FEUBEN REPUBLICAN urnnl Milulntiun: "Well lion'. jour business? Holding up folding up?" 16 Pages ESTABLISHED 1857 Published Wklr Entered Becond-Claaa Matter at the. pott office at An cola, Indiana, under the act of March 187S. ANGOLA, INDIANA, SEPTEMBER 19, 1951 Subscription Price $2.50 per year 6c per copy on Newttanda NINETY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 38 Liquor Permits Granted Another Five Generation Group Five Generations In Maxton Family Seek Local Hearing In Telephone Rate Case Former College Three Angola Taverns President is ..,.1..
11 jk't i Sale of liquor by the drink began in three Angola taverns last Wednesday morning, shortly after the arrival by special delivery mail of liquor permits granted by the Indiana Alcoholic Beverage BULLETIN' Gov. Henry F. Scliricker has just issued a rail for the Indiana legislature to meet In special aes-sion next Monday at eleven '-dH-k Central Standard Time. Members were notified in dispatches today, saying preparation should be made for a ten day session or forty days if necessary. It is presumed that legislation concerning the recently enacted Fallen by Death Maurice McClew and Clark Springer, of Butler, representing Steuben county, and Willis K.
Batchelet, for the city of Angola, will appear before the Public Service Commission of Indiana next Monday morning to protest the petition for increased rates for telephone service as presented by the Indiana Associated Telephone Company which serves Steuben county and adjacent Commission. The three tavern operators had previously filed petitions for permits and a hearing had been held locally by the Steuben County Alcoholic Beverage Widely Known As Civil Engineer And Able Mathematician George G. Niehous. former head areas. Mr.
Springer is also repre welfare publicity law will be un of Tri-Stat College, died in the. der consideration. Cameron Hospital in this city early Friday morning. September Hoard, whose members had not been advised of the commission's decision up to Wednesday morning. According to information given this office by a member of the local board, it was understood that decision on the permits was being temporarily withheld until such time as an investigator could visit Angola and ascertain local sentiment regarding the legaliz senting DeKalb countv.
where the Butler exchange of the company is located. Roger D. Brannigan, of Logansport, president of the State Bar Association, is counsel for the telephone company interests. The local attorneys plan to pre 14. after a long period of ill health which had become critical during the past six months.
For several years past Mr. and Mrs. Week End Trail Ride Big Success Over 2 5 ii horses and riders at Xiehons had been spending some time in their home in St. Peters sent a motion heiore tne commission asking that the hearing on the rate increase for Steuben county be heard in Steuben coun ing of liquor by the drink. tended the Pokagon Park Trail burg.
Florida, hut his health had become so serious that thev were Ride held during the week-end at However, shortly before the time the board member made this Pokagon State Park, under the unable to leave Angola last winter. sponsorship of the Pokagon Sad Professor Niehous had been as dle Club. This is an annual event 1 foregoing statement locally, the permits were in the hands of the tavern operators, through special I I delivery mail, and the retail sale! 'of alcoholic liquors by the drink I sociated with Tri-State College for and draws attendants from north nearly fifty years, coming to An eastern Indiana, southern Michi ty rather than in Indianapolis. In addition to the legal representatives, a large delegation of Steuben county citizens, representatives of civic groups and other organizations, are expected to be present at the hearing. Considerable opposition to the rate increase is being manifested in the community, in accord with gola in 10u2.
after his graduation gan and northwestern Ohio. ne unique church services on Sunday morning, conducted with Bottom row, left to rislit. Mrs. T. J.
Painter. SS. Mrs. Hush holding his all participants on horseback drew Maxton. John Dudley Itonar, Jr.
Top row, Mrs. John D. Donur, Maxton. Top P.ottoii row. Itit tit riuht.
(JeoriP It. Maxton. uriMt lni InulUy p.uiiar. lliiph riv. r.
.1. Jr. a large crowd, with the attend and C. J. Maxton.
anee prize going to the Pokagon similar opposition arising throughout the state in other areas affected. Saddle Club with sixty mounts and riders participating. Roy from the engineering department of Purdue University, where he had been recommended as one of the outstanding mathematicians of the country. With his coming the college inaugurated a course in civil engineering and mechanical drawing which was the forerunner of the expansion into the different branches oi engineering which has made Tri-State ho widely known. With the expansion of the school Mr.
Xiehols has held nearly every official position in the school, including the pre Hampton was in charge of the was resumed in Angola after a period of nearly thirty-five years during which such practices were not permitted. With the law permitting liquor licenses to be granted at the ratio of one license for every 1000 population or fraction thereof, it is expected that at least three more taverns will be licensed for similar liquor sales in Angola, recent census figures having given the Angola population as 5080. One tavern operator has already placed his petition for license on file with the Alcoholic Beverage Commission and it is indicated Hoyer Family Dinner Enjoyed Sunday George Mountz Is Critically 111 Urgent Need For Blood Donors Friday singing with Mrs. Willard Newnam and Mrs. Hampton as soloists, and Business Women's Week To Be Observed Mr.
and Mrs. Olen Favourite George E. Mountz. widely More blood donors are needed the sermon was given by Albert George Maxton Is Honored By Family On 95th Birthday of west of Pleasant Lake were known Carrett lawyer, is reported A. Coil.
for the visit here on Friday of host and hostess at a family din as in a critical condition at me the Mobile Dlood Unit, according A aance on Saturday niKht wa The week from September to September 2'J has been desig ner Sunday tor sixty members or to Dr. Diehard Snook, chairman an entertaining leature, aud in Lutheran hospital in Fort Wayne suffering from a coronary of the blood donor program for ltided a white elephant sale. Trai sidency, and was a member emer the Steuben County Chapter of rides were held Friday, Saturday. itus of the board of directors at the Ued Cross. A quota of 140 that others will soon follow suit.
Mr. Mountz was admitted to nd Sunday, and a horse show Sunday afternoon was the the time of his death. the hospital late Sunday. He was pints of blood has been assigned to Steuben county for Friday's Mr. Niehous was born in Mc- climax of the three-day event.
stricken Friday night, shortly aft Keesport. Pennsylvania on Febru visit, and thus far only sixty don er attending the Garrett-Warsaw Prizes in tne various horse show- ary 2 4. ISjS. (in December 2 4, ors have scheduled appointments. football game at Warsaw, and events went to Randal Reerte.
nated as National Business Women's Week and will be observed locally in connection with the nation-wide observance. Members of the Steuben County Business and Professional Women's Club will meet on Sunday morning at 10:30, at the Catherine Shop to attend services in a body at the Congregational church. Other events of interest locally will also be held in connection with the observance of National Business Women's Week. Persons interested in donating suffered intense pain in his ab- lfM6, he was married to Miss Myrtle Shank, who survives him. Elkhart.
Louis Laiman. Fort blood are asked to phone 521. domen. He was kept in the War- DeMclay Meeting Set For Thursday A preliminary organizational meeting of young men interested in DeMolay, their fathers, or sponsors, is planned for Thursday eve Wayne, and Ralph Smith, in the Their only daughter. Malinda.
the Jacob Hoyer family. There were three sisters and two brothers with their families present for a pot luck dinner served at the noon hour. The dining table was centered with fall flowers arranged in a low bowl. A social afternoon was spent and pictures of the five children including Mrs. Ida Chapman, Mrs.
Oscar Harp. Mrs. Henry Sunday, Hayes Hoyer and Arthur Hoyer. were taken. Those present, all relatives of the late Jacob Hoyer, were Mrs.
Ida Chapman and son, Wilbur, both of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sunday of west of Pleasant Lake; Mr. and Mrs. C.
otlices of the Steuben County 8aw hosnital overnight, and on parade lass; in the men's plea- 15- Maxton celebrated his iiiiifty-lil'th birthday anniversary on Thurnday. August S. vt family reunion at the old homestead in north Otsego township. Nearly the entire family were present to honor Mr. Maxton.
who has heen hold in such hinh esteem, not only In his own family, hut throughout the area of the old home, where he has heen so well uiiil favorably known for almost his whole lifetime. Mr. Maxton! family consists of his mm. Iln'ih. who with his wife, al-ko live on the old homestead, and bis daughter and her husband.
Chapter of the Ued Cross, to Saturday morning was brought to ure class to Mr. Watson. Fort make an appointment for a defi- his home in Garrett after his con- died on August 13. 193S. Three brothers also preceded him in death.
Survivors include three sisters. Mrs. Emmet Ward, of Cloy. West Virginia; Mrs. Wilfred Wayn.
Gene Hartman, Elkhart, and Cal Dickenson. Montgomery. nite hour on Friday, as the unit dition had improved somewhat ning, September 27, at the Ma operates only through scheduled Following a relapse at his home Michigan; in the pony class to Ira donors. sonic Temple in Angola. The meeting is being sponsored by the on Sunday.
Mr. Mountz was taken Croushore, of est Newton. The week's observance is spon Nichols, Donna Foltz. and Joe Garter, all of Fort Wayne; in the Doth Angola hospitals have to the Lutheran hospital in Fort Pennsylvania and Mrs. sored nationallv by the National used an unusually high percent Wayne.
stock horse class to Cal Dicken Bake, of Chicago. age of the amount of blood do Angola DeMolay Advisory Council. Entertainment and refreshments will be provided, and a good attendance of young men Mr. Mountz, present DeKalb son, Montgomery. Jack Parr, Fort Mr.
Niehous was devoted to his Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, organized in 1919. and now numbering 160.000 members in 2700 county attorney and city attorney nated here in a previous visit of the Mobile Dlood unit last spring. II. Wolf. Mr.
and Mrs. Dean family and friends and was Wayne, and Ardela Grudge, Cold-water, Michigan. for Garrett, is a former DeKalb Wolf and family and Mr. and Mrs. and fathers and sponsors is especially endowed with a quiet county prosecuting attorney.
He In the horsemanship class. Wendell Resler and family, all of clubs, throughout the United ana menaiy aisposition. He was prizes went to Loretta Greenman. depply absorbed in his profession maintains offices for the practice of law in Garrett and in Fort and the demand for blood for civilian use. in addition to the growing and heavy demands for blood for the armed forces should appeal to the citizens of Steuben Pleasant Lake; Beverly Graves.
in which he was so eminently cap- States. District of Columbia, Hawaii and Alaska. The Federation stresses a pro Pleasant Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swager and son.
Ned. of Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harp of west of Angola; Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne where he became associ Fort Wayne: and Donna Dick urgea. The local DeMolay Chapter is to be sponsored by the Angola Masonic Lodge, which has already instituted preliminary procedures for organizing a chapter, which is expected to be in operation by able, and he was highly respected ated in law practice with Leigh gram tor the stuay oi social, eco Coldwater. Michigan; in the ladies' pleasure class to Margar- by a multitude of engineers who were students in his classes while Hunt about a year ago. county.
An earnest effort is being made by the Ued Cross Chap Dallas Wheeler and family of Mr. and Mrs. lloy Orewiler, of Scott township. There are also neven grandchildren, Louis Maxton. of AimoU; CaroM J.
Maxton. of Duller; Denver Maxton. east of Angola: Uutli Kester. of Albion: Mahlon Maxton. of Worth-ington.
Ohio; Uussell Orewiler und Keith Orewiler, both of Llg-onier. The family includes fifteen great grandchildren. Ja.ie l'onar. Jack Diehard Maxton, Dene Maxton. Darhar.i Maxton.
Kester. Kinily Kester, nomic and political conditions. ett Breckbridge, Coldwater; Joan near DaGrange; Air. ana Airs. and urges women to assume their attending Tri-State.
He was one ter and Dlood Uecruitment chair Hartman. Elkhart; and Loretta Hayes Hoyer of west of Pleas responsibility as citizens. of the principal engineers employ men. Max White and Harry Klink Several Local People Greenman. Pleasant Lake.
ant Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ed in the surveys for the build to secure a sufficient number of donors to assure the reaching of Speed and action class prizes Hoyer and family, of near Corun- ing of the St. Joseph Valley Rail Are Hospitalized October 15. All young men between the ages of fourteen to twenty-one, inclusive and who are interested in the DeMolay organization, may obtain petitions at the Foutz Electric Shop, Dirrim's Mobilgas went to Ralph Bender, Kendall na: Mr.
ana Mrs. wymona Hoyer way, which was built between the assigned quota. Hamilton Grange Plans Weiner Roast ville; with two prizes awarded to and family-of near Angola; Mr. Angola and Elkhart, and which Jay lx)wther, suffering from a Cal Dickenson, Montgomery, Mich and Mrs. LaMar Grate and son, Gerald, of Auburn; Mr.
and TUrs. fractured hip sustained in a fall at his home about two weeks ago. has since been abandoned. For many years he was a member of igan, who rode two horses in this 1 BIRTHS Hamilton Grange will observe Station, North State Sales, or at event. is convalescing at the Elm hurst the Angola Rotary Club until hi.s Ray Hoyer and family of Helmer; Mr.
and Mrs. John V. Silver and booster night Friday. September In the ladies' boot race, Ior- Hospital where his condition is To Mr. and Mrs.
Ion Croy. of the office of Dr. Mearl Blough. Initiation fees, before October 1 21, with a miscellaneous program health failed. With Mrs.
Niehous they were members of the Jolly etta Greenman, of Pleasant Lake daughter. Mary Anne, of Stroh; reported as good. Hudson, at th Sacred Heart Hos Michael Maxton. Mania Maxton. Janet Orewiler.
Linda Oreliwer, Orewiler. Marsha Ore-wib-r. Nancy Maxton and Sue Maxton. There is also one great great grandchild. John Dudley Donar.
Jr. All of the family except three of the grandchildren The speaker of the evening will Delia Mae Davis, of Kendallville are set at $8.00 and after that date the initiation fee will be pital. in Garrett on Wednesday, Blaine Huffman, of Pleasant be Ellis Porter, deputy of the Dozen dinner club for many years. He was a member of the and Beverly Graves, of Fort September 12. a daughter.
Debra Lake, is reported as in fair con- Wayne, were winners. Children's $10.00. Dues are set at per Montpelier, Ohio Grange. Refreshments will be served Fresbyterian church and never Ann. weight seven pounds, six dition at the Elmhurst Hospital year.
reining class winners, the class, being for children under sixteen ounces. where he is a medical patient. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berlien and family of Angola; Mr.
and Mrs. Jay Hoyer and family of near Pleasant Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoyer, Paul Hoyer and son, Donald, and Mr. and Mrs.
Favourite and children. Max and Lou Ann, all of west of Pleasant Lake. and the public is cordially wel transferred his membership to a local church. To Dr. Daniel V.
and Violet Mrs. Leola Alwood, of near comed. were Loretta Greenman. Pleasant Former president Burton Ford Cnrtiss. at St.
Elizabeth's Pleasant Lake, is in good condi Members of the DeMolay Advisory Council will give information and assistance to young men interested. The council members are Paul Blackburn, Dean Cline. Lake; Ira Nichols. Fort Wayne The sewing contest was held at the meeting Saturday night. Miss Handy, with whom Mr.
Niehous Hospital, in LaFayette. on Friday and Jerry Bussing, of Coldwater. tion at the Elmhurst Hospital, where she underwent surgery on was associated for forty years September II. a son, Daniel In the men's bending race, win Eleanor Fee, a student nurse at the Methodist Hospital in Fort the college, and Dr. Theodore Bradley, weight six pounds, eleven Tuesday ners were Peggy Brower, of Mon Wood, now president of Tri-State.
Wayne sang a solo; Minerva Kry roeville, Jack Jones, of Albion, Experienced Shoe Man ounces, curtiss is the daugh- Mrs. L. X. Klink continues to ter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ford, of improve at the Elmhurst Hospital were in charge of the memorial der gave a fine report of her trip and Ralph Bender, of Kendall Gerald Cramar, Norman Damlos. Don Jack, Virgil Foutz, Ben Wel-don, Robert Laird, Holland Dir-rim. Jack Johnson, Mearl Blough, Don Sell, Harry Klink and John Hammel. services in the KlinK runerai Angola, R. R.
1 to the home economics club camp ville. where she has been a patient for several weeks. To Thurman and i 1 1 a Ronald Parker, F. F. A.
leader, The entire week end was one tind six of the great grandchildren were present to honor the elder Mr. Maxton on his birthday. Mr. Maxton has been in failing health for the past two years, and is now bedfast. However he has been a man of remarkable activity and keen intellect, which he still possesses.
He has been a member of the Odd Fellows lodge for over r.o years and was in faithful attendance as long as his health would permit. Mr. Maxton came with his parents to this county when he was live years old and he has always lived at the old homestead southeast of the South Scott church. His wife, the former Sarah Ting- gave an interesting and amusing of the more successful events in home on Monday afternoon. A large audience of members of the college faculty and the wide circle of friends in this area gave evidence of the high regard which Northam Stinebarger.
of Warsaw, on Sunday. September 2. a son, John Earl, weight eight pounds, account of his recent trip to Can recent years, and the Pokagon ada, and two contests completed Booster Night Planned By Ashley Grange eleven ounces. Saddle Club members are extremely well pleased over the fine turn the program. Mr.
Niehous enjoyed. Mr. Handy To Major and Mrs. R. C.
Care out and excellent features planned conducted the service and added Scott Farm Bureau To Meet September 26 The Scott Township Farm Bur of Alcoa. Tennessee, on Wednes for the week end. A large crowd remarks of his own personal as The annual Booster Night program of the Ashley Grange will Joins Badders Staff Duane Blanchard, formerly of Fort Wayne and Kendallville, has joined the staff at the Badders Shoe Company. He has had many years experience in the shoe business, particularly in the family shoe type of store. Formerly with Talberts.
in Fort Wayne, and with one of the national chain companies. Mr. Blanchard managed three different store units. He has more recently been engaged in business for himself in Kendallville. Mr.
Blanchard plans to move his residence to Angola in the near future, and has already be of interested spectators were pre sociation with Niehous. Angola Chapter R.A.M. To Elect Officers day, September 5. a son. Richard Charles, weight five pounds, eight and one-half ounces, second child.
sent on Sunday afternoon for the President Wood unlogized Mr. be held on Tuesday evening, September 25. The public is in horse show Major Care is stationed at Alcoa Niehous in a brief address which in part follows: vited to attend, there will be a Election of officers for the com near Knoxville with the U. S. Air program of music, stunts ins year will he held at the meet Force.
ing of Angola Chapter Royal Arch lo Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. eau regular meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, September 2 6. at the Scott Center school, starting at eight o'clock.
A special program of pictures will be shown. Each family is asked to bring their choice of sandwiches or fruit salad to be served for refreshments, and all interested are invited to attend. tableaux, talks, and similar features including a display of flow Mrs. Crain Honored On 90th Birthday Masons to be held at 7:30 on next ler. was born in this county and died In then In her late eighties.
He has always been friendly and energetic and a great lover of nature's out of doors. In when he was ninety-two vears old. he went with his Rude, of Orland. at the Elmhurst "The Supreme Architect of the Universe has called another from his earthly labors. By these memorial services this afternoon we pause to pay tribute to that man.
We do this, not for the purpose ers. A sponce and butter cake Tuesday evening, September 25, a Hospital, on Wednesday. Septem the Masonic Temple. A full at ber 12. a son.
Charles Leo. weight contest will he held and the cakes will be sered with ice cream at Mrs. Villa Crain, whose 90th birthday was on Monday, Septem tendance is urged as this will be live pounds, eleven ounces, fourth gun on his new duties in the Badders Shoe Company store here. the close of the program. an important meeting.
of deepening the shock and grief ber 1 i. was honored rinrintr the child, first son. To Mr. and Mrs. Zenith I day by many friends and relatives that are ours today, but rather to who called at her home to nav seek and find comfort and relief Bess.
of Angola, at the Elm-burst Hospital, on Wednesdav. were week end guests ot Mrs. can Legion Auxiliary was held on their respects. At Sunday School ORLAND from the loss of the physical being in the light of his life as he liwd it and his enduring achievements. To be accorded a place in Harry Lewis and daughter, Harriett.
On Sunday the group en services at the Congregational Church on Sunday, Mrs. Crain Sunday afternoon of his mother, Mrs. William Barrows. Earl Poco*ck, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Collins and Royal spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and MR. WERT m4 Kwt Itei PaXSOM, Kttr I mm tm lel K4ltr joyed a picnic at Dledsoes Beach. was also honored in the presenta Monday night, September 10, with Mrs. Helen Smith, a past-president of the Bronson Auxiliary as installing officer for the following officers: Frances Stay-ner, president; Nell Barley 1st vice president; Delores Keyes, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Beers tion of a lighted birthday cake. grandson, Lewis D. Maxton, of Angola, and a party of hunters Into Canada, where he had the thrill of shooting the first deer in the party. In late years has devoted much time to gardening, and during the past summer, be persisted in running his power garden tractor and power lawn mower.
A singular circ*mstance is in eidence, in that in Mr. Maxton's family, through his son, Hugh, there are fi living venerations and in the family of Mrs. T. J. Arthur Daniels and Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Poco*ck in Elkhart. spent Sunday with their daugh Mrs. Chester Baker, from Te- ter, Mrs. Leon May, and family in September 12 daughter.
Judith I Ann. weight eight pounds, one To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Mid-dleton.
of Fremont, at the Elm-hurst Hospital, on Saturday. September 1T, a son. Alan Curtis, weight seven pounds, one ounce. To Mr. and Mrs.
Harold E. Dick, of Angola, at the Elmhurst Hospital, on Saturday. September c*mseh, and Mr. and Mrs. Fort Wayne.
Ralph Andrews and family of MT. ZION Sturgis. were guests of Mr. She serves the Congregational Church as a deaconess emeritus, having been active as a deaconess for many years. Her daughter, Mrs.
Faye Crain Mitchell and husband, J. S. Mitchell Alexandria, Virginia, were here to spend the week-end with Mrs. Crain, and Mrs. Mitchell's sister.
Miss Grace Crain. and Mrs. Earl Preston on Sunday afternoon. 2nd vice president; Joan 'Butler, 3rd vice president; Gladys Ayers, recording secretary; Hazel Imhoff, corresponding secretary; Doris Starrett, treasurer; Florence Lin-endoll, chaplain; Eleanor Elliott, historian; and Doris Emerick, sergeant at arms. A corsage was Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Morley. these services as a layman spokesman for his community and the institution that he served so faithfully for more than a half century clothes me with a deep sense of responsibility and overwhelming humility. "His accomplishments were many. But as we review theni.
student, teacher, engineer, proprietor, director, executive, college president and trustee, civic leader. outdoorsman most of them, if not all. stem from a singleness of purpose and plan which was followed without material deviation over a span of more than 50 years. Educated as 15. a daughter.
Peggy Lee, weight Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollo-peter and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Way-mire were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Foster at a rabbit dinner on Saturday evening. from Toledo, were week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Florence Linendoll in company with Mrs.
Edith Schmidt of Angola attended the fair at Montpelier, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Jacob of Fo'-i Wayne spent Thursday with the Gordon Jacob family. Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Jacob and Cleo Kain and wife were supper guests. The Orland American Legion cgiht pounds, one ounce. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Geb- Mrs. Herman Straw. Painter, who Is the mother of Mrs. Hugh Maxton there are also live living generations. Mrs.
Painter years old. and the two groups posed for photographs on Mr. Maxton's birthday. in the home. On Tuesday.
Mrs. hart. of Crooked Lake, at the The ladies aid will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher of Crain and daughter.
Grace, ac Cameron Hospital, on Fridav. South Bend were guests of Mrs. presented to the new president, Frances Stayner, to which was attached the names of 90 signed Mrs. Carl Waymire on Wednes day, September 26, at 1:30. As companied the Mitchells to Wash September 14, a daughter, Judy William Barrows on Labor Day.
ington. D.C.. and Alexandria for l.ynn. weight nine pounds. Bob Hensel, of Wichita, Kan sisting hostesses are Esther Swift and Minnie Crowl and Ruth Wolf an extended visit.
is having another fish fry on Fri To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence members for 1952 as a surprise gift. Doris Emerick and Gladys Mr. ana Mrs.
Kuaotpn Alette day, September 21. Serving from neeKman. or Pleasant Lake, at of Los Angeles, and Mr the Cameron Hospital, on Friday, to 9 p. EST. All you Ayers were largely responsible for the membership attainment.
an engineer and equipped with a and Mrs. L. J. Tholen of Fort Rural Youth Meeting Scheduled For Thursday The Steuben County Rural Masonic Lodge To September 14. a son, Larry is the leader.
Mrs. Clyde Duguid is entertaining her three sisters, one whose home is in Portland Oregon; one from Washington, D. and the mind particularly adapted to in can eat. Adults 75 cents; children, 35 cents. Everyone is in Wayne were guests Saturday of The refreshment committee in weight eight pounds Give Fellowcraft Work quiry into ana solution ot tne Col.
and Mrs. Ray Hensel. cluded Katherine Fuller, Joan vited. four and one half ounces. Youth meeting will be held at Mr.
and Mrs. Preston Shan Booth, Lissie Smith and Blanche To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mrs. Hugh Roberts of Sturgis, The Fellowcraft degree will be most intricate of mathematical problems, coupled with the ever existing temptation to delve into Booth.
The next meeting which eight o'clock on Thursday evening. September 20. at the County non of Fort WTayne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Curry, of Edon R.
R. 1, at the visited her mother, Mrs. Henry Gay, on Thursday. third from Mishawaka. Miss Laurinda Libey from Ball State spent the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. is social will be held on Monday, September 24. tameron Hospital.
on Saturday 4-H park building, northwest of problems requiring knowledge and application of the sciences. given at 30 on Monaay evening, September 24, in the Angola Masonic Temple with Jack Johnson in charge and Gerald September 15. a daughter, Wendy Jack Van Wagner had the mis Jimmie, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kain.
is a patient Angola. A pedal Senior Night program Jo. weight eight pounds, eight Libey. fortune to be struck in the face it does not seem strange to us now that Professor Niehous conceived. ounces.
will be given, and all high school Cramar as master of ceremonies. wih a baseball the past week, re aenlor and young people of the sulting in a broken nose. To Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Ramirez, of Angola, at the Cameron Hospital, on Monday, September community are invited to attend Mrs.
Claude Lower of Union Mrs. Paul Twichell returned to planned and brought into being engineering education at Tri-State College. This, as I read the rec Recreation will Include round. City and Mr. and Mrs.
Clair Rub- Mr. and Mrs. Don Swift were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Swift at Fremont, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Olin Favourite entertained sixty Hoyer relatives at a family gathering, on Sunday. Mrs. Ida Chapman and son.
South Bend Monday morning after a week at her home here. It, a son. weight sis pounds square and folk dancing and ley of Coldwater, visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Eyster on three ounces games.
To Mr. and Mrs. Ora Gene Van Wagner, of Orland. at the Branch Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Zinn of Coldwater were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gay. Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Piepenbrink were in Zanesville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Dade Mitchener of Detroit are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sanders and friends in Auburn. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Twitchell, Jr. and Sandra spent Sunday evening with the William Anderson family near South Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Salisbury, daughters, Martha and Esther, and family of Fairmount and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Van Fossen enjoyed a picnic dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George Heath. County Health Center on Satur A periect ariver loot can in St.
Joseph Hospital at Fort Wayne. In a recent fall the ver-tabrae in his neck were dislocated. He will be placed in a cast after which he can be brought home. Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Norton and sons, Vaughn and Kim, were Sunday dinner guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Norton. Robert Ernsberger attended the Legion convention at Indianapolis on Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Householder of Norwalk, Ohio, spent the week end with her parents. Vera Pe-nix and wife. Wilbur, from Detroit, Michigan spent the week end with relatives Pleasant Lake Lions Plan Square Dance day, September 15, a son, Larry Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Albright and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill from near Waterloo left Friday for a trip to New Orleans and other points in the South. Sgt. Dean Cary, who has been with the armed forces in Korea, arrived home Sunday and with his wife and young son.
and Mr. and reach the bra ice in .75 of a second in a driving emergency, the Eugene, weight six pounds, seven in the community. ounces. Members of the Tleasant Lake Community night will be held ords and search my memory and talk with his associates, can truthfully be said to be bis professional life's work. "No human being can traverse such a period of time and meet with the success that he did without leaving many, many monuments, physical and otherwise, erected along his path for all time.
The records of the college are filled with the delegation of responsibilities and duties to him and the recording of his faithful and proper discharge of them. (Continued on paga 4) To Charles and Rose Marie Chicago Motor Club reports from ofjeial reaction studies. At 20 miles an hoar a car travels 22 Lions Club are sponsoring at the church Thursday evening, September 20th, at 7 p.m. A pot Ashley Plank, of South Bend, a the Memorial Hospital in South luck supper with Mr. and Mrs Mrs.
Edgar Mowery and William Austin of Bronson, were feet on a good pavement before the driver can start braking. At nquare dance to be held on Friday night at eight o'clock at the Pleasant xchool gymnasium. Everyone Is Invited, and funds Bend, on Tuesday. September 18 Leo Wolf, Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. a daughter, weight Ave pounds Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Ray dinner guests of his parents, Mr and Mrs.
Carl Cary. on Sunday. twelve ounces, first child. Mr. and 60 it travels 66 feet before gaining control, and 270 feet before stopping.
Most drivers require Sunday acting as hostesses. Rev derived from the admission charg-is will be used to augment the The installation of officers for Miss Evelyn Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashley, ot Angola, are Henry will have charge of the pro Maxson Barrows and son, of Fort Wayne were guests the maternal rand parents. 1951-1952 of the Orland -Ameri atiiiii fund of the Lion club Mrs.
J. J. Grof of Adrian, much more stoppage room. gram. The community is invited.