled and with a Pureblood in attendance, the best skills would only suffice.

Still, nothing like a surprise reveal ofanotherPureblood child had ever happened in their time as Hunters. They weren't exactly common after all.

He took easy note of the boy's appearance, thinking back to the words of Zero and Ichiru years ago. Messy black hair and bright green eyes. Feeling different from other vampires. They'd been right, he was a Pureblood. A Kuran no less. And he'd just been walking around a random chocolate shop on his own.

The boy was about the size of Kuran Kaname and looked to be a lot more approachable than his cousin. While arm in arm, the two were obviously polar opposites from one another. One calm and refined, and the other lively and outgoing. And the boy had come with his mother, another Pureblood, who looked mischievous compared to many of the other vampires in attendance.

It had been some time since one of the Hanadagi had been awake. Asuma wondered just when and why she'd been awakened since they typically slept for hundreds of years at a time and this one looked relatively young. There were no other awake Hanadagi as far as he was aware. How did she even wake up in the first place?

While he and his wife shared meaningful looks about an eventual talk later on, they didn't realize that Kuran Hirohito had noticed them and had decided to make his way on over. They didn't notice until he was right in front of them, his cousin and mother nowhere in sight, but many curious and cautious eyes on them just in case they harmed the Precious Pureblood Prince.


He wasverydifferent from his cousin. Just in how he held himself and how he greeted them was enough to assure them that he was most likely nicer than the common vampire was, let alone a Pureblood. His messy hair and bright eyes made him seem less put-together and more inviting on the surface.

Mirai sent Asuma a Look for a second, before nodding to the boy. "Hello, Kuran-sama."

The boy smiled easily, looking less like a noble and more like an excitable puppy. "I've never spoken to any Hunters before. I think I met your sons a couple years ago, but I was too busy staring at them because of how pretty they were that I just didn't get around to talking.AndI was nervous as I'm not used to see people my age."

Both Hunters blinked as they processed his words. This was definitely the boy the twins had seen in the chocolate shop. And he was interested in their children.

That could be... a problem.

Off to the side was Kuran Kaname, looking - for lack of a better word - constipated. He obviously either didn't like that his cousin was talking to Vampire Hunters, or he did not like sharing attention. Maybe both at the same time.

Kuran Hirohito, noticing their distraction, looked over and scoffed. He immediately switched from Japanese into English, which he probably didn't know they could both understand, to say, "Don't get your knickers in a twist, you twat. You can handle not being the center of my attention for a few bloody minutes, for God's sake!"

He spoke fluently and with perfect Traditional Queen's English too? He truly sounded like an Olde-Age Brit in that moment and it kind of gave Asuma whiplash. He sounded so sweet in Japanese yet so rough in English.

Also, the way he spoke to his cousin who was a fellow Pureblood, was definitely not how Aristocrats or higher were to act in public. That kind of faux pas would end most people's social lives!

Though as a Pureblood, maybe he was exempt from the usual ramifications. He was also young too and obviously wasn't used to being in the company of so many people.

Kuran Hirohito returned to Japanese as he gave the pair of Hunters an apologetic smile. "Pardon my cousin's overprotectiveness. I don't think he learned how to share very well."

They waved him off, waiting to see what exactly it was that he wanted since he'd come all the way over just to speak to them personally.

"I wanted to ask a question about pregnancy," the boy said frankly, looking right at Mirai as he pulled out a small notepad and a pen from... somewhere.

Asuma nearly choked on his own saliva. Of all the things he expected, that had been nowhere near enough.

Mirai flushed at the sudden change in topic as well as the invasiveness of it. "Any reason you'd like to know, Hirohito-sama?"

"Well, I've been asking as many people as possible. Several vampire women of differing strength levels and statuses, some human women I've met who don't mind telling a stranger about their experiences, and since I'm probably never going to meet another female Hunter, I thought it'd be a good opportunity," the boy explained, flipping his notepad around so they could see the different pages with different names and sometimes different ink colors and dates.

A new page with the words,Kiryu Mirai | Vampire Huntress | Age: 38 | Mother of twin boys. | Height: 183 cm | Weight: Guesstimated 62 Kgwas being written out right in front of them in an elaborate, looping script at top speed.

Asuma didn't even bother to hide his shock. The boy had only looked at her and had already, by eye, guesstimated her weight and height accurately. The age was relatively popular information in Vampire and Hunter circles so that wasn't much of a shock, but the weight and height? Impressive.

The boy proceeded to rattle off questions that seemed very standard and yet not things teen boys would even know about, Pureblood Vampire or not.

Did she have weird cravings? How long was she pregnant? How long was she in labor? Were there any health complications? What do contractions feel like? Was the afterbirth a problem? Did she experience Postpartum Depression? Did she actually want children? Did she choose to wait to have children? Did she want more children? Was a natural birth better than a cesarean section in her opinion? Were parenting courses a necessity?

Never before had Asuma sat down and just thought any of these things through. Even when some were happening right before his eyes, he didn't just wonder at what his wife had been through. The boy's intense focus of attention at her answers made him feel as if he'd been a lackluster husband in a way, since he'd never asked any of these questions or wondered about the responses to them.

Eventually, the questioning came to a stop and the boy beamed at Mirai. "Thank you! Any information I've gathered is very useful in understanding pregnancy, even though I haven't found any males to assist with their insight. I suppose I'll just have to wing it," the Pureblood said with a shrug as he placed his notepad in his vest pocket.

When they both frowned at him in confusion, he flushed and shook his head, "I'm not planning on getting pregnant any time soon, of course! I am way too young not only physically, but just in general when it comes to parenthood. Though I must admit that I am nervous when there's no one like me that I can talk to about this. Doctors can have all the technical information they want but none of them are Carriers so what use can they really be to me?"

They were not the only ones to gasp at that revelation. The Kuran Head had, as well as several nearby guests who'd been listening in on the awkward conversation.

"You're a Carrier?" asked Kuran Kaname, looking awed by the revelation which was apparently news to him as well.

"Oh yeah! I never told you about that!"

"Whynot?" the other boy demanded, looking a bit offended and maybe slightly hurt? Also, this was the most childish he'd ever seemed in any of the times Asuma had seen him.

Hirohito shrugged carelessly, not realizing how offended his cousin truly felt over being left out of such an important fact. "It never seemed important in any of the conversations we've had."

Not too long after, the boy was escorted away by his still baffled cousin, leaving the Hunters to marvel over what they'd witnessed and learned that night.

For some reason, he felt as if nothing would ever truly be the same after this night.

Despite having a treaty with the Vampire Council for years, this was the first time they'd met a truly friendly vampire who really seemed to be just what Ichiru said he was.

It made Asuma wonder if maybe the Hunter Association had gotten a bit too high on their horses and judgment. Ichiru was right. There were Hunters and Humans who'd done things just as bad as Vampires. So why were only Vampires talked about as if they were the worst thing to exist when some families had a long history of pacifism?

Especially when Vampires didn't even come about naturally?

He'd been in this new life nearly thirteen years, and it took this long for him to learn that his cousin/descendant was a Carrier Vampire. Because Hiro had honestly thought it was unimportant to mention?

That would explain why he was so certain Rido would be coming for him at some point! Why the man was obsessed with his own son - one of them at least - more than what would be considered normal possessiveness for a Vampire.

And now it was public news that of the last two known living Kuran descendants, one was a Carrier. Meaning everyone would think that Kaname and Hiro would be together in the future in order to keep the line pure. As no one knew about Yuuki's existence, it was a sound belief with stable history to base it off of.

And the thought of being married to Hiro, after how well they'd gotten to know one another over the past few years, really didn't bother him. He would always care for his dear girl, but when he thought about marrying Yuuki, he thought of it as a sort of duty. It was his fault her parents had been murdered so to speak. He should take responsibility and care for her.

Kaname hadn't exactly been planning to live for much longer… but perhaps, if things panned out well enough, that could be changed.

He would have to think on it more. In a much safer location when he could explore his emotions without fear of judgment or spies.

For now, he would just stand by contentedly as his cousin ate far too much cake for his own good.

At least he did so in polite portions.

"We met that Vampire you mentioned, tonight."

Ichiru sat up instantly, his interest piqued the moment those words came out of his mother's mouth. Zero, on his left at the kitchen table, stopped eating, though he looked less accepting of the topic of conversation.

"His name is Kuran Hirohito, tonight was his thirteenth birthday, and he is a Pureblood," Mirai said quietly, a look of consideration on her face.

Asuma sat down, equally thoughtful. "He was very respectful and abnormally vibrant for a Vampire, let alone a Pureblood. He approached us to ask your mother about her experiences in pregnancy, because he is a Carrier who is trying to understand what he will eventually go through in the future."

Ichiru's mind went through this new information as quickly as it could. It was a lot to take in. From his tutoring from Yagari-sensei, he recalled that Carrier Vampires were a mutation of sorts. As in, born vampire genetics had finally started to mutate somewhere in the last five thousand years and began producing males capable of impregnating but also being impregnated.

It was still a rarity though and not very common among Vampires.

"Kuran Hirohito has given us much to think about," said their mother firmly and unblinkingly. "We know the history between Vampires and Humans is long and bloodied, which was why the existence of Hunters was necessary, and yet… we must consider the facts.

"Vampires were created in the year 2178. They were based off of a mythological creature that humans had always been fascinated by. Some scientists got together and wanted to see if they could create real Vampires, but superior to those of legend, who could be made into soldiers. And so came the Ancestors. The Progenitors of the Vampire race. The successful experiments. And they had children together, who had children together. They turned humans, who were then experimented on, who had children. And the children began mixing, which eventually led to the hierarchy known today. And within a century, those Vampires were very unhappy with their lot in life and did something about it."

They hadn't gotten to this information in their lessons with Yagari-sensei! Ichiru and Zero shared a look of shock. It was like an entirely different form history from what they thought they knew.

"It is near-forgotten information," Asuma said. "The Archives in the Association Headquarters have only some notes from that time left and they are old and difficult to decipher. Few care enough about the truth to bother trying to learn it."


"The reason there was a war that nearly destroyed the world at all, was because the creation resented what they were created for, and what they were being forced to do. They developed their own consciousness and moral code and way of living and fought back. The devastation was tragic, and it was by the actions of one Pureblood in particular, sacrificing herself to give birth to the race of Hunters. We discovered powers that could only be described as magic despite science that could probably prove otherwise, and decided to defend the humans because they were the weakest out of everyone."

Their father jumped in then. "But we are only here because of the actions of a Pureblood Vampire ten thousand years ago. Most Hunters choose to not acknowledge this. This is proof that not all Vampires are evil. And based upon their reasoning for the war in general, they didn't start it with evil intentions. They just wanted freedom in a world they never asked to be created in. So, are we hypocrites to ignore this history and act as if they are all cruel monsters when, as Ichiru so eloquently put it, there are humans and even Hunters who have done some terrible things and are capable of even more terrible things?"

Ichirui recognized what his parents were trying to say. They had realized that their way of thinking wasn't right. Maybe not totally wrong, but definitely unfair.

And the Pureblood they'd met that night had helped prove it to them in whatever way he did.

"It would be foolish to say there are no bad Vampires, but I admit that it is even more foolish to insist that there are no good ones."

Zero, whose hands were shaking by now, asked, "Where can I read about the history of the great war? I want to know more about this. I don't like being lied to, even if it was done simply by omitting information. We shouldallbe taught this from the start."

He had a point, and Ichiru was interested in knowing as well.

It had taken so long for the world to rebuild itself. Thousands of years to get right back to where they'd been all that time ago.

Back in the 2100s, the world had already been around for about thirteen thousand years as far as records specifically existing that is. It could have been much older but with no physical proof, everything that happened prior was simply conjecture and treated completely as Theories.

Where they had been technologically by then, was a little behind where they were now. There'd been just enough information saved that instead of taking thirteen thousand years, it only took ten thousand years to get back to where they were at once upon a time.

It was fascinating how ancient history was so interconnected.

And it was a relief to know that his parents had taken his words to heart. Sometimes Ichiru felt unimportant because he wasn't like his prodigious older brother. And he knew the Hunter Association wanted them to be separated so he'd stop bringing Zero down. In recent months, he'd been feeling like his parents cared less and less about him as they kept taking up Zero's attention with tutoring and training while Ichiru remained sick in bed.

But right here and now, he felt seen and heard. It was… nice.

Hiro threw himself back on his bed with a smile. He'd been having a great time as of late with all that had happened. The party. Spending time with other people his own age. Kaname and Takuma visiting again. Haruhi beginning his weapon training, which involved him using a sword, go figure.

Also, Kaname had been working really hard to get something called a Night Class started up at a school called Cross Academy. Apparently, a retired Vampire Hunter ran the school and he had been friends with Kuran Juuri. Both shared an interest in coexistence beyond what was already known to the races. They wanted full integration with people not having to hide who they are.

Kaname was seeing that dream of Jueri's realised in order to better protect Juuri's daughter Yuuki.

Yes, there was another Kuran child out there, only Juuri had sacrificed herself to turn the girl into a human. If she were to be bitten by a Kuran and then drink their blood, she would revert back to her former self. Death had been oddly gleeful in relating this information.

Death had been coming around a bit more often too! It had been a while since Hiro had gotten regular updates, but he'd apparently been considered old enough to make it on his own or whatever.

As he saw it, Death had gotten bored of him by now.

Stop whinging, Master. It's unbecoming of you.

Oh, so you only pop up what I talk sh*te? No other reason? You miraculously have the time of day right now but never any other time?

Did you really need me around before now?

Hiro remained silent. Not necessarily.

That's what I thought.

Shut up! Ever think that it gets boring being stuck inside all the time with next to no friends and no one I can actually talk to about my personal issues and concerns?

It was Death's turn to be silent because they knew he was right.

Yeah, that's what I thought, you twat.

Being a reincarnation and having all your past memories wasn't as easy as it sounded. Not every day was sunshine and roses for him after all.

If I promise to come around more often, will you calm down?Death demanded.


Then stop being so pathetic, there are other things to focus on right now.

Hiro tried not to be too happy about such a small victory.

Anyway, things had been progressing pretty well on Hiro's end, he was just worried about what the hell was happening elsewhere. As in what was going on with Rido? Where was he? What was he getting up to? Was he even able to anything at all yet?

Death finally appeared in person and plopped down on his bed, sitting as if theyweren'tjust a collection of bones of varying sizes. "He is being held in the basem*nt of the Vampire Senate. What's left of him has been left to soak in a bathtub of blood so he can regain his form. He's more than half-formed already. He'll most likely be ready to revive by the time you're eighteen."

f*cking wonderful.

"Can't I just go over there and destroy him?"

"You are not powerful enough in this form, to make it past all of the wards guarding him. And I am not allowed to directly interfere, so I can't take you there and can't give you all the answers you seek."

Ugh! Fate was such a bitch about these things.

"True," Death agreed.

"So, I have to wait for him to regain his strength and come seek me out first?" Not safe in the slightest.

"And it will be easier if you and your cousins are all in the same place."

Meaning he would be attending Cross Academy in the future.

Right. Perhaps he'd taken his tutoring for granted, because having to sit in a classroom again was going to kill him.

"You still have a few years before that happens though, so all you must do is prepare yourself," said Death before they vanished as if they'd never even been there.

At least this mixing of students would be for a good cause.

"And you get to see Kaname every day!~" Death cooed like a twat.

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Chapter 7: Unearthing the Plots Laid Out So Long Ago


Hey! So I forgot about this. And not in the spiteful way because some asshole, 20 days after it was updated, was telling me to update the damn story instead of actually commenting on it or anything. No, I was working on editing Chapter 8 because Chapter 7 was in the FFN Doc with all the edits and notes and sh*t prepared. So I assumed I had already posted it since I went to check the Doc and already had one for Chapter 8 named and ready to transfer the contents from Google Docs into the FFN Doc.

Turns out I never posted this at all so fml. I'm homeless. I'm already terribly sick and have been for weeks cuz I have no way to get to a doctor and they won't call in prescription meds cuz they claim I'll used it to get high(yes, that is a thing that has happened). For once I think I can be excused in this. This time though.

Hell, our van just broke down and we're stranded with no way of getting anywhere.


~Remember that this is an AU that takes place 10K+ years after Harry died. So, since Kaname has been focusing on Yuuki AND Hiro, he hasn't had as much free time as he did in canon. In fact, it was never exactly clear just when he free Shizuka from her cage and initiated an entire clusterf*ck of events. So I decided to do this entirely differently. I'd also like to remind everyone that up to chapter 12/13 was written out before I began posting this fic. I'm only editing and improving what has already been down for over a year.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



"I need to desperately do something about my hair," Hiro said as he tried to run a comb through it to part it a different way at the very least. "Maybe it'd be best if I simply cut if off. I'm sick of looking like Rido."

Obviously, Haruhi couldn't actually say anything to placate him because he did in fact look a lot like Rido - one could even say they were twins if they'd dare be so bold - and no amount of pretending would make it not true. From the shape of his face to the part in his hair, and the unruly direction said hair liked flopping around in. It was obvious to anyone who had met the arsehole, that Harry was related to him directly.

At least he got to keep the eyes of his first life. That was something not-Rido related. Lily Evans was still in there somewhere and that was good enough.

Such a weird thing to be a reincarnated person from over ten thousand years ago.

The comb he was using we a super heavy duty one. Supposedly made of steel to better keep up with the strength of vampires. The grip he had on it had already bent it a little.

That was only because it wasn't working!

Haruhi sighed. "You're not going to be able to change it. At best, you'll have to shave it all off and see if it grows back in the same way. Only then could you have a hope of controlling the directional growth of your hair."

Yeah... no. "I'd rather look like Rido than be bald."

Besides, he wasn't sure he could use his magic to force his hair to grow. He wasn't exactly a Metamorph, or at least, he wasn't old enough to have the powers necessary to become a shifter. That would still take time. Noteverything came to him immediately after all. Pureblood Vampire or not, his body would not be able to handle that much power at such a young age. Totally unfair by the way.

"It's not as if your cousin minds the fact that you look like Rido," Haruhi went on to say as she tried to wrestle the comb from Hiro's grasp. "He likes you as you are so that should be something you focus on."

"NoteverythingI do is with Kaname in mind, mum."

She smirked. "Perhaps. But you still think of him a lot before doing anything and it wouldn't surprise me if this was beginning to bother you more because of how Kaname perceives Rido and his actions."

Honestly, it hadn't crossed his mind yet, but now that she'd brought it up...

"...Maybe I should dye my hair."

"I don't think Kaname will like that," Haruhi winced.

Too bad. Hiro was certain he could make Kaname like anything if he was cute enough and was convincing enough. It would just take a little bit of extra effort and a lot of white clothing.

Maybe there was a way to get his red highlights - or maybe it'd be better to call them lowlights - to pop a bit more. Some variety sounded nice. Black cherry red hair and bright green eyes could be cool.


Kaname hadn't exactly been thrilled by the idea of bringing Hiro with him on this visit, but he also felt that it was important for his cousin to see first-hand, what life was like for other Purebloods. That not all Pureblood families were treated the same and that their privilege in life would not follow them to all corners of the globe.

It was a dark piece of knowledge, but it was best for him to know now, rather than finding out somehow later one, when outside of his mother's and estate's protection.

He'd never personally visited Hio Shizuka before, but he knew exactly where to go in order to see her and knew what to do any time he felt like he needed to.

The Hio family were regarded as absolutely mad. Enough for them to be locked away from a young age, for the sake of themselves and everyone else. The tales of why this happened at all had been blown widely out of proportion over the past few millennia, to the point where no one knew why it happened anymore beyond the Vampire Council declaring it a necessity.

With their growing distrust of Purebloods, Kaname wouldn't put it past them to just be using the woman as a way to create slaves for the Council's own purposes. After all, vampires were vampires, and as times changed, vampires would come to adapt to the new world and the new life before them.

"Why are we here?" asked Hiro as he adjusted the lapels of his double-breasted coat. He looked very fetching this day. It did not escape Kaname's notice that his mother had made him wear the white coat instead of the black one, because they both knew Kaname preferred Hiro in white.

A reward for her efforts would be decided upon later, but for now they had business to attend to.

After business could come pleasure.

"I want you to see the reality of the Pureblood Hio family," Kaname answered grimly. "It's a sad state of affairs, and there isn't much we can do about it personally besides take it as a warning."

The limo had been left on the road about a mile back, and Kaname had told his cousin to hide his aura because they'd go on foot from then on. Breaking into a Council-controlled building took a certain level of stealth and he had it on good authority that Hiro was fully capable of following his footsteps now. HIs cousin was far more skilled than he let people believe after all.

The build they came upon was like an old castle tower. A stone cylinder reaching high into the sky, surrounded by all manner of protections that Kaname knew how to slip past without issue. It certainlylookedlike a prison. And not one window in sight even at the top of the tower where the stones jutted out more, displaying the actual living area.

He was reminded of the stories of Rapunzel in a sense. And of course, Shizuka would be the beautiful princess locked in a tower, except she didn't even get a window because a Pureblood would survive a jump from a window easily. They had to make sure she had no way out and no supporters from the outside who would help her.

"How depressing," Hiro murmured with a frown as he surveyed the area.

"Mm. Come. Follow exactly what I do and do nothing more."

It was a pattern. Usually only the ones who laid the warding down would be capable of getting through, but he was powerful enough to sense where everything was already, and easily slipped past the numerous protections in place. To mere mortals, they would have only seen an empty field. The fact that Hiro had seen the prison in the first place, showed how powerful he already was and the potential he had. Kaname was admittedly very impressed.

The side of the tower, on the outside, looking like a plain stone wall. When he placed his hand against it, the stone shimmered and revealed an iron door barely his own height. Hiro gasped and stepped forward, laying a hand on the door as well, before Kaname could even do anything, the door shifted inward, more silent than a whisper.

He had not been the one to do that. Hiro's powers were far more mature than he'd expected. So young and yet so powerful already. Fascinating.

Kaname led the way inside, the door closing behind them with a soft 'kshhh' noise. They were now trapped in the scent of decaying flesh and rotting blood. Certainly not appetizing in the slightest.

A spiral staircase that led upward, was what greeted them. On one side was the stone wall that had no doubt been enchanted to withstand a Pureblood's power, and on the other side was an iron railing. The direct center of the building was free space that was filled with just a mound of dead human bodies.

Not even Kaname could withhold his revulsion at the sight and stench. The newest body was less than a week old, the oldest had long since rotted away at the bottom, proven by the bones left behind, sticking out from under the pile.

This was their grand idea of getting rid of whatever Shizuka managed to not turn into a Vampire? They couldn't even burn the bodies to ash first?


His disgust for the Council seemed to triple immediately, which he'd formerly thought was impossible.

Hiro urged them to continue up. The scent was truly putrid and he couldn't blame the younger vampire for wanting to get on with it.

Eventually they made it to the top, where Hiro took no time in forcing the next iron door wide open to escape the pressing reality of death.

"Who are you?"

Both faced the room, as that was all it really was. A room. A rather large one sectioned off only by large bars a few meters from the door. Two pairs of distrustful eyes watched them from behind those bars. One pair was light pink and the other dark brown.

Kaname noticed the pink eyes staring intently at Hiro's face, noticing the obvious relation to Rido. But of course, Shizuka would recognize her fiancé's face. She'd been forcefully betrothed to him for ages after all, and he'd lorded that knowledge over her often.

"Kuran Kaname," the woman purred, a slight hint of the expected madness in her eyes despite her overly calm demeanor. "To what do we owe the dubiouspleasureof your no doubt unwarranted visit? And why did you choose to bring that man's spawn with you?"

Hiro's nose wrinkled a bit and he looked at Kaname. "I've never been called 'Spawn' before. Sounds kinda cool. Makes me seem quite more nefarious than I truly am. I feel devilish. Roguish," the boy said in perfect English, looking rather pleased with himself. His accent made his words sound all the most teasing.

And Kaname decided to butt in by saying, "Can a thirteen-year-old even be roguish?" What could be termed sexually attractive about someone just into their pubescence? He was barely more than a child at the moment and hearing him speak that way was a bit unnerving.

"Don't ruin this for me! I have been dubbed 'Spawn' and I intend to roll with it with absolute efficiency! I am the Spawn of the Devil and nothing you say is going to stop it."

Rido could never hope to be quite so clever as Olde Christianity's written depictions of Satan but, if Hiro wanted to make good of a negative comment, who was Kaname to stop him?

His cousin's strange behavior obviously baffled both caged vampires as they were staring at him strangely.

"So why are we here again?" Hiro asked a second later, looking up at him with bright, imploring eyes. Kaname had to shake himself off a bit so he could put his thoughts in the proper order.

"This is done at the behest of the Council," he said, gesturing to the cage and the tower itself. "Shizuka-san has been trapped in this cage for decades, only allowed the visitation of her Level D lover and her fiancé Rido."

"Why?" Hiro asked, turning to the woman herself. "Did you actually do anything to deserve being locked in here?"

Shizuka's light pink eyes narrowed slightly, but she ended up shaking her head. "It is simply my bloodline."

Kaname scoffed. "The excuse they're using is her bloodline becausesomehave been proven to be quite mad in the past. However, each of the Pureblood lines have had a few members who weren't all there after a few centuries. The entire Hio family, if they are not sleeping already, are locked away like this."

"That's stupid."

"Mmm," Shizuka hummed in agreement. "It is the Council's way however."

"There is talk of doing the same with your mother's family," Kaname told the boy, wanting to get it across to him the graveness of the situation. "Ichijo is trying his best to convince the others on the Council that the Hanadagi are traitors to the vampire way of life through their actions in contracting humans for their blood instead of simply taking it as if they deserve to have it. Public opinion is slowly being swayed out of the Hanadagi's favor in this regard. He is even contemplating reviving one of your more conservative elders to put a stop to your mother's continuation of this contractual endeavor her grandfather Hanzo started.

"In doing so, that elder would of course be under his control, much as your mother is under Rido's because he was the one who revived her."And how I am under Rido because he revived me,though he neglected to add that part aloud.

Hiro looked completely blind-sided. As for Shizuka and the Level D, both were dead silent, but paying very close attention. This was a lesson for everyone involved and he hoped they all took it in and internalized it for what it was.

"Why are they doing this?" Hiro asked eventually. "Why do they care so much about what people do in the privacy of their own families?"

"Because they hate Purebloods," Shizuka answered before Kaname could. Her voice was cold and harsh. "They hate the power we have over them. The very same people who put us up on pedestals thousands of years ago for our purity and power, now want to control or eradicate us because they understand how dangerous we truly are."

"They're scared and jealous," was Hiro's response.

"Yes," Kaname confirmed. There was a lot more to it than that, but for the sake of simplicity and lack of time on their side, he'd leave it at that for now.

"This sh*te always comes back to fear and I'm getting bloody tired of it."

Kaname wondered what exactly Hiro meant by that, but he didn't have much time to consider those words before Hiro stepped right into the protective Runes surrounding the outside of the metal bars. The air around him crackled with little shocks of power, like lightning, yet he seemed unfazed by it all even as the spells tried to burn his flesh away.

He placed a hand on the metal, ignoring how it sizzled slightly under his touch - a Hunter seal? Though not strong enough to make him bleed - and curled his fingers into a claw-like shape around a single bar. Without displaying an ounce of pain, he roughly jerked his arm to the side, wrenching the entire door away from the cell without any hesitation. The bent metal was then carelessly tossed aside, where it crashed into the stone wall and crumbled even further on impact.

"You can leave now," Hiro told the formerly trapped vampires tersely. "I would suggest going into hiding and staying out of sight for a while. Rido is still alive and will eventually be re-formed, and I doubt you want to have anything to do with him."

A ball of light the color of the sunset, appeared in Hiro's hands and flickered brighter and brighter as the seconds passed. Finally, when the boy's hands began to shake from whatever strain it put him under, he launched the ball at the high ceiling, and it exploded upon reaching the point and dissolving the entire top of the tower.

The night sky rested above them, stars twinkling far away, unbothered by what had just happened.

He then turned and took up Kaname's hand. "We are leaving before anyone from the Council realizes a bunch of their wards have just been destroyed. Don't fight me."

And before he could even ask when the boy meant, he felt his insides twisting and turning in a most revolting way. Unlike any kind of travel he'd ever experienced before. Being squeezed on all sides like being forced through a straw and then finding himself standing beside the limo where it had been parked not an hour prior.

The driver leapt into action immediately, asking if they were well. Hiro managed a terse nod and then got in the car without a word while Kaname regained his composure after such a strange mode of transportation.

He didn't even know what it could be called, but he truly hated it and never wanted a repeat performance if he could help it.

Once he'd collected himself, he slid into the limo right beside Hiro, and told the driver to return them to Hiro's home and not to say a word about where they'd gone to anyone.

Hiro remained silent for the rest of the ride, leaving Kaname to the terrors of his own imagination.

Murder. He was contemplating mass murder. It had been a while since he'd truly wanted to kill someone in cold blood, let alone people he didn't even know!

Rido certainly deserved death for all the sh*te he'd pulled in his life. He'd done personal wrong to Haruhi, Hiro, Momo, his own siblings, his niece and nephew, and no doubt scores of other people. Things like murder and rape specifically. Those deserved the worst sort of punishment imaginable.

But to hear about the Council's actions and their future plans? Forinnocent people who had done no wrong beyond existing! He hated that kind of behaviour the most.

He wanted to rake them across the coals! Wanted to curse their entire bloodlines to never reproduce. Wanted to make it so that every single step they each took would burn the soles of their feet as punishment for being such sh*te people. he wanted the embers of his wrath to be felt for the rest of known time.

When he was Harry Potter, he'd been so needy for positive attention that he never truly acted upon his darker impulses. He'd wanted people to love him and need him and took their abuse because he didn't want to push them away. He didn't want people to hate him.

Now he just didn't give a f*ck. It's what happens would you grow and become and old person who has seen too much.

It was a new life now. A new Harry. He was certainly more indestructible than he'd been before, and the world had changed. He didn't have to embarrass himself just to get positive attention now. He knew that the privilege he was born into was the cause of that, but still!

Once a certain power level and status had been reached, giving a damn about people's feelings became harder and harder.

A soft hand touched his cheek, capturing his attention.

It was Kaname of course, since they were the only people in the backseat of the limo. His red-brown eyes were soft with concern, his head tilted just slightly, making him appear much younger than he really was, even in this form he'd taken.

"I'm fine," Hiro assured him, though he couldn't even muster up a smile to put the other at ease. He was just so angry that he wanted to do intense physical harm.

If only he could get his hands on a bat and destroyed the very limo he was sitting in. Just let out all of his aggression on one of Ichijo Asato's possessions. He knew the man wasn't the only one behind the sh*te going on, but he was spearheading it and trying to control Hiro's own mother in the process!

f*ck him!

Kaname's hand trailed down, over his pulse and down his arm until his fingers could curl around Hiro's hand. It was a very intimate sort of touch and was enough to distract him from his ire.

He knew Kaname had noticed his little crush, but while Kaname humoured him for the most part, he did nothing beyond that. He certainly didn't give Hiro any false hope, which left Hiro aware of the fact that he had to somehow sway the older Pureblood on his own.

And here he was, initiating very personal contact that would certainly send mixed signals.

No words were shared between them, but he could sense Kaname's protective feelings all the same.

Hiro squeezed the other boy's hand a little and looked away. While he very much liked the contact and would have used it to his advantage any other time, he was too annoyed at present. How could he enjoy it if he was angry?

When his plan to distract Hiro failed, Kaname sighed and leaned back in his seat.

The ride passed by in silence after that.

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Still homeless. RIP.

Chapter 8: Leading By Example Really Does Save Lives


The lives of a pair of Hunter twins are about to improve, and it all stretches back to Kuran Hiro being the antithesis to the common vampire.


~TMI Menstruation BS~ I've been menstruating for 12 days so far and I've felt like I'm gonna puke the entire time. It's a miserable time. Also, I have ovarian cysts which makes it all worse.

TAGS: Drama, Canon-Divergence, Not Very Hiro Centered. Reminder that this was written over a year ago and has been part of the main goal the entire time. I didn't randomly add the plot point in this chapter.

~The pic is not mine; it is from the VK anime. I didn't even edit it or anything. I did give the ex-human lover a name though.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Given By:
Higashikokubaru Masamune, Vampire Hunter Association President
Date Ordered: September 11, TA 4570

Kuran Hiro - Watermelonsmellinfellon - Harry Potter (1)

NAME:Fujiwara Sachihiro
AFFILIATION:Hio Shizuka(Lover/Master)

Mirai frowned at the order she and Asuma had been issued. There had been no reason given for why this particular vampire needed to be executed. Typically, Level Es would be listed and their crimes ruthlessly detailed, most likely to anger the Hunter in question and make them more eager for the Hunt.

But it was suspicious that this order had no reasoning at all. And yet the President had sent it with a Black tassel attached, meaning it had to be handled ASAP. Even fi they'd been in the middle of an entirely different hunt, this tassel would be the only thing to cancel their current job and force them to switch gears to something else.

It had never actually happened in all the time they'd been hunting partners.

They were supposed to exterminate berserk vampires, but only when they'd gone berserk and committed some sort of felony. This was just too odd for her liking. He didn't even have some kind ofWarningattached to the order.

Asuma looked over the scroll when she handed it to him, brows drawn together in indecision. "This doesn't feel right," he admitted, thinking the same as she did.

"But if we don't see it through, they can take the boys away from us," Mirai said quietly, knowing what the true end goal of this would be. "You know how much Hagashikokuburo wants to remove Ichiru from the picture. If we go against explicit orders, he will make things even worse for the boys."

It was bad enough that the Hunter Association wanted to separate the twins entirely to make Zero a more efficient Hunter. But now the couple were faced with impossible circ*mstances. The suspicious nature of the order on one side but the safety of their children on the other side.

And there was nowhere to run or hide.

Everything felt hopeless.

Yuuki was out walking in the town... alone.

Kaname almost had a heart attack when he saw her long hair among the crowd as she stood before a vampire she did not know. And it was easy to tell why he'd stopped, because she did have a delectable scent. The one thing left behind from her vampire origins. Any vampire would have stopped when exposed to her scent.

It was Kaname's presence that got the vampire, a Level C, to back off. He didn't dare look back either, merely gave a curt bow and then rushed away.

"You're here!" the pre-teen gasped, turning to wrap him in a tight hug. "I wanted to come and meet you because I got excited!" she said, beaming up at him expectantly.

He was touched by her devotion and was reminded of when she was so little and would sit on the sofa, aiming her wide eyes at him and asking adorable questions. She'd hero-worshiped him to an extent back then too.

"It touches my heart that you want to see me," he told her, enjoying the light flush he got for his efforts. She resembled Juuri so much that it hurt to remember.

Yuuki embraced him without reservation, like nothing had every changed, because in her mind, she didn't have the entire truth of their history bogging her down. "Tou-chan is making food. I thought we could pick something up on the way back because it didn't look very edible when I left."

Ah, yes. The Chairman's failed experiments in the kitchen were one of his few faults. He just wasn't good at cooking. And unfortunately, Yuuki was not good at it either. The two of them together were a disaster waiting to happen. How they survived together, he had no idea. Yuuki could burn boiling pasta and Kaien... it shouldn't even be brought up for fear of laying a curse on an unsuspecting soul.

"I think your idea has merit."

She giggled and took his hand, leading him toward what looked to be a pizzeria. "Where were you before you came to visit?" Yuuki asked as they walked.

"Visiting my cousin. I always make certain to see him at least once a month since he lives so far away from me."

"Will he be coming to Cross Academy too once the Night Class starts up?"

"I hope so." With everything that had happened recently, he had a feeling that Hiro would agree to come. If Kaname asked anything of him, he'd probably agree.

"Is he nice?"

"Very. Sometimes I believe he is too nice." And maybe too innocent. Sometimes. Other times he said things that made Kaname wary of his potential in life.

Yuuki smiled. "And he makes you happy?"

"Yes." One of the few people to actually succeed at doing so in Kaname's great age.

"Then I like him too."

Maybe he could introduce them some time soon. Hiro would surely take to Yuuki as he had to Kaname. And Yuuki could use more friends, whether she knew they were her family or not.

Shizuka could feel Sachihiro's panic long before she even caught sight of him. His aura had returned to her senses at an abnormal speed, as if he was fleeing from something. And the chill that accompanied his emotions had her on edge.

Instantly, the Pureblood's body scattered into thousands of cherry blossoms, seeking him out. Her body reformed in front of him protectively in the middle of a desolate road not too far outside the city they'd chosen to hide out by. There were only four heartbeats in the area, leaving them all effectively alone.

Across from where she and her lover stood, were two Hunters. She had never seen them before but knew enough about their descriptions to know who they were. The Kiryu Hunters. A husband & wife duo who were incredibly talented and had given birth to the cursed twins of Hunter lore.

Instead of facing eyes of hatred, both looked upon her and her Sachihiro with confusion. The woman leaned a bit closer to her husband to mumble, "He doesn't look berserk."

And the husband responded with, "He had no listed crimes either. Convenient."

Both shared a serious glare, before fixing their attention back on the two vampires. Their hands tightened around their weapons.

Shizuka decided to speak up. "Why have you come after Sachihiro? He has done no wrong in the eyes of the Hunter Association or the Vampire Council. He is no Level E for he has taken my blood and been tamed after being bitten. There is no crime to pay for." At least on his part. Shizuka would never claim to be a saint though.

Normally she wouldn't bother being clear-headed over this, but she felt she owed it at least to the Kuran boy who freed her to be civil first. Common decency wouldn't kill her, but that didn't mean she had to roll over just because she was trying to be merciful first.

The huntress shifted her wire from one hand to the other, angling her body in a looser stance that could easily become defensive if she so desired. "We were given the order by the President to execute your lover who is listed as a Level E, despite very obviously not being one. Nor having any crimes associated with his name. But the order was insistent and we have to follow through."

And yet both had chosen to explain instead of fight. Why?

And why was Sachihiro on the execution list as a Level E? He could never be one because he'd already consumed her blood after she had turned him. And she was the 'Master' so the speak. If anything, they should wantherhead to prevent any further losses.

The man stepped closer, his dual swords raised. "It is of no personal issue with either of you that we are seeing this order through. We simply cannot ignore such an important order from the President otherwise we could be labeled as traitors and he would gain full custody of our children. He seeks to use the one as a weapon and possibly sacrifice our youngest to empower his brother further. We cannot allow that to happen."

If the Hunters went against their order, the President got what he wanted. And if they followed his orders and killed Sachihiro, then Shizuka would want revenge. And she would then kill them in return, removing them from the picture entirely, leaving the boys vulnerable to the President. Either way, the President got what he wanted.

What Shizuka wanted to know was who was pulling the strings for this to happen? She had no doubt Ichijo Asato was involved. He was most likely furious over their escape from that prison they'd been trapped in for so long.

And Ichijo's loyalty had always been to… Rido. Rido who was being kept safe until he had enough strength to begin his tyranny anew.

She had no doubt in her mind that it was Rido's doing and growled low in her throat upon realizing the truth. It was always him coming in to ruin everything!

He'd never even wanted to marry Shizuka! He'd left her in a cage for decades and hadn't ever fulfilled his end of the arrangement between himself and her parents. Yet of course he would still view her as a possession and would not allow another to have her heart.

Just because he didn't want her didn't mean she could have anyone else in his greedy eyes.

She hated him.

"Why do you hesitate to fulfill your duty, then?" she asked the Hunters, ideas coming and going rapidly as she tried to navigate a way through this danger. "Even for the sake of your children?"

The two shared an uneasy look, before the woman said, "It doesn't feel right. Neither of you have done anything wrong according to our records."

"And why would a Hunter care whether or not a Vampire has done wrong or not? Or existence is an abomination to you."

"Because we've been given much to think about in terms of our duty and our past," the husband stated firmly. "By our own pacifist son. By our friend Kurosu Kaien. And even by the Pureblood Kuran Hirohito."

That boy again. Of course, he was involved somehow. Despite being the spawn of Rido, he wasnothinglike Rido. Far more stable as a person, but also just morally decent. And his example had somehow influenced these Hunters in some way.

Her mind was traveling through options faster than time could move. "Your youngest is sickly, yes?" The curse of Hunter twins was well-known even to the Hio family after all.

Both Hunters looked uncomfortable at the conversation being turned into one of their children, but they nodded anyway.

"If you lie about seeing your duty through, I will give you some of my blood to give to him. In return this will strengthen him, and he will no longer be weak."

She was not unaware of the gaping maw of Sachihiro. She knew he resented her to an extent for letting him be turned into a Vampire instead of killing him like almost every other human sacrifice she'd been given. But her being willing to give up her own blood, considering how important and venerated it was, in return for his life, made her feelings about him very clear. He was not just some toy for her to play with.

That had never even been a thought. Not even when he'd been tossed inside her cage and spent the entire time glaring at her in defiance. Shizuka had been intrigued by him, and strangely charmed by his quiet strength.

She wanted him to survive more than anything.

"You'll have to hide him. He can never go outside again so long as Higashikokubaru lives and controls the Association," the woman said, stance loosening slightly.

"That's better than him being dead." If she had to sequester him away for his own good, then so be it. He could hate her all he wanted, but he'd do it while alive and well, and that was good enough.

The desperate parents shared another look, before lowering their weapons fully.


Victory was singing through her veins. Rido would not get his way and that made this all the more delicious to her. Perhaps... down the line even... these Hunter twins could be helpful in defeating that maniac.

"Come. My cousin resides in the area and her family has taken us in. They will be able to assist us."

You have changed many things without even trying.

Hiro looked over to where Death was seated on his bed again. They'd appeared out of nowhere and with no prompting of any sort and then just decided to take up his space. "What?"

Just as I said,the being clarified.Before I chose to put your soul in this body, the future had been set and the Fate of everyone involved was also set. Yet by placing you here, and you being you, you have managed to change so much already that the same outcome that had been expected, is completely impossible now. It's very impressive.

"Um… what have I done?" He didn't recall doing anything amazing. And if he did do something, was it going to bite him in the arse later on?

Next to nothing. It is simply your presence and you refusing to be anything but yourself that has caused all these changes. Such changes that not even Fate had managed to predict.

Wow. If only this kind of skill had been useful back in his time.

The world was not ready for someone like you, Master,Death assured him.People like you are rare and important because of the influence you hold, and it is always when you're dead that people truly begin to listen and understand.

How ominous. That didn't necessarily mean that people took his words correctly. harry could just imagine how bad it had gotten at some points.

Wix weren't exactly known for using their common sense after all.

Correct,agreed Death.Your condemnation of the slaughtering of Dark Creatures is what led some muggleborn scientists to consider the true uses of the supernatural beings that once roamed the Earth. They then set to creating genetically enhanced Vampires, and managed their first, successful Vampire, five years after your death. That entire process was how Kaname eventually came about.

And that was f*cked up.

Harry Potter had essentially been the one who started this whole thing? He hadn't meant to make a new race and then enslave them. He just thought it was foolish to kill living beings for what they were capable of doing naturally. Humans were just as capable of murder, but he hadn't seen any wix advocating for the slaughtering of all humans in existence.

In a way, this f*cked up situation was his own fault?

Maybe not your fault, but you had a hand if only slightly in the history of the last ten thousand years. It isn't your fault humans misconstrued your words and beliefs.


Strange how this all came full circle in a sense.

Hiro had been reborn into a new life, as the very creature that came about because of the experiments done in the name of his views and beliefs.

And the world was still just as f*cked up now as it had been then.

He needed to plan.

Haruhi watched as her son painstakingly smeared his blood in what looked to be runic patterns, around the borders of every room in the house. He had started doing such during the day when most would be sleeping, but eventually realized the scent of his blood gave him away and just continued at any time he wanted.

So far, he had completely covered the foyer and the first two drawing rooms. He still wouldn't explain exactly what he was doing, but from what little she knew about wards and spells, she knew they were protections. Something had spiked his protective instincts and he felt the need to use his own life's essence to protect their family home. A dangerous, and very serious effort on their behalf.

Perhaps, fi she was a better mother, she would force him to stop. But Haruhi wasn't meant to be a mother so soon, and she wasn't perfect, nor did she have all the maternal instincts she felt a mother should have. And while it smarted a bit, she was aware that Hiro was stronger than she was, and oddly smarter in certain ways.

So, it was best to leave him to his own devices, and not get in his way.

That didn't mean she couldn't be there for him though.

"Is there a way for me to help?" she asked, feeling kind of useless. She was the parent. She should be protecting him, not the other way around. It was bad enough that he was a better Pureblood at such a young age, but she should at least pitch in.

"You don't have magical training, mum. You wouldn't be able to power the Runes correctly," he told her matter-of-factly and he cre4ated an elaborate syntax without even looking at what he was doing.

And you do?she wanted to ask, baffled by the conviction in his tone. Where had he learned magic? No one in the house or any of his prior tutors were capable of it. And where did he learn of the Traditional Elder Futhark Runes? And when did he even have the time to learn all of this?

"Kaname was kind enough to inform me of some nefarious plots against the Hanadagi coming to the surface. When I follow him to Cross Academy, you will be left defenseless while I am gone. It would be the perfect opportunity for the Vampire Council to try some sh*te because their arses aren't very clever. I am simply making their plans harder."

Her grandfather hadn't liked the current Vampire Council members too much. He'd gone to sleep in hopes of waking in a time where many of them were dead so he wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.

He'd been very loud about it too.

"What do the Council want with us?" she asked her son, trying to think of what could have earned them the Council's ire.

"Power. Control. The usual things that old men in government positions want. They plan to treat the Hanadagi as they do the Hio and have been running a smear campaign on your name for years to see this plan through. I would rather be safe than sorry when the people who worship Rido's very existence, have their greedy eyes on us."

After he finished the library, he ended up having to drink from three servants just to get up enough energy to get upstairs and into bed without anyone's assistance.

In the meantime, Haruhi was left to consider the future.

What lay in store for them? Rido could never let anything go and wouldn't take the loss sitting down. He knew his son was a Carrier and knew that Hiro was coming of age soon. He would be physically capable of bearing children and now that everyone knew about it, offers would be coming in left and right, because even if they wouldn't be Pureblooded offspring, they'd be of the strongest of the Aristocracy, and those families wanted the power boost they get from having him even if only for a time.

If such a thing actually happened, it would only serve to make Rido even more jealous and madder than mad.

While her son spent his days agonizing over protecting her and their sleeping family, he had a very large target on his back, and he needed the most protection out of anyone.

But if he was with Kaname, then he'd probably be in the safest place.

Haruhi regretted that she couldn't be a better role model, or at least a better guardian in her son's life.

Ichiru stared down at the vial his parents had placed in front of him, wondering at the dark red liquid inside. His mother looked dead serious as she told him, "We need you to drink that. Please don't ask questions and just trust that we're doing it for your own good so you can stay with Zero."

Not 'us' but with 'Zero'. As if they expected something bad was going to happen to them at some point in the future. It made him nervous since he'd never seen them so high-strung before. They were doing something to protect their children but assumed it wouldn't protect themselves in the process.

"When you take it, you will feel tired, and fall into a deep slumber. You might not awaken for several days, but that will be okay. This is the best way we can protect you from Higashikokubaru."

The Hunter President?

It didn't take great brains for him to understand that the contents of the vials was some kind of blood. His parents wanted him to ingest blood, like a Vampire. They thought it would help him. And only a special kind of Vampire blood would be capable of doing that.

The blood of a Pureblood Vampire.

How had they gotten their hands on it? They'd gone away from an urgent mission to execute a Level E and came back very serious and trying to get him to drink Vampire blood.

If it was for him to be able to stay with Zero, then he'd do it, but he was just confused on how it all came to be.

Ichiru removed the stopper in the vial and downed the strangely sweet liquid all at once, trying to ignore the fact that he was drinking blood. The Hunters of old had gained powers by drinking the blood of Vampires, so this should be no different in the long run. But that didn't mean it wasn't totally gross to drink blood when he wasn't the kind of being that required it for sustenance.

And his mother was indeed correct of course, he felt drowsy almost immediately.

His father caught him the moment his body sagged, and the last thing he remembered seeing was his mother's teary eyes and concerned expression.

Zero sat vigil at his brother's side ever since he'd fallen asleep. His parents had refused to explain what had happened but told him that it was necessary. That Ichiru would get better and that everything would be fine eventually. They would be able to stay together and Ichiru would get better eventually.

He'd sat and monitored the younger boy's health, watching in shock as his complexion became less gaunt and pale. More like a person and less like a corpse.

Because of their genes, they'd always been pale to an almost albino level of paleness, but Ichiru had been near blanched to an unhealthy degree since birth. Zero absorbing half of his life force had caused it, which left him feeling guilty every day because of it.

But now Ichiru's skin resembled Zero's, and his breathing wasn't strained like usual! He took full breaths and there was no odd wheezing sound coming from his chest.

It was too miraculous to believe, and yet it had happened right before his eyes!

It was hours later, in which Zero found himself waking up after pulling two all-nighters to guard his little brother. He found Ichiru's familiar gaze looking at him, eyes bright with energy he rarely seemed to have.

"Hi, Zero."

His voice was strong.

The younger twin wrapped his arms around his brother and squeezed with more strength than he'd ever managed before. "I feel better, nii-chan." His smile was infectious, and such a precious sight that it made tears sting in Zero's eyes.

Ichiru actually looked better and sounded better and felt better...

How was it possible?

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Still homeless. RIP.

Chapter 9: The Future Keeps Chugging Along


Hiro and Kaname's relationship evolves, and the Kiryu twins meet someone special.


~Was feeling good so why not edit and update?!

TAGS: Underage Kissing(as underage as a 10K+ y/o vampire and a 200 y/o former wizard are), Flirting, Drama, Humor, Meet Cute, M/F/M Poly Relationship, Queer Themes, Mild Language, Changing Canon More & More.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Hiro was staring him down, looking especially annoyed. It was rare for him to be on the receiving end of such displeasure. Most would think they didn't have a right to be angry at a Pureblood, let alone Kaname himself.

"Kaname, it isn't that big of a deal. Sowhatif Takuma had my first kiss? I gave it to him willingly and that should be all that matters in the end."

His annoyance was irrational, he knew this. There was no reason for him to be so jealous over who Hiro decided to kiss, but somewhere, some little gremlin in the back of his mind, insisted that Hiro should have given his first kiss to Kaname. That there shuld be no reason for him to seek anyone else's attentions.

A million reasons even popped up to justify this!

He was related to Hiro. He was Hiro's first friend outside the safety of his home. He was the Head of Hiro's family. By technicality, he would be Hiro's spouse according to the rest of the vampire world. Hiro knew him longer than Takuma. Hiro saw him more than he saw Takuma.

It was a very outdated way of thinking and he felt slightly ashamed of himself for it, but he couldn't help the way he felt! He was a possessive beast, and it was in his very nature to be this way.

Hiro's green eyes narrowed a bit as he rolled over into his stomach to have a better view of Kaname. "Are you jealous?" he asked, managing o hit the nail right on the head.


His denial had come too soon to be believable though, and Hiro wasn't easy to fool.

"Did you want to kiss me, Kaname?"

This time he chose to say nothing since it felt more damning that way.

In response, Hiro's whole body seemed to undulate oddly until he was on his knees, a smirk on his face as he crooked a finger at Kaname. While Kaname had been through puberty before, his own actions were making him go through it again. He'd had many sexual adventures in his long life, but for some reason, seeing the unexpected confidence in Hiro's actions, made him feel unprepared.

Hiro should have no sexual experiences at all! Where was this confidence coming from?

Without even realizing it, he'd moved closer to the bed, and blinked into total awareness when Hiro reached out to tug on his lapels. The older Pureblood tumbled down onto the silk sheets that Hiro loved to feel against his smooth skin. He found himself staring at the ceiling with Hiro hovering over him just enough for their lower halves to touch. But only barely.

"Are yousureyou don't want to kiss me, Kaname?" the boy asked, lashes fluttering attractively. "Not even a little bit?"

For a moment, Kaname was completely breathless.

But only for a moment.

He had the other boy flipped around a second later and pinned to the bedding. Kaname was bigger than Hiro and had continued growing. At fifteen, his shoulders had become broader compared to his cousin. So, while Hiro remained only a little shorter than Kaname, his frame was more svelte in comparison.

Pinning him down took little effort, though it wasn't as if Hiro was fighting to begin with. He merely laid there, smirking up at his Ancestor as if he had all the secrets of the universe and was contemplating the benefits of sharing them.

"Did I possibly strike a nerve, Kaname?"

The Ancestor chuckled and trailed a long finger down the boy's exposed throat, enjoying the shiver he got for his efforts. "I think the question that should be asked here, Hiro, is would you mind too terribly if your cousin wanted to kiss you until you couldn't breathe?"

All at once, Hiro's impossibly green eyes dilated, his pupils eclipsing any and all color. That was all the confirmation Kaname needed.

Hiro might have a crush but that didn't necessarily mean he would welcome sexual advances. Sex and love were two different things even if one could lead to the other. Assuming that Hiro would welcome sexual advances would be presumptuous and disrespectful.

Without awaiting permission, Kaname placed his lips on Hiro's, a strong desire in his veins for him to completely erase the scent of Takuma. He cared for his friend greatly, but this was just something he could not forgive. Even if it happened a few days ago and the scent no longer lingered, it had to be fixednow.

Instinctively, his body would not relent, however. It screamed at him to cover the younger teen in his scent as a mark of ownership. From top to bottom until it was obvious to anyone that Hiro was spoken for.

A low moan slipped out between them, and Kaname didn't even care enough to figure out who it came from. Hiro's lips were soft and delicate, and he wanted more and more of them. Wanted more of Hiro's body moving beneath him in pleasure. Wanted to hear how these touches made him feel.

Their mouths opened and the flavor of Hiro assaulted his senses completely. He was sweet as expected, and yet so much more at the same time. Reminiscent of the chocolate he so loved, to be honest, but with something sharp in there. Power, but unlike any he'd ever come across. It was there, brimming and damn-near ready to boil over at a moment's notice.

When he eventually pulled away, he was pleased to find a glassy look in the boy's eyes and a delightful flush working its way over the bridge of his nose. Coupled with his naturally messy hair, Hiro looked deliciously debauched. And it was all because of Kaname's talented mouth.

The thought gave him an immense ego boost. More than he rightly deserved to have, he knew.

"Giving a whole new meaning to the term Kissing Cousins," Hiro said out of the blue, his voice low and raspy as a result of their actions.

Kaname sighed fondly. Of course, his kissing expertise wouldn't be enough to slow Hiro's mind or his impulses down. There was nothing that could stop the boy from being himself, and it was fascinating to witness.

"Shoving your tongue in my mouth is the fastest way to cut yourself on my fangs," Hiro went on to add, his eyes becoming clearer and focusing better. "You should probably be more careful of things like that."

"Perhaps I don't care if I cut myself on your fangs."

The boy sent him a doubting look. "Really? So, you wouldn't care if another Pureblood ingested even a portion of your blood and through it, understood you in the most intimate way possible?"

Kaname shook his head. "Not just any 'Pureblood', Hiro. I wouldn't mind if it was you, and you alone. I doubt I'll ever want to share my blood with anyone else."

Not even Yuuki. Not if he could help it.

A look he couldn't begin to decipher, fell over Hiro's features. "Maybe we'll get to that kind of intimacy later on."

That was basically an agreement for it to happen another time! He could feel his own fangs ache with the need to share blood with Hiro. It was a desire he'd never gotten before since only the closest of relationships would ever make something territorial like a Vampire, willing to share blood in a mutual exchange.

"For now, I'm fine with this kind of intimacy," he said, reaching up to thread his fingers into Kaname's hair. "You, me, and the heat our bodies can make together. I happen to have a kink for being pinned, you know. I very much enjoy the position we're in and wouldn't mind if it was to continue or happen again."

His dark lashes fluttered a bit as his head tilted just slightly. The light overhead managed to catch in his hair, revealing those incredibly dark, blood red strands of hair he'd inherited from Rido. They were impossible to see without the aid of such powerful lightning, but they made the boy look all the more unique as they mixed with the black strands.

To an extent, Hiro reminded him of his first lover, years and years ago. When he wasn't a hardened killer and hadn't suffered much of anything yet. Back in his youth. He missed just being happy and carefree and not having to worry about anything.

He had also taken those precious moments with Haruka, Juuri, and Yuuki for granted.

Kaname took up the hand in his hair and placed a kiss on Hiro's open palm. How he was quickly becoming Kaname's favorite person, the Pureblood would never know.

"Why are we visiting the Chairman?" Zero asked from the backseat where he and Ichiru were forced to sit on car rides.

They had met Kurosu Kaien many times before but had never gone over to his house. Usually, he came to their house, and it was usually on business. Even when nothing about him was meant for that kind of life.

Mirai, in the passenger seat, turned to look at them and said, "Kaien has finalized his plans for the Night Class. The Moon Dorm has been built and is ready to be inhabited. All that is left is the Vampire Council to get their act together, for the Chairman to get enough Prefects, and for the entrance exams to take place."

When they'd been told about the coexistence plan years ago, Zero had been skeptical. He wasn't like Ichiru who was perfectly accepting of everyone he met and simply believed in the good in people. He hadn't thought this pipe dream would ever come to fruition. Had privately though the headmaster was an idiot and a fool.

But apparently, he'd been wrong. Kurosu Kaien had not only the backing of several substantial Vampire Hunters such as Zero's parents and his shishou, but he also had the support of three Purebloods. Kuran Kaname, Kuran Hirohito, and Hanadagi Haruhi. And with them, others fell in line with their examples in an effort to get on their good sides.

Now there was a school that would house vampires and humans at the same time, even if the two races never held class together. It was a step in the direction to prove Kurosu's ideals weren't impossible.

Still… just because the plan was a success, didn't mean Zero and Ichiru were involved.


"Are you going to make us attend Cross Academy and be Prefects?" he asked once the idea came to mind.

His parents shared a look with each other before both nodded.

Their father chose to answer him, however. "You will both eventually be accepting orders to handle executions somewhat in the area of course, but will for the most part, guard the Night Class from what will no doubt be obsessed humans, and guard the Day Class from any vampires in the area, be they Night Class students or visitors."

It sounded like a tough job.

"Your mother and I will be moving again in the meantime, to better keep us safe. Your safety is most important though and you will have the best protection under Kaien's guidance. He's the best of the Hunters, and those Kuran boys seem very interested in seeing his dream become a reality. They wouldn't let harm come to any students."

There was something they weren't telling Zero, but he decided to let the matter drop for now.

Especially since they'd arrived at their destination and there was no more time for private conversation.

"I don't think we ever mentioned this, but Kaien has an adopted daughter named Yuuki. She is a year younger than you both and is also dedicated to this dream. She will be the other Prefect with you once she's old enough to enter the Academy.

"A word of warning. Kuran Kaname found her when she was five, wandering alone on a snowy night. He killed a Vampire that attacked her and brought her to Kaien when he realized she didn't know who or where she was. The girl is very dedicated to him as a person and believes firmly that coexistence between our races is possible. So don't be rude just because she might seem a little naive on the surface. She is not a Hunter and does not have your level of knowledge or training."

Zero knew very well that those parting words were aimed at him specifically. He wasn't that miffed about them to be honest, since he was aware of his own attitude and behavior in the past.

Also, he was intrigued.

They weren't even out of the car when the front door of the modest home they'd parked in front of, slammed wide open to reveal a girl around their age, with hip-length brown hair and bright brown eyes. She appeared to be excited.

"Hi! I'm Yuuki!"

She had even more energy than Ichiru did now, and reminded him of a puppy looking for praise and pats.

Ichiru took in a very sudden, deep breath, capturing Zero's attention. He found his twin staring at the girl with wide eyes, a light flush filling his cheeks.

Was this… Ichiru's first crush?

He looked back at the girl who was now bowing to their parents, talking animatedly about something or other, and could kind of see it. Something there in her demeanor. She had lovely hair at least. He kind of wanted to reach out and touch it, to see if it was as soft as it appeared.

And then she turned and beamed at the twins, and Zero sawit. Whatever had roped Ichiru in, had latched onto him as well.

And he had already fallen before he could understand what had happened.

It was times like this where Hiro wished that Vampires didn't f*cking terrify animals! He wanted a fluffy creature to have and to hold! In his former life, he'd had a Kneazle that was grumpy and preferred sleeping most of the day away. Since it was basically him but in feline form, he'd connected very well to the creature.

As a Vampire though, he couldn't get any kind of furry friend because his aura and scent were of the deadliest apex predator. Those muggleborn scientists really did a good job in recreating the advanced vampire species, he had to give it to them.

Hiro had moods. Typically, he preferred initiating contact, much like cats did. He wanted affection but on his own terms. And he felt so needy at the moment but had no one with whom he could cling to without feeling cornered!

This was why he needed more friends.

But as a Pureblood, the number of Vampires he'd be able to get unnaturally friendly with were small. Who out there had the bullocks to let a Pureblood climb them like a tree?

Ichijo Takuma for one. Kaname for another.

But Aido was too prissy, and Kain was too boring in a sense. Hiro wasn't that big of a fan of Souen, but it was mostly because of her crush on Kaname that he was jealous of, and her inability to be decent to others. Shiki and Touya were a bit too aloof and didn't seem like they'd welcome his clinginess despite seeming clingy normally. Shiki tolerated Hiro's hugs, but it was obvious his cousin wasn't much into them.

He'd seen Shiki hanging off Takuma. Hiro was certain the two were an item or would become one at some point. Especially after Takuma reaffirmed his belief in himself being gay by asking Hiro to be his first kiss.

It had been a sweet kiss, but nothing like the one he'd gotten from Kaname.

Yes! In terms of reeling Kaname in, Hiro was further ahead than Aido, Souen,orYuuki! He hadn't gotten a promise of fidelity or anything, but he was doing pretty well for his efforts!

All he had to do was remain chill. Flirt, but not too much. Play on Kaname's obvious jealousy, but not too much. Be as appealing as he could realistically manage.

Everything in moderation.

Playing with a Pureblood's possessive instincts is a dangerous game,said Death with a sigh They didn't even need to do since They didn't breathe.One of these days you're going to push him too far and he's going to react. Don't forget that he is your Ancestor and has thousands of years of experience in everything, over your head.

"I know what I'm doing."

Hopefully he'd be able to get laid before he was capable of getting pregnant, or they'd have to go through the whole protection spells and contraception sh*te.

Like, he coulddothem, but they were time-consuming.

"Kaname, are you alright?"

He… did not know.

"I find myself facing a dilemma," he admitted, wondering how exactly he could explain the situation without giving away all the details.

"A… friend of mine that I value very much, has developed a sort of crush I suppose on a pair of Hunter twins. And the twins in question seem to return her interest tenfold."

He was annoyed because boys were showing an interest in his little sister, but then also his little sister was showing an interest in boys! She was too young! Yuuki was twelve! She wasn't ready for that kind of step!

When he'd gone to visit her, he had expected a hug, maybe a cuddle, and then an hour conversation about how she was doing in school. Instead, she sat next to him and talked his ear off about these two new boys she'd met. The Kiryu twins.

Not even a month into knowing them and she was already calling them Zero-kun and Ichiru-kun. And she had gushed about how pretty she thought they were. How skilled Zero-kun was with a gun, and how Ichiru-kun used a spear like she was practicing with.

Of course, Kaname had yet to meet them, but if he did, there would be words between them! And warnings given.

Kaien thought it was hilarious and had spent their whole meeting snickering into his fist while he attempted to take Kaname's concerns and observations seriously. He hadn't appreciated the humor at his expense.

Hiro snorted at him, pulling him back into the present and away from his aggravation. "Is this about your little sister's potential polyamorous relationship with the Kiryu boys?"

Many things made Kaname freeze in place.

Hiro knew he had a sister. And he knew who the twins in question were. And judging by his nonchalant way of acting, he'd known about Yuuki for quite some time. Somehow.

"Wh-where did you-"

"I have my ways," the boy said with a smirk. "I know a lot of things you've worked to keep quiet, Kaname. I simply stay out of your important business, and plan to keep on doing so until I am directly involved."

So many questions came to mind, but he had a feeling that Hiro wouldn't be giving him any answers any time soon.

His eyes were normal. There was nothing off about his aura, so he wasn't being possessed by anyone. It was all Hiro in there.

The boy in question shifted so that he could lay across Kaname's lap, blinking up at him, face almost coy. "So now that we've established my knowledge of super important secrets, can Ipleasemeet my other cousin sometime soon?Beforewe begin at Cross Academy?"

If Hiro thought he was going to distract Kaname by rubbing up against the older Pureblood, then he was sorely mistaken-

He inhaled sharply when Hiro's body moved, hard and firm across his lap in a very suggestive manner. Green eyes blinked up at him expectantly.

Not having sexual relations in such a long time made it embarrassingly easy for him to become aroused. The slightest bit of contact was enough to cause him some problems, and Hiro seemed subconsciously aware of that fact.

What a naughty boy his cousin was.

Perhaps... Kaname could allow himself to be distracted just this once.

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D





After almost 2 years of this suffering, moving all around Delaware from motel to motel, or being stuck in our van which is breaking down, we have finally moved into a small home!

Most of our possessions got destroyed in the storage unit we were renting because there was a hole somewhere which allowed it to flood and allowed rats inside. We managed to get mom and my little sister beds to sleep on, and a pull-out couch for my step-dad. I am still sleeping on the floor though because beds are too expensive, and we just can't handle the extra expenses right now. There just isn't enough space left tbh.

There are only 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. I am sleeping on the floor at the foot of my mom's bed. We have a kitchen again, and a shower, and I got a new blanket! My clothes are all gone though, so I only have what I was bringing around with me since January of 2022.

Still, it's great to be able to say that my extra panic can be laid to rest, and things can kind of go back to normal. We get to eat full meals again and that's the best part honestly.

Now, y'all don't have to keep hearing my whining about this.

Chapter 10: Setting Things Up For the Future, Let's Hope It Goes Well


Hiro finally gets to meet his cousin who doesn't she's his cousin and gets to throw his lot in with the human/vampire school's efforts.


~heh heh heh!

TAGS: Drama, Flirting, Kissing, Humor.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



How did a Pureblood Vampire and her lover end up becoming their godparents? It was the strangest thing out of anything to ever happen in the history of Vampires and Hunters, Zero was certain.

And the weird thing was that they kind of looked like the woman! Save for the pink eyes, they looked as if they could be related!

Both Zero and Ichiru took after their father's coloring since he was the Kiryu though. It was just so weird.

"The progenitor of the Kiryu Hunter line drank the blood of a Hio a thousand years ago, in order to gain the powers of a Hunter. It just so happens that when an average human ingests the blood of a Pureblood, things change. Your unique genetics were caused by my great-great grandmother's blood," Hio Shizuka said frankly as she sipped tea in his parents' kitchen as if she belonged there and nothing was out of the ordinary.

"The Hio genes are powerful, which is why the silver hair and fair complexion have been recurring in everyone born of Kiryu blood ever since. I did some research in the Hio vault after our last encounter," the Pureblood explained, cutting a look to Mirai, who had seemed baffled up until that moment. "It was a fascinating discovery among other things."

'Last encounter'?

No matter his amount of curiosity, it didn't seem as if his parents would be addressing that little bit of information. Which was frustrating! Just because he was a minor didn't mean he shouldn't know important information too!

"Basically, you're related to me to an extent, so it only makes sense that I would be your godmother. And Sachihiro loves children so he wouldn't mind."

"How is he, by the way?" Asuma asked as he poured himself some more tea.

"Coping a lot better now. He's taken to doting upon my youngest cousin Maria. She was born sickly and weak, so while her family houses us, I've been giving her my blood on a weekly basis until she returns to her proper health."

That sounded shockingly similar.

Zero's gaze turned to Ichiru, who seemed to have come to the same conclusion, his jaw already dropping in shock.

"Does Sachihiro-san want children of his own?" Mirai asked, looking concerned.

Hio Shizuka shrugged. "I do not know. He's never brought it up before, but he is a natural with children anyway. I certainly would not mind giving him any if he decides he wants them."

And finally Zero had to say something then. "I thought Purebloods only had children with other Purebloods?"

Shizuka smirked and shook her head. "How do you think the Aristocrats came about, little Hunter? Though female Purebloods are less likely to birth randomly because of how long it takes to become pregnant and then how long pregnancy lasts for us, it still happens. Usually it is the males who sow their seeds frivolously for the Purebloods."

Okay, he'd kind of walked into that awkward topic and hated every second of that explanation.

"Will we get to meet your significant other at some point?" asked Ichiru, looking excited.

"When we deem it safe, of course."

At least that was something. Zero just wasn't sure how he should be reacting to this situation.

All he knew was that his parents demanded absolute secrecy from them. And if this woman was the one who helped save Ichiru, then dammit, Zero was going to keep his mouth shut.

Another f*cking soiree that he couldn't avoid! "I'm regretting letting you introduce me to these people," Hiro said as he and Kaname stepped out of the limo and into the chilly night air.

Kaname sent him a Look that basically told him to shut up and deal with it.

His plan to pout was ruined when Kaname took him by the hand and pulled him into a very quick but deep kiss, effectively halting his breath while making his heartbeat skyrocket.

When they parted, Hiro glared. "Kissing me isn't going to always get you your way, you know."

"Ah, but I won't always be doing it to get my way. Though that is certainly beneficial to me, I just like touching you."

Damn! What a suave bastard.

The desire to kick him in the shin was powerful, but Hiro restrained himself because if there was a stain anywhere on Kaname's person, it would make him look unkempt and for the amount of schmoozing he planned to do tonight to get people willing to send their kids to a human high school, he had to look immaculate.

Lucky bastard.

Hiro would get him back later.


Kaien looked up from the pot he'd been considering, when Yuuki belted out her excitement. He'd felt the Pureblood's presence immediately, as well as another Pureblood with him, but had chosen to keep quiet since this social call hadn't been planned and it would be a good surprise for his precious daughter!

And he'd been correct! When Yuuki opened the door, she had yelled loud enough for her voice to carry throughout the whole house.

After a moment of shuffling and murmuring, Yuuki returned to the kitchen with Kaname in tow, and another Vampire Kaien had never met before.

The resemblance was obvious though and it took little effort for him to realize that this was the elusive cousin that Kaname had mentioned so often.

The other Pureblood wasn't that much shorter than his cousin, with darker hair, and startling green eyes. He was even more beautiful than Kaname was, if it was possible.

If his memory served him correctly, Kaname's hair and eyes came from Haruka, who took after his mother Kazuha. Juuri and Rido took after their father Seiji, taking his messy hair and facial shape. This boy looked more like Juuri than he did Haruka, meaning he looked most like Rido, his father.

"Hello, Kurosu-san. I'm Kuran Hirohito. Kaname has told me much about you!" The boy stepped forward, hand out for a handshake which was more western of him than expected. Though Kaname did say his cousin was a bit strange, becoming fluent in British English before his native Japanese.

Still, Kaien did meet him warmly, if a bit hesitant, taking his hand. "We've heard a few interesting things about you as well."

The smirk the teen sent his cousin's way made a slight blush work its way over Kaname's cheeks. It was something Kaien hadn't seen in years and made the boy look adorable as usual. "Oh, really? I would love to hear all about it since Kaname is being so tight-lipped right now."

"I can see why Kaname-sama loves you so much!" Yuuki announced, eyes wide and cheeks pink.

Another smirk. "He 'loves me so much', huh? Kaname, I'm hurt that these words have never passed through your lips before." And then his eyes widened and became glossy. He added in a fake sniffle for dramatic effect. "Is it possible that youdon'tfeel this way for your baby cousin who looks up to you so much?"

Kaname scowled and looked away, appearing even younger. "You know I love you and that actions will speak far louder than words ever could, Hiro."

'Hiro' grinned and good-naturedly bumped Kaname with his hip.

"Were you about to cook?" Hirohito asked, looking down at the pot in Kaien's hands. "Have we interrupted you?"

"I was going to make something, though I hadn't yet decided on what."

"Then let me handle it while you three catch up," said the boy, taking the pot from him and placing it on the stovetop. He proceeded to pull out his cellphone and send a text with it. "Morino-san is going to stop by the nearest shop and get some ingredients for me since we dropped in so unexpectedly. Can you show me where all of your crockery and appliances are?"

And that was how a fifteen-year-old Pureblood Vampire ended up cooking him dinner in his own kitchen. The ease of his movements showed that he was used to cooking and that he very much enjoyed it.

And while the food itself was great, it was the dessert he'd made which was the best part!

"Hiro's best work is always dessert," said Kaname as the pie was dished out. "He's made things I would never even consider and yet all were better than the last."

Yuuki was definitely enjoying herself. With Hirohito around, Kaname resorted back to a sort of teenage mentality instead of a stern old man who played by all the rules. He quipped, and blushed, and begged his cousin to stop telling tales of his most embarrassing moments. It was not only an insight into Kaname as a person, but also an insight into his relationship with Hirohito and demonstrated just what the two meant to each other.

It would come as no surprise if the two actually got married sometime in the future. Since Purebloods did intermarry in their own families, it wasn't a shock to think that Hirohito would be a good companion for Kaname. To help him loosen up and act his age at the very least.

Then, wonder of wonders, the boy cleaned up the entire kitchen as if it were second nature to him. He didn't ask for any help and continued talking the entire time, answering Yuuki's questions with patience and explaining things she didn't understand very well. He was very good with children and if the rumors about him being a Carrier were true, then that was a very good thing on his own end.

Something told Kaien that Hirohito knew Yuuki's real identity as well.

After a late dinner, in which Yuuki was so tired that Kaname had to carry her to bed, the three retired to Kaien's office to discuss what was going on with the Night Class.

It was there that he learned of Hirohito's intense interest in his plan, personally. Kaname had said his cousin was interested, but nothing could properly prepare Kaien for the boy in person.

"My one and only issue is the 'no blood at all' policy. If they choose to bite each other if the hunger becomes too much and these blood tablets that are being synthesized don't do their job as well as they should, it won't really hurt anybody. Making it so they aren't allowed to bite the human students nor ingest blood from the human students in any fashion, would probably be a better wording for this rule."

And he had a point. Kaname and Hirohito would most likely keep good control over the vampire students so even if they choose to feast on each other now and then, they wouldn't go too far.

The rulebook for the Night Class was as big as the one for the Day Class. The dress code was the same, though he was kind enough to fudge a bit on details. Everyone had to wear the uniform in the color of their class, but things like socks/stockings, shoes, jewelry, hair styles, hair colors, eye colors, hats, scarves, gloves, bags, pins, etc… could be added, left out, or exchanged for something else so long as there were no questionable slogans involved.

He was aware of how boring boarding schools could be and therefore strived to make Cross Academy fun! There would be dances and school trips, and other things to make things a little more interesting.

"What madeyouso happy?" Zero demanded the moment Yuuki came flying out of the house to tackle him and Ichiru into a hug.

"Kaname-sama visited last night and he brought his cousin Hirohito, who made us dinner and dessert and was really nice and really handsome!"

Ichiru sent him a knowing look, and Zero looked away. He would absolutely refuse to admit out loud that the Pureblood in question was handsome, and Ichiru didn't know why. Maybe because he was just that stubborn?

On Ichiru's end, he had no problem admitting how pretty Kuran Hirohito was. He could remember the other boy's face as clear as day. So, Yuuki being so flustered after seeing him for the first time was understandable. And she even got to speak to him!

"What was he like?" Ichiru asked, curious.

"Funny," the girl said. "Unlike any vampire I've ever heard about. He wasn't all prim and proper like Kaname-sama was. He was actually much like tou-chan in a way."

Yeah, that sounded a lot like what their parents had described.

"Are you going to be able to focus on training today with all this excitement?" asked Zero, a frown on his face. He was always such a party pooper. He needed to learn to have some fun!

"I'm going to kick your butt just for saying that, Zero-kun!"

"Yeah, nii-sama. You're going to get your ass kicked!"

Then Yuuki whirled on Ichiru, her long hair smacking Zero in the face in the process and making him sputter, "And don't think I won't kick your butt too, Ichi-kun!"

Feeling daring, Ichiru smiled and leaned into her personal space. As predicted, she flushed immediately. While neither Ichiru nor Zero were taller than her at the moment, it was still easy to appear bigger than she was. With Zero right behind her, blocking her in, she had nowhere to go. She'd essentially been sandwiched.

"I think I would like that a little too much, Yuuki-chan," Ichiru purred.

Zero glared from over Yuuki's shoulder, pulling her away from his twin. He didn't let go however, hands still on her waist.

If his big brother ended up being his greatest competition for Yuuki's heart, Ichiru was not going to play fair!

"Oi, gaki! Stop flirting with each other and get your asses to the shooting range!" Yagari-sensei yelled at them from the house, very rudely breaking up their personal moment.

Yuuki blushed like a ripened tomato and immediately put distance between her and them. If Zero even tried to say his frown was because of having to do work and not because he wasn't touching her anymore, Ichiru was going to put hot sauce in his food again.

There was no reason to lie. They were fourteen and Yuuki was very sweet!

And her dad seemed perfectly fine with their presence if his twirling and singing in the background about how his daughter was old enough to have boyfriends now, was anything to go by.

When Yuuki rushed ahead to escape the embarrassment that was Kurosu Kaien, the man in question went dead serious and said in a no-nonsense tone, "If you break my little princess' heart, I will break you both."

A threat from the Vampire Without Fangs was not something to be taken lightly. And since the man had joined Yagari-sensei in their training sessions, Ichiru had no doubt in his mind that he would be using his sword very creatively in the future.

The twins shared a grimace and followed the man to the shooting range.

At least they would get to watch Yuuki practice with her aim before they got to their own training. She looked good holding a gun and if he was lucky, she would ask him for help instead of Zero.

"You are not who I was expecting," Kuran Hirohito said the moment the front door of his family home swung open to reveal Shizuka of all people.

The older Pureblood had decided to visit the young man because she felt compelled to in a sense. Despite being that man's child, he was nothing like Rido and had an infectious personality. An abnormal thing in a vampire.

"You were expecting your cousin, I presume?"

He flushed and nodded.

"Sorry to disappoint. I was wondering if we could speak?"

He looked around her and frowned. "Did you walk all the way here? Barefoot?"

"I can physically scatter my body into thousands of sakura blossoms and fast-travel that way," she assured him.

"Oh! Well, come in. Morino-san, can we get some black tea and that cake I made yesterday in the first drawing room?!"

She wasn't even five steps in the foyer when she was met with another Pureblood. It was a Hanadagi, that was easy to tell, though the name eluded her.

"Mum, Shizuka-chan came to visit. Do you want to join us for some tea?"

"Last I heard, she was a wanted woman," the Hanadagi said stiffly, distrust seeping out of every pore.

Hirohito switched to French then. "Yes, but for stupid reasons. You might as well join us since your family will be brought up no doubt. Kaname introduced me to Shizuka and I'm the one that freed her from the Council's stupid plans."

Well then… another person in on the secret.

Of course, it made sense that another Pureblood should know so they could better prepare themselves for the future and whatever the council thought they were planning in secret.

"So how have you been, Shizuka-chan?"

She thought about everything for a moment, before beginning with, "I now have a pair of Hunter twins as my godsons."

The following conversation was both amusing and tiresome. She wouldn't mind taking tea with him again, honestly.

Kaname accepted the small box Hiro had presented him with. The boy had been strangely serious about the gift, so Kaname had wanted to show it the proper respect that it deserved.

Inside, under the green wrappings, was a wooden bracelet that had two, small metal latches on each end so it could fasten properly. The wood had been carved with various Elder Futhark Runes that were then painted over in red. He was familiar enough with blood to recognize it instantly. Even though the resin that the bracelet had been encased in muted the scent of blood, his senses were far more advanced than the common Pureblood.

He found it to be a curious gift and sent his cousin a questioning look.

"Just some added protections," the boy said frankly. "I'm very good with runes. My blood makes them even stronger. There has always been power in the blood."

That was a piece of information that every Pureblood was aware of. Kaname was simply curious on how Hiro came to know this information personally, or where he learned about runes?

The gift was taken from his hands and quickly fastened around his wrist. He felt a small buzzing from it before the bracelet went dormant again.

"No matter where you are now, if it senses you are in danger, I will be able to come to your side immediately. No matter the level of protections you may be behind. Treat it well, and many happy returns."

Hiro then placed a kiss on his cheek and smiled from ear to ear. "Now let's go have some cake. I baked it just for you."

Kaname tried to pretend that his heart was not pounding in his ears.

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Chapter 11: Reaching his majority came with certain... hungers...


His 16th birthday was on the horizon and Hanadagi Hirohito was experiencing his Majority early. If only his wretched cousin was around to f*ck the hunger out of him.



TAGS: Drama, Humor, Underage Sex?(their bodies are 16 but they are like old ass men), Incest, Cousin/Cousin Incest, Coercion?(Harry threatens to have a friend be his first instead of Kaname to make him jealous), Explicit Language.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A/N: Hello, people!

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Knight.

I have no beta.



Hiro was days off from turning sixteen and reaching his physical maturity that would tell him he could bear children all of a sudden. And the most annoying thing about this whole situation, was that he'd yet to get laid even once in this new life!

While it took longer for vampires to get pregnant, it was still possible. Having to cast contraception spells and sh*te every time he wanted sex was going to get so old. But at least he knew it could happen when he was ready to become a parent!

So, if he walked around in a sour mood for a few days leading up to his birthday, it wasn't his fault! He was needy. Sixteen years of this new life, and then the last thirty-five years of his former life had been spent chaste since nobody wanted to get it on with an old man nearing two hundred.

That was fifty-one years without sex! And twenty-four years without masturbation!

His body was hot. His blood felt like molten lava. His trousers were perpetually uncomfortable! The rest of the household was on edge around him, carefully avoiding him because of his bad attitude.

"Hiro, are you well?" Haruhi had asked him that evening while he'd grumped into the dining hall for breakfast. He hadn't even greeted her at the time.

"I'm sexually frustrated."

The woman that birthed him blinked into her cup of tea, and then frowned hard. He could practically feel her unease increasing.

"Not the kind of information you want, but it's best you know what's wrong in case I go and do something stupid and end up with Kaname breathing down our necks over it."

Surely, Takuma could be persuaded if Hiro baked him a cake first? If he was really cute beforehand and flirted just right, while loosening him up with cake, maybe Takuma could get into the mood and might say yes if Hiro asked him? He could be distracted well enough to forget about Kaname's existence if Hiro tried hard enough.

"Are you sure you want to play this kind of game with Kuran Kaname?" his mother asked, sending him a look that screamed how much she was questioning his sanity with this possible decision. "The Kuran line is older and far more powerful than the Hanadagi line."

"Well, as he's not getting around to it any time soon, I shouldn't have to wait that long for him to pull his head out of his arse and take a gander at the world around him."

There was a moment of contemplation, before Haruhi asked, "Why are you waiting forhimto make the first move? You are perfectly capable of making the first move yourself."

Because I'm an embarrassed twat and don't like being in control when it comes to sex,he groaned mentally. How anyone could think Hiro gave off dominant vibes, he had no idea. "It's the principle of the thing, mum. Just trust me."

Hiro proceeded to stuff and entire roll of bacon and eggs into his mouth without any hesitation.

Sex was needed! He needed a long bath to himself for a time.

Kaname could feel the tension in his jaw.

When he laid eyes on Hiro that morning, he had to deal with the shock of seeing Hiro walking around, eyes in a perpetual red glow as he drank straight from a blood bag that had a metal straw in it. The glow did not cease from drinking the blood, meaning the hunger in question was not caused by a thirst for blood.

He looked agitated and was glaring at anything his eyes landed on. He didn't even smile when he saw Kaname waiting in the drawing room. Though he'd probably scented him long before he'd arrived, his mood did not lighten in the least in Kaname's presence like it usually did.

Kaname watched as Hiro artfully draped himself over one of the many sofas, looking more like an old painting than a living being. His white slacks and unbuttoned white shirt contrasted the black cushions nicely. He looked like a fever dream with his glowing red eyes and flushed face.

"Are you well?"

Red eyes narrowed, but no answer was forthcoming.

It was the first time that Kaname truly registered Hirohito's sexual appeal. Attractiveness was a bit different in his personal opinion. All vampires were attractive because they were predators meant to charm their prey. But not all vampires were sexually appealing.

Hiro's scent filled the room, a spice to it that Kaname hadn't ever scented before. It made his blood jump in excitement.

It took him a moment in categorizing the eyes, the position, the flush, and the scent, before he realized just what was going on.

His precious Hiro had finally reached his sexual maturity. A week earlier than expected of course, but still there, nonetheless. While it had been almost sixteen years since he had been born, he had existed for eighteen in all technicalities if one counted those thirty-one months in the womb. Of course, he had attained maturity now, a week early.

And this meant an increase in his senses and all forms of hunger. Especially sexual desires.

The object of his sexual desires being unable to assist him, would make the palpable irritation the younger Pureblood was experiencing, understandable.

His next revelation was a bit slower to come upon him, but it eventually reached him, and a sound of realization slipped out.

Hiro scoffed and turned his head away. Apparently, Kaname had been too slow on the uptake.

That didn't mean he couldn't help his precious cousin out. He'd been dallying with the idea for a time, anyway, considering the opinions of the aristocrats and their comrades. In fact, one could say it was expected of him since they were the last known living blood relations of the Kuran line.

Placing his tea down, Kaname stood and approached the other teen. Without giving him a chance to fight back, he hauled Hiro up into his arms and proceeded toward the grand staircase, ignoring the sudden bout of swearing in Swahili that was aimed his way.

And while Hiro definitely promised to do unsightly things to him, his body didn't fight back at all, relaxing in his hold, proving that Hiro was mostly just frustrated over being kept waiting, then actually offended by something Kaname had done/failed to do.

It came as no shock when he noticed the entire wing of the estate that Hiro resided in was empty. Not a soul, not a sound, and not even a hint of another being existing in the same place for the past several hours. Their scents had gone stale in that time period, leaving only Hiro's scent to linger everywhere.

They'd been giving him his proper space either by his own orders or instinctually. A Pureblood in the throes of hunger was always a danger to have around no matter how kind they were as a person.

Hiro's bedroom was the most thoroughly covered in his scent with that spice of arousal thrown in for good measure. It seemed to saturate everything, breathing in it in slow drags made Kaname's own body head up in response. In passing, he saw his own reflection in Hiro's floor-to-ceiling mirror and saw his own eyes glowing now in physical response.

"Do you want your cousin to f*ck you, Hiro? Is that what you're aiming for today?" he asked, leaving behind all sense of propriety because in this situation it had no place between them.

Seeing Hiro's pulse jump in his throat and the glowing of his eyes flare, was answer enough.

The blood bag was drained fast and tossed aside as the teen reclined on the bed. Kaname felt like the predator he truly was as he followed the boy up the covers until he was between Hiro's parted thighs with a perfect view of his exposed skin.

"Do I want to get f*cked by my cousin, you ask?" the boy teased, reaching up to cup Kaname's face in his cold hand. "Is the Earth f*cking round, Kaname?"

Well then...

"I have been patient, but I am a needy bottom and I want to be topped quite thoroughly. And if you do not help your baby cousin out, I will do my damndest to get Takuma to take me first."

Possessiveness rose up in Kaname like a beast, reminding him that he was no more than an animal in human form. The beast was enraged by the mere suggestion that anyone who wasn't Kaname would dare touch Hirohito in such a way that they did not deserve.

The more rational side maintained that Kaname didn't 'deserve' to have Hiro either for any reason because he was not an object to be owned, but his bestial side was too pissed by the boy's insinuations to care.

White fabric was practically torn off Hiro's body and tossed aside, leaving Kaname to spare only minute regret as he'd liked those clothes. Still, their lack of presence revealed Hiro's entire body, which was now bare. He hadn't been wearing undergarments at all and Kaname appreciated that choice very much.

It had been quite a while since he'd partaken of any sexual offers, and his body made certain to let him know just how stupid that was on his part.

"Don't f*cking stop now," Hiro warned him, a look of utter impatience on his face.

"I'm appreciating the view," he told the teen, leaning down to run his tongue up the length of Hiro's neck. The pulse there jumped at his touch, and he groaned when his fangs seemed to vibrate with need. There were many things he was willing to do to Hiro, but this was one of the few things he would never do without permission.

Drinking such pure blood came with an invasion of privacy that neither was ready for. Maybe later, but not now. Not at this point in time.

Hiro's hands refused to remain idle, choosing to work his trousers off his slim hips. When there was minor resistance, the boy huffed and snapped his fingers. At once, Kaname's clothing was gone to who knows where, and their bodies were suddenly pressed skin to skin.

It was the most intimate contact they'd made thus far, and both had to pull away to control themselves. The desire to not only f*ck Hiro but also drain him dry, were almost overpowering. He bit his own tongue to stop himself from saying anything damning. The wound healed instantly.

On Hiro's end, he seemed to care a lot less about control as he yanked Kaname down hard, hooking a leg over his hip and forcing their erect co*cks to rub together. Both hissed in response. It was hot and wet from the cum dripping all over the place.

"Are you going to get one with it sometime this century?"

"Patience is a virtue-"

"-that I have none of, thank you very much. Get to the f*cking already. I don't care if you have to dirty talk me or what have you. Prove yourself by either putting up or shutting up."

Kaname blinked for a moment and then decided that if Hiro wanted it now instead of waiting to be properly prepared, then who was he to argue?

"If you complain about pain, remember that it is your own doing," he warned as he lined himself up.

Oddly enough, the slide in was easy, as if the boy had already been lubricated, which was impossible since he had nothing to use for such a purpose.

The satisfied smirk on Hiro's face brought to mind so many questions. In the end, the need to get off was too powerful to ignore any longer. He could ask questions later.

For now, he had to establish his skills so Hiro would know that he didn't have to seek anyone else out for pleasure. His cousin would be more than willing to take care of him at any opportunity.

"Don't think I don't know what you were up to," Hiro said with a glare that most likely had no heat in it.

He didn't for a second believe Kaname's innocent grin and wide eyes. Kaname was always keeping secrets. Always planning something. Even when he was tired or f*cked out.

"You came all over me, six times, and then rubbed your cum into my skin so I'd smell of you. If I wasn't so damn tired, I would be in the bath, scrubbing myself clean."

Though he had to admit that it was hot as hell every time Kaname would pull out and finish somewhere on Hiro's body. The first time had been right on his chest, and, as he'd stated, was quickly massaged into his skin.

The last time, after mercifully waiting for Hiro to cum for the final time in which he'd been too tuckered out to do anything more, Kaname and shifted further up the bed and wanked himself off right into Hiro's hair. And he'd really given it his all.

Of course, the white globs trailed down his face between his eyes, splitting apart at the bridge of the nose and continuing their descent. All the while, Kaname watched with burning red eyes, as his cum finally managed to trail into his cousin's mouth, getting lost inside.

He'd groaned when Hiro licked his lips, but it seemed the Ancestor wasn't capable of getting it up any more for the time being. He'd gone hard for three and a half hours, with Hiro only taking control once, for about ten minutes in that time span. It had been a lot of work and probably the most physical exercise he'd gotten in a while.

Kaname looked pretty damn pleased with himself, not even bothering to deny Hiro's words because they both knew the truth and there was no point in denying it.

"Would you like me to carry you into the bathroom?" Kaname asked moments later, when Hiro had almost fallen asleep. "I can set up the bath and take care of you."

The younger man cracked open an eye to glare. He reached out near-blindly, grabbing into Kaname's hair and tugging him down so he could lay beside Hiro. "Sleep. Hold me."

"Needy, boy," the other purred into his ear, making his skin tingle a bit.

Hiro's hand trailed down so he could smack Kaname's bare arse once in reprimand. "Bad. Sleep now. We can f*ck when we wake up but for now, we rest."

And so they did, with Kaname partially on top of Hiro, pressing him into the mattress and anchoring him in a surprising moment of awareness and consideration.

When they awoke, he wasn't sure of exactly what would happen, but he found himself not caring enough to propound any what-ifs. He was warm, his body demanded rest, and he'd finally gotten what he wanted.

Life was good.

There was sex when they awoke well into the afternoon. By then, Hiro was covered in dried and wet cum. It was all in his hair and on his face. His body was covered in it.

He made Kaname make do on his offer and carry him to the bathroom where he proceeded to run a hot bath in a tub that was almost like that one in the Prefect's Bathroom back in his Fourth Year at Hogwarts. There weren't multiple taps for different soaps or bubbles or anything, but it was still very big and could in theory fit twenty people at once.

It ended up being another place for them to have sex, where Kaname bent him over the edge, and he knelt on the marble seating carved into the tub. That time it had been the slowest they'd gone thus far and end up with Hiro sitting in his cousin's lap as Kaname slowly took him apart bit by bit.

The plan to get clean took longer than expected, but they were teens in body and had needs that both had been neglecting for a very long time. It wasn't their fault!

Once Kaname got into it, he just didn't seem capable of stopping. Was the stamina from him being so old? It was impressive and slightly terrifying if truth be told. Hiro almost regretted starting all of this. His poor ass was going to hurt soon, unnatural healing speed be damned.

"I need to be clean now," Hiro said, reaching for the shampoo he preferred, which was called Sweet Silk and smelled of Raindrops & Roses. It was marketed toward women, but he just liked the scent and didn't think there was anything wrong with his preferences. Plus, it was gentler on his senses.

Body products marketed toward men made his nose burn and caused sneezing fits.

He found himself seated between Kaname's legs, on the step below him so Kaname could lather his hair up with soap. Combing through the cum-covered strands took extra effort, but it was touching that he seemed so dedicated to the task. Even when it was erasing the majority of his scent from Hiro entirely.

Of course, Kaname would be f*cking good at aftercare. The bastard was talented at everything he put his mind to. Sex. Chess. Science. Hand-to-hand combat. Languages. Bathing. Where was the fairness? Hiro had to rely upon his former life of experience to be good at anything, and that still took him almost two hundred years to build up!

Despite the drama involved, ithadto be one of the best nights of his new life.

Hiro appreciated being taken care of, especially after a life of having to care for others nonstop. It was his turn to be pampered just a bit. Right?

When the lather was finished, Kaname took up the detachable shower head and worked the suds out methodically. The water was warm and despite sleeping for hours, Hiro was feeling tired again. It was nice to just relax and take it easy for once.

Before he could move, Kaname pulled him back, Hiro's back to his chest, and laid a surprisingly soft kiss on the nape of Hiro's neck. In Japan, that was a very special place and seeing, let alone touching it, was something reserved for family and lovers.

Though he hadn't been Japanese in his last life, he'd been drilled into a considerable number of cultural beliefs inthislife. The private area Kaname was touching was almost a taboo. But Kaname was technically family and also his lover, so it worked out in a way.

But it still made butterflies gather in his tummy.

He actuallyfeltyoung again.

Slowly, the kisses morphed into light suction. It took a few seconds before he realised that Kaname was leaving hickies on his skin! And judging by his angle, he was going to leave a ring all around Hiro's neck!

So, while his cum marking had mostly faded, he'd still leave a mark in some other way. One that couldn't be completely hidden without turtleneck jumpers. And Hiro didn't have any of those.

The clever bastard.

He moaned after a particularly hard suck, and knew it had to be even worse for Kaname. Bruises were broken blood vessels just shy of breaking the skin. Kaname was so close to Hiro's life source and had to have considerable control to avoid biting him without permission.

It made Hiro curious to see what it would be like if Kanamedidbite him.

He might just find out sooner rather than later as the idea of him doing so, felt very appealing to all of his senses.

And if he let this shucking continue, he was going to end up filthy again, so he better put a stop to things before they got any more serious.

A/N: Another is done!

How was it? Let me know!

Check out my other fics!

See ya! :D




Preparing to be homeless again. As of Feb 15th, we have nowhere to go.

Kuran Hiro - Watermelonsmellinfellon - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.